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Quantitative measurement of cerebral ventricle volume of eight English bulldogs was performed using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. The mean ventricular volume was 14.8 ml. with a range of 8.6 m1.-38.1 ml. The mean ventricular volume of two beagles was 2.2 ml with a range of 0.7 m1.3.7 ml. The percent of intracranial volume occupied by ventricle was found to be significantly larger in bulldogs (14.0%; S.D. = 7.9%) than in beagles (Range = 1.048%). The relationship between the percent of intracranial volume occupied by ventricle and measurements of body weight, age, sex, and various measures of skull anatomy of the bulldog was also determined. The relationship between ventricular volume and neurologic dysfunction was examined. There was a possible trend between high percent of intracranial volume occupied by ventricle and low body weight. This study will serve as a pilot study for examining the relationship between ventricular volume and neurologic disease in bulldogs.  相似文献   

Hydrocephalus was diagnosed in a juvenile African Grey parrot by high-field strength (4.7-Tesla) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Excellent anatomic detail was achieved, and there was severe dilation of all ventricles. Relative obstruction was localized to the level of or beyond the outflow of the fourth ventricle. There have been several reports of hydrocephalus diagnosed postmortem in psittacines (i.e., hook-billed parrots), however, this is the first report of an antemortem diagnosis in a psittacine using high-field strength MRI.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance images were acquired of the brain of a 7-year-old male Golden Retriever with hydrocephalus secondary to a medullary lesion. Images were acquired prior to and 4 weeks following surgical treatment for the hydrocephalus, and the dog was euthanased following the second imaging session. The MR images demonstrated a medullary lesion with patchy but predominantly hyperintense signal with both T1- and T2-weighting, within which small areas of low signal were scattered. There was little edema associated with this lesion and no enhancement with gadolinium. Postmortem examination revealed the medullary mass to be a dermoid cyst. Several small nodular lesions were identified within the central nervous system on the magnetic resonance images whose origin was uncertain on postmortem examination.  相似文献   

The brain of one control dog and two dogs with spontaneous central nervous system pathology (one hydrocephalus, one meningoencepholocoele) were examined with low- and high-field-strength magnetic resonance devices to evalute the suitability of low-field magnets for canine brain imaging. We used 0.1 T and 1.0 T magnetic resonance (MR) imagers. The best image quality was seen 1.0 T imaging due to better signal-to-noise-ratio, but both systems produced satisfactory anatomic images of the brain.  相似文献   

Intracranial arachnoid diverticula (cysts) are rare accumulations of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the arachnoid membrane. The purpose of this retrospective study was to describe magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) characteristics of fourth ventricle arachnoid diverticula in a group of dogs. The hospital's medical records were searched for dogs with MRI studies of the brain and a diagnosis of fourth ventricle arachnoid diverticulum. Clinical characteristics were recorded from medical records and MRI studies were reinterpreted by a board‐certified veterinary radiologist. Five pediatric dogs fulfilled inclusion criteria. Clinical signs included cervical hyperaesthesia, obtundation, tetraparesis, and/or central vestibular syndrome. In all five dogs, MRI findings were consistent with obstructive hydrocephalus, based on dilation of all ventricles and compression of the cerebellum and brainstem. All five dogs also had cervical syringohydromyelia, with T2‐weighted hyperintensity of the gray matter of the cord adjacent to the syringohydromyelia. A signal void, interpreted as flow disturbance, was observed at the mesencephalic aqueduct in all dogs. Four dogs underwent surgical treatment with occipitalectomy and durotomy. A cystic lesion emerging from the fourth ventricle was detected in all four dogs during surgery and histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of arachnoid diverticula. Three dogs made excellent recovery but deteriorated shortly after surgery and were euthanized. Repeat MRI in two dogs revealed improved hydrocephalus but worsening of the syringohydromyelia. Findings from the current study supported theories that fourth ventricle arachnoid diverticula are secondary to partial obstruction of the central canal or lateral apertures and that arachnoid diverticula are developmental lesions in dogs.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the effects of changing acquisition parameters used for high-resolution in vivo magnetic resonance (MR) microscopy on image quality and scan time. The head or abdomen of 11 normal and 1 glioblastoma-bearing anesthetized BALB/c mice were imaged using a high-resolution 7.0-Tesla magnet. Scan parameters such as matrix size (MTX), slice thickness (ST), number of excitations (NEX), pulse sequence type including repetition time (TR) and echo time (TE), respiratory gating, and intraperitoneal contrast medium administration were altered to assess their actual effect on signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) as compared to calculated effects. As expected, SNR increased with increasing ST or NEX and with decreasing MTX. However, although the empirical increase in SNR was similar to that expected for increased ST, it was less than that anticipated for increasing NEX or decreasing MTX. Increasing NEX and applying respiratory gating both increased SNR and reduced the image degradation associated with respiratory motion in images of the abdomen. Intraperitoneal contrast medium administration produced a marked increase in CNR in the subject with the implanted glioblastoma, suggesting that this route is satisfactory for the enhancement of lesions disrupting the blood-brain barrier. The consequence of improving image quality in terms of spatial and contrast resolution is increased scan time. However, the actual increase in SNR when altering acquisition parameters may not be as much as predicted by theory.  相似文献   

Syringobulbia is a pathologic condition characterized by one or more fluid‐filled cavities within the brainstem. This retrospective case series describes observations in eight dogs with syringobulbia diagnosed during MRI. All dogs were adult, small‐breed dogs with concurrent syringomyelia and neurologic deficits localized to sites rostral to the spinal cord, which cannot be explained by syringomyelia (eg, six dogs had vestibular signs). On MRI, the fluid‐filled cavities had signal intensity characteristics like cerebrospinal fluid, were in the medulla oblongata, and were solitary in each dog. Initially, the shape of the cavity was a slit in five dogs and bulbous in two dogs. Magnetic resonance imaging was repeated in five dogs (6‐55 months of age). One dog had progression of syringobulbia from slit‐like to bulbous, and four dogs had unchanged slit‐like syringobulbia. One dog developed slit‐like syringobulbia after cranioplasty. A variety of medical and surgical treatments were performed with improvement of some but not all clinical signs. One dog died following surgery due to cardiopulmonary failure and the other seven dogs were alive at least 1 year after the initial diagnosis, which was the least time of follow‐up. One surviving dog developed a unilateral hypoglossal nerve deficit 2 months after the initial diagnosis and megaesophagus 14 months later. In conclusion, detecting a fluid‐filled cavity in the medulla oblongata consistent with syringobulbia is possible in dogs undergoing MRI. The cavity is likely acquired, slit‐like or bulbous, progressive, or static, and might be associated with breed size and neurologic signs localized to the medulla oblongata.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging characteristics of intracranial granular cell tumors (GCTs) have been previously reported in three dogs. The goal of this retrospective study was to examine a larger number of dogs and determine whether distinctive MR characteristics of intracranial GCTs could be identified. Six dogs with histologically confirmed intracranial GCTs and MR imaging were included. Tumor location, size, mass effect, T1‐ and T2‐weighted signal intensity, and peritumoral edema MR characteristics were recorded. In all dogs, GCTs appeared as well‐defined, extra‐axial masses with a plaque‐form, sessile distribution involving the meninges. All tumors were located along the convexity of the cerebrum, the falx cerebri, or the ventral floor of the cranial vault. All tumors were mildly hyperintense on T1‐weighted images, and iso‐ to hyperintense on T2‐weighted images. A moderate‐to‐severe degree of peritumoral edema and mass effect were evident in all dogs. Findings indicated that, while several MR imaging characteristics were consistently identified in canine cerebral GCTs, none of these characteristics were unique or distinctive for this tumor type alone.  相似文献   

A 10‐year‐old Akita mix became acutely paraplegic. Upon magnetic resonance imaging, multiple, slightly T2‐hyperintense, T1‐isointense extradural masses, relative to spinal cord were found in the vertebral canal. The retroperitoneal masses had mixed T2‐signal intensity. The contrast enhancement pattern for the spinal masses was both homogenous and heterogenous. The diagnosis was metastatic pheochromocytoma. Signal intensity of the tumors in this dog was similar to reports of pheochromocytoma in human beings.  相似文献   

An awareness of magnetic susceptibility artifacts is important for interpreting prepurchase and postoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies in horses. These artifacts occur when a metallic or a paramagnetic substance creates a local magnetic field deformity. Aims of the current experimental study were to determine prevalence of these artifacts after arthroscopy in a sample of nonlame horses, and to describe effects of time and type of pulse sequence on low‐field MRI signal intensity and detection of the artifacts. Ten, nonlame Standardbred horses were prospectively recruited. All horses underwent arthroscopy of both metacarpophalangeal joints for purposes unrelated to the study. Serial low‐Field MRI examinations were performed on each horse and each joint (before, and 6 and 12 weeks postsurgery). In two horses, more detailed longitudinal evaluations were performed with additional MRI examinations. Magnetic susceptibility artifacts were detected postoperatively at the surgical access sites in eight metacarpophalangeal joints at both 6 and 12 weeks after surgery (40% prevalence). Neither of the two longitudinally followed horses had artifacts at any time. Artifacts were only detected on gradient echo (GRE) sequences. Findings indicated that magnetic susceptibility artifacts can be present in postarthroscopy MRI studies in horses and can persist up to 12 weeks after arthroscopy. For this sample of horses, the artifacts did not interfere with evaluation of the joint. Further longitudinal studies are needed to determine the full duration of magnetic susceptibility artifact persistence in affected tissues.  相似文献   

We describe the technique for in vivo cardiac‐gated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in normal dogs and its application in two dogs with a large right atrial tumor. The dogs with a cardiac tumor were also imaged using contrast‐enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CE‐MRA). Cardiac‐gated MRI and CE‐MRA are both feasible in animals with short acquisition times compatible with breath‐hold imaging under anesthesia, and provide detailed two‐ and three‐dimensional (3D) depiction of the cardiac anatomy and great vessels with or without contrast medium. Although cardiac MRI will not replace echocardiography, it is a powerful alternative technique to use when knowledge of the 3D anatomy of the vasculature is required, when precise volume measurements are needed or when myocardial characterization is indicated. As opposed to contrast‐enhanced computed tomography angiography, cardiac MRI does not use ionizing radiation or iodinated contrast medium.  相似文献   

Reversible magnetic resonance (MR) imaging lesions have been described in humans following seizures. This condition has not yet been reported in animals. This paper describes reversible abnormalities identified in 3 dogs using MR imaging that was performed initially within 14 days of the last seizure and follow-up imaging that was performed after 10 to 16 weeks of anticonvulsant therapy. All three dogs had lesions in the piriform/temporal lobes, characterized by varying degrees of hyperintensity on T2-weighted images and hypointensity on T1-weighted images. In one dog, contrast enhancement was evident. On reevaluation, partial resolution occurred in all 3 dogs. In a fourth animal with an olfactory meningioma, similar appearing lesions in the temporal cortex and right and left piriform lobes were identified after seizure activity. A surgical biopsy of the temporal cortex and hippocampus was performed and edema, neovascularization, reactive astrocytosis, and acute neuronal necrosis were evident. These histologic findings are similar to those reported in humans with seizures. Recognizing the potential occurrence of reversible abnormalities in MR images is important in developing a diagnostic and therapeutic plan in canine patients with seizures. Repeat imaging after seizure control may help differentiate between seizure-induced changes and primary multifocal parenchymal abnormalities.  相似文献   

An Andalusian Stallion with left hind limb lameness had a radiolucent lesion in the medullary cavity of distal tibial metaphysis. After euthanasia for other disease, the tibia was examined with magnetic resonance (MR). The MR imaging sequences were characterized by a double line sign, although showing quite different lesion area intensities. Histologically, the lesion was compatible with medullary infarction being characterized by normal spongy bone, areas of abundant fibrous tissue and numerous necrotic adipocytes in various stages of destruction.  相似文献   

A 2-month-old mix-breed calf developed acute blindness and ataxia. Serum thiamine concentration was deficient. In antemortem magnetic resonance imaging there were laminar T2-hyperintense regions extending along the cerebral cortex that primarily affected the gray matter. The lesions were relatively symmetric between the left and right hemispheres but no abnormalities were present at the frontal lobes. At necropsy, laminar autofluorescence of the cerebral cortex was observed under ultraviolet exposure at 365 nm, consistent with a diagnosis of polioencephalomalacia. Polioencephalomalacia in the bovine species is compared with that in other species, namely humans, dogs, and cats.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is highly sensitive for detecting tuberculomas in human patients but the specificity of the MR imaging features is low. Misdiagnosis with intracranial neoplasia is common, especially with dural‐based lesions or lesions located in the epidural space. We describe the MR imaging characteristics of an intracranial epidural tuberculoma caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in a dog. The intracranial mass and skull flat bone lysis and erosion are similar to those described in human caseating tuberculomas and can mimic intracranial neoplastic disease.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the appearance of normal bone marrow in seven adult dogs using low-field (0.3 T) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. The areas imaged included the lumbar spine, pelvis, and femur. T1-weighted, fast spin-echo T2-weighted, and short tau (T1) inversion recovery (STIR) sequences were obtained at all locations. Histopathology was performed on sections from the sixth lumbar vertebral body, the wing of the ilium, and the femur (head and neck, mid-diaphysis, and condyle) for evaluation of cellularity and fat content. The lumbar spine and pelvic marrow MR images were similar in all dogs. The lumbar vertebral bone marrow was uniform, intermediate signal intensity, and isointense to muscle on all sequences. There was variation between dogs in the bone marrow distribution with MR imaging of the femur. In the proximal and mid-diaphysis of the femur there was patchy high-signal intensity on T1- and T2-weighted images, and hypointense foci on the STIR images. The distal femoral metaphysis had a variable pattern ranging from intermediate-to-high signal on T1- and T2-weighted images and intermediate-to-low signal on STIR images. The femoral condyles were uniformly high signal on T1- and T2-weighted images and hypointense on STIR images. Histopathologically there was a normal variation in the bone marrow cellularity. The marrow was normocellular (25–75% cellularity) for all sites examined except the femoral condyles, which were hypocellular (<25% cellularity).  相似文献   

Two bullmastiffs with calvarial hyperostosis syndrome are described and are the first documented examples in females. The clinical and radiologic features were similar to those previously reported in males. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging findings have not previously been reported. One dog underwent MR imaging and abnormalities included thickening of the frontal bones with loss of normal fat signal and changes in the overlying soft tissues. In one of the dogs, long bone changes were seen in the femora and resembled those seen with craniomandibular osteopathy.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is increasingly used in the diagnosis of equine foot pain, but improved understanding of how MR images represent tissue-level changes in the equine foot is required. We hypothesized that alterations in signal intensity and tissue contour would represent changes in tissue structure detected using histologic evaluation. The study objectives were to determine the significance of MR signal alterations in feet from horses with and without lameness, by comparison with histopathologic changes. Fifty-one cadaver feet from horses with a history of lameness improved by palmar digital analgesia (n = 32) or age-matched control horses with no history of lameness (n = 19) were stored frozen before undergoing MR imaging and subsequent histopathological examination at standard sites (deep digital flexor tendon, navicular bone, distal sesamoidean impar ligament, collateral sesamoidean ligament, and navicular bursa). Using MR images, signal intensity and homogeneity, size, definition of anatomic margins, and relationships with other structures were described. Alterations were graded as mild, moderate, or severe for each structure. For each anatomic site examined histologically the structures were described and scored as no changes, mild, moderate, or severe abnormalities, also taking into account adhesion formation within the navicular bursa detected on macroscopic examination. Alterations in MR signal intensity were related to changes at the tissue level detected by histologic examination. A sensitivity and specificity comparison of MR imaging with histologic examination was used to evaluate the significance of MR signal alterations for detection of moderate-to-severe lesions of the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT), navicular bone, distal sesamoidean impar ligament (DSIL), collateral sesamoidean ligament (CSL) and navicular bursa. Agreement between the MR and histologic grading was assessed for each structure using a weighted kappa agreement. Direct comparison between histology and MR imaging for individual limbs revealed that signal alterations on MR imaging did represent tissue-level changes. These included structural damage, fibroplasia, fibrocartilaginous metaplasia, and hemosiderosis in ligaments and tendons; trabecular damage, osteonecrosis, fibroplasia, cortical defects, and increased vascularity in bone; and fibrocartilage defects. MR imaging had a high sensitivity and specificity for most structures. MR imaging had high specificity for lesions of the DDFT, CSL and navicular bursa, quite high specificity for lesions of the medulla of the navicular bone and its proximal aspect, with moderate specificity for the DSIL, and distal, dorsal and palmar aspects of the navicular bone, and was sensitive for detection of abnormalities in all structures except the dorsal aspect of the navicular bone. When MR and histologic grades alone were compared, there was good agreement between MR and histologic grades for the navicular bursa, DDFT, navicular bone medulla and CSL; moderate-to-good agreement in grades of the distal and palmar aspects of the navicular bone; fair to moderate in grades of the DSIL, and poor agreement for the dorsal and proximal aspects of the navicular bone. The results of this study support our hypothesis and indicate the potential use and limitations of MR imaging for visualization of structural changes within osseous and soft tissue structures of the equine foot.  相似文献   

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