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沼液浸种技术要点   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
沼液是沼气池中各种有机物经过厌氧发酵后的残余物。由于它富含营养 ,对促进作物发芽出苗具有良好效果。经 2 0 0 3年在汤阴县五陵镇水塔河村试验 ,沼液浸种能够提高种子发芽率 ,具有促进壮苗早发的作用。1使用效果沼液浸种较清水浸种发芽率提高 5 %~ 1 0 % ;棉苗素质好 ,苗齐、苗壮 ,叶色深绿 ,长势好 ;经沼液浸种苗病发生轻。据调查 ,浸种后棉花苗病、病株率减少 5 %~ 1 2 %。2浸种机理2 .1营养丰富。腐熟的沼气发酵液含有多种植物所需的水溶性氨基酸和微量元素 ,还含有微生物代谢产物。沼液中含有三大类生物活性物质 ,第一类是N、P、…  相似文献   

水稻用沼液浸种可提高产量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在正常发酵的水压箱中提取适量沼液,放在缸内浸种或用透气的编织等袋子将稻种装好系绳直接沉入水压箱中部浸种4—5d,然后将种子晾干、催芽.可提高秧苗素质。秧苗移栽后返青快、成活率高、生长旺盛,比清水浸种增产10.6%。用沼液浸种方法简单易行,经济实用。  相似文献   

水稻沼液浸种壮秧增产技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李绪美 《中国稻米》2004,10(1):39-39
沼液是各种有机物在沼气池中经过厌氧发酵后的一种液体有机肥料。经科研部门化验分析 ,沼液不仅含有多种氨基酸、维生素、蛋白质、酶、矿物质 ,以及生长素、赤霉素等对作物生长代谢有调节作用的水溶性养分 ,而且这些营养成分基本上以速效养分形式存在。因此 ,沼液速效营养能力强 ,养分可利用率高。所含的生长素既可以促进植物根系的发育 ,又有助于植物体内的氮代谢。正常使用沼气池中的沼液具有杀灭病原菌的能力。据辽宁省盘锦市大洼县王家农场试验表明 ,用沼液浸种增产表1沼液浸种秧苗素质调查处理清水 (CK)恶苗灵(CK)24小时48小时72小时…  相似文献   

在正常发酵的水压箱中提取适量沼液,放在缸内浸种或用透气的编织等袋子将稻种装好系绳直接沉入水压箱中部浸种4~5d,然后将种子晾干、催芽,可提高秧苗素质。秧苗移栽后返青快、成活率高、生长旺盛,比清水浸种增产10.6%。用沼液浸种方法简单易行,经济实用。  相似文献   

沼液(沼气池内的液体物质)是一种溶肥性质的液体,沼液浸种是沼气残留物综合开发利用的一种有效途径。为探明水稻沼液浸种的增产效应,2006年在福建省建瓯市东游镇渡潭村示范推广0.5hm^2,沼液浸种效果明显,具体表现如下:种子发芽率高,芽壮而齐;播种后,易扎根、长势旺,秧苗素质好,苗壮根粗,病虫害少;移栽后返青快,早生快长,具有明显的增产效果。  相似文献   

通过对照试验,分析了沼肥对早稻秧苗素质和产量的影响。结果表明,沼液浸种能提高早稻的秧苗素质,增加总根数、白根数和总穗数,早稻产量增加9.18%。  相似文献   

沼液浸种对水稻秧苗和产量影响效果试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁肖兰 《中国稻米》2007,13(5):39-40
沼液中含有丰富的N、P、K等多种营养性物质和各类氨基酸、赤霉素、生长素等多种活性物质,有利于水稻种子的新陈代谢,对水稻生长有调控作用。试验结果表明,沼液浸种可以提高水稻种子发芽率、成秧率,使秧苗根系发达,从而提高秧苗素质,实现水稻生产的优质、高效,最终降低生产成本,为农业生产增产增收奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

研究施用沼液对辣椒生物学性状与品质的影响,结果表明:施用沼液可使辣椒初花期、座果期分别提前5~10、12~25 d;施用沼液也可使辣椒的株高更高,茎更粗;100%沼液氮处理与100%化学氮处理对比,辣椒素提高了22.08%,维生素C提高了26.44%,可溶性糖提高了22%,亚硝酸盐降低了26.44%。  相似文献   

正沼液是沼气厌氧发酵后的产物,其速效营养能力强,养分可利用率高,能迅速被作物吸收利用,不但能提高作物的产量和品质,而且具有防病抗逆作用,是一种优质的有机液体肥料。沼液主要用于浸种、叶面喷施、果园滴灌、水培蔬菜和饲喂猪鱼等。沼液不仅含有丰富的可溶性无机盐类,还含有厌氧发酵的生化产物,具有营养、抑菌、刺激抗逆等功效。  相似文献   

猪粪沼液施用后土壤理化性状及水稻产量初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对江苏省规模养殖废弃物超排,引起严重环境污染且资源大量浪费的突出问题,进行了猪粪、沼液替代化肥的初步研究。试验选择稻麦两熟制农田,研究了施用猪粪、沼液对稻田土壤理化性状及水稻产量的影响。试验结果表明,水稻收获时,100%猪粪处理的较常规施肥处理的耕层土壤容重显著降低(P<0.05),同时耕层土壤有机质、全氮、全磷和速效钾含量显著增加(P<0.05);而50%猪粪、50%沼液和100%沼液替代化肥处理较常规施肥处理无显著性差异。在水稻产量方面,100%猪粪处理较常规施肥处理减产7.07%,差异显著(P<0.05);50%猪粪、50%沼液和100%沼液替代化肥处理与常规施肥处理相比无显著差异。初步研究结果显示,本试验条件下沼液可全量替代化肥;猪粪有机肥可半量替代化肥,不宜全量替代化肥。  相似文献   

High-yielding grass-legume mixtures play an important role in forage-animal systems but finding compatible and adapted species can sometimes be difficult. The objective of this study was to examine productivity of perennial ryegrass and orchardgrass in pure stands with N and in mixtures with legumes.
Broadcast sowings were made on conventionally prepared seedbeds in August 1979 and May 1980 on a Hagerstown silt loam soil (fine, mixed mesic Typic Hapludalf). When sown alone orchardgrass cv. Pennlate and perennial ryegrass cv. Reveille received rates of N ranging from 0 to 448 kg ha−1 a−1. The grasses were also grown in mixtures with alfalfa cv. Arc, red clover cv. Arlington, or birds foot trefoil cv. Viking. The same legumes were sown alone. Four legume seed rates were used in both the pure legume and mixed stands.
Orchardgrass-N swards were more productive than ryegrass-N swards over 3 years. More dry matter (DM) was harvested from pure stands of  相似文献   

多小叶大豆种质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对三份多小叶大豆种质进行评价,结果表明:三份多小叶种质的小叶数分别占大豆总叶片数的46.7%、75.3%、68.2%。多小叶的小叶数以5小叶居多,分别占总叶片数的30.6%、21.1%、31.1%。三份多小叶种质的农艺及产量性状较好,蛋白质含量高,中抗大豆灰斑病及病毒病,是优异的大豆种质资源。  相似文献   

升汞是灭菌效果非常好的一种灭菌剂,但它是有剧毒的重金属盐灭菌剂,对人畜有极强的毒性,且容易污染环境。为了寻找对马铃薯外植体安全有效的灭菌剂,试验通过对马铃薯外植体,用次氯酸钠溶液与添加吐温80的次氯酸钠溶液不同浓度、不同时间处理后,与升汞处理相比较成苗率、感染率和褐化率。试验结果表明,加2%吐温80的11%次氯酸钠溶液处理30 min,对马铃薯外植体的灭菌效果最好,其成苗率高于0.1%升汞处理后的成苗率;加2%吐温80的13%次氯酸钠溶液处理20 min后的灭菌效果也较好,成苗率略低于0.1%升汞处理后的成苗率。  相似文献   

Studies on porous starch have been directed to explore different industrial applications as bio-adsorbents of a variety of compounds. However, the analysis of starch digestibility is essential for food application. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of porous structure on in vitro starch digestibility. Porous starches were obtained using a range of concentrations of amyloglucosidase (AMG), α-amylase (AM), cyclodextrin-glycosyltransferase (CGTase) or branching enzyme (BE). Porous starches exhibited major content of digestible starch (DS) that increased with the intensity of the enzymatic treatment, and very low amount of resistant starch (RS). Porous starches behaved differently during in vitro hydrolysis depending on their enzymatic treatment. AMG was the unique treatment that increased the digestive amylolysis and estimated glycemic index, whereas AM, CGTase and BE reduced them. A significant relationship was found between the pore size and the severity of the amylolysis, suggesting that a specific pore size is required for the accessibility of the digestive amylase. Therefore, pore size in the starch surface was a limiting factor for digestion of starch granules.  相似文献   

Ng CK  Yu KN 《Biointerphases》2012,7(1-4):21
The present work studied the proliferation of epithelial cells when they were cultivated on substrates with micropillars fabricated with the same height but with different curvature characteristics. A special micro-fabrication method was employed to produce these micropillar substrates. Polyallyldiglycol carbonate (PADC) films were first irradiated by alpha particles and then chemically etched to reach or beyond the "transition" phase to form casts with micrometer-sized pits with the same depth, but with different size and shape. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) replicas of these PADC films then gave the desired substrates with micropillars with the same height but with different curvature characteristics. The micropillars on the PDMS substrates were found to be capable of changing the response of HeLa cells in terms of the percentages of cells in the S-phase and the attached cell numbers after 3-day cell culture. This demonstrated that the proliferation of the HeLa cells could be changed through mechanosensing the substrate curvature.  相似文献   

Summary Cool storage of potatoes by intermittent outside air cooling (OAC) was compared with cooling by continuous recirculation of artificially cooled air (RAA). RAA gave higher operating costs and greater shrinkage losses than OAC, using the same rate of ventilation (64 m3 h−1 m−3 potatoes), but allowed easier management and gave even storage temperatures. The prime advantage of RAA is the provision of safe storage beyond late-April when, owing to lack of cold, outside air at 0–3°C, it is no longer possible to operate OAC effectively. Edinburgh School of Agriculture Miscellaneous Publication No. 522  相似文献   

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