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民勤沙区气候概况及其特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民勤沙区气候干燥云量少,晴天多、光照丰富、有利于植物光合作用,辐射强,可作为能源。冬季漫长约半年,夏季短促炎热,昼夜温差大,在植物生长活跃期积温较高,平均可达3279.6℃。干燥少雨,为全国最干旱地区之一。植物生长期短,且在生长期内常有霜冻(旱、晚霜)危害,风多沙大,春季对植物苗期危害严重。  相似文献   

民勤荒漠区生态变化初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在民勤荒漠区,荒漠植被的演替是经过历史的环境变迁,渐变的过程。由于人类活动的干扰增加,石羊河水系生态平衡失调,中上游用水量增加,流入民勤的径流量减少,造成过量开采地下水,导致地下水位的迅速下降。再加乱垦滥挖,造成植被演替的速度加快,总的趋势为植被覆盖度降低、植物种类减少、生长势减弱、生态环境恶化。  相似文献   

民勤沙区风沙危害严重 ,林业生态工程体系是治理风沙危害的基本措施之一。针对民勤沙区林业建设现状及存在的问题 ,提出建立生态经济型持续林业的主要措施和对策 ,同时就林业资源的合理开发和利用进行了探讨 ,为促进沙区防护体系的改造和利用将起到一定的积极作用  相似文献   

为探讨抗旱造林粉、BGA激活剂、ABT生根粉和浸根造林等抗旱技术对梭梭造林的影响,在民勤干旱沙区开展了有关应用技术研究.结果表明:(1)不同抗旱造林技术处理对造林林分保水作用存在一定的差异,BGA土壤激活剂使梭梭造林林分(100 cm)土壤含水率提高53.24%;(2)抗旱造林技术对梭梭的生长差异显著,BGA土壤激活剂处理的梭梭植株高相对对照处理增长5.32 cm,枝长增长2.81 cm; (3)抗旱造林技术对于提高梭梭造林成活率有促进作用.ABT生根粉、抗旱造林粉2种处理对于对照处理成活率分别提高8个百分点和6个百分点.  相似文献   

民勤沙区生态经济型持续林业示范及效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以民勤沙区水资源的合理利用为中心 ,应用持续发展的观点进行生态经济型防护林体系的更新、改造及植被资源的综合开发和利用 ,并建立其试验示范现场 ,实现沙区林业的持续发展 ,同时就示范区基本建设的生态、经济效益进行综合分析  相似文献   

抗旱造林粉在民勤干旱沙区梭梭造林上的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年通过抗旱造林粉在民勤干旱沙区沙丘"双眉式"麦草方格沙障上进行梭梭裸根苗浸根法造林应用试验,结果表明:抗旱造林粉在民勤干旱沙区能提高造林成活率,可以提高植物体自身抗性,控制水分丧失,维持植物体水分平衡,延缓植物生命周期,抑制林木生长状态,降低造林成本,促进梭梭生长发育.因此,抗旱造林粉在干旱、半干旱地区应用已成...  相似文献   

通过抗旱造林粉在民勤干旱沙区沙丘"双眉式"麦草方格沙障和丘间低地上分别进行梭梭、沙拐枣裸根苗浸根法应用试验,结果表明:应用抗旱造林粉在民勤干旱沙区造林能够稳定提高造林成活率,也可以提高植物体自身抗性,控制水分丧失,维持植物体水分平衡,延缓植物生命周期,抑制林木生长状态,延长生长期,降低造林成本,促进梭梭、沙拐枣等苗木生长发育。抗旱造林粉是干旱、半干旱沙区提高造林成活率、降低造林成本的一条有效途径。  相似文献   

民勤沙区6种常绿树种冻害调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对2008年1-2月民勤沙区几种常绿乔木冻害情况进行了调查,结果表明:这次冻害的主要原因是1-2月份低于-10℃的低温冻害天气持续达40d之久;通过6种常绿树种冻害评价,各树种受冻害从重到轻依次是:祁连圆柏(83.3)、侧柏(74.2)、刺柏(63.3)、杜松(44.4)、云杉(38.3)和樟子松(26.7)。各树种冻害级别总体达中度偏重,受冻器官主要是叶、顶芽和枝条。  相似文献   

民勤沙区梭梭人工接种肉苁蓉栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从种子采收、种子处理、接种技术、病虫鼠害防治、采挖管理等方面介绍了民勤沙区梭梭人工接种肉苁蓉栽培技术。  相似文献   

民勤水资源变化与林地水分条件变化关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就近一个世纪来民勤水资源与林地土壤水分状况进行比较研究,认为民勤林业的趋于衰退与水资源的开发利用程度提高和土壤水分条件逐渐恶化关系极为密切。  相似文献   

民勤沙漠区气候特征的分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
民勤县位于甘肃河西走廊东北部荒漠区 ,地处巴丹吉林和腾格里2大沙漠的相壤地带 ,风沙危害严重。民勤沙漠区的气候特征是 :光热资源丰富 ,气温较差大 ,冬春季气温表现偏暖趋势 ;大风频繁 ,1年当中 ,大风主要分布在 3~ 5月份 ,在一昼夜之间主要分布在下午至傍晚 ;风向以西北风为主 ,≥ 6m/s的风速在 1 6个风向中 ,NW、WNW、W、NNW、N5个风向占 97 6 % ;降水稀少 ,且集中分布在 6~ 9月份。大面积沙漠裸露 ,是造成春季气温高 ,气压低 ,大风沙尘暴频繁的主要原因之一。节水、保护水资源和建造沙漠植被是改善当地生态环境的关键措施。  相似文献   

采用山核桃产区的较长年份气候资料与病虫害资料,分析了气候变化与病虫害发生的关系,运用数学方法分析了山核桃病虫害发生与气候的相关性。结果表明:气候变化与山核桃病虫危害种类有明显的相关性,气候变暖病虫危害种类增加,危害面积扩大,危害程度加重。  相似文献   

We examined 65 lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifolia Engelm.) sites in Alberta using a dendrochronological approach in order to examine the relationships between climate and growth of lodgepole pine across elevational ecoregions and diameter size classes. The 4 elevational ecoregions sampled included the Boreal Highlands (BH: 13 sites); the Foothills (FH: 36 sites); a grouping of the montane and subalpine zones of the southern Rocky Mountains (RM: 12 sites); and the montane zone of the Cypress Hills (CH: 4 sites). The first diameter size class was comprised of the three largest (top) diameter trees at each site. The tree list of each plot was ranked, then divided into three groups of equal basal area and the tree at the midpoint of each group (small, medium, and large) was selected for the other three size classes. Annual growth in basal area of lodgepole pine was generally sensitive to heat and moisture stress in late summer of the previous year, the degree of winter harshness, and the timing of the start of the growing season. Growth was inhibited by low temperature in all winter months at the most northern BH sites which had the coldest winters, but this effect was interrupted in some of the midwinter months in the more southerly sites in the RM, and we postulated this was due to the damaging influences of Chinook winds. Interannual growth patterns were strongly correlated between top diameter trees and the other classes, and trees of all diameter classes generally responded to climate in the same way, which indicated that it is sufficient to sample only the largest diameter trees in a stand to provide insight into growth–climate relationships. The forecasted growth estimates indicate that future climate warming will negatively impact the productivity of lodgepole pine in the FH, the heart of lodgepole distribution and productivity in Alberta.  相似文献   

By using the forest gap model-FAREAST, we simulated the effects of future climate change on forest composition and forest biomass of typical forests in northeastern China. We selected three different climate change scenarios, developed from GCMs results, of the ECHAM5-OM and HadCM3 models: the current climate, a warmer climate and a state of changing precipitation with higher temperatures. The results are as follows: if the climate does not change, the composition and forest biomass of the northeastern forests will retain their dynamic balance. A warmer climate is detrimental to the major forest types in the northeast. The percentage of major conifers is expected to decrease, along with a proportional increase of some broad-leafed species. The southern treeline of the mixed broad-leafed tree species/Korean pine forest in the temperate zone will tend to move northward. The warmer the climate, the more distinct the transition. If, furthermore, we were to take account of rainfall, the treeline in the northeast will tend to move northward. Rainfall seems to have little effect on the mixed broad-leafed tree species/Korean pine forests in the temperate zone.  相似文献   

基于生态修复的采矿塌陷区土壤质量评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文主要研究了采矿塌陷区土壤的理化特性,评价了土壤肥力和环境质量,利用GIS技术,绘制了土壤主要质量指标状况图,指出存在的问题及解决办法,以期对该区域的生态修复具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

在湖南省CO2排放与森林碳汇对比分析的基础上,根据湖南省生态公益林区划标准和湖南省生态区位重要性分析,对全省生态公益林面积需求量进行了测算。全省共测算生态公益林616.70万hm2,占全省林业用地总面积(1 293.29万hm2)的47.7%。  相似文献   

This paper examines how foresters have adapted to important supply and demand driven shocks in the last century that affected timber prices and forest investments. Many of the adaptations that foresters made to changing economic conditions will be the same types of adaptations that society will need foresters to make in the future in order to adapt to climate change. These include changing rotation ages to adapt to shifting disturbance conditions, increasing intensification of management in response to dwindling old growth stocks, movement of species across regions to find better growing conditions, among other things. The paper presents results of an integrated assessment of climate change impacts in forestry and shows how projected future changes for the next century are well within the historical context.  相似文献   

Review of literature indicates that many uncertainties and assumptions exist in predicting the impacts of a climate change on forest ecosystems. However, current knowledge is sufficient to encourage any measures that are combating climate change, that is to reduce first and foremost the release of harmful substances to the atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere.  相似文献   

全球气候变化对园林植物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化所引起的温度、降水和CO2变化影响着园林植物的物候和生物多样性.在气候变化的背景下,园林植物可以通过增强碳汇功能,改善植物配置等缓减气候变化.气候变化下园林植物未来的研究热点为:不同园林类型对气候变化的响应,入侵物种物候学的研究,极端气候对园林植物物候的影响,不同地域影响园林植物的主导因子,多种环境因子交互作用对园林植物的影响机理.  相似文献   

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