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Radio-frequency techniques were used to study ultracold fermions. We observed the absence of mean-field "clock" shifts, the dominant source of systematic error in current atomic clocks based on bosonic atoms. This absence is a direct consequence of fermionic antisymmetry. Resonance shifts proportional to interaction strengths were observed in a three-level system. However, in the strongly interacting regime, these shifts became very small, reflecting the quantum unitarity limit and many-body effects. This insight into an interacting Fermi gas is relevant for the quest to observe superfluidity in this system.  相似文献   

采用单因素试验和正交试验,以灵芝多糖得率为指标,探讨了射频技术在提取灵芝多糖中的应用.结果表明,射频技术提取法的最适工艺条件为水中浸润60min,射频(27MHz)提取温度(80±2)℃,时间3min,液料比60:1.与热水提取法、微波提取法、超声波提取法相比,射频技术提取法具有高效、省时的特点.  相似文献   

The use of bottom-up approaches to construct patterned surfaces for technological applications is appealing, but to date is applicable to only relatively small areas (approximately 10 square micrometers). We constructed highly periodic patterns at macroscopic length scales, in the range of square millimeters, by combining self-assembly of disk-like porphyrin dyes with physical dewetting phenomena. The patterns consisted of equidistant 5-nanometer-wide lines spaced 0.5 to 1 micrometers apart, forming single porphyrin stacks containing millions of molecules, and were formed spontaneously upon drop-casting a solution of the molecules onto a mica surface. On glass, thicker lines are formed, which can be used to align liquid crystals in large domains of square millimeter size.  相似文献   

对大断面欧洲赤松(Pinus sylvestris)进行真空变定/真空高频干燥及高温变定/高温干燥,对比研究木材表面变定对干燥材含水率分布、颜色变化及开裂的影响。结果表明:与高温变定/高温干燥相比,真空变定/真空高频干燥后木材含水率在长度及厚度方向分布均匀,但厚度方向上与高温干燥相反,呈现心层低、表层高的趋势。总处理时间基本一致,但高频真空干燥时间比高温干燥少9 h,干燥速度更快。高温干燥的L*、a*、b*及ΔE*的变化幅度分别是高频真空干燥的2.9、1.8、3.0及2.9倍,高频真空干燥后木材变色小,干燥后表面开裂宽度及长度比均小于高温干燥。干燥后木材含水率及开裂符合GB/T 6491—2012Ⅲ级室外建筑用材标准,对大断面木材做真空变定/真空高频干燥是一种更为优良的干燥方法。  相似文献   

The analysis of natural contact interfaces between protein subunits and between proteins has disclosed some general rules governing their association. We have applied these rules to produce a number of novel assemblies, demonstrating that a given protein can be engineered to form contacts at various points of its surface. Symmetry plays an important role because it defines the multiplicity of a designed contact and therefore the number of required mutations. Some of the proteins needed only a single side-chain alteration in order to associate to a higher-order complex. The mobility of the buried side chains has to be taken into account. Four assemblies have been structurally elucidated. Comparisons between the designed contacts and the results will provide useful guidelines for the development of future architectures.  相似文献   

在传统的植物群落分类系统中,群丛是植物群落分类的基本单位.从群丛分类的必要性出发,综述了传统植物群落分类系统中对群丛的定义及其划分方法,即在群丛的划分中主要依据群落中不同层片的优势种或特征种;但是在利用传统植物群落分类方法划分群丛时也存在一些不确定性因素,主要表现在确定群丛的特征种(组)时需要人为确定;同时,论述了当前植物群落数量分类的研究现状,分析了利用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)、主成分分析(PCA)等数量分类方法划分群丛时存在的一些问题,主要表现在数量分类结果与传统分类单位的对应关系不能达到协调一致,无法判断是否划分到了群丛的水平.最后提出了群丛划分方法的展望:数量方法是基础,特征种(组)是及其数量特征是关键.  相似文献   

中国已加入世界贸易组织 ,未来对人才的需求有了新的变化。本文就如何适应未来的需要 ,联系《包装机械》这门课的实际 ,阐释如何转变教育观念 ,培养新世纪的有用人才 ,探试讲好本课的外部教学环境。全文贯穿的是教学与育人同步的观点。  相似文献   

数学教学中“数形结合法”的思想贯穿于整个数学过程和阶段,引入一些例子来说明数形结合在不同问题中的应用。  相似文献   

DNA microarray analysis has provided a wealth of data on global patterns of gene expression but has yet to deliver on its early promise of identifying networks of interacting gene products. In his Perspective, Quackenbush discusses new work (Stuart et al.) that uses evolutionary conservation of gene expression patterns in yeast, worm, fruit fly, and human in an attempt to identify functionally related groups of genes.  相似文献   

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