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玉米株型和幅宽对套作大豆碳氮代谢及产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在玉/豆套作模式下,采用玉米株型与种植幅宽二因素裂区设计,研究了不同田间配置对套作大豆碳氮代谢与产量的影响。结果表明,较大幅宽和紧凑型玉米下,大豆被荫蔽的程度有所减缓,碳氮代谢变化趋势朝着利于产量形成的方向发展。主要表现为,茎叶中的碳氮含量和关健酶在各时期保持在较高的水平;R4期后叶片中的淀粉迅速降解为糖运至籽粒,而氮的下降速率缓慢。结合前期的研究,我们得出,R2是大豆经历光照转换的重要时期,该时期植株的碳氮代谢能力对大豆后期产量的形成起着重要的作用。而R6期大豆表现出来的碳、氮代谢水平,又能一定程度的反映产量水平。本试验条件下,对玉米、大豆两季作物的经济效益进行分析后得出,利于大豆生长,且保证全年高产,高效的最优组合为:与紧凑型玉米套作,大豆幅宽1.17m,玉米幅宽0.83m。  相似文献   

氮肥运筹对玉米干物质及氮素积累转运和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2015~2016年进行田间氮肥试验,研究分次施肥和施氮量对玉米干物质、氮素积累特性和产量的影响.供试品种为郑单958,采用二因素裂区设置,主区2种施氮方式,全部基施和50%基施+50%大喇叭口期追施;副区68、113、181、249kg/hm24种施氮量,对照为不施氮肥,测定干物质和氮素积累量以及产量与产量构成.结果...  相似文献   

为探究减少灌水次数对强筋小麦氮素积累、转运和籽粒蛋白质含量的影响,选用4个强筋小麦品种(津农7号、农优3号、师栾02-1和中麦998),在大田条件下设置3种灌水处理(CK:冬水+拔节水+开花水;W2:冬水+拔节水;W1:冬水),研究了减少灌水次数对强筋小麦植株各器官氮素的积累与转运、籽粒蛋白质及其组分的含量、蛋白质产量和籽粒产量的影响,并对协调强筋小麦籽粒蛋白质含量和产量的适宜灌水次数进行了探讨。结果表明,减少灌水次数后,强筋小麦营养器官氮素积累量明显降低,氮素转运量增加;籽粒蛋白质含量升高;蛋白质组分的变化表现为,清蛋白、球蛋白和谷蛋白含量升高,醇溶蛋白含量下降;籽粒产量显著下降,水分利用效率升高,但不同品种增幅不同。综上所述,减少灌水次数能促进强筋小麦营养器官的氮素向籽粒转运,使籽粒蛋白质含量升高,籽粒蛋白质品质得到改善。本试验条件下,W2处理(冬水+拔节水)可以有效协调强筋小麦产量和籽粒蛋白质含量的关系,同时提高水分利用效率。  相似文献   

施肥方式对玉米-大豆套作体系氮素吸收利用效率的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过田间试验探讨了A1(N,210kg•hm-2)、A2(N,270kg•hm-2)、A3(N,330kg•hm-2)3种施氮水平和距窄行玉米0cm(B1)、15cm(B2)、30cm(B3)、45cm(B4) 4种施肥距离对玉米——大豆套作体系氮素吸收利用效率的影响。结果表明,与习惯施氮(A3)相比,减量施氮(A1、A2)提高了大豆R2、R5期单株根瘤数、根瘤干重和根瘤固氮潜力,以距玉米15cm处施肥的根瘤固氮能力较强;玉米、大豆的籽粒产量、地上部植株氮素吸收量和氮肥利用率随施氮量的增加呈先增加再降低的趋势,以A2处理的最高;施肥距离过大和过小均不利玉米、大豆产量的提高和氮素的吸收利用,以距玉米15~30cm处施肥效果最佳;减量施氮18%(A2)时,B2、B3处理相对常规穴施(B1)处理,玉米、大豆及玉米-大豆系统的籽粒产量、植株氮素吸收量、氮肥利用率和土壤总氮含量均显著提高,土壤氮素贡献率显著降低。  相似文献   

不同形态氮素供应对玉米产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在禾谷类作物上施用NO_3和NH_4混合型N比单施NO_3-N产量更高,这一现象在玉米、小麦、黑麦、高粱、水稻等作物上都已观察到了。虽然这些观察大都是通过水培试验法进行的,然而有迹象表明增施NH_4-N在土壤环境中也对作物有益。这些现象使人们想到,增施  相似文献   

张鹰  曹国军  耿玉辉  叶青  王聪宇  李佳 《玉米科学》2014,22(1):132-136,142
采用田间小区试验,研究吉林省东部地区不同施氮量对高产春玉米氮素积累分配规律及产量的影响。结果表明,施氮量影响春玉米不同生育时期各生育器官氮素的阶段累积量,对累积趋势与分配规律无明显影响,不同处理对春玉米各器官氮积累量影响均表现为N300>N450>N150>N0,表明适宜的氮肥用量不仅能有效促进春玉米对氮素的吸收、累积,而且能显著提高生育后期子粒氮素的积累量,从而促进高产的形成。春玉米花前是大量累积氮素的时段,其积累量占吸收总量的67%~88%。各处理间子粒产量均达显著水平,随着施氮量增加,子粒产量呈先升高再降低的趋势。综合考虑产量、养分积累分配等因素,该地区高产田块春玉米的推荐施氮量为300~330 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

高产小麦氮素积累及其与产量和蛋白质含量的关系   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
利用8个高产小麦品种,通过定期取样测定生育期各器官氮素含量,研究其氮素动态变化,进而探讨不同品种各器官氮素含量与产量和蛋白质含量的关系。结果表明,除籽粒外,不同品种各器官的氮素含量均随生育期进程而降低。其中茎秆的降低幅度最大,其次为叶片,再次为根系。叶片、茎秆及颖壳在收获时的含氮量与籽料产量呈负相关,而与籽粒蛋白质含相相关不显著。  相似文献   

氮素积累,分配与大豆产量的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多年来,为提高大豆产量,国外研究者在氮素代谢与产量关系方面进行了研究,并取得了可喜结果。1不同基因型大豆氮素积累、分配的差异Spaeth和Sinclair(1975)对121个大豆品种进行研究,结果表明各基因型间在氮素积累和分配方面存在差异。籽粒发育...  相似文献   

以高产玉米品种郑单958和先玉335为供试材料,在大田生产条件下设置4个施氮水平,研究不同氮肥模式对两个高产玉米品种子粒产量、蛋白质产量及氮素利用特性的影响。结果表明,两个玉米品种子粒产量随施氮量的增加显著增加,均以240 kg/hm~2处理最高,先玉335子粒产量显著高于郑单958;两个玉米品种子粒蛋白质含量及其产量随施氮量的增加显著增加,先玉335的蛋白质含量及其产量均高于郑单958;两个玉米品种氮素利用效率、氮肥生产效率和氮肥农学利用效率随施氮量的增加而显著降低,均以180 kg/hm2处理最高,先玉335的氮素利用效率、氮肥生产效率和氮肥农学利用效率均高于郑单958。综合分析认为,两个玉米品种均以240 kg/hm~2处理可以同步协调实现较高的子粒产量、蛋白质含量和氮素利用效率,获得产量、品质和高氮素利用效率的协调统一。  相似文献   

Soybeans planted in early to mid-June (early) are less affected by rainfall during rainy season than those conventionally planted in early to mid-July in southwestern Japan. Also, narrow row cultivation is expected to increase soybean yield and save labor for inter-tillage and ridging. Field experiments were performed in 2014 and 2015 to test the effect of plant density (high, middle, and low) under early planting condition on growth, yield, and several agronomical traits of Sachiyutaka A1 and three new genotypes (Sakukei 155, Kanto 127 and Shikoku 15). Early planting was performed in mid- to late June, even though rainy season started in early June. Higher plant densities produced 13% greater yield than low plant density through an increase in biomass accumulation, especially at R5. Among yield components, only pods m?2 was significantly and positively correlated with yield, indicating that an increase in pods m?2 led to a greater yield with higher plant densities. The yields of Sachiyutaka A1 were relatively stable for two years, but the lodging resistance should be further improved. Shikoku 15 had greater yield potential and lodging resistance, but its resistance to damping-off disease should be improved. Sakukei 155 with medium plant density produced relatively high and stable yield with less lodging. Although the yield of Kanto 127 fluctuated between experimental years, this genotype showed higher yield potential in higher plant densities with less lodging in 2015. Thus, Sakukei 155 and Kanto 127 with high or medium density may be suitable for early planting in this region.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨单粒精播花生生理性状和产量性状对密度和氮肥的响应。选择山东省烟台市招远鲁东丘陵地,作物两年三熟。2018和2019年,以出口大花生品种花育22为试验材料进行大田试验,设置了3个种植密度(12万、20万、28万株/hm2,分别表示为D1、D2和D3)和4个施氮量(0、50、115、180 kg/hm2,分别表示为N0、N50、N115、N180),于不同生育时期调查分析花生SPAD值、植株和产量性状。研究结果表明,种植密度和施氮量均显著影响花生叶绿素含量、干物质量、植株性状和产量性状,且两者互作效应显著。在D2密度条件下,花生荚果产量较D1密度和D3密度分别高24.31%~45.04%和10.57%~15.13%,成熟期叶绿素含量分别高3.70%~27.82%和6.10%~18.94%,成熟期干物质量分别高7.31%~32.34%和10.65%~34.59%,且差异性均达到了显著水平。在D2密度下,施氮量在50~180 kg/hm2范围内,花生荚果产量、叶绿素含量和干物质量均显著高于无氮处理,各施氮处理表现为N115 > N180 > N50 > N0,以施氮量为115 kg/hm2时花生荚果产量最大,较N50和N180处理分别提高了6.83%和3.90%,叶绿素含量、干物质量和植株性状也协同提高。综合考虑生理性状、产量性状等因素,在本试验条件下,单粒精播花生栽培在低密度12万株/hm2下,花生主要产量性状随着施氮量的增加而增加,以种植密度为20万株/hm2,施氮量为115 kg/hm2较为适宜。  相似文献   

通过5年10项次的系列试验,研究了影响大豆产量的栽培因子的单因素、多因素对大豆器官生长发育和群体产量的影响,分析了栽培因子的实施效应。播期、密度、行株距配置试验研究结果表明:一般夏大豆品种较早播种,生长稳健,分枝、有效荚数和单株粒重增加,有利于高产;不同株型类型品种的适宜密度有显著差异,主茎型>分枝紧凑型>分枝松散型,在适宜密度条件下均可达到较高产量水平;缩小行距,有利于增加群体数量,叶面积指数增加;适当增加株距,有利于改善单株生育状况和后期透光条件,提高单株生产力。因此,夏大豆产区实现田间最佳分布措施是缩小行距,扩大株距。  相似文献   

选用4个不同株型水稻品种,研究了株型指标、产量构成以及两者之间的关系。结果表明不同株型品种叶片角度与枝梗数存在一定的相关性,其中:沈农606剑叶基角和剑叶开张角与一次枝梗数呈负相关;辽粳294倒二叶基角与二次枝梗数呈负相关;秋光穗基角与二次枝梗数呈负相关;辽盐16倒二叶基角与一次枝梗数、千粒重呈负相关。在株高相差不大的情况下,茎秆粗壮是沈农606抗倒伏的主要原因。紧凑型品种各叶位叶绿素含量较高,而且不同叶位叶绿素含量差异较小。紧凑型品种的株型有利于产量的形成;对披散型品种进行株型改良有利于其形成更好的群体。  相似文献   

通过测定不同施N条件下油菜各器官的N素含量,研究了油菜后期根、茎枝、叶片等营养器官中N素的 输出和角果中N素的积累。其主要结果如下: (1)根、茎枝、叶片中N素积累量的变化呈先增后减的趋势,一般在 开花期前后达最大值;角果中N素总量随角果的生长逐渐增加。增施N肥明显增加各器官的N素积累量,推迟最 大值出现的时间。(2)根系、茎枝、叶片中的N素向外输出的比例随施N量的增加而下降,分别占其最大值的20% ~35%、35%~65%、55%~70%。(3)角果中的N素有30%左右来自叶片中N素的再利用,受施肥量的变化影响 较小; 35% ~10%来自茎枝的N素的再利用,随施N量的增加而减少;来自根系中N素的再利用不足5%;来自开 花后从土壤中吸收的N素约为30% ~60% ,随施N量的增加而增加。  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen (N) fertiliser on grain size and shape, starch and protein concentration, vitreosity, storage protein composition, and alcohol yield of two winter wheat varieties contrasting in endosperm texture were studied in a field trial in Herefordshire, UK in 2004. Averaged across varieties, the alcohol yield was 439 L/tonne for grain with a protein concentration of 11.5 g/100 g. The soft endosperm wheat variety Riband produced on average 7.7 L more alcohol per tonne of grain at a given protein concentration than the hard endosperm variety, Option. At the same time, N fertiliser was shown to have significant effects on alcohol production through its major influence on grain protein concentration. Averaged over both varieties, there was a reduction in alcohol yield of 5.7 L for each 10 kg increase in protein content per tonne of grain. The starch concentration of Riband was 2.9 g/100 g higher than Option at a given grain protein concentration, supporting its higher observed alcohol yields. A low conversion of starch to alcohol in this study (6.30 L/10 kg starch) compared to the theoretical value (6.61 L/10 kg starch) indicated that there is potential for improvement of this character. The traits relating to grain size and shape were principally influenced by genotype, and were not influenced by N fertiliser. Conversely, there were only minor genotypic effects on grain protein concentration and vitreosity. An important finding was that there were no interactions between variety and N treatment for any of the variables considered, indicating that the response of the two varieties to changes in applied N was the same, resulting in consistent differences in starch concentration and alcohol yield between genotypes at different levels of grain protein. An analysis of the composition of the wheat storage proteins by size-exclusion chromatography showed that the gliadins increased on average by 0.56 g per g increase in total grain protein and were quantitatively the major protein fraction, suggesting that selection for low gliadin content may be a desirable means by which to reduce grain protein, and thereby increase alcohol yield in wheat. The relationship between alcohol yield per unit area and applied N rate was described by a quadratic function and the maximum alcohol yield per unit area was ca. 3630 L/ha. Statistical analysis suggested that the economic optimum rate of N applied for grain yield was close to the optimum N rate for maximum alcohol productivity.  相似文献   

Productivity and resource-use efficiency in corn (Zea mays L.) are crucial issues in sustainable agriculture, especially in high-demand resource crops such as corn. The aims of this research were to compare irrigation scheduling and nitrogen fertilization rates in corn, evaluating yield, water (WUE), irrigation water (IRRWUE) and nitrogen use (NUE) efficiencies. A 2-year field experiment was carried out in a Mediterranean coastal area of Central Italy (175 mm of rainfall in the corn-growing period) and corn was subjected to three irrigation levels (rainfed and supply at 50 and 100% of crop evapotranspiration, ETc) in interaction with three nitrogen fertilization levels (not fertilized, 15 and 30 g (N) m−2). The results indicated a large yearly variability, mainly due to a rainfall event at the silking stage in the first year; a significant irrigation effect was observed for all the variables under study, except for plant population. Nitrogen rates affected grain yield plant−1 and ear−1, grain and biomass yield, HI, WUE, IRRWUE and NUE, with significant differences between non-fertilized and the two fertilized treatments (15 and 30 g (N) m−2). Furthermore, deficit irrigation (50% of ETc) was to a large degree equal to 100% of the ETc irrigation regime. A significant interaction “N × I” was observed for grain yield and WUE. The effect of nitrogen availability was amplified at the maximum irrigation water regime. The relationships between grain yield and evapotranspiration showed basal ET, the amount necessary to start producing grain, of about 63 mm in the first and 206 mm in the second year. Rainfed crop depleted most of the water in the 0–0.6 m soil depth range, while irrigated scenarios absorbed soil water within the profile to a depth of 1.0 m. Corn in a Mediterranean area can be cultivated with acceptable yields while saving irrigation water and reducing nitrogen supply and also exploiting the positive interaction between these two factors, so maximizing resource-use efficiency.  相似文献   

红壤旱地春大豆品种的产量,品质及矿质营养的基因差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在江西红壤旱地底施氮磷钾肥条件下,6个不同生育期品种的产量均可达到1500kg/hm^2以上,在气候条件较好的1997年,分别达到1700-2350kg/hm^2,产量高低及主要经济性状随品种生育期长短而异,与对照相比,增产率为2.54%-35.53%,主要农艺性状亦存在差异;生育期长的品种比生育期短的品种蛋白质含量低、油分含量高,但蛋白质,油分之和均超过65%。早熟品种8905-1不但产量高出中  相似文献   

High soybean yields require large amounts of nitrogen (N), which can be obtained mainly from symbiotic N2 fixation. However, the efficiency of this biological process can be limited by micronutrient deficiencies, especially of molybdenum (Mo). In Brazil, soybean generally responds positively to fertilization with Mo in soils of low fertility and in fertile soils depleted of Mo due to long-term cropping. The micronutrient can be supplied by seed treatment, however toxicity of Mo sources to Bradyrhizobium strains applied to seed as inoculant has been observed, resulting in bacterial death and reductions in nodulation, N2 fixation and grain yield. Therefore, use of seeds enriched in Mo could be a viable alternative to exterior seed treatment, allowing elite inoculant strains of Bradyrhizobium to sustain high rates of biological N2 fixation. We demonstrated the feasibility of producing Mo-rich seeds of several soybean cultivars, by means of two foliar sprays of 400 g Mo ha−1 each, between the R3 and R5 stages, with a minimum interval of 10 days between sprays. As a result of this method, considerable increases in seed-Mo content were obtained, of as much as 3000%, in comparison to seeds obtained from plants which received no Mo. In field experiments performed in soils with low N content and without any N-fertilizer supply, inoculation of Mo-rich seeds produced plants with increased N and Mo contents in the grain and higher yields of total N and of grain. In most cases, Mo-rich soybean seeds did not require any further application of Mo-fertilizer.  相似文献   

山东省审定大豆品种的产量、品质及株型演变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自1982年开展农作物品种审定工作以来,山东省共有50个大豆品种通过国家或省级审定。本文分析了这50个审(认)定品种的区域试验平均产量、最高产量、蛋白质含量、脂肪含量和生育期、株高、主茎节数、有效分枝数、单株荚数、百粒重等农艺性状。结果表明,区域试验平均产量由1982-1985年的1892.73 kg/hm2提高到2001-2005年的2820.67 kg/hm2,增幅为49.0%;最高产量由3072.0kg/hm2提高到4389.3kg/hm2,提高了42.9%;蛋白质和脂肪含量随时代和选育目的的不同而在37.00%~46.44%和16.80%~22.50%之间变化。山东省夏大豆的理想株型应是株高70~80cm,主茎节数14~16节,有效分枝1~2个,并且在此基础上,有密而均匀的结荚。  相似文献   

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