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Brown spots on rice glumes cause withered seeds and yield loss. The rice seeds with brown spot disease were collected from the field of China Agricultural University experimental station in Beijing. Exserohilum rostratum and Bipolaris zeicola were identified as the pathogens which cause brown spot disease based on morphological and molecular characteristics and their pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Sclerotinia stem rot (SSR), caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) De Bary, is one of the most devastating diseases of tomato. The control of the...  相似文献   

褐飞虱是东南亚、东亚水稻产区的重要害虫。栽培丰产的抗虫水稻品种是防治该虫经济有效的措施之一,由于作物抗虫性是在一定的环境条件下寄主与昆虫相互作用的表现,不同环境条件对作物抗虫性有影响。本文从气候因素、土壤肥力因素、生物因素、人为因素、抗虫品种和褐飞虱及不同因素综合作用等几方面概述了环境因素对水稻品种抗褐飞虱的影响,并提出了有待于今后进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A simulation study was conducted to assess the current and prospective efficiency of rice pest management and develop research priorities for lowland production situations in tropical Asia. Simulation modeling with the RICEPEST model provided the flexibility required to address varying production situations and diverse pest profiles (bacterial leaf blight, sheath blight, brown spot, leaf blast, neck blast, sheath rot, white heads, dead hearts, brown plant-hoppers, insect defoliators, and weeds). Operational definitions for management efficacy (injury reduction) and management efficiency (yield gain) were developed. This approach enabled the modeling of scenarios pertaining to different pest management strategies within the agroecological contexts of rice production and their associated pest injuries. Rice pests could be classified into two broad research priority-setting categories with respect to simulated yield losses and management efficiencies. One group, including weeds, sheath blight, and brown spot, consists of pests for which effective pest management tools need to be developed. The second group consists of leaf blast, neck blast, bacterial leaf blight, and brown plant-hoppers, for which the efficiency of current management methods is to be maintained. Simulated yield losses in future production situations indicated that a new type of rice plant with high-harvest index and high-biomass production ("New Plant Type") was more vulnerable to pests than hybrid rice. Simulations also indicated that the impact of deployment of host resistance (e.g., through genetic engineering) was much larger when targeted against sheath blight than when targeted against stem borers. Simulated yield losses for combinations of production situations and injury profiles that dominate current lowland rice production in tropical Asia ranged from 140 to 230 g m(-2). For these combinations, the simulated efficiency of current pest management methods, expressed in terms of relative yield gains, ranged from 0.38 to 0.74. Overall, the analyses indicated that 120 to 200 x 10(6) tons of grain yield are lost yearly to pests over the 87 x 10(6) ha of lowland rice in tropical Asia. This also amounts to the potential gain that future pest management strategies could achieve, if deployed.  相似文献   


A survey of 150 rice farmers in three municipalities of the Ifugao Rice Terraces, Philippines, carried out in June 1998, aimed to assess the farmers' knowledge, attitudes, and practices of rice crop and pest management. The survey revealed that: 54% of the farmers fall within a narrow age range (31-50 years), the majority having 11-30 years of rice farming experience; they are of average literacy; and they have large households. Non-farm activity such as woodcarving was the most common source of additional income. The majority of farmers planted a single crop of rice per year and followed traditional cultivation practices. Major rice crop production constraints were drought due to the El Nino phenomenon and insufficient irrigation infrastructure. Zinc deficiency was widespread. Major, non-insect pests known to farmers were earthworms, rats, golden apple snails, and house sparrows. These pests damage either the rice plant or the terrace wall. Earthworm damage to the terrace wall is most obvious. Farmers had very little exposure to integrated pest management and new rice technologies.  相似文献   

Genome-wide analyses of gene function and gene expression are beginning to yield valuable information in many areas of biological research, and these genomic tools are now being applied to crop pest and disease research. DNA sequencing of cDNA libraries to generate sets of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) are allowing gene compendiums for crop diseases to be compiled. Annotation of such data collections is also providing a wealth of functional information about gene products through similarities to proteins with known function. The next phase of the functional genomics era will be to employ large-scale techniques to knock out or silence genes in order to synthesize gene-specific mutants for phenotypic analysis and to use micro-array methodology to analyze global gene expression, protein turnover and protein processing during the processes of parasitism and colonization. Application of these technologies promises to accelerate the pace that biological information relevant to crop protection accrues. The ability of researchers to assimilate this information into complex models and workable hypotheses is, thus, set to revolutionize the way we study pests and diseases of crop plants.  相似文献   

There is little information on farmers’ knowledge about cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) brown streak disease (CBSD), despite extensive studies on incidences and severities. The objective of this study was to assess farmers’ knowledge of CBSD diagnosis and management. The study was conducted in three districts of Malawi by administering semi-structured interviews in combination with disease incidence and severity surveys. Farmers’ knowledge of disease diagnosis and management was associated with CBSD incidence and severity. High levels of knowledge about CBSD were observed in areas with high disease incidence. Only 10.1% of the farmers were capable of identifying the foliar symptoms of the disease. On average, 75.0% and 71.7% of the farms had leaf and storage root incidences, respectively. At harvest, 88.3% of the farmers’ fields exhibited storage root necrosis. CBSD leaf and storage root severities differed significantly (P < 0.001) from one district to the other and between varieties. Most farmers were found to lack a source of clean planting material. High needs for extension services on cassava cultivation methods and pest management were identified, but few farmers received such services. The lack of new improved varieties was reported as the most important constraint of cassava production, beyond CBSD. Education of farmers on the efficient management of this viral disease through selection of clean planting material should be provided. Additionally, the development of early root bulking cultivars as a long-term solution in avoiding CBSD impact should be supported.  相似文献   

The spread of rice black-streaked dwarf disease, which has emerged as a major problem on winter wheat and the two summer rice crops (early indica and late japonica ) grown in central and southern Zhejiang province, China, is documented from 1995 to 2007. The late japonica crop suffered the most: up to 64 640 ha were affected with estimated losses of c . 120 000 t grain per year. Peak adult numbers of the small brown planthopper vector, Laodelphax striatellus , coincided with the seedling stages of both rice crops and the proportion of the insect population carrying virus increased during 1998–2005. Seedlings with three to four leaves were the most susceptible, whereas plants inoculated after the end of tillering developed few or no symptoms. Disease levels were strongly correlated with numbers of viruliferous vectors. In sowing-date experiments with both rice crops, the earliest sowings had the most disease and suffered the greatest yield losses. With the last sowing date (25 days after the first), there were almost no losses. There were yield losses of 0·80% for every 1% increase in disease incidence in early indica rice and rather more (0·92%) in the late japonica crop. There were large differences in susceptibility between cultivars, indicating the possibility, within currently available germplasm, of using more resistant cultivars to help contain the disease. Changes in cropping practice and in recent winter weather conditions have probably contributed to the emergence of the virus as a major pathogen in eastern China.  相似文献   

The effects of essential oils (EO), cold water (CWE), hot water (HWE) and ethanol (ETHE) extracts of Callistemon citrinus L. and Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf on the radial growth of Alternaria padwickii (Ganguly) M.B. Ellis and Bipolaris oryzae (Breda de Haan) Shoemaker, the control of brown spot disease, the tillering, the number of panicles and the yield increase in rice were evaluated under laboratory and field conditions. In vitro, the growth of both fungi was completely inhibited by the EO of C. citrinus and C. citratus at 4,520 μg/ml and 452 μg/ml, respectively. For solvent extracts, the ETHE of C. citrinus was the most active and inhibited 80–85 % of the fungal growth followed by the CWE of C. citratus with 77 % and 36 % diameter reduction against B. oryzae and A. padwickii, respectively at 10 000 μg/ml. Under laboratory conditions, seed treatment with the EO of C. citrinus reduced the incidence of B. oryzae in seeds by 85–100 % compared to the non-treated controls. Similarly, the seed treatment increased the germination of an irrigated rice cultivar by 10.6 %, whereas the percentage of germinated seeds of upland rice was not significantly affected. The highest germination (85–94 %) was found in the non-treated and treated samples with a low incidence (0–4 %) of B. oryzae. Under field conditions, the combined use of the essential oil of C. citrinus as a seed treatment and spraying the plants with 2 % ethanol followed by 2 % (w/v) aqueous extracts of C. citrinus or C. citratus increased the emergence, tillering, panicles/plant and the grain yield by 25–55 % of the irrigated rice. In addition, the brown spot severity was reduced by 36–42 %. For the upland rice, the treatments led to similar results with the grain yield increase of 54–137 % and 20–80 % reduction in the brown spot severity. From our results, we concluded that the EO and solvent extracts of C. citrinus and C. citratus have potential as control agents against brown spot and other seed-borne fungal diseases in rice under both conventional and organic farming.  相似文献   

通过常规植物病理学和分子生物学方法对人工栽培鸦胆子褐斑病病原菌进行了分离和鉴定,研究了其病原菌对温度和pH的适应性以及对药剂的敏感性。结果表明,引起鸦胆子褐斑病的病原菌为高粱附球菌(Epicoccum sorghinum)。病原菌温度和pH生长曲线回归方程分别为■。由方程计算病原菌最适生长温度为24.6℃,最适pH为5.3。戊唑醇和苯醚甲环唑可作为鸦胆子褐斑病田间防治的备选药剂,且预防效果好于治疗效果。  相似文献   

Kauri (Agathis australis), which is one of the world's largest and longest-living conifer species, is under threat from a root and collar dieback disease caused by the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora agathidicida. The noted incidence of kauri dieback has increased in the past decade, and even trees >1000 years old are not immune. This disease has profound effects on both forest ecosystems and human society, particularly indigenous Māori, for whom kauri is a taonga or treasure of immense significance. This review brings together existing scientific knowledge about the pathogen and the devastating disease it causes, as well as highlighting important knowledge gaps and potential approaches for disease management. The life cycle of P. agathidicida is similar to those of other soilborne Phytophthora pathogens, with roles for vegetative hyphae, zoospores and oospores in the disease. However, there is comparatively little known about many aspects of the biology of P. agathidicida, such as its host range and disease latency, or about the impact on the disease of abiotic and biotic factors such as soil health and co-occurring Phytophthora species. This review discusses current and emerging tools and strategies for surveillance, diagnostics and management, including a consideration of genomic resources, and the role these play in understanding the pathogen and how it causes this deadly disease. Key aspects of indigenous Māori knowledge, which include rich ecological and historical knowledge of kauri forests and a holistic approach to forest health, are highlighted.  相似文献   

Bipolaris oryzae causes brown spot in rice (Oryza sativa) inflicting substantial grain yield losses worldwide. Knowledge of the population structure, genetic diversity and sexual recombination of the fungal pathogen can help to implement effective disease management strategies. In this study, B. oryzae isolates sampled from Iran, the Philippines and Japan were analysed with 12 simple‐sequence repeat (SSR) markers, newly developed from the genome sequence of the fungus. Among the 288 B. oryzae isolates genotyped, 278 unique haplotypes were identified. High genotype numbers (richness) with even distribution (evenness) were found within the collection sites. Both mating types, MAT1‐1 and MAT1‐2, were present in each collection area, and the sexual state was induced under controlled conditions with production of viable ascospores. However, the tests of linkage disequilibrium rejected of the hypothesis of random mating. Discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) revealed that the B. oryzae collection formed three clusters, each consisting of isolates from different collection sites. Analysis of molecular variance (amova ) showed that genetic variation among clusters was 18.7%, with the rest of the variation distributed within clusters (RST = 0.187, < 0.001). Statistically significant pairwise genetic differentiation was found between the clusters. These results show that Asian B. oryzae isolates are genetically diverse, and, overall, distributed in three groups. These findings will be helpful in managing the disease and guide the use of representative isolates needed for selection of resistant rice varieties.  相似文献   

This study reviews 52 field experiments, mostly from the UK, studying the effects of cultivation techniques, sowing date, crop density and cultivar choice on Alopecurus myosuroides infestations in cereal crops. Where possible, a statistical meta‐analysis has been used to calculate average responses to the various cultural practices and to estimate their variability. In 25 experiments, mouldboard ploughing prior to sowing winter cereals reduced A. myosuroides populations by an average of 69%, compared with non‐inversion tillage. Delaying drilling from September to the end of October decreased weed plant densities by approximately 50%. Sowing wheat in spring achieved an 88% reduction in A. myosuroides plant densities compared with autumn sowing. Increasing winter wheat crop density above 100 plants m?2 had no effect on weed plant numbers, but reduced the number of heads m?2 by 15% for every additional increase in 100 crop plants, up to the highest density tested (350 wheat plants m?2). Choosing more competitive cultivars could decrease A. myosuroides heads m?2 by 22%. With all cultural practices, outcomes were highly variable and effects inconsistent. Farmers are more likely to adopt cultural measures and so reduce their reliance on herbicides, if there were better predictions of likely outcomes at the individual field level.  相似文献   

Civitas Pre-M1xed (简称Civitas)是加拿大石油公司生产的一种食品级合成异链烷烃乳化剂化合物。本研究采用种子萌发和盆栽试验法评估了Civitas的安全性,同时利用菌丝生长速率法测定了烟草赤星病菌 Alternaria alternata 对Civitas的敏感性,并采取盆栽方式评估了Civitas对烟草赤星病的防治效果。结果表明:相较于对照(种子萌发率82.7%),体积分数为1%和0.1% (体积分数,以下同)的Civitas水溶液对烟草种子的萌发无抑制作用,而5%和10% 的Civitas水溶液对种子的萌发有抑制作用,萌发率分别为58.3%和32.1%。20%和10%的Civitas水溶液对团棵期的烟株株高和茎围有一定抑制作用,而5%和1%的Civitas水溶液则无明显影响;尽管不同供试体积分数的Civitas水溶液对现蕾期的烟株株高生长无抑制作用,但20%和10% 的Civitas水溶液对该时期烟株的茎围生长有一定的抑制作用。此外,不同体积分数的Civitas水溶液对烟草赤星病菌均表现出一定程度的抑制活性,且随Civitas体积分数的增大而增强,20%的Civitas水溶液抑制率为54.1%。Civitas对烟草赤星病同时具有保护和治疗作用,5% 的Civitas水溶液直接喷洒烟叶10 d后,保护作用和治疗作用的防效分别为59.3%和19.6%。相关的研究结果可为Civitas的进一步安全性评价及潜在应用研究提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

Bacterial spot disease of stone fruits, caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni, is of high economic importance in the major stone-fruit-producing areas worldwide. A better understanding of disease epidemiology can be valuable in developing disease management strategies. The effects of weather variables (temperature and wet/dry period) on epiphytic growth of X. arboricola pv. pruni on Prunus leaves were analyzed, and the relationship between inoculum density and temperature on disease development was determined and modeled. The information generated in this study, performed under controlled environmental conditions, will be useful to develop a forecasting system for X. arboricola pv. pruni. Optimal temperature for growth of epiphytic populations ranged from 20 to 30 °C under leaf wetness. In contrast, multiplication of epiphytic populations was not only interrupted under low relative humidity (RH) (< 40%) at 25 °C, but also resulted in cell inactivation, with only 0.001% initial cells recovered after 72 h incubation. A significant effect of inoculum density on disease severity was observed and 106 CFU/ml was determined as the minimal infective dose for X. arboricola pv. pruni on Prunus. Infections occurred at temperatures from 15 to 35 °C, but incubation at 25 and 30 °C gave the shortest incubation periods (7.7 and 5.9 days respectively). A model for predicting disease symptom development was generated and successfully evaluated, based on the relationship between disease severity and the accumulated heat expressed in cumulative degree day (CDD). Incubation periods of 150, 175 and 280 CDD were required for 5, 10 and 50% of disease severity, respectively.  相似文献   


The African rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzivora Harris and Gagne (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), is an important pest of rice, Oryza sativa, in Burkina Faso as well as other countries in West and East Africa. In spite of its importance, little is known regarding the relationship between gall midge populations and grain yield losses. To determine yield losses the gall midge was reared in cages and adult midges were placed on caged plants of the rice variety ITA 123 at different population levels. The seven treatments consisted of different numbers of insects infested on the plants; 0 insect pairs (non‐infested check), and 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 midge pairs/cage. The loss in yield in relation to the non‐infested control was highly positively correlated (R2 = 0.81) with the percentage of gall midge damaged tillers. The infestation by the insect on the plants resulted in the compensatory production of tillers which developed in response to the gall midge damage but the compensation was not sufficient to make up for the loss of yield due to the damaged tillers. Yield loss ranged from 0% in the control to 65.3% in the treatment with 25 pairs of adults. One per cent of tillers damaged resulted in 2% grain yield loss.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Wheat was assessed at four crop growth stages for take-all (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici) in a series of field trials that studied the effects of five wheat management practices: sowing date, plant density, nitrogen fertilizer dose and form, and removal/burial of cereal straw. An equation expressing disease level as a function of degree days was fitted to the observed disease levels. This equation was based on take-all epidemiology and depended on two parameters reflecting the importance of the primary and secondary infection cycles, respectively. Early sowing always increased disease frequency via primary infection cycle; its influence on the secondary cycle was variable. Primary infection and earliness of disease onset were increased by high density; however, at mid-season take-all was positively correlated to the root number per plant, which was itself negatively correlated to plant density. At late stages of development, neither plant density nor root number per plant had any influence on disease. A high nitrogen dose increased both take-all on seminal roots and severity of primary infection cycle but decreased take-all on nodal roots and secondary infection cycle. Ammonium (versus ammonium nitrate) fertilizer always decreased disease levels and infection cycles, whereas straw treatment (burial versus removal of straw from the previous cereal crop) had no influence.  相似文献   

为明确山东省主要烟草产区烟草赤星病菌Alternaria alternata对苯醚甲环唑和氟环唑的敏感性,采用菌丝生长速率法检测苯醚甲环唑和氟环唑对86株烟草赤星病菌菌株的EC_(50),用Spearman’s秩相关系数法分析供试菌株对2种杀菌剂敏感性的相关性,并评价其对烟草赤星病的田间防效。结果表明,苯醚甲环唑对烟草赤星病菌菌丝生长EC_(50)值介于5.3883~8.0316 mg/L之间,平均值为6.9594 mg/L,敏感性频率分布呈连续性偏正态分布,田间烟草赤星病菌对苯醚甲环唑仍然较为敏感,可建立田间烟草赤星病菌对苯醚甲环唑的敏感基线。氟环唑对烟草赤星病菌菌丝生长的EC_(50)值介于0.1253~0.2517 mg/L,平均值为0.1773 mg/L,敏感性频率分布呈连续性偏正态分布,可建立田间烟草赤星病菌对氟环唑的敏感基线。相关性分析结果表明,烟草赤星病菌对苯醚甲环唑和氟环唑敏感性之间不存在明显的相关性。田间试验结果表明,30%苯醚甲环唑悬浮剂对烟草赤星病具有较好的防效,其有效成分150 g/hm~2处理的防效最高,为73.99%;12.5%氟环唑悬浮剂对烟草赤星病的最高防效为70.57%。表明2种三唑类杀菌剂对烟草赤星病防效较好。  相似文献   

为研制有效防治烤烟赤星病的高效安全生物农药,以云南省玉溪市烟草上筛选的贝莱斯芽胞杆菌Bacillus velezensis HY19为研究对象,通过对峙试验、发酵液和挥发性物质抑菌试验以及温室烤烟赤星病防治试验,研究该菌株对多种作物病原真菌的拮抗和对烤烟赤星病的防治作用。结果显示,在对峙培养中,菌株HY19能不同程度抑制烤烟黑胫病菌Phytophthora parasitica、松苗立枯病菌Rhizoctonia solani、辣椒疫霉病菌P. capsici、灰霉病菌Botrytis cinerea、小麦根腐病菌Bipolaris sorokiniana、黄瓜蔓枯病菌Mycosphaerella melonis、烤烟赤星病菌Alternaria alternata、柑橘炭疽病菌Colletotrichum gloeosporoides和油菜核盘菌Sclerotinia sclerotiorum的生长,使病菌菌丝分枝增多、膨大、畸形、扭曲,抑菌率为56.75%~100.00%。无菌发酵液显著抑制供试病菌生长和孢子萌发,增加菌丝丙二醛含量,降低蛋白质、超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性。菌株...  相似文献   

晚稻分蘖期通常同时受到褐飞虱、第3代二化螟、第5代稻纵卷叶螟的危害,选择几种广谱性高效农药进行防治,其中以80%锐劲特WG的综合防治效果较好,每667m^2施用3-4g,对褐飞虱、二化螟、稻纵卷叶螟的防治效果分别为84.71%~99.42%、90,57%~95。83%、93.95%~95.2%;48%乐斯本EC的综合防治效果次之,每667m^2施用150ml的防效分别为92.81%~72.25%,85.75%~93.38%;以上2种药剂的防治效果明显高于80%敌敌畏EC120ml加20%三唑磷EC 120ml的防治效果。  相似文献   

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