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可持续发展是一种既满足当代需要 ,又不损害后代利益 ,合理利用能源 ,保护环境 ,长期、持续、稳定、协调的经济发展模式。可持续发展是人类认识自然 ,认识社会的第二次飞跃 ,是世界各国竞相追求的发展模式。本文提出了畜牧业要实现可持续发展就必须以畜牧兽医科技为主要力量 ,解决资源、环境、疫病防制、人才培养等各项问题 ,并提出了解决这些问题的具体可行方案 ,以资采纳  相似文献   

The veterinary profession has gone through periods of profound change in response to economic and social changes. We are currently in another such period: profound change is required in order for the profession to remain relevant in a marketplace where a rapidly expanding knowledge base and new technologies demand an ever-increasing level of expertise in a greater variety of areas. However, the veterinary profession is perceived both internally and by the public as possessing a narrow set of skills that supports a narrow group of careers focused on salvaging ill or injured companion animals. It will be necessary to dramatically change the way veterinary students are recruited and trained, as well as how graduate veterinarians are licensed and provided continuing education, in order for the veterinary profession to capitalize on our historical strengths and provide service and leadership in a greater diversity of career paths. Even though the number of veterinarians needed to provide primary care for livestock is decreasing, both the level of expertise demanded by livestock owners and the value of veterinary involvement on livestock farms are increasing. Colleges of veterinary medicine appear challenged to meet the changing needs for veterinary services in animal agriculture because of the declining percentage of veterinary students interested in food animal careers. Fortunately for animal agriculture, the skill set needed by food animal veterinarians is also needed by several emerging segments of the veterinary profession that have tremendous potential for rapid growth, including employment in all segments of food production systems, environmental monitoring and management, bio-security and disease eradication, laboratory diagnostics, and federal regulatory and bio-defense roles. Like previous periods of profound change, this moment in history will require creative thought, open discussion, and a willingness to step into the unknown.  相似文献   

兽医蒙药学是祖国传统兽医药物学的一部分 ,是蒙古族人民自古以来长期逐水草而游牧 ,在发展畜牧业生产中与家畜疾病作斗争的经验总结。由于生活习惯所致 ,蒙古族人民一直以肉、奶为主要食品 ,这使得兽医蒙药学在动物类药材的应用方面积累了丰富的经验。笔者就动物类蒙兽药在临床上的独特应用简述如下。1 早期动物类药材的粗浅理论蒙古族素有“马背上的民族”之称 ,自古以来就以游牧、狩猎为主要生活方式。蒙古族人民在生活和狩猎中发现了许多能治疗人、畜疾病的有益药物 ,于是形成了早期的动物类药材。十八世纪蒙医药学家罗卜生苏了苏木撰…  相似文献   

有机畜牧业是生产无污染、无有害物质残留的所谓“绿色畜产品”为目的的畜牧业。由于近几十年来环境污染 ,化学肥料、化学农药的大量使用 ,畜产品内兽药残留严重等问题的日益突出 ,人们对尽量避免和减少畜产品被污染 ,防止和减少有害人类健康的物质在肉、乳、蛋品中的残留 ,生产出优质、安全的畜产品的要求越来越高。几千年来 ,我国传统兽医药的中兽医以它的天然优势 ,一直为发展传统有机畜牧业起着重要作用。面对畜牧业发展的新情况、新问题 ,中兽医如何才能更好地发挥作用呢 ?笔者认为可从以下几方面作适当调整和努力。1 转变防治畜禽疾…  相似文献   

Some highlights from Companion Animal Medicine in the Netherlands, in particular from the time that a companion animal was still a 'Small Animal'.  相似文献   

Less than three decades have elapsed since the specialty of laboratory animal medicine was first formally recognized. Tremendous progress and maturation has occurred in this short time frame due in large part to the foresight of early pioneers in the field, attention to the moral and ethical use of animals, and the recognition by the biomedical research community of the indispensable role played by the laboratory animal medicine specialist in forging new knowledge in the biomedical sciences. The ability of laboratory animal medicine specialists to properly balance their efforts in collaborative and independent research, clinical services and teaching, offers exciting challenges and opportunities for veterinarians entering the specialty. Undoubtedly, another challenge to the specialty, currently and in the foreseeable future, is the debate over animal rights which began to ferment in the late 1970's, after lying relatively dorment since the 1950's. A growing number of Americans, including some scientists, contend that animals have inherent rights to a full life, free of intentional pain, even when done in legitimate scientific pursuits; some ardent anti-vivisectionists state that the use of animals in experimental research is immoral. The laboratory animal medicine specialist will have to effectively deal with the administrators of institutions using research animals, the attendant federal and state guidelines and laws regulating their use, and defend the use of laboratory animals to a polarized public, while at the same time ensure the humane care and use of animals under their purview. Certainly, the specialty is squarely placed in a hotly debated dilemma, fraught with ethical, moral, medical, philosophical, religious, and political complexities. I believe the specialty has the vision and maturity, and is indeed ready, to successfully meet that challenge - to assuage public concern, implement new federal policy regarding animal care and use, and maintain the excellent progress in laboratory animal medicine realized in the last 75 years.  相似文献   

中兽药富含生物碱、苷类、挥发油、鞣质、树脂类、有机酸、糖类、蛋白质、脂肪、色素类、无机物等,这些成分均为重要的药用及营养成分,具有防治疾病、提高生产性能、抗应激等功效,且使用后无残留、不产生抗药性,对畜禽有益无害,可避免使用西药所造成的抗药性、残留性等不良后果.笔者对中兽药发展史、应用现状及发展前景进行探讨,指出中兽药开发利用中存在的问题,如技术、资金、保障措施不到位等,今后应采用高新生物科技及设备研发中兽药.  相似文献   

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