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To determine suitable conditions for artificial ripening of Scots pine seeds, cones collected on seven occasions between August 6 and November 26, 1990, in northern Sweden, were subjected to artificial ripening at different temperatures (+5°–+15°C) and cone moisture contents for 3–9 weeks. Complete physiological ripening and improved seed vigour were attained after artificial ripening if collection occurred no earlier than the beginning of September. The highest germination percentage after artificial ripening, ca 90%, was achieved for seeds collected after the anatomical ripening in nature had ceased and was at least as high as for seeds ripened in nature. Temperature did not influence ripening, whereas a low cone moisture content impaired ripening of those seeds collected earliest. The germination percentage was not influenced by 2–6 months of cone storage subsequent to artificial ripening, but seed vigour was impaired. Anatomical ripening during artificial ripening was very limited.  相似文献   

Acclimation of photosynthesis to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]; 350 to 2,000 micromol mol-1) was followed in silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings for two years. Chlorophyll fluorescence and concentrations of Rubisco, chlorophyll, total soluble protein and nitrogen were monitored together with steady-state gas exchange at three CO2 concentrations (ambient [CO2] (345 +/- 20 micromol mol-1), the growth [CO2] and 1950 +/- 55 micromol mol-1). Rubisco and chlorophyll concentrations decreased in birch and Scots pine with increasing growth [CO2]. A nonlinear response was recorded for Rubisco and chlorophyll concentrations in birch, which was correlated with a significant decrease in specific leaf area. Nitrogen concentration decreased in birch leaves, but was unchanged in Scots pine needles. The species differed substantially in their steady-state CO2 exchange response to increasing growth [CO2]. The principal effect in birch was a significant nonlinear decrease in the steady-state gas exchange rate at the ambient [CO2], whereas in Scots pine the main effect was a significant increase in the steady-state gas exchange rate at the growth [CO2].  相似文献   

高寒地区欧洲赤松引种苗期试验及早期评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲赤松具有广泛分布和较大生态幅,适应多种类型土壤.引种栽培结果表明:在我国高寒地区,欧洲赤松生长节律与樟子松基本一致,群体间子代苗高、针叶长度和针叶数量3个性状相关程度紧密,生长较快,子代的针叶较长、数量较多.群体间子代地径性状差异显著,苗高性状差异极显著;群体内地径性状变异较小、苗高性状变异较大,平均变异系数分别为29.94%、42.59%.综合考虑群体间苗期生长状况、生长适应性及定植子代地径和苗高2个性状的遗传和变异,筛选出CT、FL2优良群体2个.  相似文献   


The dynamics of six different needle parameters of Pinus sylvestris L. and Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex P. & C. Laws. were examined retrospectively for a 112-year-old mixed stand in Brandenburg, Germany, using the needle trace method. Similarities were found in needle production, needle loss and needle density. However, needle age, needle retention and total number of needles revealed significant differences between the tree species, with higher values for P. ponderosa. Pinus ponderosa yielded approximately twice as much mean whole-crown needle dry mass as P. sylvestris. Furthermore, different branching systems could be detected between the species, with both pines following “Corner's rule”. The results suggest that under identical growing conditions, P. ponderosa exhibits more efficient water use and can therefore maintain a bigger crown (as the basis for increased growth) than P. sylvestris.  相似文献   

In this review we summarized recent historical records and molecular studies on evolutionary history and phylogeography of Scots pine with focus on the European highly fragmented distribution area of the species. Fossilized pollen, plant micro-and macrofossil records provided evidences on the large-scale species' range shifts and demographic changes during the Quaternary. Populations of Scots pine were documented both in the glacial(incl.full glaciation) and interglacial periods. Recolonization of Europe after the glaciation originated from the(Sub)Mediterranean areas like the Balkan Peninsula but also from around the Eastern Alps and the surroundings of the Danube plain. Fennoscandia and northern European Baltic regions were most probably colonized from two main directions, from Western Europe and from the Russian Plain. Modern history of Scots pine was hardly affected by anthropogenic activities that started to strengthen in the Bronze and Iron Age. Along with the fossil records,molecular genetic tools were used to infer the origin and putative history including migration, differentiation and demography of the species. In this paper we compiled the major publications(30) of molecular genetic studies of the past 20 years derived from distinctly inherited organelle genomes(mitochondrial, chloroplast, nuclear) revealed by different marker systems(mt DNA-cox1,-nad1,-nad3,-nad7, ISSR, cp SSR, n SSR, B-SAP, SNP). It is important to consider that different phylogeographic patterns can be drawn by the analysis of different DNA marker types.Accordingly the use of more than one marker simultaneously outlines the most sophisticated phylogeographical pattern on the genetic lineages and can reveal high differentiation of the European distribution. Combined marker systems and markers derived from coding sequences have also been used to detect species' phylogeographic patterns,but these were rarely applied to Scots pine. Although new molecular techniques can provide higher resolution data for populations, the reviewed results can shape the direction of further studies.  相似文献   

In a randomized block factorial experiment, 1200 seedlings from four provenances, each of Pinus sylvestris, Pinus contorta and Picea abies were inoculated with conidia (2 × 104 and 1 × 106 conidia/seedling) of Gremmeniella abietina (Brunchorstia pinea), isolated from P. contorta plantations in northern Sweden. A further 600 seedlings were left as controls. The occurrence of symptoms and the extension of dead tissues on the annual shoots were recorded 13 months after inoculation. Only the higher spore dose resulted in significant infection. P. sylvestris and P. contorta seedlings were equally susceptible (53% infected), and significantly more infected than P. abies seedlings (39%). The annual shoots of P. sylvestris and P. abies were affected to 43% and 37% of their length, which was significantly more than 15% of the length of P. Contorta shoots. The frequency of affected seedlings differed between the most southern and northern provenances of P. sylvestris and P. abies, and between the northwestern and the south-eastern provenance of P. contorta Twenty-six months after inoculation, a higher proportion of P. contorta seedlings than P. sylvestris and P. abies seedlings had recovered, and a lower proportion of P. contorta than P. sylvestris and P. abies seedlings had died. This paper discusses why P. sylvestris was found to be more susceptible to G. abietina than P. contorta in this experiment, while the reverse is found in plantations in northern Sweden.  相似文献   

Parameter prediction models for the diameter distribution ofPinus sylvestris L., Pinus nigra Arn. and Pinus halepensis Mill.in Catalonia were developed using the truncated Weibull functionas the theoretical distribution. The parameter models allowone to use individual-tree models in the simulation of standdevelopment when only stand-level data are collected in forestinventories. Parameter models for the diameter distributionof stand basal area were developed. The data consisted of permanentsample plots from the Spanish National Forest Inventory in Catalonia.A total of 1780 empirical distributions of P. sylvestris, 1204distributions of P. nigra and 1535 distributions of P. halepensiswere used as modelling data. The empirical data represent left-truncateddistributions, as the smallest diameter measured in the fieldwas 7.5 cm. Two different approaches, namely, regression (two-stepmethod) and optimization approach (one-step method), were usedto find the coefficients of the parameter models. In the two-stepmodelling method, the Weibull parameters were first estimatedseparately for every empirical distribution by maximizing thelog-likelihood function of the Weibull density function. Inthe second-step, regression analysis was used to find the relationshipbetween Weibull parameters and stand basal area, number of treesper hectare and elevation of the site. The one-step method usedoptimization to find such coefficients for the parameter models,which minimized the mean of the squared differences betweenempirical and predicted cumulative tree frequencies in the wholemodelling data. The one-step optimization method performed betterthan the two-step regression method for all tree species. Theparameter prediction models developed in this study enable theprediction of the diameter distribution of P. sylvestris, P.nigra and P. halepensis in Catalonia from limited stand information.  相似文献   

It has previously been suggested that plasma membrane ATPase (PM H+-ATPase, EC is a site of incipient freezing injury because activity increases following cold acclimation and there are published data indicating that activity of PM H+-ATPase is modulated by changes in lipids associated with the enzyme. To test and extend these findings in a tree species, we analyzed PM H+-ATPase activity and the fatty acid (FA) composition of glycerolipids in purified plasma membranes (PMs) prepared by the two-phase partition method from current-year needles of adult red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) trees. Freezing tolerance of the needles decreased from -56 degrees C in March to -9 degrees C in May, and increased from -15 degrees C in September to -148 degrees C in January. Specific activity of vanadate-sensitive PM H+-ATPase increased more than two-fold following cold acclimation, despite a concurrent increase in protein concentration. During de-acclimation, decreases in PM H+-ATPase activity and freezing tolerance were accompanied by decreases in the proportions of oleic (18:1) and linoleic (18:2) acids and increases in the proportions of palmitic (16:0) and linolenic (18:3) acids in total glycerolipids extracted from the plasma membrane fraction. This pattern of changes in PM H+-ATPase activity and the 18:1, 18:2 and 18:3 fatty acids was reversed during cold acclimation. In the PM fractions, changes in FA unsaturation, expressed as the double bond index (1 x 18:1 + 2 x 18:2 + 3 x 18:3), were closely correlated with changes in H+-ATPase specific activity (r2 = 0.995). Changes in freezing tolerance were well correlated with DBI (r2 = 0.877) and ATPase specific activity (r2 = 0.833) in the PM fraction. Total ATPase activity in microsomal fractions also closely followed changes in freezing tolerance (r2 = 0.969). We conclude that, as in herbaceous plants, simultaneous seasonal changes in PM H+-ATPase activity and fatty acid composition occur during cold acclimation and de-acclimation in an extremely winter hardy tree species under natural conditions, lending support to the hypothesis that FA-regulated PM H+-ATPase activity is involved in the cellular response underlying cold acclimation and de-acclimation.  相似文献   

Cold-resistance pathways that operate in model plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa have been studied extensively.It has been found that CBF gen...  相似文献   

The risk of damage on trees from snow and wind was modelled using tree, stand, and site characteristics from 286 permanent Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sample plots within the Swedish National Forest Inventory. Three logistic risk assessment models were developed for the county of Västerbotten in the boreal zone of Sweden. The best model, using tree, stand, and site variables, correctly classified 81.1% of the undamaged and 81.8% of the damaged plots. The model over‐predicted the proportion of damaged plots (21.3%), compared to the observed proportion of 3.8%. When evaluating the models using temporary plots from Västerbotten, the model using tree, stand, and site variables showed the best overall predictability. When applied in southern Sweden, the models developed for Västerbotten showed poor predictability. The study shows possibilities for correctly classifying the overall susceptibility to damage from snow and wind if the models are used within their limits.  相似文献   

Determining the adaptability to abiotic conditions and potential establishment success of tree species needs to be conducted before attempting to use a species in large-scale afforestation programs. In this study, the chemical and physiological performance of four Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) provenances was investigated after exposure to artificial cold temperature treatments to determine their adaptability to cold environment for potential use in afforestation programs. Seeds were sown and raised for 24, 28, and 32 weeks and exposed to decreasing temperatures in an artificial freezer. Relative electrolyte leakage, chlorophyll fluorescence, and carbohydrate concentrations were measured to determine the variability between provenances. Results showed that diameter and height growth did not vary with origin for each of the three growth stages measured. Root electrolyte leakage values differed between provenances, confirming that cold stress was effectively causing physiological damages when plants were exposed to temperature at ?15 °C and below. The variability observed in the relationship between provenances and cold hardiness responses can be attributed to tree-to-tree variability within provenances and microsites conditions. There was generally no significant difference in chlorophyll fluorescence between provenances, also attributed to low genetic variation between provenances. Carbohydrate concentrations were also very variable and varied significantly among growth stages and provenances. High-altitude provenances had higher soluble carbohydrates concentrations in several cases, suggesting a relationship between altitude, soluble sugars, and cold hardiness. However, these trends were not consistent; therefore, we suggest that such hypotheses be confirmed through more comprehensive further studies.  相似文献   

Jiang  Le  Dumroese  R. Kasten  Liu  Yong  Li  Guolei  Lin  Ping 《New Forests》2019,50(3):469-488
New Forests - Previous studies have proven that short-day treatment is an effective means to regulate shoot growth and abiotic stress resistance in conifers. However, the effects on Chinese pine...  相似文献   

Photosynthesis in evergreen conifers is characterized by down-regulation in autumn and rapid up-regulation in spring. This seasonal pattern is largely driven by temperature, but the light environment also plays a role. In overwintering Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees, PSII is less down-regulated and recovers faster from winter stress in shaded needles than in needles exposed to full sunlight. Because the effect of light on the seasonal acclimation of PSII has not been quantitatively studied under field conditions, we used the rate constants for sustained thermal energy dissipation and photochemistry to investigate the dynamics and kinetics of the seasonal acclimation of PSII in needles exposed to different light environments. We monitored chlorophyll fluorescence and needle pigment concentration during the winter and spring in Scots pine seedlings growing in the field in different shading treatments, and within the crowns of mature trees. The results indicated that differences in acclimation of PSII in overwintering Scots pine among needles exposed to different light environments can be chiefly attributed to sustained thermal dissipation. We also present field evidence that zeaxanthin-facilitated thermal dissipation and aggregation of thylakoid membrane proteins are key mechanisms in the regulation of sustained thermal dissipation in Scots pine trees in the field.  相似文献   

Pinus densiflora var. zhangwuensis grows fast, and its drought and salinity resistance are better than Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica. We compared cold hardiness and mechanisms of cold hardiness betwe...  相似文献   

The capacity of radiata pine seedlings to overcome planting shock in wet and dry conditions and their dependence on previous history was analysed by studying post-planting resumption of gas exchange and photochemical reactions, and survival 2 months later. Even under well-irrigated soil conditions, seedlings showed the effects of stress: gas exchange was reduced, but a clear difference between soil-plugged (PR) seedlings and bare-root (BR) seedlings was observed. Drought enhanced the severity of photosynthesis deprivation. Photochemical reactions, analysed by chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters, were not affected by planting shock in conditions of available soil water, but altered dramatically when drought stress was raised, suggesting structural damage of photosynthetic machinery. Despite the dramatic sensitivity of radiata pine to water availability, rewatering produced remarkable recovery, indicating good photosynthetic components repair capacity, which depended, however, on stock quality at the moment of planting. The ability of radiata pine to cope with drought in terms of post-planting performance depended on both storage conditions and water availability at the planting site. These findings provide information for tree physiologists and foresters as to how the management of radiata pine seedlings before planting can affect post-planting performance potential under wet or dry environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Forest trees are exposed to a myriad of single and combined stresses with varying strength and duration throughout their lifetime, and many of the simultaneous and successive stress factors strongly interact. While much progress has been achieved in understanding the effects of single stresses on tree performance, multiple interacting stress effects cannot be adequately assessed from combination of single factor analyses. In particular, global change brings about novel combinations of severity and timing of different stresses, the effects of which on tree performance are currently hard to predict. Furthermore, the combinations of stresses commonly sustained by trees change during tree ontogeny. In addition, tree photosynthesis and growth rates decline with increasing tree age and size, while support biomass in roots, stem and branches accumulates and the concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates increase, collectively resulting in an enhancement of non-structural carbon pools. In this review, tree physiological responses to key environmental stress factors and their combinations are analyzed from seedlings to mature trees. The key conclusions of this analysis are that combined stresses can influence survival of large trees even more than chronic exposure to a single predictable stress such as drought. In addition, tree tolerance to many environmental stresses increases throughout the ontogeny as the result of accumulation of non-structural carbon pools, implying major change in sensing, response and acclimation to single and multiple stresses in trees of different size and age.  相似文献   

Xanthophyll rhodoxanthin, which is present in sun-exposed needles of certain gymnosperms in winter, may have a photoprotective role during long-term cold acclimation. To examine how cold acclimation processes vary within tree crowns and to examine putative correlations between xanthophyll cycle pigments (VAZ), rhodoxanthin and the water-water cycle in photoprotection, we monitored seasonal changes in the activities of two key antioxidant enzymes (ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione reductase (GR)), pigment composition and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in sun and shade needles of crowns of the gymnosperm Cryptomeria japonica D. Don. Although APX and GR activities in both sun and shade needles were higher in winter than in summer when assayed at 20 degrees C, differences between seasons were less pronounced when enzymatic activities in summer and winter were assayed at 20 and 5 degrees C, respectively. These results suggest that increases in the potential activity of antioxidant enzymes in winter is an adaptation that helps counterbalance reductions in absolute enzyme activity caused by low temperature, and thus allows the photoprotective capacity of the water-water cycle in C. japonica to be maintained at a roughly constant value throughout the year. In shade needles, the concentration of VAZ increased in winter, but no rhodoxanthin accumulated. Photosynthetic activity was maintained in winter. In sun needles, however, the electron transport rate (ETR) and photochemical quenching (q(P)) decreased to their lowest values in December, just before the accumulation of rhodoxanthin, which coincided with the highest amount of VAZ. Changes in rhodoxanthin concentration mirrored changes in VAZ concentration from January to March. Winter values of ETR and q(P) were comparable with summer values after accumulation of rhodoxanthin, indicating that rhodoxanthin may play a more important role than the VAZ cycle in protecting the photosynthetic apparatus from photodamage in winter. Photosynthetic activity may be modulated, as a result of the interception of light by rhodoxanthin, to match the extent to which absorbed light energy can be utilized in winter when the VAZ cycle is unable to operate effectively because of low temperatures.  相似文献   

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