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1. Using 60 hens reared and kept on a standard lighting programme (decreasing followed by increasing photoperiod to 22 weeks of age and 14 h continuous light: 10 h continuous dark during lay) as control, the effects of the following intermittent patterns on development and performance were studied. Group 1. The same rearing programme, followed by, between 20 and 36 weeks, 3 h light (L) :3 h dark (D) intermittent and then from 36 weeks a regime in which each light period was progressively shortened by 30 min every 8 weeks with corresponding lengthening of the dark period so that the last cycle used between 52 and 60 weeks was 1.5 h L :4.5 h D. Group 2.6‐hour light‐dark cycles from hatching; the light: dark ratio first decreasing and then increasing, such that total light hours per day varied as in the control group to 20 weeks, and then subsequent lighting as in 1. Group 3. Intermittent lighting of 1.5 h L :4.5 h D unvaryingly from 4 to 60 weeks.

2. Sexual development was essentially the same in all groups. Egg numbers were decreased slightly by the short light‐dark cycles but daily egg mass output was the same in all groups. Food utilisation was best in group 1 and worst in the control group.

3. In general egg weight and shell quality were improved by the short light‐dark cycles; the effect appearing with the first eggs and being especially marked for group 3.

4. On intermittent regimes ovipositions were equally distributed between the four daily light‐dark periods when the light :dark ratio was near unity but were more numerous during the first half of the solar day when the ratio was 1.5 L:4.5 D.  相似文献   

1. A 27‐h cycle of light and dark provides a greater gonadotrophic stimulus to the laying fowl, as judged by sexual maturity and rate of lay, than a 24‐h cycle incorporating the same photoperiod.

2. An hypothesis put forward to account for these effects states that Effective Photoperiod equals p + c – b, where p = actual photoperiod, c = cycle length and b = the period of the endogenous biological clock.

3. Two experiments designed to test this hypothesis have yielded results which are consistent with it.

4. A poultryman who uses an ahemeral cycle to alter egg weight or shell thickness and then wishes to transfer his flock back to a 24‐h cycle should calculate the difference between the two cycle lengths and then add this quantity to the prevailing photoperiod to find the appropriate amount of light to be used in the 24‐h cycle.  相似文献   

1. A low‐calcium diet (0.5 g calcium/kg) was used to prevent the onset of laying in young pullets.

2. It was fed at 16 weeks of age to five separate groups (groups 2 to 6) each of 50 to 60 birds.

3. Group 2 was fed on a normal layers’ diet at 23 weeks of age, group 3 at 27 weeks, group 4 at 31 weeks, group 5 at 35 weeks and group 6 at 55 weeks while the control group (group 1) of similar size to groups 2 to 6 was subjected to a normal commercial treatment for laying stock.

4. In all the experimental groups the onset of sexual maturity occurred normally, but only one or two eggs were laid before laying ceased under the influence of the treatment.

5. Laying re‐started when the hens were fed on a normal diet and production rapidly rose to a high level.

6. Groups 1, 2 and 3 differed little in the total number of eggs produced up to 72 weeks of age.

7. In all experimental groups there were fewer very small, small and medium eggs than in the control group.

8. It is suggested that the use of a low‐calcium diet before the onset of lay may have advantages which could be exploited on a commercial scale.  相似文献   

1. Sixty sound eggs, assumed to have shell cuticle, were paired according to egg‐shell deformation value.

2. Egg weight and shell quality characteristics were recorded for the eggs and the cuticle was then removed from one egg of each pair.

3. Egg weight and shell quality were re‐assessed for the eggs from which the cuticle had been removed.

4. The cuticle made a significant (P<0.01) contribution to shell thickness and removal of it appeared to reduce shell strength when measured directly, but the method of measurement was too variable to establish this with statistical significance.  相似文献   

1. One thousand two hundred and ninety‐six medium‐ and 1296 lightweight hens were housed, four to a cage, in deep (conventional) cages, 405 mm wide by 460 mm deep, or shallow cages, 610 mm wide by 305 mm deep, between 18 and 70 weeks of age. The performance of the hens during different periods of the laying stage and over the full laying year was measured.

2. Egg number per medium‐weight hen housed in shallow cages was significantly higher than of hens housed in deep cages between 18 and 30 weeks and 31 and 42 weeks. Thereafter significant differences were not found. With the light‐weight hens the increase was significant only in the 18‐ to 30‐week period. Apart from the 19‐ to 30‐week period hens of both strains housed in shallow cages consumed significantly less food than those in deep cages, the reduction over the full year being about 4%. In all periods the hens housed in the shallow cages converted food more efficiently. Gage shape had no significant effect on mortality.

3. The incidence of hair‐cracked, cracked and broken eggs between 60 and 70 weeks of age from hens housed in shallow cages was lower than that from hens housed in the deep cages but only with the light‐weight hens did this difference reach significance. Shell thickness, shell weight and albumen quality of eggs laid by hens housed in the different shaped cages were not significantly different.  相似文献   

Inoculating white clover seedlings with E3 and Glomus tenuis vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizas produced slight increases in dry matter production in unsterilized field plots at Cedara, Natal. Phosphorus levels in plant tops showed no increases due to mycorrhizas but crude protein content of all mycorrhizal plants were higher than those of non‐mycorrhizal plants.  相似文献   

1. The effects of lighting pattern on production to 399 d in caged, female, meat‐strain chickens was investigated. Energy intake was controlled from 56 to 399 d.

2. Four different rearing treatments with a subsequent constant 16‐h photoperiod during laying were used.

3. A 15‐h rearing photoperiod resulted in delayed sexual maturity, increased mature body weight and decreases in both total egg numbers and the proportion of smaller eggs, compared with a 6‐h photoperiod.

4. Continuous light to 56 d, although associated with a high incidence of subsequent blindness, resulted in satisfactory egg production.

5. Abrupt reduction in the photoperiod from 15 to 6 h for the 112 to 167 d period resulted in unsatisfactory subsequent performance, especially when the day‐length was only slowly increased to 16 h during laying.

6. In the two laying treatments, in which the photoperiod was increased gradually from 6 to 16 h during the 168 to 238‐d period, a decrease in the number of smaller eggs occurred, compared with the treatments in which a single abrupt increase in photoperiod was used.  相似文献   

1. Heritability estimates of egg production, egg weight and body weight of red‐legged partridge were obtained.

2. Data from a population selected for increased egg production over four generations as well as from a random‐bred control population were available.

3. Heritability of egg number during the first production period was considerably higher than estimates for a second production period, induced by appropriate lighting.

4. Egg weight and body weight were highly heritable.  相似文献   

1. Effects of thyroxine (T4) administration on egg production, moulting and photorefractoriness in laying turkeys were determined. Thyroxine dosages of 0.075 to 2 mg/bird/d were injected IM for periods of either 2 or 3 weeks following 10 weeks of photostimulation. Control groups were administered saline vehicle.

2. Plasma T4 concentrations were increased in a dose dependent manner by T4 administration, while triiodothyronine (T3) was decreased.

3. Egg production and percentage of hens in production were transiently decreased in a dose dependent manner by T4 administration, but returned to levels similar to controls within 4 weeks of T4 treatment termination. Moulting was stimulated in a dose‐dependent manner by T4 administration, but was similar to controls after T4 treatment termination. Only dosages of 2 mg/bird/d resulted in cessation of egg production and complete moulting.

4. Results indicate that although short term elevation of plasma T4 causes cessation of egg production and moulting these effects are transient and not indicative of photorefractoriness.  相似文献   

Background: Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE), as a major cause of foodborn illness, infects humans mainly through the egg. However, the symptom of laying hens usually is not typical and hard to diagnosis. In the present study, it is studied that the influences of SE infection on layers' performance, egg quality and blood biochemical indicators. It will help us to improve the strategy to control SE infection in commercial layers. One hundred layers at 20 wk of age were divided into 2 groups, 60 hens for experiment and others for control. The experiment group was fed with the dosage of 108 CFU SE per hen. The specific PCR was used to detect the deposition of SE. On the 8 d after SE infection, 10 hens from the control group and 30 hens from the experimenta group were slaughtered to detect the SE colonization. The production performance, egg quality and blood biochemical indices were also analyzed. Results: The results showed that the colonization rate of SE was highest in caecum contents (55.17%) and lowest in vagina (17.24%). For the eggs the detection rate of SE was highest on the eggshell (80.00%) and lowest in yolk (18.81%). SE infection had no significant influence on production performance and egg qualities (P 〉 0.05). The difference of laying rate between the experimental and control groups was less than 0.30%, and both were approximately equal to 82.00%. The blood analysis showed that the aspartic aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) of experimental group was significantly higher than those of control group (P 〈 0.05). For experimental and control groups AST values were 236.22 U/I and 211.84 U/I respectively, and ALT values were 32.19 U/I and 24.55 U/I. All of coefficients were less than 20%. The colonization of SE in organs increases the enzyme activities of AST and ALT in blood. Conclusions: SE in feed could invade the oviduct and infect the forming eggs. It significantly increased the concentration of ALT and AST in blood. Ho  相似文献   

1. When a solution of ferric ammonium sulphate was added to shell membranes of the domestic fowl, iron infiltrated the mantle (cortex) surrounding the cores of the individual fibres of the membranes.

2. Contraction of warm eggs in ice‐cold colloidal iron caused flooding of pore canals and contamination of the underlying shell membranes with this element.

3. Appreciable contamination of the inner shell membrane with iron persisted for 25 d in infertile eggs stored at 37.5 °C.  相似文献   


Prior to the 1956–7 season, the herd investigated had a steadily rising curve of production. This levelled out at approximately 350 lb butterfat average production per cow, and was maintained for two further seasons.  相似文献   

1. Eighteen diets supplying all combinations of three phosphorus contents (3.1, 4.0 and 4.8 g non‐phytate P/kg) and six vitamin D supplements (37.5 or 150 μg cholecalciferol/kg; or 16 or 24 μg 25‐hydroxy‐cholecalciferol/kg; or 37.5 μg cholecalciferol/kg with either 16 or 24 μg 25‐hydroxycholecalciferol/kg) were fed to 2 880 pullets of two stocks from 64 to 74 weeks of age. The birds were housed in eight light‐proof rooms, four of which had 24‐h light‐dark cycles (16L : 8D) and four had 28‐h cycles (20L : 8D).

2. The dietary treatments had no significant effect upon food intake, egg output, shell thickness, shell deformation or specific gravity of the eggs.

3. The 28‐h cycle reduced mean rate of lay by 4.5%, increased egg weight by 5.8% and increased shell thickness by 9.4%. The proportion of eggs with shell faults revealed on candling was reduced from 4.1 % to 2.8%.

4. It is concluded from this and other sources that decreasing dietary phosphorus or modifying vitamin D supplements may sometimes lead to increases in shell thickness of the order of 1 to 2%, but that these changes are unlikely to result in a measurable reduction in the proportion of cracked eggs late in the laying year.

5. A 28‐h light‐dark cycle results in a longer and more uniform interval between consecutive ovipositions and thus gives reliable increases in shell thickness which are large enough to reduce the proportion of cracked eggs in many practical situations. Whether it is profitable to use an ahemeral cycle will depend upon the relative prices paid for eggs of different sizes.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of different nitrogen fertiliser application levels in combination with different defoliation intervals on the dry matter (DM) production and water‐use efficiency of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum,) cv. Midmar. In a field trial, four nitrogen levels (0, 150, 300 and 450 kg N ha?1) were combined with five defoliation intervals (every 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks and twice a season). Soil moisture levels were measured with a neutron hydroprobe and were used to schedule irrigation. The dry matter production, nitrogen‐use efficiency (NUE), plant DM content and water‐use efficiency were influenced (P<0.01) by nitrogen level, defoliation interval, and the interaction between these factors. Total DM production varied from 64 to 20 922 kg DM ha?1. Dry matter production per unit of applied N decreased with an increase in N level within a defoliation interval. The plant DM content varied from 14.0% to 35.6%. The plant DM content decreased (P<0.05) with increasing N applications, while a lengthening of the defoliation interval resulted in an increase (P<0.05) in the DM content. No difference (P>0.05) was found in total water used when plants received N. Water‐use efficiency varied from 1.2 to 25.8 kg DM ha?1 mm?1 water received.  相似文献   

1. Eviscerated air‐chilled turkeys (weighing about 5.5 kg) were stored in groups of 10 at temperatures between 5 and — 2 °C. Slight “off” odour was detected in an average time of 7.2 d at 5 °C, 13.9 d at 2 °C, 22.6 d at 0 °G and about 38 d at ‐2 °C.

2. The microbiological condition of the carcasses was determined initially and after storage at — 2 oC for 28, 35 and 42 d. It was found that, whilst pseudomonads (pigmented and non‐pigmented) were present at 108/cm2 after 35 and 42‐d storage, yeasts were also present at 107/cm2 and probably accounted for the unusual fusty “off” odours.  相似文献   


The False Thornveld of the Eastern Cape experienced a particularly intense drought during the 1982/83 growing season. Extensive grass mortality took place during the drought. After the drought, recovery was particularly sensitive to the post‐drought management treatment applied. Veld that was grazed immediately after the drought recovered far more slowly than veld that was rested. This effect was still evident three years later, illustrating the considerable importance of resting semi‐arid grassveld after a drought.

Increaser I grass species present were apparently more capable of surviving drought than the Decreaser species, which in turn were more stable than the Increaser II species. Their ability to recover after the drought followed an opposite trend. On this basis, the desirability of Decreaser dominated veld, in situations that are likely to be poorly managed, is questioned.  相似文献   

1. Twenty‐five laying hens were fed on a diet containing 100 mg acetazolamide/kg in order to determine the effects of a decrease in the activity of carbonic anhydrase on the transfer of minerals to the egg albumen.

2. Treatment with acetazolamide decreased the rate of shell formation by 44%; reduced the concentrations of water and Na+ in the albumen at the beginning of the plumping stage but increased the accumulation of water during plumping; increased the concentration of Cl‐ in the albumen after the 6‐h stage without any appreciable change in K+ and Ca2+ concentrations.

3. The computed relationships between the concentrations of different ions also showed that the transfer of water and Na+ were linked during egg formation, that a water‐independent, acetazolamide‐sensitive reabsorption of Na+ occurred after the 10‐h stage and that Na+ and Cl‐moved simultaneously up to 14 h but with the ratio of Cl‐ to Na+ three times higher in the treated group.

4. It is concluded that acetazolamide impairs the transfer of Na+ and Cl‐ between the albumen and the extracellular fluid and that secretion of Ca2+ into the uterine lumen seems to depend on Na+ and Cl‐ reabsorption.  相似文献   

1. Hens fed on a diet containing 0–05% calcium virtually ceased egg laying (production <4%) whereas those fed on a diet containing 0–5% Ca maintained production at between 20 and 30%.

2. After a return to a normal diet (3% Ca) egg weight, shell weight, ovarian characteristics and oviduct size were of a similar nature in the two groups, though the differences in egg weight, shell weight and shell calcium were significant at the 1 % level.

3. Bone weight and bone ash did not differ significantly between the groups but after a return to normal rations, bone weight and bone ash became higher in the group that had received the 0.05% Ca diet.

4. There were no clinical signs of bone demineralisation during the experiments.  相似文献   

1. Selection was carried out for increased ovulation frequency in two flocks; under ahemeral (9 generations of selection) or normal (8 generations) light‐dark cycles.

2. By the use of an ahemeral regime, the barrier to progress imposed by the limit of one ovulation in each light‐dark cycle was evaded.

3. Both flocks achieved a considerable increase in oviposition frequency but so far there has been little evidence of any advantage in this respect due to the ahemeral regime.

4. There was a marked correlated decrease in egg weight in both flocks.  相似文献   

A fence‐line contrast study compared erosion levels, herbage production and grass species diversity in Umfolozi Game Reserve (UGR) and adjacent KwaZulu (KWZ). There was no significant difference in soil loss or A‐horizon depths measured in KWZ and UGR, but there were significant differences in both parameters when measurements from upper, mid and lower slope sites were compared. Similarly, there was no significant difference between herbage accumulated in KWZ and UGR in the absence of grazing, but there was a significant difference between the upper, mid and lower slope plots. There was also no significant difference between grass species richness measured on plots in KWZ and UGR, but there was a highly significant difference when the grass species richness was compared between upper, mid and lower slopes. The major conclusion drawn from these results was that differences in the topographical position of the plots, rather than differences in land‐use practices, explained the greater amount of variability in the data.  相似文献   

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