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Air pollution represents a significant fraction of the total mortality estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO) global burden of disease projec?t (GBD). The present paper discusses the characteristics of trace gases (O3, NO, NO2, and CO) and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) in two Asian megacities, Delhi (India) and Beijing (China). A continuous measurement of trace gases and particulate matter are considered from 12 measuring sites in Beijing and 8 sites in Delhi. Over Beijing, the annual average of PM2.5, PM10, O3, NO2, and CO is, respectively, 85.3, 112.8, 58.7, and 53.4 μg/m3 and 1.4 mg/m3, and, respectively, over Delhi 146.5, 264.3, 24.7,and 19.8 μg/m3 and 1.73 mg/m3. From the spatial variations of pollutants, the concentrations of particulate matter and trace gases are observed to be much higher in the urban areas compared to the suburban areas. The higher average concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 over Delhi and Beijing are observed during winter season compared with other seasons. The maximum diurnal variation of PM10 concentration is observed during winter season over Beijing and Delhi. The comparison of trace gases shows that the O3 concentrations during daytime are obviously higher compared with nighttime, and the highest diurnal variation of O3 is observed during summer. The concentrations of CO are highest during winter season, and higher concentrations are observed during nighttime compared to daytime. The O3 and CO show negative correlation over Beijing and Delhi. The negative correlation between O3 and NO2 is merely observed over Beijing, while CO and NO2 concentrations, in contrast, show positive correlation over Beijing.  相似文献   

选择潮虫亚目三种常见种:普通卷甲虫Armadillidium vulgare(Latreille,1804),多霜腊鼠妇Porcellionides pruinosus(Brandt,1833)和中华蒙潮虫Mongoloniscus sinensis(Dollfus,1901)为研究对象,以农田自然土壤为实验土壤,人工添加重金属镉(Cd)进行毒理研究。结果表明:(1)急性毒性试验采取滤纸接触法和自然土壤法开展Cd对三种潮虫的急性毒性试验,三者的半致死浓度(LC50)大小关系为:A.vulgareP.pruinosusM.sinensis,说明不同潮虫对Cd的忍耐限度和敏感程度不同。(2)三种潮虫对Cd的富集强弱关系为:M.sinensisP.pruinosusA.vulgare。说明陆生等足类能存活于一定浓度的污染土壤中,但不同潮虫对Cd的富集能力不同。(3)三种潮虫对土壤中Cd均表现出明显的回避行为反应,回避能力大小关系为:A.vulgareP.pruinosusM.sinensis。与急性毒性试验的测试终点LC50相比,潮虫行为测试终点对土壤中重金属镉的反应更为敏感。根据实验结果,中华蒙潮虫体内Cd的富集量随着Cd浓度的增加呈上升趋势,所以其富集能力和耐受性强于普通卷甲虫和多霜腊鼠妇,在将来有望成为土壤重金属污染生物修复的首选动物类群。  相似文献   

The Kids and Communities Count Farm Safety Lesson is a follow-up to our Kids Count Lesson that used the North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks (NAGCAT) and was previously delivered to nearly 2,000 fifth-grade students in Hillsborough County, Florida. This year, the lesson was administered in two migrant schools and included a parent survey and a presentation of the lesson in a community setting. The lesson covers animal, machinery, water, and general safety topics applicable to farming in Florida. A staggered pretest-posttest study design was followed whereby school 1 (N = 66) received a multiple-choice pretest and posttest and school 2 (N = 91) received the posttest only, for a total sample size of 157 participants. Results of the study showed a significant increase in the mean number of correct answers on the posttest compared to the pretest, such that the mean score improved from 5.0 on the pretest to 6.6 on the posttest (paired t-test, p = 0.000). The results of the parent survey and the administration of the lesson in the community showed that over 50% of the 106 parent participants reported that their children were practicing safe farm behaviors since the lesson; however, there was a particular need to address pesticide safety in the community. This study shows the efficacy of the Kids Count lesson in improving farm safety knowledge among migrant school children, and the applicability and acceptance of the lesson by parents and community members.  相似文献   

The introduction of the American eastern grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) in Europe is causing a dramatic decline of the native European red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), due to competition. We used spatially explicit population dynamics models to illustrate the potential expansion of the grey squirrel from Italy, the only continental country with the species, into neighbouring countries. Simulations started with the known grey squirrel distributions in 1996 and modelled the spread for the next 100 years in two different scenarios. One “best case” in which a random seed crop pattern of poor, good and mast seed crops was simulated with concomitant effects on squirrel fecundity and mortality and one “worst case” scenario in which poor years were not included. In the best case scenario, it will take 30-40 years for grey squirrels to start invading the Alps and about 70-75 years to cross the border between Italy and France. First populations in Switzerland are predicted in 2051-2066. In the worst case scenario, the spread will be significantly faster: the species is predicted to reach France in 2026-2031 and Switzerland in 2031-2041. Removing two of the three populations of grey squirrel will likely postpone the invasion of Switzerland but not of France. Large areas of Europe contain potentially good habitat for grey squirrels, and expansion from Italy, to France, Switzerland and belong to most of Eurasia is simply a matter of time. This will represent a serious risk for the conservation of the native red squirrel and will have implications for national forest operations. However, a European policy towards introduced species is still lacking. There is therefore a need for a co-ordinated European approach to the management of the grey squirrel and other introduced species.  相似文献   


Several methods were tested for estimating population size of two phytophagous mites on the apple cultivars Aroma, Summerred and Gravenstein. The washing technique was rated as most efficient for estimating the Panonychus ulmi population. Counting one quarter of the total number of mites in the sample gave a sufficiently precise estimate of the P. ulmi population. The mites are easily washed off and are well preserved for further study. The brushing technique was more efficient than direct counting of Aculus schlechtendali, and is the better way to handle an extensive sampling programme.  相似文献   

This study investigated the possibility of a facilitative relationship between Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) and exotic earthworms, in the southeastern region of the USA. Earthworms and selected soil properties were sampled five years after experimental removal of privet from flood plain forests of the Georgia Piedmont region. The earthworm communities and soil properties were compared between sites with privet, privet removal sites, and reference sites where privet had never established. Results showed that introduced European earthworms (Aporrectodea caliginosa, Lumbricus rubellus, and Octolasion tyrtaeum) were more prevalent under privet cover, and privet removal reduced their relative abundance (from >90% to ∼70%) in the community. Conversely, the relative abundance of native species (Diplocardia michaelsenii) increased fourfold with privet removal and was highest in reference sites. Soils under privet were characterized by significantly higher pH relative to reference plots and privet removal facilitated a significant reduction in pH. These results suggest that privet-mediated effects on soil pH may confer a competitive advantage to European lumbricid earthworms. Furthermore, removal of the invasive shrub appears to reverse the changes in soil pH, and may allow for recovery of native earthworm fauna.  相似文献   

In South America, a high percentage of urban waste streams are not well managed, implying associated health and environmental risks. In Ecuador, around 2.7 million tons of municipal solid wastes (MSW) are generated annually, with 80 percent located in urban areas. Correct management and hygienic and ecological issues from these increased quantities of waste is the responsibility of municipalities that must provide sewerage, wastewater treatment, and solid waste management, according to the Constitution of the Republic (Art 264). With only seven licensed landfill areas out of thirty-one in total (66 percent mechanized and 34 percent manually sorted), a sustainable waste management model must be developed to reduce environmental hazards and also to obtain new bioproducts such as compost or fertilizers. Agricultural utilization of MSW compost is the most cost-effective management option compared to traditional means such as landfilling or incineration, and this option also enables the recycling of potential plant nutrients. In this work, the problem we addressed was to obtain analytical information about representative MSW samples from different origins and locations within the Chimborazo region in order to establish its potential for composting. In the studied MSW samples (which included sludge from aerobic wastewater treatment plants), high nutrient contents and low concentrations of heavy metals were observed, showing great potential to develop high-quality compost. In addition, improvement of separate collections of food market and/or municipal gardening wastes can provide specific clean waste streams of degradable materials to be managed separately from not separately collected MSW.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparative study of the performance of ferrate(VI), FeO 4 2? , and ferric, Fe(III), towards wastewater treatment. The ferrate(VI) was produced by electrochemical synthesis, using steel electrodes in a 16 M NaOH solution. Domestic wastewater collected from Hailsham North Wastewater Treatment Works was treated with ferrate(VI) and ferric sulphate (Fe(III)). Samples were analysed for suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and P removal. Results for low doses of Fe(VI) were validated via a reproducibility study. Removal of phosphorous reached 40% with a Fe(VI) dose as low as 0.01 mg/L compared to 25% removal with 10 mg/L of Fe(III). For lower doses (<1 mg/L as Fe), Fe(VI) can achieve between 60% and 80% removals of SS and COD, but Fe(III) performed even not as well as the control sample where no iron chemical was dosed. The ferrate solution was found to be stable for a maximum of 50 min, beyond which Fe(VI) is reduced to less oxidant species. This provided the maximum allowed storage time of the electrochemically produced ferrate(VI) solution. Results demonstrated that low addition of ferrate(VI) leads to good removal of P, BOD, COD and suspended solids from wastewater compared to ferric addition and further studies could bring an optimisation of the dosage and treatment.  相似文献   


Ramie is a fibre crop originating from China that has great ability to tolerate and accumulate heavy metals. This study has analysed the capacity of ramie cultivars to absorb and accumulate cadmium (Cd) through two years of micro-regional field study and shown that stress under high concentration of Cd significantly affects the biomass of ramie; 25 mg kg?1 Cd treatment promotes the growth and development of ramie cultivars B. nivea 1 and 9. The Cd contents retained in different parts of ramie are ranked as the following: bast > stems > leaves. Cd concentrations in shoot systems among different ramie cultivars are significantly different and increase dramatically in association with the increasing Cd concentration in the soil. Ramie has the ability to accumulate large amounts of Cd; under the treatment with 25 and 100 mg kg?1 of Cd, three times of ramie harvest annually remove 0.76 and 0.97 kg hm?2 a?1 of Cd respectively. The results from this study demonstrate the feasibility of phytoremediation of Cd-contaminated farmland by ramie cultivars that have obtained Cd accumulating capacity through screening and training.  相似文献   

Facultative paedomorphosis, a process in which newt larvae can opt for reproduction before or after metamorphosis, is geographically heterogeneous. Despite numerous ecological studies and recent evidence of declines in paedomorphic populations, however, no attempt to model environmental variables that explain the presence of paedomorphs has been made at a multi-scale level. Our aim was to fill this gap in studying three newt species (Lissotriton vulgaris, Mesotriton alpestris, and Triturus macedonicus) of the Montenegrin karst as model species. To this end, we used multivariate analysis on three scales of habitat: the breeding pond, the land use and the climatologic features. Results show that the study area is both an important hotspot for paedomorphosis and where intraspecific diversity is quickly disappearing (20-47% extirpation) because of fish introductions. Other habitat variables (water permanency, pH or the habitat origin) were shown to act on paedomorphosis but not consistently across species, confirming complexity of the evolutionary and ecological processes. This study appeals for more long-term and detailed landscape studies of polyphenisms, a neglected but promising topic, to better understand and protect alternative modes of development. Particularly, measures should be taken to identify hotspots of intraspecific diversity at a global scale and stop fish introductions before we reach a point of no-return.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of biological analyses (pigments, diatoms, chrysophyte cysts, cladocerans, chironomids and ostracods) of a ca. 14 m-long sediment core recovered from Lake Albano (Central Italy) in the course of the EU-funded project PALICLAS (PALaeoenvironmental analysis of Italian Crater Lake and Adriatic Sediments). A reconstruction of the environmental evolution and ecosystem response of Lake Albano during the last ca. 30 kyr was possible. Additional information on lake level oscillation is obtained from benthic and planktonic palaeocommunities. Several oscillations in the productivity and the level of the lake were detected in the oldest sediment layers (from ca. 30 kyr BP to ca. 17 kyr BP), followed by a long (ca. 5 kyr BP) period of low productivity in which cold, holomictic conditions prevailed. A period of high biological activity and, probably, meromictic conditions during the early-mid Holocene was detected. A clear impact of human activities in the catchment was found at ca. 4 kyr BP in the form of increased erosion, associated with a decline in the abundance of biological remains. Further signs of human impact on the lake ecosystem are recorded during the Roman period. Although large-scale environmental changes (e.g. regional climate changes) caused many of the observed biological changes, human activities were important during the mid-late Holocene.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was the evaluation of the effects of exogenous added surfactants on hydrocarbon biodegradation and on cell surface properties. Crude oil hydrocarbons are often difficult to remove from the environment because of their insolubility in water. The addition of surfactants enhances the removal of hydrocarbons by raising the solubility of these compounds. These surfactants cause them to become more vulnerable to degradation, thereby facilitating transportation across the cell membrane. The obtained results showed that the microorganism consortia of bacteria are useful biological agents within environmental bioremediation. The most effective amongst all, as regards biodegradation, were the consortia of Pseudomonas spp. and Bacillus spp. strains. The results indicated that the natural surfactants (rhamnolipides and saponins) are more effective surfactants in hydrocarbon biodegradation as compared to Triton X-100. The addition of natural surfactants enhanced the removal of hydrocarbon and diesel oil from the environment. Very promising was the use of saponins as a surfactant in hydrocarbon biodegradation. This surfactant significantly increases the organic compound biodegradation. In the case of those surfactants that could be easily adsorbed on cells of strains (e.g., rhamnolipides), a change of hydrophobicity to ca. 30-40% was noted. As the final result, an increase in hydrocarbon biodegradation was observed.  相似文献   

NO2 enters spruce needles by gas exchange through the slomata. Nitrate formed from NO2 is reduced in the cytosol by nitrate reductase (NR), the rate limiting enzyme of the nitrogen assimilatory pathway. A linear relationship was found between the nitrate reductase activity (NRA), NO2 concentration and the amount of N incorporated into amino acids and proteins, so that NRA was suggested as an estimate of NO2-uptake. In the present field study, 50 spruce trees (Picea abies) have been selected, which grow in a natural habitat in a NO2 concentration gradient in a forest crossed by a highway which is a major NO source. At part of the sites, the microclimatic conditions have been recorded, so that common models of local gas exchange of the needles could be used to estimate stomatal uptake of NO2. NRA was investigated as a function of radiation and stomatal uptake on the day before needle sampling. Close to the highway NRA was permanently elevated with a maximum in summer. As with the laboratory results, a linear relationship between stomatal uptake and NRA was found. Total N — content of current year shoots was not affected by the additional N-source provided by airborne NO2. The present study shows that the gas exchange models are consistent with the physiological reactions of spruce needles on a local level and therefore contribute to the validation of calculations of NO2 dry deposition to spruce forests.  相似文献   

The ultimate goal of soil remediation is to restore soil health. Soil microbial parameters are considered to be effective indicators of soil health. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of phytoextraction on microbial properties through the measurement of soil microbial biomass carbon, soil basal respiration and enzyme activities. For this purpose, a pre-stratified rhizobox experiment was conducted with the Cd hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii H. for phytoextraction Cd from an artificial contaminated soil (15.81 mg kg−1) under greenhouse conditions. The plant and soil samples were collected after growing the plant for three and six months with three replications. The results indicated that the ecotype of S. alfredii H. originating from an ancient silver mining site was a Cd-hyperaccumulator as it showed high tolerance to Cd stress, the shoot Cd concentration were as high as 922.6 mg kg−1 and 581.9 mg kg−1 at the two samplings, and it also showed high BF (58.4 and 36.8 after 3 and 6 months growth), and TF (5.8 and 5.1 after 3 and 6 months growth). The amounts of Cd accumulated in the shoots of S. alfredii reached to an average of 1206 μg plant−1 after 6 months growth. Basal respiration, invertase and acid phosphatase activities of the rhizosphere soil separated by the shaking method were significantly higher (P < 0.01) than that of the near-rhizosphere soil and the unplanted soil after 3 months growth, so were microbial biomass carbon, urease, invertase and acid phosphatase activities of the rhizosphere soil after 6 months growth. Acid phosphatase activity of the 0–2 mm sub-layer rhizosphere soil collected by the pre-stratified method after 3 months growth was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that of other sub-layer rhizosphere soils and bulk soil, and so were microbial biomass carbon, basal respiration, urease, invertase and acid phosphatase activities of the 0–2 mm sub-layer rhizosphere soil after 6 months growth. It was concluded that phytoextraction by S. alfredii could improve soil microbial properties, especially in rhizosphere, and this plant poses a great potential for the remediation of Cd contaminated soil.  相似文献   

Fly ash generated from medical waste incinerator and wastewater produced from electroplating plants contains various hazardous contaminants such as heavy metals and chlorinated organic compounds. The primary goal of this research was to investigate the feasibility of removing heavy metals from wastewater using medical waste incinerator fly ash as the treatment reagent with addition of small amount of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) in a hydrothermal process. Copper (Cu) was used as the model heavy metal contaminant in the process. The results revealed that medical waste incinerator fly ash could effectively stabilize Cu(II) ion from wastewater, the crystal phase and simple substance formed during the treatment played a significant role in the fixation of heavy metals in wastewater and fly ash. The heavy metal leachability of treated ash was also measured after removal process. The co-disposal of Cu-containing wastewater and heavy metals-bearing medical waste incinerator fly ash by hydrothermal treatment with addition of a small amount of Na2SO3 was found promising as an effective way of removing Cu from wastewater. The reutilization feasibility of fly ash and the formation mechanism of copper-containing substances were also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   


In order to compare plants’ response to phosphorus (P) application through roots and leaves, oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. cv. Hayola) plants were cultivated until vegetative or reproductive stages and were pretreated with an adequate (+P) or low (?P) supply of P. Thereafter, these plants were treated with 0.3 mM P as sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaH2PO4) either through roots (root application, RA) or leaves (leaf application, LA). Shoot biomass was observed to be suppressed under ?P conditions at both stages, whereas root growth was comparatively improved in ?P plants at the vegetative stage but not at the reproductive stage. Both RA and LA were able to compensate for the growth of vegetative shoot and roots at both stages; however, LA reduced P and dry matter partitioning into the fruits. At the vegetative stage, recovery of applied P was similar between RA and LA treatments, and was extensive in ?P plants compared with the +P ones. At the reproductive stage, in contrast, significantly lower recovery of P was observed likely due to the lower capacity of leaves for P absorption and/or their lower re-translocation ability through the phloem. Data of P utilization efficiency showed that ?P plants, at both vegetative and reproductive stages, efficiently use leaf-applied P for biomass production when compared with the +P plants. Activity of acid phosphatase was sharply inhibited by RA in ?P plants, whereas it was preferably increased by LA in both +P and ?P plants. Results indicated that under P-deficiency conditions, plants had higher ability to utilize foliar-applied P, and in contrast to RA, LA may enable plants for a continuous higher capacity of P uptake from P-deficient soil; however, RA was superior to LA in terms of fruit growth.  相似文献   

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