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The soybean (Glycine max) Heihe No. 23 is sensitive to imbibitional chilling injury. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) treatment can improve chilling tolerance of soybean seeds to a certain extent. The changes of hydrolytic ATPase in plasma membranes and H^+-pumping responses in soybean seeds were investigated during PEG treatments. Effects of exogenous calcium and exogenous ABA on the hydrolytic ATPase were also examined in order to understand the mechanism of chilling resistance. Highly purified plasma membranes were isolated by 6.0% aqueous two-phase partitioning from soybean seeds, as judged by the sensitivity of hydrolytic ATPase to sodium vanadate. PEG treatment resulted in a slight increase of the hydrolytic ATPase activity in 12 h. Then the activity decreased gradually, but still higher than the control. The H^+-pumping activity increased steadily during PEG treatment. Exogenous calcium had both activating and inhibiting effects on the hydrolytic ATPase, but the activity was inhibited in soybean seeds treated with exogenous ABA. Results suggested that PEG treatment, not the exogenous calcium and ABA, up-regulated H^+-ATPase activities in soybean seeds.  相似文献   

To clarify the biosynthetic pathway for syringyl lignans, especially syringyl tetrahydronaphthalene lignans and formation of the C2–C7′ linkage, production of (+)-lyoniresinol (LYR) and its predicted intermediates [syringaresinol (SYR), 5,5′-dimethoxylariciresinol (DMLR), and 5,5′-dimethoxysecoisolariciresinol (DMSLR)] in Lyonia ovalifolia var. elliptica was investigated by means of feeding experiments with radiolabeled precursors. Following individual administration of l-[U-14C]phenylalanine (Phe), [8-14C]sinapyl alcohol (SA), and [8,8′-14C]SYR to excised young shoots of L. ovalifolia and their subsequent metabolism, free [14C]lignans and [14C]lignan glycosides were extracted with methanol from stems and leaves and were divided into ethyl acetate-soluble fractions (lignans) and aqueous fractions (lignan glycosides), respectively. Using a combination of xylanase, cellulase, and β-glucosidase, the glycosides were hydrolyzed to liberate [14C]lignans as aglycones. l-[U-14C]Phe was incorporated into (+)-[14C]SYR [stem 0.38%, 8% enantiomeric excess (e.e.)], (−)-[14C]SYR (leaves 2.75%, 72% e.e.), (+)-[14C]DMLR (stem 0.07%, 18% e.e. and leaves 0.009%, 58% e.e.), (−)-[14C]DMSLR (stem 0.03%, 46% e.e. and leaves 0.05%, 20% e.e.), (+)-[14C]LYR (leaves 0.013%, 22% e.e.) and glycosides of (+)-[14C]LYR (stem 0.036%, 50% e.e.) in 24h. Based on the percent incorporation and enantiomeric composition of the lignans, the biosynthetic pathway of (8R,8′R)-(+)-LYR was proposed as follows: a nonselective dehydrogenative dimerization of sinapyl alcohol yields (±)-SYR, which is reduced with low specificity to give (8R,8′R)-(+)-DMLR. This is cyclized to directly give (+)-LYR as well as reduced again to (8R,8′R)-(−)-DMSLR. Although further transformation of (−)-DMSLR also leads to the formation of (+)-LYR, cyclization could be a main pathway for (+)-LYR biosynthesis. This report was presented at the IAWPS 2005 International Symposium on Wood Science and Technology, Yokohama, November 2005  相似文献   

We analyzed data from 28 long-term experimental monitoring plots installed in Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantations in northeastern Japan to examine how site productivity and thinning practices relate to culmination in stand growth. Site productivity and thinning practices in the plots were evaluated by site index (dominant tree height at 40-years old) and by cumulative thinning rate (cumulative thinning volume divided by cumulative gross production during the entire period of measurement). Culmination of stand growth was evaluated by culmination age of the mean annual increment (MAI) and its maximum value (Max MAI). Max MAI for the mean annual gross increment (MAIgross) and mean annual net increment (MAInet) increased with increasing site index, but did not change with cumulative thinning rate. Culmination age for MAIgross decreased with increasing site index, but did not change with cumulative thinning rate. Culmination age for MAInet decreased with increasing site index. Additionally, culmination age for MAInet increased with increasing cumulative thinning rate in sites with a high site index (>19.3 m) but not in those with a low site index (<19.3 m). These results indicate that thinning extends the culmination age without changing Max MAInet under high site productivity. Therefore, thinning increases total net yield in sites with high productivity based on a long-term perspective.  相似文献   

The browse potential of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and thornless honey locust [Gleditsia triacanthos f. inermis (L.) Zabel] has not been adequately tested. Our objective was to determine effects of fertilization and pollarding on biomass and foliar nutritive value in separate studies of black locust and thornless honey locust in Arkansas, USA. Shoots were sampled monthly for two consecutive growing seasons in 2002 and 2003 to determine foliar, shoot, and total aboveground biomass, shoot basal diameter, and foliar nutritive value (crude protein and in vitro digestibility). Black locust yielded more foliar biomass when pollarded at 50 or 100 cm and fertilized with 600 kg P ha−1, than at 5 cm with or without P, averaging 3.5 Mg dry matter ha−1. Black locust foliar crude protein and in vitro dry matter digestibility ( ≤ 170 and 534 g kg−1, respectively) decreased as leaves aged, but still met maintenance needs for beef cattle (Bos taurus L.). Thornless honey locust had little agronomic potential because of slow establishment, low foliar yield (330 kg ha−1), and a 2% reversion to undesirable thorny phenotype. Black locust should be considered for livestock browse when drought induces semi-dormancy of herbaceous forages.  相似文献   

Cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera Hubner selected for five generations with Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal crystal protein Cry1Ac in the laboratory developed 12.98-fold resistance. Resistance and susceptible populations were mass crossed to study the dominance of resistance. The Cry1Ac—selected (BCR) population showed 5.8-fold resistance to Cry1Aa and 5.04-fold resistance to Cry1Ab. The degree of dominance (D) was 0.34 and 0.40 for the R × S and S × R hybrids, respectively, which indicates incomplete recessive character of Cry1Ac resistance in the population. The estimated realized heritability (h 2) and response quotient (Q) of resistance for Cry1Ac were 0.52 and 0.15, respectively. This indicated the lower phenotypic variation in the selected population. The resistance risk assessment based on h 2 indicated that the resistance would increased tenfold after <9 generations for Cry1Ac in the resistant population. The results show the ability of H. armigera to develop resistance against Cry1Ac and cross-resistance to Cry1Aa and Cry1Ab.  相似文献   

We studied three typical heteromorphic leaves of Populus euphratica trees growing in the Wuhai region of Inner Mongolia,China,i.e.,lanceolate,broad-ovate and dentate broad-ovate leaves and mainly focused on the changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and free water and bound water content.The results show that the values of Fm(maximal fluorescence yield),Fv/Fm(maximum photochemical quantum yield of PSII) and Fv/F0(potential quantum efficiency of PSII) of lanceolate leaves were the least on young trees,while these parameters were the least on the ovate leaves of old trees.Compared with young trees,the free water content of heteromorphic leaves of old trees increased significantly,i.e.,by 78.94% in lanceolate leaves and in the leaves of broad-ovate and dentate broad-ovate by 10.99% and 10.60%,respectively.Correlation analysis showed that free water content is significantly related to Fv/Fm and Fv/F0 in young trees,while the relationship of total water content with Fv/Fm and Fv/F0 is positive in old trees.  相似文献   

We compared the efficiency of washing versus the Tullgren method for extracting microarthropods from dead leaves and branches in the canopy of Cryptomeria japonica trees. Oribatida and Collembola were consistently the numerically dominant taxa of microarthropods, but the relative abundance differed between the two extraction methods. Oribatida accounted for more than 70% of all the microarthropods collected by the washing method but less than 30% by the Tullgren method. Collembola accounted for less than 10% collected by the washing method but about 60% by the Tullgren method. The density of Oribatida was higher when collected by the washing method than by the Tullgren method, and vice versa for the density of Collembola. Our results suggest that the washing method is appropriate for collecting Oribatida and other microarthropods, whereas the Tullgren method is better for collecting Collembola from the canopy litter of C. japonica trees.  相似文献   

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