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王朗自然保护区种子植物及其区系特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川王朗国家级自然保护区有种子植物78科264属537种30变种5亚种,其中裸子植物5科11属20种2变种,被子植物73科253属517种28变种5亚种。种子植物属的区系成分共12个类型,在所有成分中,以温带区系成分为主,达169属,占总属数的64.02%;中国特有分布属11属,占总属数的4.16%。此外,还分布有多种大熊猫主食竹如缺苞箭竹(Fargesiadenudate)和星叶草(Circaeasteragrestis)、独叶草(Kingaonia uniflora)、串果藤(Sinofranchetiachinensis)、天麻(Gastrodiaelata)等国家重要保护植物。  相似文献   

雅安周公山省级森林公园种子植物较为丰富,有85科271种,其中裸子植物4科8种,被子植物81科263种,双子叶植物70科207种,单子叶植物11科56种。种子植物科的区系成分共有10个类型5个变型,地理联系广泛,但其地理区系优势分布不明显,热带性地理成分稍强,占总科数的45.90%。古老成分较多,单型科和少型科占绝对优势,占总科数的87.05%。有国家一级保护植物2种、二级保护植物3种、三级保护植物1种。  相似文献   

Background: Tectono grandis (teak) is one of the most important tropical timber species occurring naturally in India. Appropriate growth models, based on advanced modeling techniques, are not available but are necessary for the successful management of teak stands in the country. Long-term forest planning requires mathematical models and the principles of Dynamical System Theory provide a solid foundation for these.
Methods: The state-space approach makes it possible to accommodate disturbances and avarying environment. In this paper, an attempt has been made to develop a dynamic growth model based on the limited data, consisting of three annual measurements, collected from 22 teak sample plots in Karnataka, Southern India.
Results: A biologically consistent whole-stand growth model has been presented which uses the state-space approach for modelling rates of change of three state-variables viz., dominant height, stems per hectare and stand basal area. Moreover, the model includes a stand volume equation as an output function to estimate this variable at any point in time. Transition functions were fitted separately and simultaneously. Moreover, a continuous autoregressive error structure is also included in the modelling process. For fitting volume equation, generalized method of moments was used to get efficient parameter estimates under heteroscedastic conditions.
Conclusions: A simple model containing few free parameters performed well and is particularly well suited to situations where available data is scarce.  相似文献   

安徽省竹亚科植物区系成分初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究表明,我省竹亚科植物9属51种,因受南北两地地形及气候的地带性因素的影响,形成竹类分布特点是南多北少,物种由喜温性转为耐寒性,其区系成分,全球性是亚洲热带、亚热带的东南和东亚成分明显,国内以华东成分为主,依次是西南及华南近等,华北及西北亲缘关系较疏远,但华北的河南省与我省的淮北平原关系十分密切,共有率达100%,而河北省仅有13%。  相似文献   

Jari Miina  Timo Saksa 《New Forests》2006,32(3):265-283
This study predicts the regeneration establishment on 3-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) plantations in southern Finland using regeneration survey data. Regeneration establishment was described by seven response variables: number of planted spruces, natural Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.), natural spruces, natural seed-origin birches (Betula pubescens Ehrh. and B. pendula Roth.) and other broadleaves (i.e. sprout-origin birches and other broadleaves than birch), as well as height of crop-tree spruce and dominant height of broadleaves. Due to the multivariate (several responses for each plot) and multilevel (plot, stand, municipality, forest centre) structure, regeneration establishment was modelled by fitting a multivariate multilevel model with explanatory variables such as temperature sum, site fertility, soil quality and method of site preparation. In the model, the numbers of tree seedlings were modelled using over-dispersed Poisson distributed equations, and the tree heights were modelled using normally distributed linear equations. The estimated fixed and random parameters of the equations were logical, and there was no serious bias in predicting the regeneration establishment in the independent test data set. This modelling approach can be used to predict the regeneration establishment stochastically by taking into account the large unexplained variation in regeneration models.  相似文献   

The study used the expectancy-disconfirmation framework to investigate the satisfaction among urban consumers of teak pole in South Benin, so as to identify the areas where interventions are needed to secure market opportunity for smallholder forestry. A survey was conducted in five cities; and 223 household-heads were interviewed using systematic sampling, with a random start. Data were collected on socio-demographic characteristics, teak pole consumption forms, behaviour patterns, and motivations. Respondents also rated their expectations and perceptions for a set of nine attributes on a 7 points Likert scale. Hierarchical ascending cluster analysis was performed to identify consumer segments; and satisfaction level was analysed per segment, by determining the gap between expectations and perceptions, for all attributes. Four consumer segments were identified; and sociodemographic profiles differed across those segments. Competitive price was an important purchasing motivation across the identified segments. Consumers were dissatisfied with price, availability, knot frequency, bending, length, hardness, and durability of teak pole. The efforts to meet the consumer expectations should be concentrated on building farmers' capacity in silvicultural management, and ensuring the availability of good planting material. The issue of competitive price might be addressed, through the improvement of the overall efficiency in the value chain.  相似文献   

浙江省珍稀濒危植物的区系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细列举了浙江省珍稀濒危植物的种类,论述了其区系组成特点及地理成分特征,为研究植物区系组成、起源与系统演化,为浙江珍稀濒危植物的保护和开发利用提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

泰国是世界主要的竹子分布区之一,现有竹林总面积454 486 hm2,蓄积量1760万m3,物种丰富度1.737,竹子多分布在各自然公园和其他保护区内,依据世界BPG工作组下的记录有17属,72种。介绍了当今泰国竹子的用途、产业、这次他和科学研究等情况。  相似文献   

Today,shisham plantations in Punjab,Pakistan face major constraints,especially dieback disease.This article reviews the multidisciplinary team work by forest and plant pathologists and economists to resolve the confusions in the pathology of dieback disease.It is intended to be of practical use to the foresters and plant pathologists reporting on this issue.  相似文献   

于2002年4月至11月,对孟加拉Chittagong (南部)林区天然纯林和肥沃地人工林树种更新情况进行了比较研究。共设100个3m×3m的样地(天然林50个,人工林50个)。共记录天然林更新树种64个,苗木密度为24767株/hm2;人工林更新树种40个,苗木密度为18633株/hm2。天然林更新量最大的树种为Castanopsis spp.(2200 株/hm2),其次是Glochidion lanceolarium (2183 株/hm2);人工林更新量最大的树种为Dipterocarpus gracilis (2117株/hm2),其次是Anogeissus acuminata (2000株/hm2)。对天然林而言, Castanopsis spp 的相对密度最高(8.88%), Glochidion lanceolarium 的相对频度最高(7.36%),Syzygium spp. 的相对富有度最高(3.79%),Glochidion lanceolarium的重要值指数最高(18.24%);对人工林而言,Dipterocarpus gracilis的相对密度最高(11.36%),Glochidion lanceolarium的相对频度最高 (9.71%), Dipterocarpus gracilis的相对富有度最高(5.92%), Glochidion lanceolarium的重要值指数最高 (23.32%)。Dipterocarpus gracilis 常见种在天然林和人工林都有更新苗木,但人工林的苗木要高于天然林。天然更新的苗木非常密集,但由于人为的干扰,这些更新的苗木通常达不到径干生长期。表4参35。  相似文献   

四川西部甘孜和凉山地区蕨类植物共有46科101属453种,种类繁多,特有成分丰富,优势科明显,大部分科内属、种贫乏;区系成分复杂,新老兼备;区系具有交叉、过渡性;区系性质在不同分类等级上存在差异。地理成分相关性分析和主成分分析一致表明川西蕨类植物区系地理成分具有热带向温带性质的过渡特性,略接近我国南方蕨类植物区系性质。  相似文献   

为更好地掌握河尾山市级自然保护区的森林植物种类资源、科的分布区类型等,以便最大程度地发挥其生态效益及其他社会效益。采用样线法与样方法,结合查阅资料及专家检索的方法,对该保护区内野生维管束植物组成及区系特征进行分析。结果表明1. 该保护区内共有野生维管植物179 科578属999 种,物种丰富度较高;2. 在保护区种子植物区系中,泛热带分布科数量最多,有43 科;3. 保护区仅有卷柏科(Selaginellaceae)一个优势科超过VFIW 和VFIC 平均数。研究认为区域范围内植物优势科不一定是该植物区系重要值大的科,优势科不足以反映保护区植物区系特征;且该保护区植物物种热带性较强,这与保护区地处南亚热带气候区相吻合。  相似文献   

Potential productivity and financial returns from selected agroforestry systems and traditional monocrops located in the Phu Wiang watershed were estimated from limited trials of cropping alternatives using cost-benefit analysis. The agroforestry systems studied consisted of combinations of Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala), or Acacia (Acacia auriculiformis) inter-cropped with cassava (Manihot esculenta) or mungbean (Vigna radiata). Evidence from trials at short, 3-year rotations, demonstrate that early supplementary and complementary relationships between some system components can imply synergistic financial gains. Although these biological interactions turn competitive over time, in this case, the gains should be sufficient to make early adopters consider the agroforestry systems financially preferable to traditional monocrops.  相似文献   

Tectona grandis (teak) is one of the most important tropical timber species occurring naturally in India. In India, teak is the single most important commercial timber species. Scientifically sound growth models, based on advanced modelling techniques, are often not available, although they are necessary for the successful management of teak stands in the country. Long-term forest planning requires mathematical models. In this paper, an attempt is made to develop a dynamic growth model based on the limited data, consisting of three annual measurements, collected from 15 teak sample plots in Gujarat state of India. A biologically consistent whole-stand growth model is presented, which uses the state-space approach for modelling rates of change of dominant height, stand density and stand basal area. A simple model containing few free parameters performed well and is particularly well suited to situations where available data are scarce.  相似文献   

Teak (Tectona grandis Linn F.) is a popular exotic species in Ghana, widely grown in industrial plantations and small scale community woodlots. In spite of its importance, local information on the growth and yield of this species is lacking. Presented here are the results of a preliminary investigation into the growth and yield of teak in northern Ghana. Data were collected from 100 temporary sample plots from plantations ranging in age from 3 to 40 years. A standard volume equation, site index curves and provisional empirical yield tables were developed and presented. Site index curves were used to classify plantations into site classes of I, II and III, in order of decreasing productivity. Yield functions indicate that teak can be grown on biologically optimum rotations of 31, 38 and 48 years on site classes I, II and III, respectively. At extended rotations with the adoptions of suitable thinning schedules, trees of sawlog sizes could be obtained on site class I.  相似文献   

Height growth equations for dominant trees are needed for growth and yield projections, to determine appropriate silvicultural regimes, and to estimate site index. Red alder [Alnus rubra Bong.] is a fast-growing hardwood species that is widely planted in the Pacific Northwest, USA. However, red alder dominant height growth equations used currently have been determined using stem analysis trees from natural stands rather than repeated measurements of stand-level top height from plantations, which may cause them to be biased. A regional dataset of red alder plantations was complied and used to construct a dynamic base-age invariant top height growth equation. Ten anamorphic and polymorphic Generalized Algebraic Difference Approach (GADA) forms were fit using the forward difference approach. The Chapman–Richards anamorphic and Schumacher anamorphic model forms were the only ones with statistically significant parameters that yielded biologically reasonable predictions across a full range of the available data. The Schumacher model form performed better on three independent datasets and, therefore, was selected as the final model. The resulting top height growth equations differed appreciably from tree-level dominant height growth equations developed using data from natural stands, particularly at the younger ages and on lower site indices. Both the rate and shape parameters of the Schumacher function were not influenced by initial planting density. However, this analysis indicates that the asymptote, which is related to site index, may be reduced for plantations with initial planting density below 500 trees ha−1. The final equation can be used for predictions of top height (and thus) site index for red alder plantations across a range of different growing conditions.  相似文献   

朱智 《广东园林》2008,30(6):45-51
实地调查了清迈周边7个具有代表性的园林绿地,初步查明清迈常用于园林绿化的植物有213种(包括变种、品种、栽培种),隶属于66科149属,灌木、草本占优势,落叶和针叶树种较少,植物分布以热带成分为主。文章分析和讨论该市园林植物的区系特点及其在城市绿化中的应用和配置特色。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONUrban forestry can be viewed as a specialized branchof forestry, which deals with the science and art ofplanting, implementing the greenery in and around urbanand populated area. It includes tree planting in temples,offices, schools, hospitals, homesteads, highways orroads between towns or cities as well as public parksand recreational parks so that it contributes directlyand indirectly to the physical, physiological, sociologicaland economic well being of the communitiesconc…  相似文献   

In the headwater catchments of the Hun River,Northeast China, secondary forests(SF) have been replaced by plantations since the 1960 s. Concern has been growing over this loss and the decline in water quality caused by the plantations. To test the effects of plantations on water quality, we selected two separate catchments covered by SF and Pinus koraiensis plantations(KP) to monitor physical and chemical properties of various hydrological variables including throughfall, stemflow,through-litterfall and runoff(flowing out of outlets of the catchments). The physical properties of water declined after water flowed through the two catchments as compared with rainwater. The pH of runoff in both catchments also dramatically decreased. The concentrations of Cl^-, NO_3^- and NH_4^+ in the runoff from the two catchments were similar(concentrations of Cl-and NH_4^+ in both catchments were similar to those in rainwater). Total P concentration in runoff of the SF catchment was higher than that of the KP catchment(P concentrations in both catchments were also higher than in rainwater) because P concentrations in litter and soil of the SF catchment were higher than those in the KP catchment. In summary, the rainwater became acidic in both catchments, but the responses of most water quality variables were similar in the two catchments, suggesting that appropriate ratios of KP in SF are feasible for secondary forest recovery and for preserving water quality(KP did not cause a decline in quality) in the headstream regions in Northeast of China.  相似文献   

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