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Moribund fry from several families of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar had a conspicuous cranial defect that corresponded with 18.3% (SD, 4.5%) mortality of fry. The lesion was characterized by a domed, epithelium-covered swelling centered over the optic tectum. The swelling was an edematous reaction to the extension of a fulminating necrotizing mycotic stomatitis and bronchitis into the cranial tissues including the ventral meninges. An oomycete is believed to be the pathogen. The percentage mortality of fry in each separately reared family ranged from 1.0 to 63.3%. An analysis of variance revealed that the differences in mortality among families were significant (P < 0.0001), and that the difference between replicates of each family, reared apart, were not significant. A possible genetic basis for resistance to fungal infection is discussed.  相似文献   


Fluoroquinolones are synthetic antibacterials with potential use for treatment of fish diseases. This study examined the comparative uptake of difloxacin, administered as a single oral gavage, by juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in freshwater and in seawater. In separate freshwater and seawater experiments with fish of the same spawning cohort, the concentration of difloxacin in plasma and fillets was determined at 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 18, 24, and 48 h after the fish received the dose. Although plasma difloxacin concentration began to plateau in the freshwater fish at about 24 h, the highest average, 1,195 ng/mL, was in fish sampled at 48 h; thus, the plasma levels continued to rise through the end of the test. A similar pattern was observed in fillets from fish held in freshwater, but the peak average fillet concentration at 48 h was 4,737 ng/g. Contrastingly, in the seawater study, the average peak plasma concentration of 678 ng/mL was observed at 8 h after gavage and the peak average fillet concentration of 924 ng/g was observed at 18 h. Although difloxacin concentrations were higher in the freshwater-held fish than in the seawateradapted fish, the results suggest that difloxacin could be efficacious in treating bacterial diseases of Atlantic salmon in both freshwater and seawater.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究红景天提取物对高原缺氧条件下肉鸡接种法氏囊疫苗和绵羊红细胞后产生的特异性抗体水平的影响。随机选取100只1日龄健康AA肉仔鸡,随机分为5组。其中,对照组只饲喂基础日粮,其余4组分别在基础日粮中添加0.10%、0.15%、0.20%和0.40%红景天水提物干粉。每个组取半数鸡只于13日龄腹腔注射接种绵羊红细胞,另一半鸡只于20日龄口服接种法氏囊疫苗。研究发现,免疫接种法氏囊疫苗后2 d和19 d,相比于对照组,0.20%和0.40%红景天处理组显著提高了法氏囊疫苗抗体水平(P<0.05)。在腹腔注射绵羊红细胞后5 d、8 d和12 d时,相比对照组,0.20%和0.40%红景天处理组显著提高了绵羊红细胞抗体水平(P<0.05)。该试验表明红景天提取物可以提高高海拔缺氧条件下肉鸡特异性抗体水平,因此其可能作为高海拔缺氧条件下肉鸡日粮的一种免疫调节性添加剂。  相似文献   


The influences of dietary magnesium on immune response and on osmoregulation in parr of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were determined. Groups of fish were fed a casein–gelatin diet unsupplemented (containing about 200 mg Mg/kg) or supplemented with either 300 or 500 mg Mg/kg dry diet (as MgSO4) for 12 weeks before vaccination to produce fish with different Mg levels, and the feeding regime was continued throughout the study. No differences were observed between the treatment groups in serum-specific antibody levels every second week for 8 weeks after vaccination against Vibrio anguillarum serotypes O1 and O2. Both lysozyme levels and spontaneous hemolytic activities in serum were elevated in vaccinated fish compared with unvaccinated fish. Neither lysozyme activity, complement hemolytic activity, total protein in serum nor blood hemoglobin were affected by dietary Mg. The spontaneous hemolytic activity in serum was lower in fish fed the unsupplemented diet and highest in fish fed the diet supplemented with 500 mg Mg/kg. After 28 weeks on the diets supplemented with graded levels of Mg, a salinity tolerance test (32.5 g/L, 24 h) was performed. High mortality and elevated serum chloride concentrations in all groups after 24 h reflected a general salinity intolerance, but the highest serum chloride level was observed in fish fed the unsupplemented diet. This indicates that low dietary Mg affects the osmoregulation of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   


Laboratory studies were conducted on the susceptibility of different strains of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss to infection with the monogenean Gyrodactylus salaris. This parasite, probably originating from the Baltic Sea region, is known to minimally affect Neva River (Baltic Sea) Atlantic salmon. However, following its introduction into Norway, G. salaris has caused severe mortality and morbidity among Norwegian Atlantic salmon, which are considered a highly susceptible strain. The cohabitation experiment included one stock of rainbow trout and four different strains of Atlantic salmon from the Baltic Sea region (Mörrum River, Sweden), Europe (Skjern River, Denmark; Conon River, Scotland), and North America (Bristol Cove River, Canada). Fish were exposed to a Norwegian strain of G. salaris, and parasite population development and distribution were monitored for 7 weeks. Rainbow trout exhibited low susceptibility to G. salaris infection, whereas Conon River and Skjern River Atlantic salmon were highly susceptible and exhibited high mortality rates. Mörrum River Atlantic salmon exhibited intermediate susceptibility and low mortality. Bristol Cove River Atlantic salmon harbored relatively low parasite numbers, but fish mortality was high. Our experiment showed that the Danish Skjern River strain of Atlantic salmon is highly susceptible to G. salaris infection, further supporting the hypothesis that Atlantic Ocean strains are more susceptible to G. salaris infection than are Baltic strains.  相似文献   


The effect of water temperature on the progress of experimentally induced Cytophaga psychrophila infection was investigated in juveniles of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch, chinook salmon O. tshawytscha, and rainbow trout O. mykiss (formerly Salmo gairdneri). A virulent strain of C. psychrophila was administered to fish by subcutaneous injection. Infected fish were held in tanks containing pathogen-free well water at temperatures ranging from 3 to 23°C. Mean times from infection to death of the fish were shortest at 12–15°C, which were the temperatures associated with the shortest time for doubling the population of this bacterium in vitro. Juvenile steelhead (anadromous rainbow trout) injected with viable C. psychrophila cells and held in 22°C water did not become diseased.  相似文献   

试验选取10尾贵州都匀养殖场的虹鳟(1562±32)g和10尾市场出售的挪威大西洋鲑(1856±45 g),采集其背部肌肉,分别进行质构特性及营养成分分析。结果表明:质构特性上,虹鳟肌肉的失水率显著低于大西洋鲑(P<0.05),剪切力显著高于大西洋鲑(P<0.05);常规成分中,虹鳟肌肉的粗脂肪含量显著低于大西洋鲑(P<0.05),二者的粗蛋白含量无显著差异(P>0.05);脂肪酸组成上,虹鳟肌肉的n-6多不饱和脂肪酸含量显著低于大西洋鲑(P<0.05),但基于脂肪酸组成获得的饱和度(S/P)、动脉粥样硬化指数(AI)、凝血指数(TI)和降胆固醇/致高血脂比率(HH)等指标无显著性差异(P>0.05);氨基酸组成方面,虹鳟肌肉内的人体必需氨基酸比例显著低于大西洋鲑(P<0.05),鲜味氨基酸含量显著高于大西洋鲑(P<0.05)。结果表明,养殖虹鳟在肉质质构上相比大西洋鲑较“干硬”,且虹鳟肌肉多不饱和脂肪酸和必需氨基酸含量均低于大西洋鲑。  相似文献   

Aim: The aims of this study were immunhistochemical (IHC) and ultrastruktural characterization of cells involved in vaccine granuloma formation in Atlantic salmon. Methods: Fish suffering from severe reaction 6 to 9 months after vaccination were selected. We investigated granuloma from peritoneum, at the injection site. Morphological staining techniques, IHC to visualise MHC+ cells and ultrastructural analysis were performed. Results: Microbial investigations revealed no infective agents. Histological and ultrastructural studies revealed Russel bodies, macrophages, multinucleated giant cells, melanomacrophages (MMP), mast cells (MC) and Splendore–Hoepply material in the lesions. Conclusion: Signet ring cells identified after vaccination have been hitherto described as svollen mast cells. This study shows that these cells fit the Russel body characteristic, consistent with humoral stimulation following vaccination and foreign material precipitate, Splendore‐Hoepply material. MHC+ cells were located circumferal to granuloma centers. MMP were present containing melanosomes in different developmental stages.  相似文献   


Four processed soybean products were evaluated as protein sources for Atlantic salmon: solvent-extracted soybean meal (SBM44), dehulled and solvent-extracted soybean meal (SBM50), dehulled full-fat soybean meal (FFSBM) and soybean concentrate (SBC). The soybean products replaced high-quality fish meal at levels corresponding to 0, 14, 28, 42 and 56% soybean protein of total protein.

Dietary inclusion of SBC, at the expense of fish meal, did not affect weight gain, carcass lipids, fecal excretion of nutrients or fecal dry matter content significantly. The nutritive value of the SBC protein appeared comparable to that of the fish meal. The three other soybean products impaired performance increasingly with increasing levels of inclusion, indicating lower nutritive value than for the fish meal. The favourable results seen with SBC indicated a great potential of soybean to become an important protein source for Atlantic salmon through improved processing.  相似文献   

The direct exposure of fish eggs to ozonated water has generated interest as a means of ensuring pathogen-free eggs without the use of harsh chemicals. However, there are numerous knowledge gaps, including safe contact times, exposure levels, and potential long-term effects on aquaculture species in both freshwater and seawater. The effect of different ozone (O3) doses (0.5–1.0, 1.5–2.0, and 2.5–3.0 mg of O3/L for 90 s) on recently fertilized eggs of Atlantic Cod Gadus morhua and eyed eggs of Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar and Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss was evaluated in comparison with the effects of two commercial disinfectants: Perosan (0.004 mg/L) and Ovadine (100 mg/L). The impact of ozone application was evaluated based on hatching success, larval nucleic acid concentration, larval growth, and survival. Overall, results indicated that ozonation of Atlantic Cod eggs at a dose less than 3.0 mg/L for 90 s produced no negative effect on the larvae up to 30 d posthatch. Furthermore, ozonation of Atlantic Salmon and Rainbow Trout eggs generated no negative effect on the larvae, based on monitoring until 85% yolk sac re-absorption (16 d posthatch).

Received May 6, 2014; accepted October 24, 2014  相似文献   


Spores identified as Myxobolus neurobius were found in head homogenates of both wild young Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus. Formalin-preserved spores from Atlantic salmon measured an average of 12.9 × 9.4 μm and contained two polar capsules that measured 6.4 × 2.9 μm. The spores from the Arctic char appeared morphologically identical by bright-field microscopy to those from the Atlantic salmon except they measured 13.7 × 9.6 μm and had polar capsules that measured 6.9 × 3.4 μm. Myxobolus neurobius has not previously been reported from Atlantic salmon or Arctic char.  相似文献   

本研究分2个试验,研究了高温条件下不同湿度对肉仔鸡耗鸡料量、耗水量及生产性能的影响。试验1用4-5周龄肉鸡216只,温度控制为32℃;试验2用6-7周龄肉仔鸡180只,温度控制为30℃。试验1和2均设30%、60%、90%三个湿度组,每组设6个重复,试验期均为2周。结果表明,在高温条件下90%相对温度组鸡单位体重耗水量同于30%相对湿度组;随着鸡周龄从4-5周龄增至6-7周龄,高温地本重耗料量、单  相似文献   

Serious losses have occurred at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Craig Brook National Fish Hatchery, East Orland, Maine, among eggs that were taken from Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar, which were held as captive broodfish during their returns to the Penobscot River, Naraguagus River, and Machias River to spawn. Bacterial isolations were attempted from external surfaces and the internal contents of individual eggs. Externally and in all cases, Pseudomonas fluorescens was the predominant bacterium associated with the surface of all eggs. These bacteria were resistant to a surface treatment of 1,667 ppm formalin for 15 min and, therefore, the monoclonal nature of P. fluorescens on egg surfaces was considered to result from its ability to resist the germicidal activity of formalin administered for antifungal treatments. Flavobacterium psychrophilum, the cause of bacterial coldwater disease, was isolated from the interior of 23.6, 18.1, and 29.2% of the dead Atlantic Salmon eggs from Penobscot River egg lots A-98, A-100, and A-101, respectively, and concentrations of this pathogen ranged from 1.0 × 103 to >5 × 108 CFU per gram of dead egg. Flavobacterium psychrophilum was also isolated from 8.3, 26.7, and 10.0% of the dead eggs from Naraguagus River egg lots N-158, N-161, and N-163, respectively, in which concentrations of this organism ranged from 1.0 × 103 to 7.5 × 108 CFU per gram of egg. This bacterium was also isolated from within 18.3% and 3.3% of the dead eggs from Machias River egg lots M-128 and M-142, respectively, and its concentrations ranged from 1.0 × 103 to 1.5 × 108 CFU per gram of egg. The finding of F. psychrophilum from within these eggs is indicative of this pathogen's widespread and persistent prevalence in Atlantic Salmon in New England.

Received December 19, 2014; accepted May 4, 2015  相似文献   

魏建辉 《广东饲料》2002,11(1):37-38
1烂鳃病病原及症状1.1细菌性烂鳃病因:细菌性烂鳃一般都是由柱状屈挠杆菌(FlexibacterColumnaris)感染引起。病状:发病初期,鳃上分泌大量的粘液,呼吸困难。因此,可以看见鳗鱼在水车、增氧机、岸边游动、聚集。随着病情的发展,轻压鳃部有大量污物或淡红色血水流出,剪开鳃盖可见鳃瓣充血缺损,有无数菌体聚集形成柱状菌落。有的病鳗肝脏颜色变浅,肠道充血。1.2寄生虫性烂鳃病因:由多种车轮虫、杯体虫、斜管虫、指环虫、两极虫等寄生虫感染引起。病状:寄生虫引起的烂鳃病,鳗鱼活力低,采食量下降,离群独游,鳃丝分泌大量…  相似文献   

试验旨在探究腺病毒感染水牛颗粒细胞和胚胎的最佳条件,以提高转基因水牛胚胎的生产效率。以水牛颗粒细胞和体外发育的胚胎为研究对象,分别用0、1×10~0、1×10-1、1×10-2、1×10-3、1×10-4、1×10-5 GFU/mL腺病毒感染水牛颗粒细胞,获得最佳感染浓度后,在最佳浓度条件下分别感染24、48、72、96 h,摸索最佳感染时间,用倒置荧光显微镜观察试验结果。利用腺病毒感染水牛颗粒细胞的最佳浓度和时间分别感染2细胞和4细胞期胚胎,对胚胎的最佳感染条件进行摸索,分析胚胎分裂率、囊胚率和转染囊胚率。结果显示,1×10-2 GFU/mL浓度和48 h感染时间可获得水牛颗粒细胞的最佳腺病毒感染效率。腺病毒感染2细胞和4细胞期无透明带和非完整透明带胚胎后胚胎发绿光,而感染完整透明带胚胎后不发光,2细胞期胚胎感染后停止发育,4细胞期开始感染的非完整透明带胚胎可继续发育至囊胚。于4细胞期分别感染完整透明带组、非完整透明带组和无透明带组水牛胚胎,结果显示,非完整透明带转染组在囊胚率和囊胚转染效率上均优于其他组。综上,非完整透明带,1×10-2 GFU/mL和48 h为感染浓度和时间,4细胞期为感染起始期的腺病毒介导的水牛转基因胚胎生产方法能够实现目标基因在水牛胚胎中的高效表达,从而达到提高转基因水牛胚胎生产效率的目的。  相似文献   

The effect of age and sex on live performance, processing yields, and footpad quality of broiler chickens was evaluated by rearing 2 commercial strain-crosses (SC) to 56 d of age on 2 diets varying in nutrient density. Each strain cross was placed in 10 replicate pens of 50 birds (25 males and 25 females per pen). Equally distributed among the replicate pens were high- and low-density starter (0 to 21 d) and grower (22 to 42 d) diets with a common finisher fed from 43 to 56 d to all birds. Body weights, adjusted feed conversion, and mortality were determined at 21, 42, and 56 d of age. Processing yields, foot weights, and yields, and the incidence and severity of footpad dermatitis were evaluated on d 35, 42, 49, and 56.No differences (P > 0.05) were seen in mortality between the SC and diet density treatments throughout the course of the study. Strain-cross had a significant effect on body weights at d 21 and feed conversion at d 42, but no differences remained at d 56. Significant SC effects were present for carcass without giblets at d 35, 42, and 56. Diet density effects were limited to carcass without giblets at d 35 and abdominal fat content at d 56. As expected, females had higher abdominal fat yields than males at all ages examined.Foot weight and yields were significantly affected (P < 0.05) by SC and sex at d 42, 49, and 56. As expected, foot weights increased with age. The proportion of birds with footpad dermatitis tended to increase until 49 d of age after which they started to decline. Male broilers had significantly higher incidence of footpad dermatitis than female broilers at d 49 and 56. Footpad dermatitis response to diet density and pigmentation of the feet was dependent on SC.  相似文献   


This study presents the first isolation of Tenacibaculum maritimum from farmed Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar in Chile. The isolate, designated T. maritimum Ch-2402, was isolated from gills of Atlantic Salmon at a farm located in region X, Los Lagos, Chile, during the harmful algal bloom caused by Pseudochattonella spp. in February 2016. The algal bloom is reported to have caused 40,000 metric tons of mortality in this salmon farming area. The bacterium T. maritimum, which causes tenacibaculosis, is recognized as an important pathogen of marine fish worldwide. Genetic, phylogenetic, and phenotypic characterizations were used to describe the T. maritimum Ch-2402 isolate. The isolate was similar to the type strain of T. maritimum but was genetically unique. Tenacibaculum dicentrarchi isolates were also recovered during sampling from the same farm. Based on the fact that T. maritimum has been shown to cause disease in Atlantic Salmon in other regions, the presence of this bacterium poses a potential risk of disease to fish in the Chilean aquaculture industry.

Received November 6, 2016; accepted May 29, 2017 Published online July 26, 2017  相似文献   

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