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The initially designed deposits of the Longdu tailings pool is the mixed tailings of iron ore and covelline. However, the fact that no iron ore tailings have been infused into the pool during its employment directly influenced its stability. By making use of 2D limited meta-softwares, the authors study the seepage features of Longdu tailings pool based on the tested data and material for it. According to first dam penetration, dry slope's length and different atmosphere rainfalls, the seepage field of the tailings pool is analyzed so they can conclude seepage rules for the fine grained tailings pool under different conditions and then study the stability features of the tailings pool. The result shows that change of the deposits gives ill effect on the stability of the pool, and the tailings pool will not run normally if no proper reinforce measure is taken in time.  相似文献   

Based on one-dimensional seepage and deformation governing equations, PDE software is used to analyze the coupled governing equations. The method is available to arbitrary functions of SWCC (soil-water characteristic curve), and it considers that both the coefficient of permeability at saturation and the porosity change with soil strain. Compared with analytical solution, the numerical solution shows high precision and it can effectively solve coupling problems. It is found that coupling effect of seepage and deformation in unsaturated soils plays an important role in the pore-water pressure profiles, and that the coupling effect should be considered during rainfall infiltration. At early stage of rainfall infiltration, settlement obviously increases with time, and the pore-water pressure considering the coupling moves more slowly than that without considering coupling due to positive H. The settlement is related with initial pore-water pressure profiles and H value. The coefficient of permeability at saturation and the porosity have an effect on rainfall infiltration and steady-state seepage, but their change has a weak influence on deformation in unsaturated soils..  相似文献   

The seepage accident is very easily occurred, when the excavation engineering has been constructed in rainy season and it is very easily influenced by the coupling effect of seepage duo to heavy rain and water level fluctuation of neighboring river. So a coupling seepage equation that based on the theory of Dupuit has been established for the ground water in the layered foundation. And then, the water table surrounding the excavation engineering has been determined on the consideration of the coupling effect of seepage duo to heavy rain and water level fluctuation of river. In the meantime, by means of the theory of coupling analysis of stress and seepage and the software of Midas, a model of coupling analysis of stress and seepage has been built for the specific excavation engineering and the seepage destroy characteristics of this project has been researched.  相似文献   

小麦区域试验产量性状及其稳定性分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了评价小麦品种的丰产性和稳定性,运用作物品种区域试验非平衡资料的统计分析方法,利用2008年和2009年的江苏省淮北地区小麦区域试验资料,对各参试品种的产量性状及其稳定性进行了分析。方差分量分析结果表明,试点和年份×试点互作对产量及其构成因素的影响较大。参试小麦品种的平均产量变幅为7078.35~7798.11 kg/hm2,品种V2、V3、V13和V14的产量显著高于对照,其中品种V13的平均产量居首位,比对照品种V21增产500.97 kg/hm2,增产率为6.87%;品种V8和V18的产量较低但与对照品种的差异未达显著水平。产量的稳定性方面,品种V14对环境指数的反应较敏感,品种V4和V6的一致性表现较差,其余参试品种的稳定性表现相似。综观参试小麦品种两年的产量表现,丰产性和稳产性较好的品种有V2和V13,品种V14的产量较高但稳定性表现较差。此外,开展多年多点试验,对于客观评价小麦区试参试品种的产量性状及其稳定性是十分必要的。  相似文献   

This paper presents an all-side study on one successful engineering project, the Chongqing Zhourong Plaza, twenty floors high with two air raids caves just cross under it. The study includes geological investigation, rock mass parameters choice, elastic-plastic rock mass failure criteria, calculation with finite element method, results analyses, conclusions on stability analyses and construction suggestions.  相似文献   

为了准确、客观地评价江苏花生新品种鉴定试验参试品种(系)的特征特性,促进江苏花生新品种的推广应用,采用高稳系数法分别对淮南、淮北组的12个参试品种(系)进行丰产性和稳产性分析,并进行品质、抗性及主要农艺性状调查。结果显示:各参试品种均具有中等以上的耐旱性、耐涝性、叶斑病及锈病抗性。具体来说,淮南组的‘宁泰9922’产量较高,且稳产性较好;‘苏花0537’种皮深红色,熟期早,适应性广,粗蛋白含量较高;淮北组的‘连1001’、‘赣榆10-6’、‘东花9号’及‘徐0627’分别较对照‘徐花13号’增产4.7%~7.4%,同时产量稳定性优于对照。因此认为以上品种可以进一步示范和推广应用,同时也表明用高稳系数法评价花生品种(系)的高产稳产性是可行的。  相似文献   

Pavement structures will be damaged by subgrade soil movement around the pipes introduced by extra shallow underground pipe jacking. Soil layer deformation with shallow deposits on pipes during extra shallow underground pipe jacking is analyzed using 3D FEM. The effects on pavement deformation created by the friction between shield and soil, injection slurry, jacking forces and the vehicle loads are studied with a practical project. The analytical results show that the ground surface deformation is an uplift first followed by settling with the lower part of the cover moving faster than the upper layers. It is demonstrated by comparing computational results of FEM simulation and the observed data from the in situ test that these FEM models can be applied to real world engineering. Subgrade soil settling on extra shallow underground pipe jacking in a cross section will be stable when the shield has passed through a section with a length twice the diameter of the pipe. Horizontal surface subsidence along the lateral distribution is similar to a normal distribution curve, with the primary affected areas on both sides of the axis approximately 1.5 times the diameter of the pipe.  相似文献   

摘要:通过对淮北地区夏玉米田节肢动物群落系统调查显示该地区:夏玉米田的主要害虫为玉米蚜、玉米叶甲、朱砂叶螨,主要天敌为草间小黑蛛、异色瓢虫、八斑球腹蛛、中华草蛉、龟纹瓢虫、微小花蝽、青翅隐翅虫、华姬猎蝽等。灰色度系统分析表明:与玉米蚜关联度较高的是中华草蛉(0.9432),与朱砂叶螨的关联度高的是华姬猎蝽(0.9019),与玉米叶甲的关联度高的是草间小黑蛛(0.9448)。对害虫和天敌的优势种群进行生态位分析,结果显示:玉米叶甲的时间生态位宽度最高,为3.4066,时间分布较宽;朱砂叶螨的时间生态位宽度最低,为2.1081,在时间上分布较为集中;中华草蛉和玉米蚜生态位重叠度较高,表明它们发生时间比较吻合,同步性较高;中华草蛉和玉米蚜的生态位相似性比例最高,为0.9929,表明中华草蛉和玉米蚜对时间资源的利用基本一致。通过分析表明,淮北地区夏玉米田的捕食性节肢动物对这三种优势害虫有着较为稳定、持续的控制作用。  相似文献   

Yield stability is an important trait of crop cultivars. There are different concepts and measures of stability, and new ones are constantly being proposed, leaving the practitioner with an ever growing collection of measures to chose from.
In order to facilitate the choice it is useful to study the relationship between stability measures. This paper compares the well known ecovalence to a new measure, the variance of relative yields. It is argued that under rather restrictive conditions the new measure is essentially equivalent to the ecovalence, while in most cases it displays an undesirable dependence on genotypic mean yield. It is concluded that the ecovalence is generally preferable.  相似文献   

为了明确新品种的增产潜力和加快新品种的推广应用,实现新品种的应用价值,通过方差分析、多重比较等方法对小麦新品种--‘川麦51’的产量、抗病性等特征进行比较分析。‘川麦51’是四川省农科院作物研究所选育的一个中筋小麦品种,该品种在2年的区试试验中分别比对照增产12.6%和14.2%,生产试验中比对照增产11.4%。采用DPS软件进行区域试验分析的结果表明,‘川麦51’具有良好的丰产性、稳产性和稳定性。抗病性鉴定结果表明,‘川麦51’高抗条锈病和中抗白粉病,能够抵御频繁爆发条锈病和偶发白粉病的四川气候条件。综合评价认为‘川麦51’具有较高的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

为了给筛选和评价高产优质小麦新品种提供多元化的分析方法,以黄淮南片试验中16个小麦新品种(系)为试验材料,用灰色关联度分析、聚类分析和相关性分析对其农艺性状、产量、品质进行评价。结果表明,运用灰色关联度分析法的排序结果和产量排序结果大体上一致;生育期、饱满度、株高等指标与参考数列关联度最大,关系最紧密;相关性分析表明千粒重是关乎产量与品质的一项重要指标;结合灰色关联度分析和聚类分析结果,筛选出产量、品质均较好的3个小麦新品种(系),分别为’轮选146’、’安麦1350’、’苑丰12’。这两种方法能够准确、全面地分析小麦新品种(系),为高产优质小麦的选育提供了多元化的分析方法。  相似文献   

The Recent Progress of the Slope Stability Analysis Methods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The slope stability is an important research content in rock mechanics. In recent years, the great achievement has been gained for the slope stability analysis methods. The deterministic analysis methods, including limit equilibrium theory, numerical analysis method, graphic method and compound method, have been developed. The stochastic analysis method and the fuzzy analysis method come forward. The recent progress of the slope stability analysis methods is analyzed in this paper. The trend of progress of the slope stability is studied.  相似文献   

The yield F per area can be expressed multiplicatively by using yield components. For the most simple case of including only two yield components one obtains: F = X1− X2 with X1= number of plants per area (= plant density) and X2= mean yield per plant.
For normal variables X1 and X2 the phenotypic yield stability of F, which has been measured quantitatively by the variance V(F) of F, can be explicitly expressed dependent on 1) the component means, 2) the component variances and 3) the correlation between the two components. V(F), therefore, depends on 5 parameters.
For many applications the use of the coefficient of variation v of F instead of the variance itself may be advantageous, v can be explicitly expressed dependent on 1) the coefficients of variation of the yield components and 2) the correlation between the components, v, therefore, depends on 3 parameters.
The different conditions leading to the same phenotypic yield stability can be investigated by using these explicit expressions for V(F) and v.
The main purpose of the present paper is the application of these theoretical models and results to the data of an extensive field trial with winter-rape, which has been performed for 5 years with 4 plant densities and 3 row distances.
For the lowest plant density (40 plants/m2) there results a very good agreement between the theoretically expected and the experimentally obtained values for the phenotypic stability of yield per area. But, for the higher plant densities this result don't hold true. Possible causes and explanations are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Six stability statistics: (bi, s2di, , , and ) were estimated for maize, wheat and sorghum in different environments by using three statistical models. The significant linear portion of genotype × environment interaction for maize indicates different hybrids responded differently to environments, whereas the non-significant genotype × environment interaction (linear) were found for wheat and sorghum suggest that all genotypes responded similarly as the environments change. However, the highly significant pooled deviations (deviation from regression) for all three crops make yield predictions from the model less reliable. When regression coefficients (bi) were non-significant, s2di, became an important statistic in estimating stability. It appears that the regression coefficient, bi, was best used to estimate genotypic adaptability, whereas s2di, for stability. Maize and sorghum had negative correlations between the mean yield and stability statistics, s2di, , and , suggesting that high yield and stability are not mutually exclusive in the range of environments used in this study; however, such correlations did not occur in wheat. Thus, maize and sorghum hybrids with high yield potential and high stability could be identified and selected. Correlations between mean yield and bi, or , were positive and significant for maize and sorghum but were non-significant for wheat, indicating that such relationships may be species specific. Under a given set of testing environments, the stability ranking associated with each maize hybrid is correlated to and depends on other hybrids included in the analysis.  相似文献   

核桃青果皮色素成分分析及稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为开发利用天然色素,提取核桃青果皮色素:在合适的条件下利用超声萃取的方法提取色素,并用酸沉法使色素析出,干燥得到固体。对色素中的主要染色成分进行分析,并对色素稳定性进行研究。结果表明:该色素中单宁和黄酮的平均含量分别为28.07%和4.86%;具有较好的耐热性和耐光性;在酸性条件下产生沉淀,碱性条件下溶液颜色加深;H2O2对其有一定影响而,Na2SO3对其没有影响;金属离子Na+、K+对色素色泽无明显影响,而Ca2+、Al3+、Cu2+、Fe3+与色素分子形成络合物。  相似文献   

【目的】分析甘蔗新品系桂辐98-296在不同生态条件蔗区表现情况,了解其生产利用和育种价值;【方法】以国家甘蔗品种第6轮区域试验的结果为依据, 通过产量(蔗茎产量与蔗糖产量)、变异系数和回归系数对该品种和对照品种的丰产性、稳产性、适应性和抗逆进行分析比较;【结果】桂辐98-296其公顷产蔗量为115.56吨、产糖量17.12吨,分别位居所有参试品种的第二名和第一名,与对照差异达极显著水平;产量主效应值大,蔗茎产量、蔗糖产量效应值分别为8.95和1.34,在所参试品种中产蔗量产糖量分别位居第二位和第一位;蔗茎产量、蔗糖产量变异系数分别为12.03和11.53,在所参试品种中分别位居第八位和第九位;蔗茎产量、蔗糖产量回归系数分别为0.98和1.00;黑穗病人工接种株发病率为7.69%,属抗性2级;花叶病人工接种株发病率为0,属抗性1级;干旱协迫条件下平均株高伤害率为17.91%;【结论】桂辐98-296属于丰产型高糖品种,适应性强,稳产性一般;高抗甘蔗花叶病,抗甘蔗黑穗病,具有较强的抗旱能力。特别适于中等或以下肥力的旱坡地种植。  相似文献   

为筛选东北早熟春播玉米区的优良新品种,为该区域玉米生产推广提供参考。本试验以5个新品种为试验材料,以‘吉单27’为对照,比较了参试品种的丰产、稳产及适应性等指标,并对不同试点进行了统计分析。结果表明:参试品种平均产量为9642.8~12663.2 kg/hm2,‘XS60’、‘XS63’、‘XS64’的产量极显著高于对照品种,分别增产4.4%、6.4%和3.6%;对参试品种稳定性进行F测验得出,不同品种稳定性差异极显著,‘XS63’和‘吉单27’的稳产性较好;‘XS61’、‘XS63’和‘XS64’与‘吉单27’的生育期相同,百粒重以‘XS63’为最重,‘XS62’、‘XS63’和‘吉单27’的出籽率超过80%,‘XS61’和‘XS63’的空杆率小于‘吉单27’。综上,‘XS63’的综合性状表现突出,在东北早熟春玉米区具有较好的丰产性、稳产性和适应性,可在该地区进一步推广应用。  相似文献   

本研究旨在筛选出新疆塔里木盆地东南缘花生引种中对产量贡献率较大的影响因子,为该地区花生引种和育种提供依据。以新疆塔里木盆地东南缘引进的20个国内主栽花生品种为材料,采用DPS对产量与农艺性状进行灰色关联度分析和聚类分析。9个农艺性状与产量的灰色关联度大小排序为分枝长>百果重>百仁重>饱果率>主茎高>出仁率>总分枝数>结果枝数>单株总果数,其中分枝长、百果重、百仁重、饱果率、主茎高等与产量的关联度高,说明在品种筛选上应注重分枝长和百果重等指标的选择;聚类分析可将20个引进花生品种分为3类,其中第Ⅲ类具有主茎高、分支长、果大、仁大、产量好等优良的农艺性状,适合在新疆塔里木盆地东南缘种植,也进一步印证了花生籽粒大小与产量相关性。  相似文献   

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