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It is reported about the experiences with the Biotrap Lockstoff-Falle für Schadinsekten AW and PW (HOECHST AG, Frankfurt) to improve plant protection prognosis against the codling moth (Cydia pomonella Busck.) and the plum fruit moth (Cydia funebrana Tr.) for allotment holders, settlers and houseowners. The flight activities of these pests were observed with pheromone traps by 19 to 27 additional voluntary assistants (allotment holders) since 1982 to support the official plant protection service in monitoring the a. m. moth species.—For a time of 20 weeks the assistants reported each monday the number of captured moth's to the plant protection office. Curves of the flight activities were based on the weekly moth captures. Drawing conclusions from the four year lasting observations, it is evident, that the main flight activity of the one generation of the codling moth lasts from the 26. to the 29. calendary week. The first generation of the plum fruit moth can be obtained during the 21. and 23. calendary week and the second one from the 30. to the 33. calendary week. The suitable time for control measures varied from year to year and was published between 21st and 23rd of June for the codling moth and between the 12th and 23rd of July for the plum fruit moth. The experiment with allotment holders as additional assistants was very successfull.  相似文献   

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Zusammenfassung Eine Anzahl von Forstinsekten verursacht stärkere Schäden vorwiegend in Beständen von bestimmtem Charakter. Veränderungen der Standortverhältnisse beeinflussen die Schädlinge auf verschiedene Weise und können über andere Glieder der Lebensgemeinschaft wirksam werden. Es wird eine Übersicht über die denkbaren Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Zustand der Wirtspflanze und dem Auftreten einer Insektenart gegeben. Der für den Befall eines Sehädlings optimale Zustand der Wirtspflanze ist für standort-oder bestandesbedingtes Schädlingsauftreten von besonderer Bedeutung. Als Beispiel wirdEvetria (Rhyacionia) buoliana Den. & Schiff. angeführt.
Summary A number of insect pests frequently cause severe damages in forest stands of certain types. Changes in quality of the site influence forest insects in different ways and may act through other members of the community. A review is given of the possible relations between the condition of the host plant and the occurrence of a phytophagous insect. The site- or stand-dependent occurrence of an insect species, e. g.Evetria (Rhyacionia) buoliana Den. & Schiff., is connected with the optimum condition of the host tree with respect to attack.

Résumé Nombre d'insectes forestiers causent de grands dommages surtout dans les peuplements d'un certain type. Les changements de qualités des habitats influencent les insectes nuisibles de diverses manières et peuvent agir sur eux par l'ntermediaire d'autres membres de la biocénose. Un aperçu est donné des relations possibles entre la condition de l'hôte et l'apparition d'une espè d'insectes. La condition optimale de l'hê pour l'attaque d'un insecte nuisible est d'une importance particulière pour l'apparition d'insectes conditionnée par l'habitat et ie peuplement, par exemple chezEvetria (Rhyacionia) buoliana Den. & Schiff.

. . . , , , . ,Evetria (Rhyacionia) resinella Den. & Schiff.

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Ohne Zusammenfassung Mit 6 Abbildungen  相似文献   

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