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This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of juvenile osteochondral conditions (JOCCs) in yearling Thoroughbred (TB) racehorses in Southern Brazil, as well as to examine the same animals studied as weanlings by Bastos et al. (2017) and compare the radiographic findings for the two ages. Radiographs of 76 male and female TB yearlings from Paraná State, Southern Brazil, were investigated. The proximal interphalangeal, metacarpophalangeal/metatarsophalangeal (MC/MT), tarsal, and femorotibial (FT) joints were evaluated using 24 radiographic projections. The evaluation consisted of a severity index (rated as 0, 1, 2, 4, or 8), the sum of which resulted in an osteoarticular status (OAS) of good, intermediate, or poor for each animal. Radiographs of 92% of the investigated animals presented at least one finding consistent with JOCCs. The most affected region was the tarsal joint (72.9%), followed by the FT (50%), MT (25%), and MC (23%) joints. Thirty-three (43.4%) horses presented a decline in their OAS, whereas nine (11.8%) presented an improvement from the weanling to yearling age. The radiographic findings suggest that JOCCs are frequent in TB yearlings, but the meaning and relevance of these radiographic findings require further study.  相似文献   

This study tested whether the supplement (Aquacid), high in calcium and other minerals, can alter markers of bone metabolism and mineralization of the equine third metacarpus bone. Radiographs were taken of the left third metacarpus of 14 yearlings. Radiographic bone aluminum equivalence (RBAE) of each cortex was calculated to estimate mineral content. Blood samples were also taken at this time. Horses were ranked according to RBAE and gender, were pair-matched, and randomly assigned to two treatment groups. Each group was provided one of two mineral supplements in addition to their normal diet. The treated group (Aq) received 75 g Aquacid/horse/d, which provided an additional 15 g of calcium. The control group (Co) received 39.5 g of limestone to provide similar amounts of calcium. The study lasted for 112 days, with blood being taken every 28 days. At day 56 and 112, additional radiographs was taken to track changes in RBAE. Blood was analyzed for osteocalcin (a bone formation marker) and serum C-telopeptide crosslaps of type I collagen (a bone resorption marker) to detect alterations in bone metabolism. Using day 0 values as a covariate for bone markers, there was a trend (P = .07) for osteocalcin concentrations to be greater in Aq horses than in Co. Likewise, C-telopeptide crosslaps of type I collagen concentrations were greater (P < .0001) in Aq horses than in Co. There were minimal differences in RBAE values. These findings suggest Aquacid, while not altering bone mass, increases bone turnover and may aid in repairing damaged bone and preventing injuries.  相似文献   

We studied the response of biochemical markers of bone metabolism to exercise intensity in horses. Four horses were walked on a mechanical walker for one week (pre-exercise). Then they performed low-speed exercise on a high-speed treadmill in the first week and medium-speed exercise in the second week and high-speed exercise in the third week of training. We measured two indices of bone resorption, serum hydroxyproline concentration and the urinary deoxypyridinoline/creatinine ratio, and serum osteocalcin (OC) concentration as an index of bone formation. Both indices of bone resorption gradually decreased during the experiment. Serum OC concentration did not change in the first week but was significantly lower in the second and the third weeks compared to in the pre-exercise period and in the first week. These results suggest that the low-speed exercise decreased bone resorption but did not affect bone formation, which possibly results in increasing bone mineral content and strengthening of bones. The high-speed exercise decreased bone formation and bone resorption, i.e., bone turnover was suppressed. The low-speed exercise may be preferable for increasing bone mineral content.  相似文献   

Doug Korver 《中国家禽》2007,29(20):36-37
随着家禽业的快速发展,蛋鸡的产蛋量有了很大提高,同时对产蛋鸡的健康和福利也产生很大的影响.在一天之内,当日粮提供的钙不能满足形成蛋壳所需时,钙将从骨骼中释放.而骨质疏松症的产生正是骨质随时间慢慢损失的一个过程.……  相似文献   

Objectives— To report the technique, observations on fracture configurations and results of treatment by fixation lag screw following the fracture plane determined by an approach to the third metacarpal/metatarsal bone (MC3/MT3) that begins laterally over the metacarpo(metatarso)phalangeal joint and extends dorsally over the diaphysis of the bone.
Study Design— Case series.
Animals— Thoroughbred horses (n=18) with propagating fractures of the medial condyle of MC3/MT3.
Methods— Retrospective analysis of case records of horses with fractures of the medial condyle of MC3/MT3 that propagated sagittaly or in a spiral configuration into the diaphysis, repaired surgically under general anesthesia by screw fixation in lag fashion through a lateral approach with periosteal reflection.
Results— Fractures were readily identified at surgery, enabling screw fixation in lag fashion following the fracture plane. Fracture configurations varied and could be classified as sagittal and spiral fractures with fractures within each group generally following a similar course. All horses recovered relatively uneventfully from general anesthesia and surgery, and all fractures healed well. Thirteen horses returned to training; 5 subsequently raced.
Conclusions— Repair of propagating sagittal and spiral fractures of the medial condyle of MC3/MT3 with diaphyseal involvement, through a lateral approach with periosteal reflection permits stable fixation with minimal complications. In this series there were no catastrophic failures.
Clinical relevance— Fractures of the medial condyle of MC3/MT3 that propagate either sagittaly or in a spiral configuration into the diaphysis can be successfully repaired with screw fixation in lag fashion using a lateral approach with periosteal reflection.  相似文献   

采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法对105只有明显棘豆中毒症状绵羊的4种血清生化遗传标记的特征进行了研究,并与89只健康绵羊做了比较,结果发现,中毒绵羊的HB^B,ES A、AMY2^A和ALP^0等基因频率以及HB BB,ES^A,AMY2A和ALP0表型频率较高,但与健康绵羊的相应值没有显著差异(P〉0.05);中毒绵羊的平均基因杂合度(0.3726)低于健康绵羊(0.3957)。  相似文献   

旨在探讨齐墩果酸(oleanolic acid,OLA)对于骨关节炎(osteoarthritis,OA)大鼠肌肉氧化损伤和软骨下骨异常骨重建的作用。选取18只Sprague-Dawley大鼠随机分为3组:对照组(CON组)、模型组(OA组)和齐墩果酸给药组(OLA组)。OA组和OLA组利用前十字韧带切断联合半月板部分切除手术(ACLT+PMMx)建立大鼠膝OA模型,CON组进行假手术。OLA组大鼠每天灌胃50 mg·(kg·d)-1 OLA,CON组和OA组灌服等体积含20 mL·L-1 Tween 80的无菌生理盐水,连续给药4周后取膝关节、股四头肌和血清样本。利用伸膝发声试验和热敏感试验检测大鼠关节疼痛情况。酶联免疫吸附测定试验检测大鼠肌肉中柠檬酸合酶(citrate synthase,CS)、肌球蛋白重链(myosin heavy chain,MHC)、白细胞介素1(interleukin 1,IL-1)和IL-6的水平,以及大鼠血清中骨钙素(osteocalcin,OCN)和Ⅰ型胶原羧基末端肽(C-terminal typeⅠ collagen telopeptide,CTX-Ⅰ)的水平。免疫印迹法检测肌肉组织Nrf2/NQO1/HO-1通路蛋白表达情况。微型计算机断层扫描(Micro-CT)用于软骨下骨扫描和骨组织显微结构定量分析。结果显示,与OA组比较,OLA可以降低OA疼痛评分(P<0.05),激活肌肉Nrf2/NQO1/HO-1通路,促进肌肉CS和MHC表达,并下调IL-1和IL-6水平(P<0.05)。此外,补充OLA后大鼠软骨下骨的骨体积分数(BV/TV)、骨矿物质密度(BMD)和骨小梁厚度(Tb.Th)显著升高(P<0.05),骨代谢标志物OCN和CTX-Ⅰ表达显著降低(P<0.05)。结果提示,OLA能够抑制OA大鼠关节疼痛反应,通过调控Nrf2/NQO1/HO-1通路抑制OA大鼠肌肉功能障碍,改善OA早期软骨下骨生物力学性能和微结构改变,从而延缓OA大鼠软骨下骨异常骨重建的发生。  相似文献   

应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法(PAGE),对山东省境内山羊种群的血液生化遗传标记多态性进行分析。结果表明,所测5个山羊品种中,Tf、Akp及EsⅠ基因座均表现出多态性,Hb和EsⅡ基因座仅分别在崂山奶山羊和莱芜黑山羊品种中表现出多态性,Amy未表现出多态性;平均杂合度为0.2876,基因纯合系数在0.6以上,群体的遗传分化系数为0.02614,说明这些山羊群体的遗传变异较低,其97.386%来自群体内遗传多态现象。基于31个多态位点基因频率的系统发育分析证明,带有共同遗传基础的济宁青山羊、鲁北白山羊和崂山奶山羊遗传距离较近,引进的南非波尔山羊与4个地方山羊品种遗传距离最远。  相似文献   

应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法(PAGE),对山东省境内山羊种群的血液生化遗传标记多态性进行分析。结果表明,所测5个山羊品种中,Tf、Akp及EsⅠ基因座均表现出多态性,Hb和EsⅡ基因座仅分别在崂山奶山羊和莱芜黑山羊品种中表现出多态性,Amy未表现出多态性;平均杂合度为0.2876,基因纯合系数在0.6以上,群体的遗传分化系数为0.02614,说明这些山羊群体的遗传变异较低,其97.386%来自群体内遗传多态现象。基于3个多态位点基因频率的系统发育分析证明,带有共同遗传基础的济宁青山羊、鲁北白山羊和崂山奶山羊遗传距离较近,引进的南非波尔山羊与4个地方山羊品种遗传距离最远。  相似文献   

不同能量与蛋白比对BMY公牛血液生化指标的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]为了测定血液葡萄糖、蛋白、脂肪含量变化。[方法]利用三种不同能量蛋白比配合日粮对BMY公牛进行饲喂,测定12月龄BMY公牛的血液生化指标。[结果]表明,低能量蛋白比日粮组的血清总脂比有所降低,各试验组的其它指标,如血清总蛋白、血清葡萄糖以及血清尿素氮的浓度都比采食试验日粮前有不同程度的升高,但试验测定值均在文献报道的正常生理范围内。[结论]说明不同能量蛋白比日粮对BMY公牛生化指标有一定的影响。  相似文献   

藏药牦牛骨主要矿物质元素的主因子分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用因子分析法对藏药牦牛骨4个部位的12种微量元素测定数据进行了多因素分析.结果表明:2个主因子能合理解释这些微量元素之间的相关关系,从而达到压缩原变量的目的.  相似文献   

The sera of 2596 thoroughbred and standardbred racehorses from Ontario were examined by hemagglutination-inhibition for antibodies to reovirus types 1, 2 and 3. The prevalence of antibodies differed between the standardbred and thoroughbred horses and varied with the age groups within the two populations. While reovirus 1 was the principal virus type infecting thoroughbreds, all three types seemed to infect standardbred horses. Differences of these findings with data from similar studies in Europe are mentioned and the epizootiological and pathological significance of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Serum markers of bone metabolism were analyzed in Arabian horses from birth through 2 yr. The marker of bone formation utilized was osteocalcin (OC), and the marker for degradation was carboxy-terminal pyridinoline cross-linked telopeptide region of type I collagen (ICTP). Blood samples were taken via jugular venipuncture the day of birth, d 15, d 30, d 45, d 60, and every 30 d thereafter through d 720. Serum was obtained and analyzed for OC and ICTP. Osteocalcin concentrations increased immediately after birth, were variable, and returned to baseline by d 300. By d 330, concentrations of OC began to decrease from d 0 and stayed at this lower concentration through d 510. From d 540 through 720, OC concentrations were similar to baseline. A decrease from baseline (d 0) in ICTP concentrations was seen on d 60, and ICTP continued to decline in concentration through d 720. Therefore, concentrations of OC and ICTP decreased over time as previously reported, and this study characterizes those changes on a monthly basis. Variability and general concentrations for OC and ICTP obtained in this study will provide valuable information for future experimental design and use of these markers in young horses and will aid researchers in determining treatment effects without being confounded by changes in concentrations caused by growth.  相似文献   

饲用微生物添加剂对大骨鸡血液生化指标的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试验研究了饲用微生物添加剂对大骨鸡血液生化指标的影响。选用 1 0 0只 7日龄的大骨鸡 ,分为 5组 ,每组设两个重复 ,1组为对照组 ,饲喂基础日粮 ;2~ 5组为试验组 ,饲喂不同浓度的饲用微生物添加剂。试验结果表明 :微生物添加剂可以明显提高血糖浓度、血清总蛋白及氨基酸含量 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,降低甘油三酯及胆固醇含量 ,并且谷丙转氨酶(GPT)及乳酸脱氢酶 (LDH)活力显著升高 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,随着时间的累加 ,4 2日龄时效果更好。  相似文献   

有机微量元素对初产母猪生产性能及血液指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究有机微量元素对初产母猪生产性能及血清指标的影响,挑选体重相近、健康的初产怀孕80d的母猪40头,随机分为对照和试验组,每组5个重复,每个重复4头猪。对照组母猪在基础日粮中添加无机微量元素添加剂,试验组母猪从妊娠85d开始,在对照组日粮基础上再补充添加0.15%的有机微量元素添加剂,至泌乳期结束。结果表明:(1)母猪饲料中补充有机微量元素后,可显著提高活仔率、健仔数与健仔率(P0.05);有提高活仔数和断奶重的趋势(P0.05);对产程、总产仔数、初生重无影响。(2)补充有机微量元素显著提高了母猪血清中铁含量(P0.05),也显著提高了母猪和仔猪血清中IgA含量(P0.05)。这表明母猪日粮中添加有机微量元素有利于改善母猪繁殖性能。  相似文献   

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