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To research the dynamic characteristics of the permanent magnet AC servo precision drive system coupled with multi-factors, the experiment system is constructed with PMAC as the core and IPC as the support platform. Through software prototype system, response signals such as the current, speed and torque are acquired when the system is in the no-load and in the loading operating state, then the theoretical analysis results are compared with the experimental results. So the experiment validates that the electromechanical coupling analysis of the system is correct. This research helps to analyze the influence mechanism and law that the design parameters and electromechanical coupling parameters exerted on the system performance. At the same time, the research is beneficial for dynamic design of the permanent magnet AC servo precision drive system.  相似文献   

随着通信网络的完善以及智能手机的普及,手机已经成为农民获取信息的主流方式。但由于上网技能的缺失以及文化水平的限制,农民往往很难获取到他们所需的农业信息。有必要研究一套更有效的建立在橡胶树栽培技术推广机构与农户之间的信息服务系统。微信公众平台是公众号运营者通过公众号为微信用户提供资讯和服务的平台,为实现农业信息服务模式的创新提供了新的契机。为此,尝试基于微信公众平台构建一套橡胶树栽培技术服务系统。系统包括橡胶知识和技术服务2 个主要模块,实现了橡胶树栽培管理知识查询、专家对用户的一对一远程技术服务、橡胶树施肥配方查询、橡胶资讯服务的主要功能。橡胶树栽培技术服务系统搭建了专家与农技员、农技员与农民、农民与产业间高效便捷的信息化桥梁,创新了服务模式和渠道,切实解决了科技信息传播的“最后一公里”问题。  相似文献   

Since the wind turbines are installed on the flexible support tower, the drive train of the wind turbines runs under severe work conditions with varying wind directions and loads. So its failure rate is high and it is the bottle neck of the wind power development. This work presents a study which takes the coupling effect of oscillating of tower barrel and the twisting vibration of driven train into account. Using the lumped parameter method, a coupled dynamic model for the megawatt wind turbine drive train is built by considering the flexible tower barrel support effects. Then, the dynamic characteristics of the megawatt wind turbine drive train are analyzed. The Campbell chart is used in this research to analyze the potential resonance points. And the potential resonance frequencies between the cutting in and cutting out rotational speed of the drive train are obtained. Finally, Simpack is used to analyze the dynamic characteristics of drive train and verify the correctness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

搭载机电控制无级变速器混合动力汽车模式切换仿真分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析机电控制无级变速器(electrical-mechanical continuously variable transmission,EM-CVT)的结构特点,提出了搭载EM-CVT混合动力汽车的传动方案,建立了动力源数值模型、EM-CVT模型,分析了混合动力系统工作模式,并针对模式切换时的冲击问题,以减小冲击度为目标,通过分析典型工况下动力源输出转矩特性和各部件的动态特性,提出了基于发动机、ISG电机、自动离合器以及EM-CVT相互协调控制策略。利用MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真平台建立混合动力传动系统动力学模型,并对典型的模式切换过程进行了仿真分析。结果表明,所提出的控制策略能够有效控制混合动力传动系统在模式切换时产生的冲击,提高了混合动力汽车的驾驶舒适性。  相似文献   

研究旨在探索乡村振兴战略实施背景下农民科普信息化服务工作新模式、新路径、新方法,为全国各地各级农业信息化服务体系建设及助力乡村振兴方面提供借鉴。在文献研究农业科学普及工作新模式、新方法的基础上,深入剖析辽宁12316“三农”综合信息服务平台的建设经验以及在助力乡村振兴方面所取得的实际效果。辽宁12316“三农”综合信息服务平台开创了“五位一体”农民科普信息化服务新模式,构建了国家、省、市、县、乡五级“三农”综合信息服务体系。2019—2021年间,平台累计向全省提供科学普及服务1130.71万例,现已成为辽宁“互联网+农业”的典型案例,是辽宁农业信息化建设的重点品牌。各地农业管理部门有必要借鉴辽宁12316平台的建设经验,完善信息化服务体系建设;各级地方农业主管部门应重视农业信息网络基础设施建设,打造高素质农民队伍;各省农业信息服务平台有必要建立“星系式”科普服务体系,跨区域开展科普活动;各级农业信息服务平台要积极探索多元化信息服务模式,助力乡村全面振兴。  相似文献   

Non equity Strategic Alliance is one of the middle organization forms between enterprises and the market. It is loosely coupled and agile based on the restriction and coordination by contract. Relative to Equity Strategic Alliance, it shows the agile character. But, this character causes the instability and complexity. The authors did a research of dynamic stabilization in Non-equity Strategic Alliance supported by the theories of institution equilibrium from New Institutional Economics. Presuming a control management institute M, the dynamic stabilization model of Non-equity Strategic Alliance under conditions of complete information and incomplete information is established. The author hopes to help Chinese enterprises establish Non equity Strategic Alliance was established under the changing environment.  相似文献   

北京郊区自然资源与社会经济信息管理平台研发与建设   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
董士伟  李红 《中国农学通报》2011,27(20):167-171
为提升北京郊区农村信息化和都市型现代农业水平,依据郊区农村和农业现状,利用Oracle数据库、ArcSDE和3S等相关技术手段构建了北京郊区自然资源与社会经济信息管理平台。从前期准备、系统平台开发、平台测试、平台培训、平台运行与维护和数据更新等角度讨论了该系统平台的研发与建设工作,同时指出了系统平台建设的主要特点及需要注意的几个方面。实践证明,该系统平台可以实现北京郊区自然资源与社会经济信息的空间一体化管理,为各级政府农村和农业管理部门决策提供数据依据和分析工具,对首都社会主义新农村建设具有重要的意义,有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

为了应对林业资源信息管理在大数据时代面临的新机遇和挑战,解决智慧林业中林业资源信息服务体系架构设计与应用问题,基于云计算理论与技术,深入剖析了林业资源信息云服务的内涵及其基本特征,参照IEEE 1471 2000提出了林业资源信息云服务架构设计元模型,进而借鉴架构模式中的层架构模式设计思想,初步设计了林业资源信息云服务体系架构的总体结构和分布式协同部署模式,在国家林业局和辽宁省开展的林业资源监管服务系统构建过程中对体系架构的理论设计结果进行了实践应用和反馈修正。结果表明,林业资源信息云服务体系架构能够满足大数据环境下林业资源监管业务需求,具有良好的实用性和推广性。  相似文献   

孟猛 《中国农学通报》2011,27(30):275-279
在国家高度重视农业信息化和中国主要热带作物产业发展的背景下,提出构建中国主要热带作物产业信息服务平台,同时对该平台建设的背景、意义、内容及系统开发等进行阐述。认为该平台对推进中国热带农业信息化建设和科技水平的提高,推动新阶段中国热带农业产业和农村经济发展,促进农业增效、农民增收和农产品竞争力增强,统筹城乡经济社会发展,实现全面建设小康社会的目标,具有十分重大的意义。  相似文献   

姚慧敏 《中国农学通报》2019,35(33):158-164
[目的]准确及时的农情信息是各级政府制定农业政策、管理指导农业生产的重要依据。遥感技术在山东省农业资源调查、农情监测、灾害预警等领域发挥着越来越重要的作用,亟需建立一个服务于农业生产管理需求的省级农情遥感监测业务化运行平台。[方法]利用地理信息系统(GIS)、遥感技术(RS)和网络技术,基于MapGIS平台,提出了山东省农情遥感监测平台建设的重要意义、设计原则、总体架构、建设内容以及系统的总体部署。[结果]平台的建立,将实现山东省主要粮食作物面积、长势、产量、灾害等农情信息的动态监测与及时发布,同时为公众提供专题遥感监测产品服务。[结论]推动农情遥感监测的广泛应用和产业化发展,为保障粮食安全、强化农业生产科学管理和建设现代农业提供强大的支撑。  相似文献   

The group of Mid - mini enterprises under mass - economy is the intermediate organization built up by specialized division of work and cooperation. This kind of organization is flexible in operation with high efficiency, but difficult in development of new technology. On the basis of analyzing the character and deficiency of the mid - mini enterprises, in this paper, through providing a framework of information service platform for the mid - mini enterprises to enhance their creative ability and complex competition. The construction and operational strategy of such platform are investigated. Finally a successful case study is given.  相似文献   

Apache Struts is one of the most popular open source framework for Web applications and developments using MVC Model2 architectural pattern. Using the Information Technology to improve the efficiency of education service is emergent. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the design and realization of a platform system software based on Apache Struts framework. By briefly analyzing the extra requirement in higher education service, an architecture based on MVC design pattern is presented. Some core technologies used in the platform system software, such as Struts Tiles and Struts Menu etc, are proposed in details by the end. Because of its struts-based fundamental architecture and running mechanism, the platform system software made a certain performance advantage and largely reduced the developing period.  相似文献   

An information system is a complex information system. An information model based on CIMS should reflect everyday affairs of the editorial office the same as common information model. Moreover, it has some special aspects. The paper gives an common information model and its structure, along with the information model of an editorial office based on CIMS. The abstract information model of an editorial office is proposed with set theory and topology, and its application and significance are also given.  相似文献   

农民培训信息平台建设是农民培训的重要手段。本文分析建立平台中农民培训现实需求,针对.NET和分布式数据库环境下构建基于XML Web Services信息平台所需理论和技术进行研究、探讨,提出开发平台应体现的功能和技术。对.NET架构下XML Web 服务和应用、分布式数据库系统环境及数据集成、查询、通用类设计及安全防范技术进行分析研究,构建出适应农民培训管理的信息平台。  相似文献   

王茂强 《中国农学通报》2012,28(23):154-159
本文以贵州为例,从协同论、系统论观点出发,对旅游业与农村产业的内部协调和外部关联的动力机制进行探讨,分析该系统存在的良性协调互动圈层结构的动力机制,提出稳固其良性协调互动应具备的必要条件,构建乡村旅游业与农村各产业部分协调互动的动力机制“七叶水轮机”模型,揭示了外环起到稳定内环良性协调互动的功能。随着外环境变化作用于内环的动力机制表现出显著时空差异,因而该动力模型亦是一动态模型。  相似文献   

With the development of network technology distributed computing has become more and more prevalent. Only that kind of distributed platforms which have the attributes of platform independence, dynamic, robustness, security and convenience are what users need. This article mainly discusses a distributed computing platform based on Java Technology--Jini, introduces its advantages compared to traditional distributed systems.Its basic principles and key concepts, system structures, programming patterns and protocols, the services it provides and service procedures are also proposed. In the end a introduction of its application on digital home net is given.  相似文献   

Compared to bi-fuel engine,it uses completely CNG(Compressed nature gas) to replace diesel which can save more oil fuel than bi-fuel engine that reffited diesel engine into CNG engine. A 4102 diesel engine is refitted into CNG engine and a mechanical ignition timing system is designed by the method of gear and belt. The principles and the construction of the system is introduced and the characteristics of the design is analyzed. The system performed well and had good liability when run in a platform. Compared with the previous one, it kept higher dynamic character and emitted lower. It is a cheap one and can be use to reform the diesel engines.  相似文献   

上海市农业科学院庄行综合试验站(以下简称“院综合试验站”)信息管理平台的开发源于院信息化建设的需要,也是为了整合试验站的资源,进一步有效提高试验站生产资料的利用率。基于院综合试验站的信息管理建设要求,本研究体现了以MVC模式为核心搭建院信息管理平台的理念。平台基于B/S结构,以.NET和XML为开发底层,充分发挥MVC模式优越性、SQL SERVER数据库高效、安全与容灾特性,合理设计平台框架,实现了各种信息的综合管理功能。本平台可以静态发布所有的相关栏目,平台充分考虑安全性问题,运用用户角色定制和功能模块定制赋予的实现,使平台内的用户始终在可掌控的范围内进行相关管理与操作。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Economic competitiveness now has less to do with new materials than with new ways of producing, utilizing, and combining diverse knowledges. It is branded as symptomatic of a “new” economy and is often juxtaposed against the “old” economy. As accelerating technological change has greatly increased the volume and quality of the information available to organizations, to firms, and to individual employees, it is asserted that the economy has become more “new” than “old.” But this is predicated on the assumption that there is a “new” economy and that it is somehow distinguishable from the “old.” This paper explores the basis for this dichotomy and whether it really adds anything to understanding contemporary economies and their ongoing development. It will be argued that it is more useful and constructive to examine the economy through a lens dominated by service industries that are now the key drivers of change (innovation, competition, employment) and development. The paper is concluded with a discussion of some items that could usefully be part of an agenda for further research by economic geographers on the evolving spatial and structural attributes of service work and organizations and their impact on cities or regions at different scales of analysis.  相似文献   

农业高校图书馆与地方信息网站共建信息服务平台的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了更好地发挥农业高校图书馆在农业信息化进程中的作用,更好地为当地的“三农”提供信息服务。通过网络访问的方法对山东省17个市辖区的农业信息网进行了调查,发现各地的农业信息网站严重缺乏专业信息机构的信息支持。结合农业图书馆的资源优势和地方网站的平台优势,提出农业高校图书馆与地方信息网站共建信息服务平台的具体设想,构建了“实用技术”、“专家在线”、“农民培训”、“农业统计”、“农家书屋”、“信息服务”6个模块的基本框架。  相似文献   

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