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Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) causes important losses of chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka, and rainbow trout and steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss on the west coast of North America. Although coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch are considered resistant to IHNV infection, the virus was detected in numerous adult coho salmon returning to Trinity River Hatchery, California, in 1985 and 1986. The virus was isolated from internal organs and ovarian fluids of these fish. Antigenic and structural polypeptides of the viruses were identical in adult coho and chinook salmon collected at the same location. Chinook salmon and rainbow trout alevins exhibited high degrees of susceptibility to IHNV obtained from adult coho and chinook salmon. Coho salmon alevins were resistant to both virus isolants.  相似文献   

根据传染性造血器官坏死病毒(IHNV)基因序列,设计了IHNV最为保守的指纹序列,以及测序引物,建立了IHNV焦磷酸测序检测方法。对所构建的IHNV焦磷酸检测方法进行特异性试验和灵敏度检测。结果表明,所建立的方法特异性好,在8种鱼类病毒中能够特异性检测出目的病毒,检测方法灵敏度高,最低检出核酸量为10pg/μL。对建立的焦磷酸测序检测方法进行了实际应用研究,选取国内采集与进口的鱼类样本共计80批次进行IHNV检测。结果显示,焦磷酸测序检测方法可以有效的检出常规RTPCR不能检出的假阴性样本和弱阳性样本,该方法的灵敏度和特异性可以满足水生动物疫病检测的需要。  相似文献   


The 8-month cytopathologic progression of viral erythrocytic necrosis (VEN) disease in chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta is described. Single to multiple acidophilic, cytoplasmic viral inclusion bodies developed first in mature erythrocytes and then, within 1–2 months, all morphologically identifiable hemopoietic cell types contained VEN inclusions. Cytologic analysis indicated that multinucleate giant erythroblasts, ineffective erythropoiesis, and abnormal erythroid cell maturation occurred. A significant increase in blood coagulation time occurred concomitantly. This severe and chronic blood dyscrasia accounts for some of the pathophysiologic sequelae previously observed.  相似文献   


Cell lines from white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus were derived from peripheral blood cells, heart, and spleen. Incubated with infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) for 8 d at l5°C, these cell lines produced 0.7–53.2 plaque-forming units (PFU)/cell. Waterborne exposure of larval white sturgeons (60 d posthatch) to 106 PFU/mL of IHNV resulted in 10% mortality 5–6 d postinfection, with virus concentrations consistently greater than 105 PFU/g. A replicate group of larval white sturgeons that were sampled at different times post-IHNV exposure had no detectable virus at 24 h, but 72% of the fish had IHNV concentrations of 102-106 PFU/g when they were examined 2–9 d postinfection. Juvenile white sturgeons (mean weight, 35 g) immersed in or injected with IHNV exhibited no mortality, and virus was only detected immediately postexposure in just 25% of the fish tested. Juvenile white sturgeons fed either virus-free rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss or dead IHNV-infected rainbow trout had no viable virus in their feces. Juvenile white sturgeons fed or exposed to IHNV failed to transmit the virus to cohabiting rainbow trout fry. These results suggest that IHNV can replicate in larval white sturgeons but presumably not in juveniles or adults. Virus neutralization activity was detected in serum from adult white sturgeons (4–6 years old) cultured with rainbow trout exposed to IHNV but not in white sturgeons kept in a pathogen-free environment and fed a manufactured diet. White sturgeon serum with IHNV-neutralizing activity was used to passively immunize rainbow trout, and it provided significant (P < 0.01) protection against IHNV challenge.  相似文献   

对所分离编号为20101008和20101032的两株传染性造血器官坏死病病毒(IHNV)的糖蛋白编码基因进行遗传进化分析,以揭示我国毒株与其他不同国家和地区毒株间的遗传进化关系。以反转录RCR(RT-PCR)法扩增其糖蛋白(G)编码基因,然后克隆入PMD-18T载体并测序。应用DNAStar和MEGA4.0软件,将20101008和20101032的G基因与多株GenBank中已发表的IHNV毒株相应基因进行比较。结果表明两株病毒间G编码基因的核苷酸和推导出来的氨基酸同源性分别为98%和81.9%,其氨基酸序列分别发生了35和20处氨基酸的替换。20101008和20101032与日本、韩国分离株同源性较高,核苷酸及推导出来的氨基酸同源性分别为93.3%~96.4%和75.9%~84.6%;两株病毒在进化关系上亲缘关系最近,属于同一分支,均为基因U型传染性造血器官坏死病病毒,但其G基因的核苷酸序列以及推导出来的氨基酸序列与已知的基因U型IHNV都有一定的差异。  相似文献   


Four salmonid cell lines, CoE 45, CoE 115, CoE 345, and RBTE 45, were established from embryonic tissues of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch and rainbow trout O. mykiss. In vitro challenges of the new lines were conducted with four isolates of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV). Two of the IHNV isolates used for the challenges were derived from infected tissues of rainbow trout, one was derived from chinook salmon O. tshawytscha, and the other isolate was derived from coho salmon. To standardize the virus challenges of the new cell lines, several established piscine cell lines (EPC, CHSE 214, CSE-119, RTH-149, RTG, and RTS) were challenged in the same way as the new lines. Each of the lines was challenged with virus at a single low multiplicity of infection (0.01 plaque-forming unit per cell). Virus yields were quantitated by plaque assay on epithelioma papulosum cyprini (EPC) cells on day 3. Results of the challenge experiments revealed different levels of production of virus for each isolate on the various cell lines. Overall, the new cell line derived from rainbow trout, RBTE 45, was quite susceptible to all viruses tested. The three cell lines newly derived from coho salmon embryo were not as resistant to the replication of IHNV as was the established coho salmon cell line, CSE-119. An established cell line, EPC, derived from an epithelial tumor of common carp Cyprinus carpio, remained the most susceptible to all four IHNV isolates tested.  相似文献   

To study the major structural protein glycoprotein (G) of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV), glycoprotein gene (1 380 bp) was amplified by RT-PCR from IHNV. In order to construct a recombinant plasmid pFB-LIC-Bse-G, G gene was cloned into the baculovirus vector pFB-LIC-Bse. Then, the constructed plasmid pFB-LIC-Bse-G was transformed into E.coli DH10Bac. The recombinant bacmids rBacmid-G was got, and then it was transfected to insect Sf9 cells,and the recombinant baculovirus that contained G gene was obtained. Western blotting analysis and indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) showed that the recombinant G protein could be recognized by histidine monoclonal antibody (Anti-His) and anti-IHNV antibody of mouse. The results indicated IHNV G protein had been expressed correctly in Sf9 cells. The study laid a foundation for further studying the G protein structure, function and immunological characteristics.  相似文献   

为研究传染性造血器官坏死病病毒(infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus,IHNV)主要结构蛋白糖蛋白(G),本研究采用RT-PCR方法从IHNV中提取RNA并进行反转录,经PCR方法扩增获得1 380 bp的G蛋白基因片段,将其克隆到pFB-LIC-Bse杆状病毒载体中,成功构建了重组质粒pFB-LIC-Bse-G,转化到大肠杆菌DH10Bac感受态细胞中,获得了重组杆粒rBacmid-G。将重组杆粒转染至Sf9昆虫细胞,获得了重组杆状病毒。间接免疫荧光(IFA)和Western blotting分析显示,重组G蛋白可与抗组氨酸单抗(Anti-His)、抗IHNV鼠血清发生特异性反应,表明本研究克隆的IHNV G蛋白在真核表达系统中得到正确表达,且该蛋白具有良好的抗原性。本试验结果为研究G蛋白的功能及开发IHNV新型疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   


A series of experiments was carried out with infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV; 193-110 isolate) in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (weight, ~1.2 g) to determine the duration of the patent period and the timing of onset of the infectious periods. We first attempted to transmit IHNV to recipient fish from infected rainbow trout 2–3 d after they had been exposed. No infection transfer occurred despite high titers (104.79 to 104.91 plaque-forming units 5–8 d postexposure (dpe). To determine the number of secondary cases produced by one infectious individual, we exposed approximately 50 rainbow trout (weight, ~1.5 g) in each of seven replicate tanks to a donor fish that had been infected with virus by bath exposure 3 d earlier. The prevalence of infection in recipient fish rose from 0.84% at 2 dpe to 7.9% at 6 dpe. Maximum incidence (22 cases) occurred between 2 and 4 dpe. No disease-specific mortalities occurred in recipient fish during the experiment. The titer of virus in both recipient and donor fish increased from 2 to 4 dpe. There was a positive correlation between the level of infection among donors and prevalence values among recipient fish (r 2 = 0.60). The level of challenge by one infectious fish under the conditions provided was enough for infection transfer from sick cohabitant to susceptible fish but was not enough for initiation of a full-scale epizootic among recipients.  相似文献   


Fry of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis became infected and diseased after immersion exposure to infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV), but a long-lasting IHNV carrier state was not induced. Duplicate groups of 100 fish were immersed for 6 h in baths containing a type 1 (Round Butte, RB) or a type 2 (Rangen, RA) IHNV isolate at a high or low dose. Brook trout mortalities induced by immersion in a bath of the RB or RA IHNV isolate at 102 plaque-forming units (pfu) per milliliter were equivalent (1 and 0%), but fish were more susceptible to infection with RA IHNV. Only the single dead fish in the RB group was infected, but 24% of the RAexposed fish were infected 1 week after exposure. At a dose of 106 pfu/mL, exposure to RB IHNV resulted in a higher mortality (35%) and prevalence of infection (89% of live fish sampled at 1 week postexposure), but no infectious virus was detectable by 5 weeks after exposure. In contrast, RA IHNV exposure at a dose of 104 pfu/mL resulted in only 5% mortality, and live fish killed at 1 week postexposure had a 22% prevalence of infection, but infectious virus was not detectable by week 3. Although brook trout have been previously considered to be resistant to IHNV, this study has shown that brook trout become diseased and die after exposure to a high dose of one type I IHNV isolate and can be infected after immersion exposure to even a low dose of type 1 or type 2 IHNV.  相似文献   


The ability of two rhabdoviruses, infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) and viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV), to infect fish skin was investigated by in vitro infection of excised tissues. Virus replication was determined by plaque assay of homogenized tissue extracts, and the virus antigen was detected by immunohistology of tissue sections. Gill, fin, and ventral abdominal skin tissues of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss that had been infected in vitro with a virulent strain of IHNV (193–110) produced substantial increases in virus titer within 24 h. Titers continued to increase up until day 3 of incubation; by this time, virus had increased 1,000-fold or more. This increase in IHNV titer occurred in epidermal tissues of fingerlings and of older fish. In another experiment, IHNV replicated in excised rainbow trout tissues whether the fish had been subject to prior infection with a virulent strain of IHNV (Western Regional Aquaculture Consortium isolate) or whether the fish had been infected previously with an attenuated strain of the virus (Nan Scott Lake, with 100 passes in culture). A virulent strain of VHSV (23/75) replicated effectively in excised gill tissues and epidermal tissues of rainbow trout and chinook salmon O. tshawytscha; however, the avirulent North American strain of VHSV (Makah) replicated poorly or not at all.  相似文献   


Fifteen people, considered to be experts on fish virology, participated in a Delphi panel exercise to solicit opinion concerning the importance of factors that influence the ability of cell culture to detect infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) or infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) in asymptomatic infected salmonids. Panelists rated many factors as having a strong impact on the sensitivity of cell culture and particularly emphasized the importance of technical and laboratory-related factors. Participants also provided their perceived estimates of the sensitivity and specificity of test systems—consisting of cell culture followed by serum neutralization, specific gene probes, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), or fluorescent-antibody microscopy—for IPNV and IHNV in asymptomatic salmonids. The sensitivities estimated by panelists for optimal conditions were less than 70% for both IPNV and IHNV. There was substantial panelist uncertainty about the estimates, as indicated by large variances among individual responses. The system using serum neutralization for virus identification was perceived to have the highest sensitivity. All panelists estimated specificity to be very high. The importance of these findings with respect to the design of surveillance, quality assurance and control programs, and the interpretation of screening data are discussed.  相似文献   

传染性造血组织坏死病病毒(Infectious Hematopoietic NecrosisVirus,IHNV)属弹状病毒科(Rhab-doviridae)诺拉弹状病毒属(Novirhabdovirus),是传染性造血组织坏死病(Infectious HematopoieticNecrosis,IHN)的病原体,主要感染鲑鱼科的各种鱼类,常造成鱼苗或幼鱼70%-90%的死亡率,在某些病例中甚至接近100%,对世界鲑鱼的水产养殖业造成了巨大的经济损失。IHNV是口岸鱼类的第一类检疫对象。随着我国进口鲑鱼和养殖鲑鱼的发展,成品鲑鱼及鱼苗、鱼卵的引进可能造成IHNV的传入和传播。1990年,辽宁本溪某养殖场首次报道了我国第一例IHN,…  相似文献   


Triploid (heat-shocked) and diploid groups of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis, coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch, and reciprocal hybrids were produced, monitored for early life stage survival, and evaluated for susceptibility to infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV). The female rainbow trout × male brook trout triploid hybrids had significantly greater (P < 0.01) survival than the diploid hybrids of this cross. The heat-shocked hybrid group of the female rainbow trout × male coho salmon also exhibited significantly greater survival to the eyed egg stage of development than the untreated group of this hybrid. Studies of the susceptibility of treatment groups to a 1990 IHNV isolate from the Hagerman Valley were conducted by using a standardized immersion exposure procedure at one or two different mean body weights. The diploid brook trout and coho salmon and two triploid hybrids (female rainbow trout × male brook trout or male coho salmon) were significantly less (P < 0.05) susceptible to IHNV than the pure-species diploid and triploid rainbow trout groups.  相似文献   

将虹鳟鱼苗研磨过滤除菌后接种到胖头鱼肌肉细胞系(FHM)后出现了特征性病变(CPE),电镜下观察到IHNV病毒粒子。用传染性造血器官坏死病病毒(IHNV)和传染性胰腺坏死病病毒(IPNV)等水生动物病毒特异性引物对该毒株进行RTPCR试验,结果显示,用IHNV的引物能扩增出阳性片段。将分离株暂时命名为CJ-13。应用DNAStar和MEGA5.2软件,将CJ13的N基因与多株GenBank中已发表的IHNV毒株相应基因进行同源性比对和构建系统树。核苷酸同源性显示CJ-13株与HV7601株的N基因同源性高达97.1%,推导出的氨基酸序列同源性为95.2%。系统进化树表明,CJ-13分离株与HV7601株遗传进化关系较近,属于同一分支。  相似文献   

为建立鱼类传染性造血器官坏死病毒(IHNV)的快速检测方法,根据IHNV的G基因保守序列设计特异性引物,建立了基于重组酶聚合酶扩增(RPA)的IHNV检测方法。该方法在30℃20min即可完成,对IHNV具有良好的特异性和敏感性,最低检出限为156ng/mL;用建立的RPA和RT-PCR对实验室保存的50份样品进行检测,结果显示,RPA的阳性检出率为14.00%,RT-PCR的阳性检出率为12.00%,说明RPA比RT-PCR具有更高的灵敏度。建立的RPA方法为IHNV的实验室检测提供了更多选择。  相似文献   


In November 1989, infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) was found for the first time in the Soleduck River at the Washington Department of Fisheries Soleduck Hatchery. The virus was isolated from ovarian fluid and kidney-spleen tissue pools from chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha and ovarian fluid pools from coho salmon O. kisutch returning to the Soleduck Hatchery. The virus was identified as IHNV by neutralization assays. In December 1989, the virus causing viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHSV) was found in ovarian fluid and milt pools from wild coho salmon obtained from the Soleduck and Bogachiel rivers and held at the Soleduck Hatchery. The virus was identified as VHSV by neutralization and immunoblot assays. These findings and their implications for routine broodstock sampling are discussed.  相似文献   

为研究进口斑节对虾传染性皮下和造血器官坏死病毒(Infectious Hypodermal and Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus,IHHNV)的风险,本文采用了世界动物卫生组织(OIE)2015版手册中推荐的PCR方法,对2015年从泰国输华的329批次斑节对虾进行了IHHNV检测分析。结果发现,其阳性率高达36.8%,且主要是感染1型和2型,以及风险不明的未知型。因此,来自泰国的斑节对虾具有较高的IHHNV传入风险,应加强针对IHHNV的进口监测,减少其对我国对虾养殖的影响。  相似文献   


The sites of replication of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) in infected tissues were detected in fingerling rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss by in situ histologic techniques following immersion infection. Virus antigens in tissues were detected by a neutralizing mouse monoclonal antibody and a one-step anti-mouse biotin-streptavidin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. The efficiency of infection and virulence of the virus determined by mortality rates showed high virulence of the selected IHNV isolates, and viral replication in individual fish showed that virus content of the fish increased rapidly from the second day to the seventh day postinfection. The earliest viral lesions following infection were detected in the epidermis of the pectoral fins, opercula, and ventral surface of the body. Virus lesions became evident in kidneys on the third day. By the fifth day, when there was a significant increase in virus titer, foci of viral replication were detected in gill tissue and in the anterior internal tissues below the epidermis. Subsequently, extensive virus replication and tissue destruction were observed in the spleen, dorsal adipose tissues, ventricle, and pseudobranch. Replication in the liver, the muscularis layers of the digestive tract, and the general body musculature followed later. These infection experiments indicated that the epidermis and gills of fish constitute important sites of early IHNV replication.  相似文献   


The first isolates of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) recovered from rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (formerly Salmo gairdneri) in France and Italy were compared to six representative strains from North America by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of virion polypeptides and neutralization by monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). All three IHNV isolates from Europe had similar polypeptide profiles when compared by SDS-PAGE. An analysis of the antigenic relatedness of the European isolates to representative strains from North America showed that they were clearly different from viruses obtained from salmonids in California. The RB/B5 MAb, which was developed against virus isolated from adult steelhead (anadromous rainbow trout) reared in central Oregon, neutralized all isolates examined. The 193–110/B4 MAb, developed against IHNV isolated from infected yearling rainbow trout in southern Idaho, neutralized all isolates tested except those from California. The SRCV/A4 MAb, developed against Sacramento River chinook virus (SRCV) isolated from adult spring chinook salmon O. tshawytscha in central California, was the least reactive, and strong neutralization was observed only with the SRCV strain of IHNV from California. However, partial reactivity of the virus isolates from France with the SRCV/A4 MAb distinguished them from the virus recovered from salmonids in Italy.  相似文献   

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