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Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) in 15 small farms and an economic opportunity survey (EOS) in 13 were carried out in the Cordillera basin of Paraguay to identify production constraints and the best ways to achieve economic gain. PRA showed farmers’ perception was that nutrition was the main constraint. The EOS showed that over 70% of the milk produced was sold in the neighbourhood. The average number of adult cows (lactating and dry cows) per farm ranged from 15 to 120, of which 62.2% to 80% were lactating cows. Milk production per cow on one day ranged from 8.5 to 18.2 litres and average lactation length was more than 300 days. Average age at first calving varied from 31 to 39 months. The highest economic opportunity was observed for increased milk production. Age at first calving and calf production interval were also found to be important constraints. Ultrasonography survey of the ovaries 20 maiden heifers over six months showed inadequate activity. Partially budgeted interventions were instituted to improve nutrition and management of maiden heifers, in-calf cows and those in early lactation. More forages were grown. PRA and EOS were shown to be useful tools in identifying production constraints.  相似文献   

A form was developed for on-farm use to collect data on dairy cow inventory, animals born, died, and sold, milk consumed and sold, and feedstuffs. Using these data, ten herd management indices are calculated in a spreadsheet. These data are gathered from multiple farms in an area and are summarized to develop herd target or benchmark values. Economic opportunities for achieving target performance at the individual farm level are calculated for five of the indices. This Economic Opportunity Survey has been used to develop regional performance benchmarks and to help individual farmers identify areas for improvement and opportunities for future intervention.  相似文献   

Identified economic opportunities for planning interventions greatly increase farmers’ compliance with an extension programme. We investigated opportunities for interventions to increase dairy farmers’ income in four areas of Bangladesh, including the districts of Mymensingh, Khulna-Satkhira, Sirajgonj-Pabna and Chittagong. The data were collected from 1440 dairy farms at a one-day visit and were summarized as the difference between management targets and each herd’s calculated management indices. The average number of lactating cows, feed cost as a percentage of income from milk, milk sold as percentage of milk produced, lactating cows as a percentage of mature cows, and lactating cows as a percentage of total cattle varied from 1.5 to 3.4, from 52.5% to 92.1%, from 78.7% to 92.6%, from 81.9% to 86.7% and from 34.3% to 37.7%, respectively. The average age at first calving, calf production interval, lactation length, and milk production were 35.0–44.3 months, 14.0–17.6 months, 249–286 days and 3.5–7.2 litres, respectively, depending on the locality. The average cost for producing 100 litres of milk was 18.9–35.1 US dollars. The production cost increased when daily milk production per cow decreased (r2 = 0.43–0.55). Management improvements directed towards increasing average milk production per cow per day, increasing lactation length, decreasing age to first calving, and decreasing calf production interval could expect to yield an average income increase up to a range of 676.3–1730.6 US dollars depending on the milk-producing area.  相似文献   

Bovine mastitis, caused by Prototheca bovis, has received much attention worldwide. To investigate the status of P. bovis infection in dairy farms of Hubei, we collected 1,158 milk samples and 90 environmental samples from 14 dairy farms of Hubei, China. The isolates were identified with traditional biological methods and molecular biological techniques, and their pathogenicity was tested through mice infection experiments. Isolates from 57 milk and 20 environmental samples were identified as P. bovis. The mice infection tests proved that the isolated P. bovis could cause mastitis in mice, manifesting as severe red swelling of the mammary glands. Histopathological analysis of tissue sections showed necrosis and nodules lesions formed in the infected mice mammary tissue, accompanied by macrophage and neutrophil infiltration. These results suggested the existence of pathogenic P. bovis in dairy farms of the Hubei province, China, with brewer’s grains and fresh feces possibly playing important roles in the spread of this disease.  相似文献   

This study focused on the use of radioimmunoassay of progesterone in milk for the diagnosis of post-partum ovarian cyclicity and accurate detection of oestrus and non-pregnancy in cows in the artificial insemination (AI) programme in Bangladesh. In Investigation 1, milk samples were collected on day 0 (day of AI), day 9–13 and day 21–24 from 444 milking cows of various breeds presented for the first post-partum insemination by 413 farmers living at 182 villages/regions in Mymensingh District from 6 AI centres and sub-centres. Each cow was then examined three times after each AI until it stopped returning to oestrus. Sixty to 90 days after the last AI, the cows were examined per rectum to confirm the pregnancy. Milk progesterone data on day 21–24 contributed to a clear diagnosis with respect to non-pregnancy in 100% cows, indicating a possible use of this progesterone assay for identifying non-pregnant cows in AI programmes. In Investigation 2, milk progesterone was monitored two times in a month with a 10-day interval in 88 cows. The samples were taken between 10 days after calving and the first detected oestrus, followed by two more samples 10 days apart. The proportion of cows accurately detected in oestrus was 30%. Another 30% were stated to be in oestrus when they were not (false positive) and 40% were not detected when they were in oestrus (false negative). The mean intervals between calving and oestrus and between calving luteal activity were 40 to 362 days (median = 120, n = 82) and 34 to 398 (median = 111, n = 64) days, respectively. The body condition scores at calving and at the initiation of luteal activity influenced the interval between calving and luteal activity (p < 0.05). Cows suckled twice daily initiated luteal activity earlier than their counterparts suckled several times daily (p < 0.05). Determination of progesterone in milk on day 21–24 is a good means for detecting non-pregnant cows.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to evaluate the impact of interventions to solve constraints in smallholder dairy farms of the Western Highlands of Cameroon. The interventions consisted of improved breeding through introduction of artificial insemination, better feed supplementation, farmers training in milk processing and better veterinary services. Results show that there was a decrease in average monthly expenditures of 18% relative to the month before interventions started. Much of the expenditures were related to feed (38% of all costs). There was an overall increase in farm income. Close to 2/3 of the income were derived from milk products from home processed milk and culled animals. Only 7% income came from milk sold to the processing plant. The partial budget shows that before interventions, farmers lost $4.5/cow/month but gained $38/cow/month because of the interventions. The return was 2.32 and included opportunity income for milk home consumed and shared. When this opportunity income was ignored, the return stood at 1.93. The positive impact of interventions led to poverty alleviation and some farmers acquired more cows. A spill over effect is that more crop farmers are willing to be engaged at least partially in dairy farming. It will be good if many more farmers could benefit from these interventions.  相似文献   

During the past six years, ten research topics were carried out with the aim of developing an integrated method to improve production and sustainability of dairy systems in Cameroon. This involved reviewing dairy research done in the country, carrying out a participatory rural appraisal and an economic opportunity survey in selected dairy farms, setting up on-farm interventions, investigating cow reproduction, evaluating milk quality and the impact of integrated interventions. Guidelines for improvement of the dairy sector were set up. It was found that the developed integrated method had a positive impact on dairy farms. Farmers who adopted interventions had nearly 200% higher economic returns. In order to boost the Cameroonian dairy sector, it is suggested that the government acts as a motivating force by organizing the market, ensuring the monitoring of epizootic diseases and providing artificial insemination services and organizing breeding societies. It is also suggested that the integrated method becomes a discipline in dairy science and be applied in other developing countries.  相似文献   

试论牛品种经济类型的形成与划分问题   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
传统方法将世界上成百上千的牛品种划分为乳用、肉用、兼用和役用牛四大经济类型。本文分析证明:以肉用性能中的肉块产量或肉质指标作为牛经济类型划分缺乏根据;试提出以产奶指数作为量值指标。经对国内外173个牛品种MPI值计算,提出乳用的MPI>7.9,肉用牛(包括役用牛)的MPI<2.4,而兼用牛为2.5≤MPI≤7.9。与传统方法相比,以MPI划分结果与前者吻合程度84.4%以上,且更简明,也避免了传统  相似文献   

Livestock production is an integral part of the rain-fed and irrigated agriculture system in Pakistan. Animal production is closely interlinked with the cropping systems and play a crucial role in the rural economy. Participatory rural appraisals and economic opportunity surveys were conducted in two ecological zones (irrigated and rain-fed) and two dairy production systems (peri-urban and mixed livestock). Major constraints in animal health, nutrition and reproduction were identified and interventions were suggested to overcome these difficulties. The economic opportunity survey revealed that maximum opportunity to enhance farmers’ income is to increase milk production per day per animal, which can be accomplished through coordinated improvements in nutrition, reproduction and genetics.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to clarify cow's sleep behavior on farm and to examine the influence of some environment and management factors on cow's sleep. Total 85 behavior data (summer 41, autumn 44) were corrected from 12 commercial tie‐stall dairy farm in northern Tohoku area. Daily duration, bout frequency, and averaged bout duration of sleep and lying were measured. Even though there was no significant difference in any lying measurements, daily duration, bout frequency, and averaged bout duration of sleep was significantly different among farms (p < 0.01, p < 0.01, and p < 0.05, respectively). However, we could not find that any managements influence on sleep. There was significant seasonal difference in daily sleep duration (p < 0.01) and sleep bout frequency (p < 0.05). On the other hand, daily lying duration and averaged lying bout duration were significantly different between seasons (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively). Primiparous cows slept longer and more frequent than multiparous (both p < 0.001). Milk solid‐non‐fat content was positively correlated with daily sleep duration (p < 0.05) and bout frequency (p < 0.01). These results might imply the productive importance of sleep related with anabolic hormones release.  相似文献   

Twenty five smallholder dairy farmers and other stakeholders, through a Participatory Rural Appraisal in three wards of the Tanga township of north east coastal Tanzania, ranked their perceived constraints in descending order of importance: Low milk price and marketing, feed shortage in the dry season, poor management, low animal productivity, poor reproductive performance and diseases. Tick borne diseases were reported on a majority of farms. An Economic Opportunity Survey revealed wide ranges in management indices and improvement in annual milk production, age at first calving and lactation length to represent the best potential for gain. Performance generally was below locally set targets. Farmers spent on average in the three wards between 39% and 77% of income from milk on feed costs yearly. Interventions were instituted emphasising those that farmers could afford immediately. They included farmer training, dry season feed supplementation, tick control, improvement of animal shed/house cleanliness and the formation of a cooperative for milk marketing. Partial budgeting is being used to monitor success. Follow-up meetings and regular visits to farms by field officers are disseminating information on outcomes to encourage farmers to continue with interventions and spread useful knowledge to friends and neighbours.  相似文献   

We analysed responses from 147 Fulani herdsmen to a questionnaire about cattle herd-level risk factors for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in the previous year. The study used a cross-sectional design with a stratified, two-stage random sample of cattle herds in the Adamawa Province of Cameroon. The questionnaire was pre-tested at a local cattle market before a final version was translated into Foulfoulde (the local Fulani dialect). Variables were screened using a univariable analysis and logistic multiple-regression models were developed in a forward-selection process.

Fifty-eight percent (50–65; 90% CIs) of herdsmen reported FMD in their herd in the previous 12 months. Important risk factors for FMD in the previous 12 months included going on transhumance (OR = 2.6), buying cattle from markets (OR = 2.2), mixing of herds at watering points (OR = 2.4), feeding cotton-seed cake (OR = 3.3), buffalo near the herd (OR = 2.2) and administrative division. For the subset of herds that went on transhumance, coming in contact with an FMDV-diseased herd while on transhumance was the strongest factor (OR = 16).  相似文献   

[目的]为了了解山东省滨州地区及周边规模化牛场支原体流行的基本情况,[方法]对该区域14个规模化奶牛场和肉牛场进行了血清采集,采用牛支原体IgG抗体ELISA检测方法进行牛支原体血清抗体检测,并使用SPSS 20进行卡方统计学检验。[结果]山东省规模化牛场的牛支原体IgG抗体总阳性率为77.86%,奶牛场的阳性率为74.29%,肉牛场的阳性率为81.43%,奶牛场牛支原体IgG阳性率与肉牛场的统计学差异不显著(P>0.05);奶牛场不同场区,肉牛场不同场区之间,牛支原体的IgG阳性率差异显著(P<0.05)。[结论]山东省滨州地区及周边规模化牛场存在不同程度的牛支原体感染,牛支原体感染可能成为危害国内规模化奶牛场奶牛健康的主要疫病之一。  相似文献   

During a survey on ticks and tick-borne diseases in the North-Western Cameroon at the Bamenda cattle market, the ticks identified were Boophilus annulatus (20%) and B. decoloratus (80%). More than 50% of the ticks were collected during the dry season. Of 524 blood smears 47.3% were positive for Babesia bovis, 31.1% for B. bigemina and 2.2% for Anaplasma marginale. 19.4% were negative.  相似文献   

AIMS: To gather information on management practices and farmer attitudes to management of cows and calves during the immediate post-partum period on dairy farms in New Zealand, and to assess these practices for associations with concentrations of total protein (TP) in serum of calves 1–8 days-old.

METHOD: Between July and September 2015 blood samples were collected from calves aged between 24 hours and 7 days, from dairy farms (n=105) in nine areas in New Zealand, on three occasions throughout the calving period. Concentrations of TP were determined in all serum samples. At each visit technicians collected 1?L of the pooled colostrum that was intended for feeding to newborn calves that day. These samples were assessed for Brix, coliform and total bacterial counts. After the last sampling visit, the calf rearer or farm manager were asked to complete a questionnaire describing calf and colostrum management practices on the farm. Potential farm-level variables associated with concentrations of TP in serum of sampled calves were identified using univariable and multivariable linear mixed models.

RESULTS: Mean concentration of TP in serum of calves across all farms was 59.8 (95% CI=59.4–60.2) g/L, and was associated with region and herd size in the final multivariable model. Concentrations of TP were lower in calves from farms in Otago (56.2 (95% CI=53.4–58.9) g/L) and Southland (56.9 (95% CI=54.1–59.7) g/L) compared to calves on farms in the Far North (62.6 (95% CI=59.8–65.3) g/L), and were lower in calves from farms with a herd size >600 (58.3 (95% CI=56.7–59.8) g/L) than ≤600 (61.3 (95% CI=60.1–62.5) g/L) cows. After accounting for fixed effects, farm accounted for only 8.4% of the unexplained variation. There was no association between any of the measures of colostrum quality and concentrations of TP in serum (p>0.2).

CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Very few herd-level variables were associated with concentrations of TP in serum. Risk factors that have been shown to be of importance in previous studies outside New Zealand were not identified as important in the current study. It is possible that, in the situation where calves are kept at pasture with their dams for prolonged periods, variables which influence how well a cow can feed its calf in the first 12–24 hours have a larger influence on concentrations of TP in serum than the collection and management of calves once they reach the rearing shed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish the cost to the Queensland dairy industry of cattle tick infestation and its control, excluding the costs incurred from control measures directed specifically at tick fever and morbidity and mortality arising from tick fever. STUDY DESIGN: Economic models are described that have been based on empirical data relating to liveweight and milk yield loss, and on a survey of control practices and tick infestation. The first two models were designed to estimate costs of control and losses resulting from tick infestation on a single dairy farm. The third model developed estimates of the cost of tick infestation for each of four regions within the tick-infested area of Queensland. RESULTS: The overall cost to the Queensland dairy industry of the cattle tick (excluding the costs associated specifically with tick fever) and based on 1998 management practices, was $4,096,000 per annum. About 49% of this cost was related to the costs of control and 51% to losses in production. CONCLUSION: Cattle tick infestation represents a significant impost on dairy producers in Queensland, and although the actual cost will change as deregulation results in economic changes in the industry, infestations of ticks will continue to be expensive to control.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate determinates of how milk pricing system, farm location, farm size, and month and year affected farm milk price (FMP), farm milk revenue (FMR) and loss in FMR of dairy farms in the Central region of Thailand. A total of 58,575 milk price and 813,636 milk yield records from 1034 farms were collected from November of 2004 to June of 2006. Farms were located in the districts of Muaklek, Pak Chong, Wang Muang, and Kaeng Khoi. A fixed linear model was used to analyze milk price of farms. Two pricing systems were defined as 1 = base price plus additions/deductions for milk fat percentage, solids-non-fat, and bacterial score, and 2 = same as 1 plus bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC). Farm size (small, medium, and large) was based on the number of cows milked per day of farms. Results showed that FMP were lower (P < 0.05) in pricing system 1 than pricing system 2. Most small farms had higher (P < 0.05) milk prices than medium and large farms across both pricing systems. Large farms lost more milk revenue due to deductions from bacterial score and BTSCC than small and medium farms.  相似文献   

Welfare assessment can play multiple roles in the path to welfare improvement. In the dairy goat area, identification of the main welfare problems across countries and different production systems is needed. By the application of a prototype welfare assessment protocol, based on animal-based indicators, we aimed to provide an insight into the main welfare problems affecting intensively kept dairy goats in Portugal. Thirty farms, organised in three size categories, were assessed. The main areas of concern were claw overgrowth, queuing at feeding and hindquarter dirtiness, with larger farms heading higher concerns. Additionally, this paper aimed to investigate indicators’ consistency over time. Ten of the 30 farms were revisited four months later, during which no major husbandry changes were made. Our results showed an overall consistency. This study can help define intervention thresholds or minimum legal levels for each indicator, by determining their overall prevalence.  相似文献   

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