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To determine the effects of puerperal metritis on the immune response, changes in the differential peripheral blood leukocyte counts were analyzed during the peripartum period in cows with or without metritis. Multiparous Holstein cows were examined for uterine health disorders and classified into two groups: healthy (n = 11) or metritis (n = 5) cows. The lymphocyte and monocyte counts and the proportion of CD8+ lymphocytes were higher in cows with metritis compared to healthy cows. Moreover, the effects of puerperal metritis on the lymphocyte counts and CD4+/CD8+ ratio persisted weeks after the uterine inflammation had self‐resolved. Taken together, the findings of the present study indicate the possible long‐term alterations of systemic immune responses in cows with puerperal uterine inflammation. © 2015 Japanese Society of Animal Science  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the biochemical profile and reproductive performance in postpartum dairy cows with clinical metritis. The research was carried out using performed on 213 pluriparous lactating cows from two dairy herds in southeast Brazil. Dairy cows were assigned into a group of healthy cows (n = 147) and cows with metritis (n = 66). Blood samples to assess serum albumin, cholesterol, fibrinogen, calcium, gamma-glutammyltransferase (GGT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) concentrations were performed on day 8 ± 2 postpartum. Metritic cows had lower (p < .05) serum albumin, cholesterol and calcium concentration, and higher (p < .05) GGT and AST activity, and BHBA and fibrinogen concentrations when compared to the healthy group. The calving-to-conception interval and services per pregnancy were higher in metritic cows (p < .01) than in healthy cows and the conception rate at first service was lower in metric group (p < .01). Variable importance in projection plots demonstrated that cholesterol was the main discriminator between metritic and healthy cows. Our results indicated alterations in the biochemical profile and impaired reproduction performance in metritic cows.  相似文献   

亚临床酮病对泌乳早期奶牛繁殖性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究围产期亚临床酮病与泌乳奶牛繁殖性能及卵泡发育之间的关系,本试验选择了黑龙江省某大型集约化牛场开展试验,根据产后血酮水平确定亚临床酮病组和健康组奶牛共80头,该牛场亚临床酮病发生率为71%;两组奶牛跟踪到产后50 d进行直肠检查和B超检查了解卵泡发育状况,并记录繁殖性能数据。结果显示:与健康组奶牛相比,亚临床酮病组奶牛产后首次发情天数延长10 d,产后60 d内发情次数少0.58次;产后50 d子宫复旧不全高15%,与亚临床酮病呈显著正相关(R^2=8.74);产后60 d卵泡直径小3 mm(P<0.05)。结论:该牛场奶牛亚临床酮病发病率较高,是引起奶牛产后繁殖障碍的风险因素,也是造成卵泡发育受阻的不良因素,会导致奶牛繁殖力下降。  相似文献   

摘要:[目的]探究繁殖营养素对西门塔尔杂交母牛繁殖性能、产后健康及犊牛生长性能的影响。[方法]试验对33头390kg左右妊娠8-9月的初配西门塔尔杂交母牛饲喂不同添加量的繁殖营养,对母牛繁殖性能、产后健康及犊牛生长性能的数据进行分析。[结果]饲喂10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素母牛人工助产率较对照组大幅降低,且犊牛成活率提高,犊牛发病率减少。第一次发情时间提前7.42d,且受胎率也有所提高;饲喂10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素大幅度降低了母牛胎衣不下、子宫炎和乳房炎疾病的发病率;添加了10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素组的犊牛从出生到产后3月龄,其体重和体尺都有不同程度提高。[结论]母牛日粮中添加10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素能提高母牛繁殖性能、降低母牛产后疾病的发生率以及一定程度上提高犊牛的生长性能。  相似文献   

Following parturition, all cows display a wave of ovarian follicular growth, but a large proportion fail to generate a preovulatory rise in estradiol, and hence fail to ovulate. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) exists as multiple isoforms in the circulation depending on the type and extent of glycosylation, and this has pronounced effects on its biological properties. This study examined differences in plasma FSH, estradiol, and inhibin A concentrations, and the distribution of FSH isoforms in cows with ovulatory or atretic dominant follicles during the first postpartum follicle wave. Plasma FSH isoform distribution was examined in both groups during the period of final development of the dominant follicle by liquid phase isoelectric focusing. Cows with an ovulatory follicle had higher circulating estradiol and inhibin A concentrations, and lower plasma FSH concentrations. The distribution of FSH isoforms displayed a marked shift toward the less acidic isoforms in cows with ovulatory follicles. A higher proportion of the FSH isoforms had a pI>5.0 in cows with ovulatory follicles compared to those with atretic follicles. In addition, cows with ovulatory follicles had greater dry matter intake, superior energy balance, elevated circulating concentrations of insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I, and lower plasma nonesterified fatty acids. The shift in FSH isoforms toward a greater abundance of the less acidic isoforms appears to be a key component in determining the capability for producing a preovulatory rise in estradiol, and this shift in FSH isoforms was associated with more favorable bioenergetic and metabolic status.  相似文献   

Vaginal mucus during estrus was examined with the Metricheck device and the relationship to the reproduction of high‐yielding dairy cows was studied. The study was conducted in 99 dairy herds located in Western Germany and 1348 Holstein‐Friesian heifers and cows showing spontaneous estrus were examined. Independent of the Metricheck result, the animals were inspected by professional insemination technicians and those suitable for insemination (n = 989) were bred by artificial insemination (AI). Reproductive performance was characterized by non‐return rate at 90 days (NRR90). The discharge of the animals predominantly had a clear appearance (70%) and a stringy consistency (80%). Animals with clear vaginal discharge had higher NRR90 (56%; n = 697) than animals with abnormal (turbid, mucopurulent, purulent, sanguineous) vaginal secretion (48%, n = 292; P < 0.05). NRR90 was lower in animals with short calving to AI interval (< 70 days; 39%) than with medium (70–130 days; 54%) or long (> 130 days; 62%) intervals (P < 0.05). NRR90 decreased by 12% from the lowest (< 15 kg) to the highest (> 45 kg) milk yield class. In conclusion, the use of the Metricheck device integrated into the insemination procedure is recommended to identify dairy cows suffering severely from uterine disease.  相似文献   

To study the effect of time and different forms of hyperketonemia, with or without puerperal metritis, on insulin and glucose responses, 31 Holstein cows were subjected to glucose (GTT) and insulin tolerance tests (ITT) between 18 and 22 d before, and on days 7 and 60-70 after calving. Plasma concentrations of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), nonesterified fatty acids, glucose, insulin, insulin-like growth factor I and leptin were measured from 18 d before until 70 d after calving. The revised quick insulin sensitivity index (RQUICKI) was calculated at each time point. First postpartum (PP) ovulation was monitored by milk progesterone. Based on BHB patterns and clinical findings, animals were classified as 1) Normoketonemic (NK, n = 9); 2) Transiently hyperketonemic (tHK, n = 7); 3) Continuously HK (cHK, n = 7); and 4) Continuously HK, with signs of puerperal metritis (cHK + PM, n = 6). Insulin area under the curve (AUC) and insulin response to glucose were significantly lower in the early PP period than in late-pregnancy (P < 0.001), and on day 7 after calving in cHK and cHK + PM groups compared to NK and tHK groups (P < 0.001). On day 7, insulin stimulated a decrease in plasma glucose in cHK, cHK + PMthan NK, and tHK groups. Normoketonemic cows (group 1) ovulated earlier than all other groups (P = 0.002). There was no correlation between GTT and ITT variables and the RQUICKI. Time had a significant effect on RQUICKI. Long-term hyperketonemia, especially combined with puerperal metritis, interacts with secretion of insulin and whole-body IR, and results in a significant delay in PP ovarian activity in dairy cows.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between postpartum metritis, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, and plasma lipopolysaccharide (LPS) concentration in peripartum dairy cows. Blood was collected twice weekly from 2 weeks prepartum through 6 weeks postpartum. Whole blood chemiluminescence (WBCL) was measured using the luminol‐enhanced zymosan‐stimulated chemiluminescence assay. Cows were examined for uterine health disorders and classified into two groups, healthy (n = 11) and metritis (n = 5). Metritis had a significant effect on WBCL, with cows with metritis having a higher WBCL. Plasma LPS concentrations in cows with metritis were significantly higher than in healthy cows. To examine the effect of LPS on WBCL, blood was sampled in healthy peripartum cows (1 to 2 weeks prepartum, n = 8; 0 to 3 weeks postpartum, n = 11; and 4 to 8 weeks postpartum, n = 8) and incubated with LPS. At 1 endotoxin units/mL of LPS, similar to the plasma LPS concentration in cows with metritis, the WBCL increased in cows at 0 to 3 weeks postpartum. Results indicate that the increase in ROS generation and plasma LPS concentration are associated with metritis, and LPS may be responsible for enhanced ROS generation in early postpartum dairy cows.  相似文献   

The productive and reproductive characteristics of Brown Swiss (B) cross‐bred cows were investigated by comparing with those of Holstein (H) cows housed in the same barn. Additionally, their hair cortisol levels were analyzed to evaluate the extent of stress experienced during dry and lactation periods. B cross‐bred cows had lower milk yields and higher milk fat rates than H cows. Reproductive records showed that days from parturition to first artificial insemination (AI) in B cross‐bred (n = 16) and H (n = 27) cows were not significantly different, but conception rate at first AI of B cross‐bred cows tended to be higher than that of H cows. Percentage of B cross‐bred cows that resumed ovarian cyclic activity within 45 days after parturition was higher than that of H cows (6/6 (100%) and 5/11 (45.5%), P < 0.05), and B cross‐bred cows had higher body condition scores at that time. Hair cortisol level at 60 to 90 days after parturition in H cows increased significantly compared with in the dry period, and it was higher than that of B cows during the same period. These results suggest that B cross‐bred cows experience less metabolic stress during early lactation, which may result in earlier resumption of reproductive function.  相似文献   

Postpartum loss of live weight in dairy cows and its association with reproductive functions were studied in a total of 84 (42 Ayrshire and 42 Friesian) cows. The cows were divided according to type of feed into 2 groups of equal size: a hay-urea group and a silage group. The duration of the study was 3 years. All 84 cows were followed during their first postpartum period, 63 during 2 and 57 during 3 consecutive postpartum periods.The resumption of ovarian function was monitored by means of a thrice weekly milk progesterone assay between calving and the first insemination.Live weight changes during the first 30 and 60 days post partum were compared between the 2 breeds and the 2 feed groups.After the second parturition, the mean live weight loss within 30 and 60 days post partum was roughly twice as high (11%) as after the first (4%) and third (6%) carvings. Breed had no significant effect on weight change. The cows in the silage group lost slightly more weight after each parturition than those in the hay-urea group. Low, but statistically significant correlations were noted between weight loss post partum and reproductive functions. The interval from calving to onset of the first visible oestrus was 6 days longer, and to pregnancy 8 days longer in cows which lost more than 10% live weight within 60 days post partum than in those which lost less than 10% (p<0.05). The fertility rate at first insemination (53.1%) was lower in cows which lost more than 10% weight than in those (74.4%) which lost less than 10% (p<0.01). Heat detection rate was not affected by weight loss.  相似文献   

在过去的几十年里,随着奶牛产奶量增加,奶牛的繁殖能力出现下降现象。人们从包括遗传学、生理学、营养学和管理学等方面去努力解释这一现象,并从动物、器官和细胞的角度进行研究。本文综述了影响奶牛繁殖性能的原因和后果。  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the reproductive performance of cows diagnosed as anoestrus prior to the planned start of mating (PSM) when they were either treated when first diagnosed, or left untreated until 16 days after the PSM.

Methods: A clinical trial was conducted during the 1996/97 and 1997/98 breeding seasons involving 823 anoestrous dairy cows in 14 herds. On Day-8 (PSM = Day 0), cows in one group (Treated) were each treated with an intravaginal device containing 1.9 g of progesterone (CIDR).The CIDR device was removed on Day-2, and on Day-1 each cow was injected intramuscularly with 1 mg oestradiol benzoate. Cows in the second group (Control) remained untreated at the time of first examination. All cows detected in oestrus after the PSM were mated by artificial insemination (AI) or a bull. Sixteen days after the PSM, all cows that had not been mated were presented for veterinary examination, and those which were still classified as anoestrus were treated with the previously described CIDR regimen. Pregnancy status and approximate date of conception were determined by palpation per rectum 10-13 weeks after the PSM or 6 weeks after the end of the mating period.

Results: Treatment of anoestrous cows 8 days before the PSM significantly increased the number of cows detected in oestrus (95.0% vs 63.1%;p < 0.001) and conceiving (59.5% vs 38.8%;p < 0.001) during the first 21 days of mating, and reduced the interval from PSM to conception by 7.5 days (p < 0.001). There was no significant difference between the conception rate of cows mated following the CIDR treatment regimen compared to cows mated at their first spontaneous oestrus after calving (52.4% vs 58.3%; p = 0.143).

Conclusion: Diagnosis and treatment of anoestrous dairy cows prior to the start of mating significantly improves their reproductive performance under the seasonal mating conditions typical of spring-calving New Zealand dairy herds.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of supplementing N-carbamoylglutamate (NCG), an Arg enhancer, on amino acid (AA) supply and utilization and productive performance of early-lactating dairy cows. Thirty multiparous Chinese Holstein dairy cows were randomly divided into control (CON, n = 15) and NCG (CON diet supplemented with NCG at 20 g/d per cow, n = 15) groups at 4 wk before calving. Diets were offered individually in tie-stalls, and NCG was supplemented by top-dress feeding onto total mixed ration for the NCG group. The experiment lasted until wk 10 after calving. Dry matter intake tended to be higher (P = 0.06), and yields of milk (P < 0.01), milk protein (P < 0.01), and milk fat (P < 0.01) were higher in the NCG-cows than in the CON-cows. Plasma activities of aspartate aminotransferase (P < 0.01), alanine aminotransferase (P = 0.03), and plasma level of β-hydroxybutyrate (P = 0.04) were lower in the NCG-cows than in the CON-cows, whereas plasma glucose (P = 0.05) and nitric oxide (NO, P < 0.01) concentrations were higher. Coccygeal vein concentrations of Cys (P < 0.01), Pro (P < 0.01), Tyr (P = 0.05), most essential AA except Thr and His (P < 0.01), total essential AA (P < 0.01), and total AA (P < 0.01) were higher in the NCG-cows than in the CON-cows. The arterial supply of all AA was greater in the NCG-cows than in the CON-cows. The NCG-cows had higher mammary plasma flow of AA (P = 0.04) and clearance rate of Cys (P < 0.01), Pro (P < 0.01) and Asp (P < 0.01), and higher ratios of uptake to output of Met (P = 0.05), Lys (P < 0.01), Cys (P = 0.01), Pro (P = 0.03), and Asp (P = 0.01). In summary, addition of NCG initiated from the prepartum period improved the lactation performance of postpartum dairy cows, which might attribute to greater Arg and NO concentrations, as well as improved AA supply and utilization, liver function, and feed intake in these cows.  相似文献   

High‐yielding Holstein‐Friesian recipients (n = 43) were used in order to investigate the relation between energy balance status during the early postpartum period and subsequent embryonic mortality after transferring good‐quality frozen embryos. Blood samples were collected during the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh weeks postpartum in order to measure energy status indicators. These indicators include β hydroxyl butyric acid (BHBA), non‐esterified fatty acid (NEFA), total cholesterol (T‐chol), glucose and blood urea nitrogen (BUN). Moreover, body condition scores (BCS) were assessed during the same period. Pregnancy diagnosis by ultrasonography at the 28th day postestrus and embryo viability was ascertained until 45 days postestrus in order to detect late embryonic mortality (LEM). The pregnancy rate on day 28 was 44.2% (19/43); however, five cows (11.6%) experienced LEM by day 45. Based on the non‐return rate at day 24, non‐pregnant animals, as diagnosed by ultrasonography, were allocated into animals with longer estrus intervals than 24 days (32.5%; mid‐embryonic mortality (MEM) group) and animals returning to estrus by day 24 postestrus (23.5%; early embryonic mortality (EEM) group). At week 5 postpartum, BCS was significantly (P < 0.05) lower in the LEM group than that of pregnant (PREG), EEM and MEM groups. NEFA was significantly higher in animals that experienced LEM (LEM group) at week 7 postpartum (289.6 ± 47.0 µEq/L; P < 0.01) than that of PREG (196.8 ± 16.0 µEq/L), EEM (157.2 ± 18.6 µEq/L) and MEM groups (191.5 ± 14.4 µEq/L). In conclusion, lower BCS at week 5 postpartum and higher NEFAs at week 7 postpartum may be associated with subsequent LEM in high‐yielding recipient cows.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine some of the risk factors for cows not observed in oestrus within 35–42 days of an unsuccessful artificial insemination (AI; phantom cows), and the reproductive outcomes and effect of treatment of phantom cows.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Over 2 years, in dairy herds from the Waikato (n=10) and Canterbury (n=4) regions of New Zealand, pregnancy diagnosis was carried out 35–42 days after AI on cows that had been inseminated in the first 3 weeks after the start of mating (PSM) but had not been seen returning to oestrus. Risk factors for phantom cows were analysed using a generalised linear mixed effect model.

In Year 1, all phantom cows were left untreated. In Year 2, phantom cows were categorised as having a corpus luteum (CL) (CL+ n=120), or having ovarian follicles ≥10 (n=101) or <10 (n=40)?mm in diameter. Cows with a CL were treated with cloprostenol or untreated and placed with bulls. Cows with no CL received intravaginal progesterone (P4) for 7 days, with injection of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on Days 0 and 9, and cloprostenol on Day 7 followed by AI. Pregnancy diagnosis of all cows took place 100–120 days after PSM and interval to conception and final pregnancy rate determined.

RESULTS: Overall, of cows inseminated in the first 3 weeks after PSM that did not return to oestrus, 610/6,734 (9.1%) were phantom cows. From the final multivariable analysis, treatment for anoestrus, BCS ≤4.0 at mating, being 2 or >6 years of age, and pure-bred, and decreasing interval between calving and mating, until 98 days post calving, were associated with increased odds of being a phantom cow. Compared to all other groups of cows, phantom cows had a longer interval to conception (p<0.001) and a lower final pregnancy rate (p<0.001).

Treatment of CL+ cows or cows with follicles ≥10?mm did not affect reproductive outcomes (p>0.3). For cows with follicles <10?mm treatment decreased the final percentage not pregnant (3/27; 11%; p=0.01) and interval to conception (21 days; p=0.02) compared with controls (7/13; 54% and 37 days, respectively).

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Risk factors for phantom cows were identified that could be manipulated to reduce the number of phantom cows in a herd, in particular increasing BCS. Treatment of the majority of phantom cows did not improve reproductive performance.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the profiles of hair cortisol concentrations as an index of chronic stress in dairy cows in association with their health, nutrition, and reproductive parameters. For 25 Holstein dairy cows, hair was collected from the tail switch ?19.2 ± 11.4, 44.8 ± 11.9, 103.0 ± 9.9, and 168.0 ± 9.7 days postpartum (L0, L1, L2, and L3, respectively). Body condition scores were negatively correlated with hair cortisol concentrations (r = ?0.255), and hock health scores were positively correlated with hair cortisol concentrations (r = 0.236, p < 0.05). Hair cortisol concentrations during the postpartum period showed different patterns according to the time of first artificial insemination (AI) and fertility. Cows that were submitted to first AI by 86 days postpartum showed a peak hair cortisol concentration at L1, whereas cows with delayed first AI had a peak at L2. The hair cortisol concentrations of subfertile (≥168 days) cows were significantly higher at L1 and L2 compared with L0, whereas hair cortisol concentrations of fertile cows (<168 days) were not different among the sampling times. These results indicate that cows with health problems appear to experience greater chronic stress, which may impair their reproductive function.  相似文献   



Urban/peri-urban dairy production and sales has evolved as an adjustment to cope with food security and economic needs for urban dwellers in low-income countries and created an opportunity to transform from subsistence rural lifestyles of dairy farming to commercial engagement in towns. However, urban/peri-urban dairy farms differ in challenges from rural dairy farms and reproduction is important and critical for assuring sustainable economic output in both environments. Here we recorded for the first time differences between two geographically and economically different cities corresponding to different settings within the same country in managerial factors influencing reproductive performance in urban/peri-urban dairy cowherds.


The urban/peri-urban dairy farmers in the capital Kampala were more often male (P = 0.002) and commercialized (P = 0.0025), more experienced (P = 0.0001) and practiced zero-grazing more often (P = 0.05) than in the regional municipality Gulu. Also, the milk production per herd and cow (P = 0.0005) and calving rate were (P = 0.0001) higher in Kampala and artificial insemination was more commonly (P = 0.002) used than in Gulu. There was no difference in abortion nor neonatal mortality rate between the two locations. Overall, calving rates were higher (P = 0.0003) in smaller (≤3 dairy cows) and open grazing (P = 0.003) herds. Abortion rates were higher among dairy herds practicing late (≥5 months) (P = 0.003) calf weaning and in herds with commercial purposes (P = 0.0001). Neonatal calf mortality was lower (P = 0.01) in small herds.


The study showed significant differences between Kampala and Gulu in reproductive performance and related husbandry factors for cows in the urban/peri-urban dairy farming systems. For several reproductive performance traits we found associations with husbandry and production traits, which should be taken into account when providing advice to the urban and peri-urban dairy farmers in the tropics.  相似文献   

Thirty‐six cross‐bred cows were used to study the effect of long‐chain (flaxseed) or short‐chain (butyric acid) fatty acid supplementation on metabolic status, ovarian function and reproduction performance during transition period. Control cows received a routine feed of transition diet, while the cows in two treatment groups were supplemented with either 750‐g crushed flaxseed or 250 g butyric acid per cow per day. Ovarian activity was monitored by transrectal ultrasonography on 10th, 20th and 30th days post‐partum. Blood samples were collected by jugular venipuncture into heparinized polystyrene tubes; plasma was prepared and stored under ?20 °C until analysis. Results indicated that cows in flaxseed group were in positive energy balance as indicated by lower NEFA and Beta hydroxy Butyrate and higher glucose concentrations. Uterine involution was completed well within 30 days post‐partum in all the cows in flaxseed fed group compared to 76.9% in butyric acid supplemented and 61.5% in control groups. The size of dominant follicle and corpus luteum was significantly higher (p < 0.05) for flaxseed group compared to control group, which in turn resulted in higher concentrations of plasma progesterone. Cows fed on diets supplemented with flaxseed exhibited post‐partum heat earlier and bred sooner (p < 0.05) than control cows. It has been noticed that supplementation of flaxseed and butyric acid enhanced involution of uterus, early resumption of cyclicity and thereby early breeding. However, in view of the encouraging results obtained for flaxseed supplemented group, its organic nature and easier availability at farmer's gate, we concluded that flaxseed can be safely included in transition diet to modulate reproductive performance of dairy cattle.  相似文献   

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