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猫作为伴侣动物已广泛地饲养于广大市民家中,为广大的饲养者带来了快乐。同时,由于母猫的发情、怀孕生仔以及过度繁殖等问题也给饲养者带来了不少麻烦,越来越多的宠物主人选择给母猫做绝育手术。笔者在宠物诊疗中,施行了大量的母猫绝育手术,现就该手术的办法及应注意的问题小结如下。1切口部位的选择1·1腹中线切口脐后腹中线切口是母猫进行绝育手术的最佳途径。沿脐后腹中线切开3~5 cm,可兼顾两侧卵巢的切除或同时进行剖腹产术。如需进行卵巢、子宫全切术,可向后延长切开5~8 cm。1·2腹侧壁切口在猫的腹侧壁作平行于体躯的切口,切口长度5~8…  相似文献   

An infertile Siamese female cat was subjected for clinical, histological, cytogenetic and molecular studies due to ambiguous external genitalia (vulva, vagina, rudimentary penis and scrotum‐like structure) and masculine behaviour. An elevated oestrogen activity and a detectable level of testosterone were found. The cat underwent laparotomy. The gonads and the uterus were removed and subjected for histological studies, which showed ovaries with corpora lutea and a some primordial follicles. Chromosome studies of lymphocyte and fibroblast cultures, with the use of Giemsa staining, G‐banding and whole X chromosome painting by fluorescence in situ hybridization, revealed pure X monosomy. Molecular analysis showed the absence of the SRY gene. Our study revealed for the first time that X monosomy in cats may be associated with virilization, in spite of the lack of the SRY gene.  相似文献   

A limited number of studies have been published concerning intrauterine infusions in the bitch, presumably because it is difficult to pass a catheter into the canine cervix. Cobb (1959) designed an apparatus for hysterosalpingography with which he reported fairly easy catheterization of the cervical canal in the anaesthetized bitch. Recent advances made in the field of deepfreezing of dog semen have emphasized the need for a simple method for intrauterine infusion in the unanaesthetized bitch. The first successful insemination with frozen dog semen was reported in 1969 by Seager. The semen was frozen in pellets and deposited vaginally. Over a six-year period 61 (39.1 %) out of 156 bitches inseminated with this method became pregnant (Seager et al. 1975). Andersen (1972), however, when inseminating dog semen frozen in French straws, reported no success after vaginal deposition of the thawed semen. Based on experience with insemination in Blue foxes Andersen (1975) developed a special catheter which he could introduce through the cervix to deposit the semen into the corpus uteri without anaesthetizing the bitches. With this method 19 (73.1 %) out of 26 bitches became pregnant (Andersen 1977, personal communication). This method of passing the catheter through the cervix requires training and the method is impractical in nervous or obese bitches in which palpation of the abdomen is difficult or impossible. In order to fully use the advantages offered to the dog breeders by deep-freezing of dog semen, it is necessary to develop a simple method of inseminating the bitch that can be employed by practising veterinarians without previous special training. The present investigation was undertaken as an introduction to further studies of the problems related to the use of frozen dog semen.  相似文献   

In a previous study we observed that it is possible to reach the cervix in all queens with a 1 mm diameter probe only. So, we developed both a new technique and a catheter (1 mm diameter) to allow transcervical insemination [Zambelli and Castagnetti 2001]. The aims of this study were to investigate vaginal and cervical anatomic modifications during the various stages of the oestrus cycle and to test the previously described technique of transcervical catheterization during the various stages of the oestrus cycle. In experiment 1, silicon impression moulds were obtained from the reproductive tracts of 21 queens' cadavers and vaginal and cervical measures were taken. The results showed that there are some significant anatomic modifications during the various stages of the oestrus cycle in vaginal and cervical anatomy, principally related to the dorsal medial fold increase induced by the follicular phase. In experiment 2, transcervical catheterization was attempted in 95 queens at various stages of oestrus cycle both during reproductive and non-reproductive season. After catheterization, methylene blue solution was injected through the cervical catheter. Successful catheterization was assessed during surgery, when colour was observed in the uterine horns. It was possible to perform transcervical catheterization during non-reproductive season in 16 of 20 anoestrus queens and in 12 of 15 induced oestrus queens; during reproductive season in nine of 21 interoestrus queens, in eight of 13 dioestrus/pregnancy queens, in four of 18 oestrus queens and in seven of eight queens in first oestrus during lactation.  相似文献   

在结扎子宫颈的情况下,在同一子宫的两侧子宫角分别注入生理盐水(对照组)和精液(试验组)以研究精液对子宫免疫和孕向发育的影响。试验共用母兔8只。子宫注入后48 h处死试验用兔,取子宫进行测量,并制片染色,用图像采集分析系统进行研究。结果显示:1)与对照组相比,兔子宫注入精液后可以显著(P〈0.05)增加子宫的长度、直径和子宫角指数;可明显增加子宫壁(P〈0.05)、黏膜上皮层(P〈0.01)和黏膜层(P〈0.05)的厚度;可显著增加黏膜中腺管(P〈0.05)和血管(P〈0.05)数量,可明显增加腺上皮的厚度(P〈0.05)。2)子宫注入精液后,子宫冲洗液中的细胞数(53.3±4.03×109/L)较对照组极显著增加(P〈0.01);单位面积子宫黏膜中肥大细胞的数量(2.85±0.05个/mm2)较对照组(3.72±0.04个/mm2)显著减少(P〈0.05)。子宫冲洗液涂片染色检查发现,子宫冲洗液中的细胞主要为嗜中性粒细胞。本研究表明,兔精液确实能够促进母兔子宫的孕向发育,能够改变子宫的免疫状态。  相似文献   

在结扎子宫颈的情况下,分别在兔同一子宫的两侧子宫角剖腹注入生理盐水(对照)、精浆或精子以研究精浆和精子对子宫免疫和孕向发育的影响。试验共用母兔18只,每组6只。在注入后72 h时处死试验用兔,取子宫进行一般测量,并切片染色,用图象采集分析系统进行研究。结果表明:1)注入子宫的精浆和精子,都能明显降低黏膜中的肥大细胞数量和增加子宫角中冲洗液内的细胞数(P0.01)。精浆与精子相比,精浆降低黏膜中肥大细胞数量的作用更大(P0.05);而精子提高子宫角冲洗液内细胞数的作用更强(P0.01)。2)无论精浆还是精子,都能显著(P0.05)或极显著(P0.01)促进子宫(子宫角指数、子宫角长度和子宫角直径)、子宫壁(子宫壁厚度、黏膜层厚度、黏膜上皮层厚度和肌层厚度)、黏膜腺体(腺体数和腺上皮的厚度)以及黏膜血管的孕向发育。精浆与精子相比,就子宫、子宫壁及黏膜血管的孕向发育来说,精浆的作用更明显(P0.05或P0.01);而对子宫黏膜腺体孕向发育的作用,精浆和精子间没有明显差异(P0.05)。  相似文献   

A broodmare showed mild signs of abdominal discomfort and anemia after normal delivery. Ultrasonographic examination revealed a massive hematoma within the broad ligament adjacent to the uterine horn. Internal bleeding into the peritoneal cavity (hemoabdomen) was not seen. Following treatment, the clinical signs improved. Hemorrhage caused by rupture of the arteries within the broad ligament of the uterus may be a cause of hematoma. Prepartum and postpartum rupture of the arteries supplying the reproductive organs in the mare, which is not uncommon, can be fatal if severe hemoabdomen occurs. In the present case, the hematoma was considered to be tightly encapsulated between two serosal membrane layers of the broad ligament, and the membranes had remained intact. Thus, the serosal membranes did not split open, and massive bleeding into the peritoneal cavity did not occur. For this reason, the present broodmare avoided potentially fatal hemorrhagic shock.  相似文献   

利用激素放射免疫测定法对辽宁绒山羊双羔型和单羔型的母羊全年及发情期外周血清中FSH分泌水平进行检测。结果表明:双羔型和单羔型母羊在全年各个月间FSH的分泌水平不均衡,从每年的8月份开始逐渐升高,10月份达到高峰,11月份以后开始逐渐下降,并且双羔型和单羔型在秋季的FSH分泌量差异显著(P<0.05)。双羔型和单羔型绒山羊FSH在发情期呈脉冲式分泌并有明显的分泌高峰,双羔型的FSH的排卵前峰值出现时间比显著地晚于单羔型(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

Nephritis in the Cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— Examination of 333 cats of all ages showed that 19 (5.71 per cent) suffered from some form of nephritis. The disease was seen mainly in old animals and was absent in cats under 3 yr of age. There was no correlation with sex or with any particular disease. The main histopathological lesion was an interstitial infiltrate by mononuclear cells associated, in the more advanced cases, with glomerular changes. The possibility that Leptospirae may be involved in the aetiology of the nephritis was considered.
Résumé— L'examen de 333 chats de tout age, montra que 19, soit 5,7% souffraient d'une variété de néphrite. La maladie existait principalement chez les vieux animaux; ceux de moins de trois ans en étaient épargnés. Il n'y avait aucun rapport avec le sex ou toute autre maladie. La principale lésion histopathologique était un infiltrat interstitiel de mononucléaires, et dans les cas plus avancés, des altérations gloménulaires. L'auteur pense que le B. leptospriroe pourrait étre incriminé comme étiologie de la néphrite.
Zusammenfassung— Eine Nachforschung an 330 Katzen aller Altergruppen zeigte, dass 19 (5.71yo) an Nephritis unterschiedlicher Formen litten. Die Krankheit betraf im wesentlichen die älteren Tiere und wurde nicht unter drei Jahren angetroffen. Geschlecht oder andere Erkrankungen zeigten sich ohne Einfluss. Die Histologie zeigte hauptsächlich interstitielle Infiltrate von mono-nukleären Zellen, in den mehr fortgeschrittenen Stadien auch Veränderungen am Glomerulus. Die Möglichkeit einer Infektion mit Leptospiren als Krankheitsursache wurde in Erwägung gezogen.  相似文献   

Abstract— A review is presented of the methods, procedure and value of the use of tonometry in the dog and cat.
Résumé— L'auteur passe en revue les méthodes, les techniques et la valeur de l'emploi de la tonométric chez le chien et le chat.
Zusammenfassung— Es wird eine Übersicht über die Methoden, das Verfahren und die Bedeutung der Tonometrie bie Hund und Katze gegeben.  相似文献   

Myasthenia gravis (MG) was diagnosed in four cats--one had an apparently congenital form and three had the acquired autoimmune form. All four cats were examined because of episodes of weakness including gait abnormalities, voice change, neck ventroflexion, and regurgitation. Palpebral reflexes were absent in all cats. Administration of edrophonium chloride resulted in transient resolution of clinical signs in all four cats. Three cats were tested for the presence of serum autoantibodies against acetylcholine receptor (AChR) by radioimmunoassay. Two cats with acquired MG had anti-AChR antibody titers of 10.5 and 96.8 nmol/l (normal, less than or equal to 0.03 nmol/l). Antibodies were not detected in the cat with presumptive congenital MG. All four cats were treated with pyridostigmine bromide. Two cats with acquired MG were euthanatized because of clinical deterioration. The third cat with acquired MG has been asymptomatic since 2 months after diagnosis. The cat with presumed congenital MG is alive 3 years after diagnosis.  相似文献   

Post-mortem examination of two cases of natural Haemobartonella felis infection in the cat is reported. In both cases haemobartonellosis was confirmed on blood smears from the diseased animals. The most noticeable macroscopic finding was a pronounced general anemia.The microscopic examination revealed hyperplasia of the bone marrow and a moderate extramedullary hematopoiesis in case 1 and in case 2 a reduction of the M/E index in the bone marrow.Keyword: haemobartonellosis, Haemobartonella felis, Eperythrozoon felis, feline infectious anemia, blood diseases, anemia  相似文献   

The nasal cavities of 14 dogs and three cats were explored surgically using a ventral rhinotomy. The exposure achieved through this approach was considered to be equal to a dorsal rhinotomy. One animal died during the immediate postoperative period from perforation of a gastric ulcer. The other animals recovered well and had no significant complications. The long-term survival of the animals was consistent with previous reports for their diseases. Ventral rhinotomy is no more difficult than dorsal rhinotomy, has less patient morbidity and fewer postoperative complications, and is more cosmetically acceptable.  相似文献   

Abstract— —A case of Lactational Tetany in a 3-year-old cat is described in detail. The case followed the addition of an orphan kitten to the litter of five 3-week-old kittens already suckling. Rapid recovery followed injection of a calcium solution, but a relapse occurred after ten days. The cat again responded well to treatment and remained well. A review of recorded cases is presented briefly and a note on the neurophysiology of tetany is included.
Résumé— —On décrit en détail un cas de Tétanie de Lactation chez un chat de 3 ans. Le cas s'est produit à la suite de l'introduction d'un chaton orphelin dam une portée de cinq chatons âgés de 3 semaines et encore à la mamelle.
Une guérison rapide a fait suite à l'injection d'une solution de calcium mais une rechute se produisit 10 jours après. A nouveau le chat fut sensible au traitement et se remit. On présente brièvement une revue des cas déjàn rapportés dans la littérature. Il est inch une note sur la neuro-physiologie de la tétanie.
Zusammenfassung— —Ein fall von Laktationstetanie bei einer dreijährigen Katze wird im einzelnen beschrieben. Dieser Fall folgte der Aufnahme eines venvaisten Jungtiers in einen Wurf von fünf 3 Wochen alten gesäugten Jungen. Nach Injektion einer Calciumlösung trat rasch Besserung ein, aber nach 10 Tagen kam es zu einem Rückfall. Die Katze sprach wiederum gut auf die Behandlung an, der ein anhaltender Erfolg beschieden war. Eine kune Übersicht über belegte Fälle und eine Bemerkung über die Neurophysiologie der Tetanie schliessen sich an.  相似文献   

Abstract— —The differential diagnosis of fluid effusions of the thoracic cavity of cats is considered. Special reference is made to suppurative pleurisy (“granular pleurisy”). This is characterised by the presence of granules in the exudate, similar to those described in pleural actinomycosis of carnivores. The cases described, however, are apparently not due to actinomyces or Nocardia, but to a mixture of organisms, including anaerobic fuso-bacteria, spirochaetes, streptococci, Pasteurella, and a gram-positive filamentous organism. The lesion is possibly due to infection from indigenous mouth organisms and could originate from cat bites. Résumé— —L'auteur ttudie le diagnostic différentiel des épanchements dam la cavité thoracique chez le chat, compte tenu notamment de la pleurésie suppurée (“granulée”), caractérisée par la présence dam le liquide épanché de granulations semblables à celles de l'actinomycose pleurale des carnivores. Dam les cas examinb, il ne semble toutefois pas s'agir de l'actinomycès ou norcardia, mais plutôt d'un mélange de divers organismes, notamment: fusobactéries anaérobies, spirochètes, streptocoques, pasteurelles et un organisme filamenteux Gram-positif. Il n'est pas exclu que la léion provienne d'une infection par des organismes buccaux indigènes, à la suite d'une morsure de chat. Zusammenfassung— —Die Differentialdiagnose von Pleuraergüssen bei Katzen wird besprochen. Dabei wird die eitrige Rippenfellentzündung (“granulöse Pleuresie”) besonders erwähnt. Diese ist dadurch charakterisiert, daß das Exsudat Granulen enthält. Ähnliche Granulen wurden auch bei Fleischfressern mit Rippenfellaktinomykose beschrieben. Die vorliegenden Fälle sind jedoch anschienend weder Actinomyces noch Norcardia zuzuschreiben, sondern einer Misching von Erregern, unter denen sich anaërobe Fusobakterien, Spirochäten, Streptokokken, Pasteurella und eine Gram-positive Stäbchenbakterie befinden. Die Erkrankung entsteht wahrscheinlich durch die Übertragung von im Maul beheimateten Organismen und könnte durch Katzenbisse verursacht werden.  相似文献   

The medical records from 95 cases of coxofemoral luxation in dogs and cats were reviewed. Unilateral craniodorsal luxation was most common, (78.1% of dogs, 72.7% of cats). Trauma from being struck by an automobile was the most frequent cause (59.0%). Treatment was closed (manual) or open (surgical) reduction. The failure rate following single closed reduction was 64.8%. The surgical reduction procedure included capsular repair (capsulorrhaphy) via a craniolateral approach to the hip or via trochanteric osteotomy or gluteal tenotomy. The success rate following reduction via the craniolateral approach was 82%; no failure was recorded with trochanteric transposition, but reluxa-tion followed the single gluteal tenotomy. The Ehmer sling was the most common external fixation and was kept in place an average of 12.5 days. Thirty-three animals were available for follow-up, and no difference was recorded in limb function between the two groups of animals treated by closed vs surgical reduction. Patients with degenerative joint disease at the time of luxation were less likely to be successfully reduced; 64.3% of these animals were eventually treated by femoral head and neck excision. Thirty-eight patients had associated major injuries. Long-term follow-up results were better in those patients with concomitant orthopedic injuries than in those without other injuries.  相似文献   

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