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This study was conducted in the South East New Territories landfill in Hong Kong, with the objectives to (i) investigate the plant and animal communities' establishment and performance within 10 years after restoration and (ii) provide important information on pioneer plants species selection recommendations for restoring sanitary landfills. The studying sites were re‐vegetated in 2003, with 14 pioneer plant species, including Acacia auriculiformis, A. confusa and Schefflera heptaphylla, planted. In total, four permanent quadrats (10 m × 10 m) were used for monitoring at three restored sites (sites E, N and S) and the control site C. The soil properties and plant and animal communities inside plots were investigated annually in summer and winter between 2003 and 2014. The similarity of plant and animal communities between the restored and control sites was compared using Jaccard's index. Ten years after restoration, animal and plant communities were gradually established at all sites. No animal was introduced into the restored sites in 2003; however, there were 29, 31 and 44 animal species recorded at sites E, N and S, respectively, between 2003 and 2012. Within the studying period, 38 plant species (trees: 52·63%, shrub: 21·05%, herbs: 23·68% and climber: 2·63%) were recorded in all sites and 17 (36·84%) of them were self‐seeding. Exotic species, such as those from the family Acacia and Mimosaceae, were dominant at all restored sites, which implies that exotic species are more competitive and suitable to be used as pioneer species in sanitary landfill restoration. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

荒漠草原典型植物群落枯落物蓄积量及其持水性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对荒漠草原4种典型植物群落(蒙古冰草群落、甘草群落、赖草群落、沙蒿群落)枯落物蓄积量的调查,结合室内持水试验,运用数理统计的方法分别得到4种典型植物群落枯落物的蓄积量、最大持水量、吸水速率等水文特征参数.结果表明:荒漠草原不同植物群落枯落物蓄积量在50.8~396.2 g/m2,其蓄积量由大到小为蒙古冰革群落>甘草群落>赖草群落>沙蒿群落,与植物群落地上生物量变化是一致的;4种植物群落枯落物最大持水量存在一定差异,蒙古冰草群落、甘草群落、赖草群落、沙蒿群落桔落物最大持水量分别相当于0.934,0.737,0.656,0.230 mm的降雨.这4种枯落物最大可吸收其自身重量2.45~3.71倍的降雨;4种植物群落枯落物的持水量与时间呈线性相关,在浸水的前2 h枯落物吸水速率最快,随着时间的延长,趋势逐渐变缓,当枯落物在水中浸泡12 h时,其持水量基本达到最大值;4种植物群落枯落物吸水速率与时间呈指数相关,在浸水的前2 h吸水速率较快,4~12 h后逐步减缓.荒漠草原桔落物蓄积、覆盖所引起的水分蓄存与运移已经成为荒漠草原生态系统最为关键的生态过程之一.  相似文献   

陈影  张利  董加强  赵文廷 《水土保持研究》2014,21(4):154-157,162
废弃矿山边坡生态修复的最终目的是建立稳定的植物群落,这就要求根据不同的生态修复方式、方法和不同植物的生物生态特性和群落演替规律,对修复目标植物群落进行合理的配置设计。在对太行山北段白云岩矿山基质、水文、气候等生态要素充分调查基础上,对矿山边坡植物群落演替规律进行了研究。结果表明:(1)太行山北段白云岩矿山边坡生态退化的成因为矿山开采导致的边坡植被的消退,而目前的修复方式以草本植物修复为主。(2)在对目标植物群落类型进行归纳分类的基础上,总结了生态修复的设计原则,即乔灌草结合的立体生态系统,这样解决了植物在恢复生长时期受基质流失和水分不足的问题,生物多样性将得到较好的恢复。  相似文献   

为深入认识干旱缺水区水通量分配和植被类型变化对群落水分利用特征的影响,在宁夏六盘山叠叠沟小流域,利用热扩散技术、微型蒸渗仪、树干径向变化记录仪及文献资料等方法研究了三种典型植物群落的蒸腾(Tr)、蒸散(ET)和水分利用效率(WUE)及组成的季节变化。结果表明:生长季三种植物群落ET(mm)为:华北落叶松林(429.7) > 沙棘林(379.3) > 草地(206.9),分别大于、约等于、小于同期的降雨量,均呈现低—高—低的月变化趋势。冠层蒸腾是蒸散的主要分量,生长季Tr/ET为:华北落叶松(48%) > 沙棘(39%);华北落叶松林Tr/ET随季节持续降低,沙棘林Tr/ET随季节先升高后降低,最大为50.4%。生长季WUE(g/kg)为:草地(3.1) > 华北落叶松林(2.7) > 沙棘林(2.35)。其中,华北落叶松林WUE变化与其Tr/ET月变化相同,从WUE在林分各层的分布来看,乔木层WUE为4.04 g/kg,草本层为1.36 g/kg;沙棘林WUE表现为生长季前、中期较高而后期较低的变化趋势,其中灌木层WUE为2.32 g/kg,草本层WUE为2.37 g/kg;草地WUE在生长季前、中期均保持在3.2~4.8 g/kg。研究表明:无论是在水分充足季节(生长季中期),还是水分有限季节(生长季初期和末期),植被不可能完全利用所有的降水,但水分利用特征存在种间差异。  相似文献   

The importance of ammonia (NH3) in the atmosphere andits role in acidification is increasingly recognized. Adetailed emission inventory of NH3 for South Korea iscarried out for different sources using emission factors.Results indicate that the emission of ammonia has increasedby 21% over the last 11 yr from 143 000 t yr-1 in1988 to 181 000 t yr-1 in 1998. The major contributorsto the NH3 emission in South Korea are livestock andfertilizer application that account for 70 and 26% oftotal NH3 emission, respectively. The 11 × 14 km (0.125° long. × 0.125° lat.) grid distribution of emission of ammonia shows an maximum in the Yochon area due to the largest fertilizer factory and relatively wide regions of high NH3 emission in thenorthwestern part of South Korea due to a great number of livestock. It is found that the nitrogen ratio of wet deposition of NH4 + to emission of NH3 in SouthKorea is averaged to be 0.45.  相似文献   

通过对若尔盖湿地国家自然保护区国道213郎川段的回覆草皮进行植物群落人工恢复的野外定位试验和调查,对人工切割不同规格草皮植物群落及其α多样性指数进行了初步研究.结果表明,切割草皮试验样地物种丰富度S、Simpson和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和均匀度指数均低于背景值;优势度指数高于背景值,优势种和建群种以禾本科、莎草科等为主,切割草皮上优势种的基本指标均高于背景样方;切割面积为30 cm×30 cm时厚度的增加会导致物种多样性和均匀度的增加,面积为50 cm×50 cm、厚度为20 cm样地会保持较为稳定的多样性指标,且有利于保持较高的地下生物量密度和地上生物量.草皮切割面积Sq与物种丰富度S和Ma之间呈极显著正相关,与Berger-Parker优势度指数呈极显著负相关.  相似文献   

The maximum critical load of sulfur and its exceedance by the sulfur deposition of 1994–1997 were mapped for South Korea with a spatial resolution of 11 × 14 km using the steady-state mass balance method. The Korean soil and geological maps were used as basis for the estimations of the critical alkalinity leaching and the weathering rate of base cations. The normalized difference vegetation index data obtained from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) together with the observed primary productivity of plants were used for the estimation of the critical uptake of base cations. Wet deposition of the non-sea-salt base cations was derived from measured base cation concentrations in precipitation, precipitation rate and air concentration of total suspended particulate while dry deposition of base cations was estimated using the inferential technique using scavenging ratios. The predominant ranges of base cation weathering, uptake and deposition were estimated to be of 200 – 600 eq ha?1 yr?1, 200 – 400 eq ha?1 yr?1 and 400 – 600 eq ha?1 yr?1, respectively. Critical alkalinity leaching was mainly in the range of 1000 – 2000 eq ha?1 yr?1 due to relatively high value of precipitation runoff. Exceedance of sulfur critical load was found at 40 % of the ecosystems considered mainly in the southeastern part of Korea, and about 60 % of Korea ecosystems were sustainable against sulfur acidity loadings.  相似文献   

对植被恢复效果进行评价是植被恢复工程综合管理的重要内容,结合熵权法与多级模糊综合评价法,针对西南山区天然气长输管道填埋区的植被恢复,从土壤和植被角度出发,建立了管道填埋区植被恢复效果的综合评价模型,并在国家管网集团重庆天然气管道有限责任公司南川—涪陵天然气长输管道填埋区进行了实践应用,评估结果与实际情况较为相符,可为西南山区天然气长输管道工程填埋区的植被恢复工程管理提供必要支持。  相似文献   

Due to the severe degradation of wetland ecosystems in China, great efforts, such as the reconstruction of forested wetlands, have been devoted to restore the damaged and degraded wetlands to support species diversity and ecosystem services. However, less attention has been given to the diversity and ecological significance of prokaryotes of the domain Archaea compared with prokaryotes of the domain Bacteria during the reconstruction of forested wetlands. Here, the effects of introduced woody plants (Taxodium distichum and Alnus trabeculosa ) on the archaeal community in a freshwater wetland in the Yangtze estuary were investigated. The results showed that Thaumarchaeota obviously predominated at three studied sites in the freshwater wetland, the relative abundance of which decreased with increasing depth, ranging from 93.9% (0–10 cm) to 1.9% (30–40 cm) in mudflats, from 100% (0–10 cm) to 64.8% (30–40 cm) in T. distichum sediment and from 100% (0–10 cm) to 66.7% (40–50 cm) in A. trabeculosa sediment. The abundances of the archaeal amoA gene in woody plant sediments, ranging from 3.27 × 107 to 2.45 × 108 copies g−1 dry soil, were significantly higher than those in bare mudflat, ranging from 9.23 × 106 to 1.35 × 107 copies g−1 dry soil. The archaeal community, which was significantly affected by pH, microbial carbon and SO42− contents according to a canonical correspondence analysis, was significantly altered by plants and soil depth (p < 0.05). These results indicated that the introduction of woody plants stimulates the proliferation of Thaumarchaeota, especially ammonia‐oxidizing archaea, which could be important contributors to the N cycle in forested wetland ecosystems. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Odors, such as the malodorous and toxic hydrogen sulfide (H2S), are released during leachate collection, storage, and treatment. A full-scale biofilter was applied to treat H2S emitted from a leachate equalization basin in a sanitary landfill site. The inlet concentration of H2S was 26.3?C213.0?mg?m?3. In steady state, total removal efficiency was over 90?% in summer and over 80?% in winter. The maximum elimination capacity achieved 9.1?g?m?3?h?1 at a loading rate of 10.5?g?m?3?h?1. The biofilter was effective at reducing H2S. Factors on the level of H2S inlet concentration and performance of the biofilter were investigated. The H2S inlet load and removal efficiency relied on ambient and biofilter temperature, respectively. The water containing rate and relative humidity presented seasonal variation, according to which the interval period of irrigation could be optimized. The main product of H2S degradation was sulfate, and sulfur also could be observed from the biofilter. Spatial and temporal shifts in bacterial community composition in the biofilter were determined by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis followed by DNA sequence analysis. The present study revealed a correlation between biofilter performance and bacterial community structure, especially in a real application case.  相似文献   

Destruction and fragmentation of (semi-) natural habitats are considered the main causes of biodiversity loss worldwide. Plant species may exhibit a slow response to fragmentation, resulting in the development of an extinction debt in fragmented plant communities. The detection of extinction debt is of primary importance in habitat conservation strategies. We applied two different approaches proposed in the literature to identify extinction debt in South-East Belgium calcareous grasslands. The first method compared species richness between stable and fragmented habitat patches. The second explored correlations between current species richness and current and past landscape configurations using multiple regression analyses. We subsequently examined results generated by both methods. In addition, we proposed techniques to identify species that are more likely to support extinction debt and associated functional traits. We estimated a respective extinction debt of approximately 28% and 35% of the total and specialist species richness. Similar results were obtained from both methods. We identified 15 threatened specialist species under the current landscape configuration. It is likely the landscape configuration no longer supports the species habitat requirements. We demonstrated that non-clonal species are most threatened, as well as taxa that cannot persist in degraded habitats and form only sparsely distributed populations. We discussed our results in light of other studies in similar habitats, and the overall implications for habitat conservation.  相似文献   

This study dealt with a restoration project conducted at South‐East New Territories Landfill in Hong Kong, in order to screen suitable tree and shrub species (both native and pioneer species) for revegetation. For engineered landfills, landfill gas migration and leachate contamination to the topsoil are rarely problematic, but the lack of nutrients and moisture and poor physical soil conditions may jeopardize potential woodland establishment. The growth performance of 25 woody plant species subjected to 12 different soil amelioration and seedlings planting methods was compared. The results showed that the general performance (mortality rate, apical height, crown diameter and basal diameter) of pioneer species (notably Acacia species) was much better than that of native species in all blocks of woodland mix and scrub mix. The notch planting method was effective in helping seedling roots to have better contact with soil for water uptake, which subsequently increased the survival rates of seedlings, leading to a better tree coverage. Soil ameliorations (horticultural soil with fertilizer and horse and pig manure) generally increased the seedling survival rate and improved plant growth. Tree coverage on all the plant trial blocks was mainly established by the three Acacia species. A planting distance of 1 m was recommended for woodland establishment, and such dense seedlings planting would achieve a better tree coverage under a shorter period of time (than the distance of 3 m). Difficulties in woodland establishment were discussed, and the strategies for achieving a better tree growth were recommended. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study characterizes the effects of water–soil flooding volume ratio and flooding time on copper (Cu) desorption and toxicity following multiple floodings of field-collected soils from agricultural sites acquired under the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) in south Florida. Soils from four field sites were flooded with three water–soil ratios (2, 4, and 6 [water] to 1 [soil]) and held for 14 days to characterize the effects of volume ratio and flooding duration on Cu desorption (volume ratio and flooding duration study). Desorption of Cu was also characterized by flooding soils four times from seven field sites with a volume ratio of 2 (water) to 1 (soil) (multiple flooding study). Acute toxicity tests were also conducted using overlying waters from the first flooding event to characterize the effects of Cu on the survival of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas), cladocerans (Daphnia magna), amphipods (Hyalella azteca), midges (Chironomus tentans), duckweed (Lemna minor), and Florida apple snails (Pomacea paludosa). Acute tests were also conducted with D. magna exposed to overlying water from the second and third flooding events. Results indicate that dissolved Cu concentrations in overlying water increased with flooding duration and decreased with volume ratio. In the multiple flooding study, initial Cu concentrations in soils ranged from 5 to 223 mg/kg (dw) and were similar to Cu concentration after four flooding events, indicating retention of Cu in soils. Copper desorption was dependent on soil Cu content and soil characteristics. Total Cu concentration in overlying water (Cuw) was a function of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), alkalinity, and soil Cu concentration (Cus): log(Cuw)?=?1.2909?+?0.0279 (DOC)?+?0.0026 (Cus)???0.0038 (alkalinity). The model was validated and highly predictive. Most of the desorbed Cu in the water column complexed with organic matter in the soils and accounted for 99% of the total dissolved Cu. Although total dissolved Cu concentrations in overlying water did not significantly decrease with number of flooding events, concentrations of free Cu2+ increased with the number of flooding events, due to a decrease in DOC concentrations. The fraction of bioavailable Cu species (Cu2+, CuOH+, CuCO3) was also less than 1% of the total Cu. Overlying water from the first flooding event was only acutely toxic to the Florida apple snail from one site. However, overlying water from the third flooding of six out of seven soils was acutely toxic to D. magna. The decrease in DOC concentrations and increase in bioavailable Cu2+ species may explain the changes in acute toxicity to D. magna. Results of this study reveal potential for high Cu bioavailability (Cu2+) and toxicity to aquatic biota overtime in inundated agricultural lands acquired under the CERP.  相似文献   


The properties of secondary salt-affected soils developed from improper irrigation and drainage management and their effects on rice growth and yield are well documented. However, relevant information on coastal reclaimed tideland (RTL) soils, which are classified as primary salt-affected soils developed through salt-accumulated sediments is lacking. In this paper, we reviewed the physical and chemical properties of RTL soils in comparison with non-RTL soils and analyzed the relationship between rice production and soil salinity in RTL to suggest agricultural management practices for sustainable rice production and soil carbon sequestration in RTL. Similar to the secondary salt-affected soils, RTL soils were characterized by high alkalinity, salinity, and sodicity, and rice yield was negatively correlated with salinity. However, it was also found that lower fertility (e.g., organic matter and phosphorus) of RTL soils than non-RTL soils might also hamper rice growth and thus carbon input via plant residues in RTL soils. Correlation between years after reclamation and soil properties of RTL showed that cultivation of rice with annual fertilization and organic matter inputs increased soil fertility but salinity and sodicity did not show a significant tendency of change, suggesting that natural desalinization in RTL soils is hard to be achieved with conventional rice cultivation. Therefore, it is suggested that fertilization management as well as salinity management via drainage, gypsum application, tillage, and proper irrigation may be necessary to improve rice production and carbon sequestration in RTL soils.  相似文献   

南方水土流失区水资源生态库恢复重建研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据在我国南方第四纪红黏土侵蚀区进行定点实验资料,论述了水资源生态库的构成,水土流失区水资源恢复实施方案,实施过程,实施效果及植被恢复对水资源生态库所起的作用等.  相似文献   

汶川大地震不仅造成大量人员伤亡,并且严重破坏社会财产和生态环境。通过对彭州市龙门山区域选取地震崩塌地(地震创面裸地)、泥石流裸地(大型泥石流冲积扇)、滑坡体(整体滑坡)、居住地(灾后居民安置点)4类具有代表性区域进行样地调查和采样,分析了不同地震灾毁情况下植物群落恢复状况。结果表明:各类样地多样性指数大小为泥石流冲积扇>滑坡体>地震崩塌地>居民安置点;居民安置点与其他3类恢复地的多样性指数有明显差异,相似度也较低。说明这类群落恢复到原生群落可能需要较长的时间;土壤有机碳含量变化趋势为泥石流冲积扇>滑坡体>地震崩塌迹地,微生物量碳和易氧化态碳含量为滑坡体>泥石流裸地>地震崩塌地,而可溶性有机碳含量为地震崩塌地>泥石流裸地>滑坡体,表明在不同迹地上土壤有机碳不同组分的恢复进程存在差异。  相似文献   

分析了引起赣南地区水土流失的自然和人文方面的原因:四周高、中间低地貌因素;暴雨频繁气象因素;抗冲性弱、崩解能力强的山地红壤土质因素;开山采矿、城市化过程等人为因素。提出了实施“退耕还林还草”、突出小流域综合治理的核心地位、发展特色“生态经济”以及加强“3S”技术在赣州地区水土保持方面的运用等措施。  相似文献   

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