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<正> 1 前言早期断奶能够缩短母猪的产仔间隔,增加母猪的产仔窝数,提高母猪的繁殖力和利用强度。研究探讨仔猪断奶日龄对母猪繁殖性能的影响,对于制定仔猪最佳早期断奶策略,提高母猪繁殖性能有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Todd  See  温鹏 《农业新技术》2006,(6):22-24
根据美国农业部的数据,1990—2000年10年间,美国的仔猪平均断奶日龄从28.8d降至19.3d。早期断奶可使商品猪群更健康、体重更均匀,而且能提高年出栏头数,从而提高了母猪整个生命期的生产能力。  相似文献   

根据美国农业部的数据,在1990-2000年之间,美国仔猪的平均断奶日龄从288d下降到19.3d。早期断奶可生产出更健康、更均匀的仔猪,通过每年向市场提供更多的猪,改善了母猪的终生生产力。然而,根据北美PigCHAMP软件的总结,近几年来,仔猪的断奶日龄在上升,目的是使猪群的整体繁殖效率最佳化。只有当断奶日龄不会显著降低母猪的繁殖性能,并且分娩设备能够得到充分利用的情况下,  相似文献   

断奶日龄是影响仔猪和母猪生产性能的重要因素之一,选择合适的断奶时机对养猪生产意义重大。本文介绍了仔猪断奶日龄对母猪繁殖性能的影响,并结合中国生猪生产现状,提出了仔猪断奶日龄选择的策略,旨在为读者提供参考。  相似文献   

为研究不同仔猪断奶日龄对母猪下一胎次生产性能的影响,根据断奶日龄将某种猪场5 271头2~5胎长大二元杂种断奶母猪分为6组,跟踪对应母猪下一胎次配种、产仔情况,分析其生产性能的差异。结果表明,母猪的断奶至配种时间间隔在断奶日龄为18~20、21~23、24~26、27~29的4个时间段时差异不显著,配种分娩率、胎均总仔数随断奶日龄的延长呈增加趋势,而断奶复配率、断奶母猪产仔效率根据断奶日龄的变化呈明显的正态分布。综合评估,当断奶日龄为24~26 d时,对应母猪的下一胎生产性能最高。  相似文献   

根据美国农业部的数据,在1990-2000年之间,美国仔猪的平均断奶日龄从288d下降到19.3d。早期断奶可生产出更健康、更均匀的仔猪,通过每年向市场提供更多的猪,改善了母猪的终生生产力。然而,根据北美PigCHAMP软件的总结,近几年来,仔猪的断奶日龄在上升,目的是使猪群的整体繁殖效率最佳化。只有当断奶日龄不会显著降低母猪的繁殖性能,并且分娩设备能够得到充分利用的情况下,  相似文献   

杜洛克母猪初配日龄对其繁殖性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
后备母猪适期配种是非常重要的。配种过早不仅会妨碍小母猪自身生长发育 ,而且产生的后代体重减轻 ,体质衰弱或发育不良 ;配种过晚则会造成不安 ,也影响小母猪的正常发育和性机能活动〔1、2、3〕。本文根据浙江省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所杜洛克原种场 1997、1998、1999年的母猪繁殖哺育记录 ,探讨杜洛克后备母猪的不同初配日龄对其繁殖性能的影响 ,为指导生产提供依据。1 材料与方法1 .1 材料来源 :从浙江省农科院畜牧所杜洛克原种场1997、1998、1999年三年的杜洛克母猪繁殖记录中 ,剔除数据不全的个体后 ,选取 2 4 7头杜洛克母猪。1 .2…  相似文献   

断奶日龄在很大程度上影响着母猪的繁殖效率和仔猪的生产性能,合适的断奶日龄对养猪生产具有重大意义。本文综述了断奶日龄对母猪繁殖性能和仔猪生产性能的影响,以期为养殖业者确定断奶日龄提供参考。  相似文献   

断奶日龄与繁殖成绩的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我们知道断奶日龄是否适宜对生产成绩有很大的影响。那么,一个养猪场如何确定适宜的断奶日龄呢?本文将根据某猪场记录的生产台帐数据来探讨这个问题。 不过,在确定仔猪适宜断奶日龄之前,必须结合考虑本猪场繁殖母猪的能力,断奶仔猪舍的  相似文献   

为了探讨后备母猪不同初情日龄对母猪繁殖性能和哺乳仔猪生长性能的影响,试验采用单因子设计方法,将738头后备母猪按照初情日龄的早晚分为4个处理组(初情日龄200 d为Ⅰ组;200 d≤初情日龄220 d为Ⅱ组;220 d≤初情日龄≤240 d为Ⅲ组;初情日龄240 d为Ⅳ组),检测母猪第1胎、第2胎、第3胎及综合6胎的母猪产仔数、母猪产活仔数、仔猪初生均重、哺乳仔猪断奶均重、哺乳仔猪日均增重等指标。结果表明:(1)母猪头胎,Ⅱ组与Ⅰ组相比,母猪产活仔数、哺乳仔猪断奶均重、哺乳仔猪日均增重均显著提高(P0.05);(2)母猪第2胎,Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组与Ⅰ组、Ⅳ组相比,母猪产仔数、母猪产活仔数均显著提高(P0.05);(3)母猪第3胎,Ⅱ组与Ⅰ组、Ⅲ组、Ⅳ组相比,母猪产仔数、母猪产活仔数均显著提高(P0.05);(4)母猪综合6胎,Ⅱ组与Ⅰ组、Ⅲ组、Ⅳ组相比,母猪产仔数、母猪产活仔数、哺乳仔猪日均增重均显著提高(P0.05)。说明后备母猪初情日龄对母猪繁殖性能和哺乳仔猪生长性能存在显著影响,最佳初情日龄为200 d~220 d。  相似文献   

The effects of dietary consumption of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and dextrose during a 28-d lactation on sow and litter performance and sow plasma constituents were examined in 45 multiparous and 36 primiparous crossbred sows. Isocaloric and isonitrogenous corn-soybean meal diets were formulated to contain either 20% fructose or 20% glucose. Diets were fed on a metabolic BW basis from d 0 to d 28 of lactation. Litter and pig weights on d 28 were not affected (P greater than .05) by treatment. Litter size was greater (P less than .10) at weaning for primiparous sows fed HFCS, but multiparous sows weaned heavier (P less than .05) pigs. Sow weight change during lactation was not influenced by diet, but primiparous sows lost more (P less than .05) weight during lactation and had longer intervals to estrus than multiparous sows did. Milk yields on d 17 and 21 of lactation were not different (P greater than .05) for sows fed HFCS vs dextrose, but sows fed HFCS tended to have greater (P = .05) percentage of milk fat. Preprandial concentrations of fructose in plasma were low in sows fed HFCS and nondetectable in those fed dextrose but were elevated (P less than .05) after consumption of HFCS. Conversely, similar (P greater than .05) concentrations of glucose in plasma preprandially were followed by greater (P less than .05) postprandial glucose concentrations in sows fed dextrose. Although postprandial concentrations of insulin were not affected (P greater than .05) by diet, sows fed dextrose had greater (P less than .05) preprandial insulin concentrations in plasma. Concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and growth hormone in plasma and response to a glucose challenge were not affected (P greater than .05) by feeding HFCS. However, concentrations of insulin in plasma following glucose infusion were less (P less than .05) during the glucose challenge period on d 25 than on d 13 of lactation.  相似文献   

The effect of lasalocid (140 mg . head-1 . d-1) on sow reproductive performance and subsequent piglet performance during lactation were examined in a trial that involved 114 sows. Treatments consisted of 1) control diet with no lasalocid during gestation and lactation; 2) lasalocid diet during gestation, control diet during lactation; 3) control diet during gestation and lasalocid diet during lactation; and 4) lasalocid diet during gestation and lactation. The addition of lasalocid either to gestation or lactation diets had no effect (P greater than .10) on sow weight gains or days to return to estrus postweaning. Milk protein percentages were similar (P greater than .10) for sows in all treatment groups for samples taken at 3, 7 and 14 d postfarrowing. Milk fat percentages were higher (P less than .05) in fall-bred sows at d 3 for Treatments 1, 3 and 4 than for Treatment 2 No significant differences (P less than .10) were observed for litter size at birth, 21 d postfarrowing or at weaning. Piglet weights at birth, 21 d and weaning were similar (P less than .10) among treatment groups. However, litter size and litter weight gains tended to be heavier at 21 d postfarrowing and at weaning for fall-bred sows fed lasalocid in either gestation and (or) lactation compared with those fed the control diet.  相似文献   

Reproductive performance is steadily increasing within the pork industry; logically, amino acid requirements need to be redefined for sows producing larger litters. The objective of this study was to determine the threonine requirement of the high-producing lactating sow and to determine the effect of lysine on this requirement. A total of 419 PIC C-15 sows were assigned randomly to treatment within parity groups (1, 2, and 3+) and gestation treatment at d 110 of gestation. Lactation diets were formulated to contain 0.80% total lysine (tLYS) with 0.30, 0.35, 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.55, 0.60, or 0.65% total threonine (tTHR) or 1.06% tLYS with 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.55, 0.60, 0.65, or 0.70% tTHR. Litters were standardized to a minimum of 11 piglets within 48 h after farrowing, and sows had free access to feed throughout lactation (lactation length = 20.1 +/- 0.1 d). Sow ADFI exceeded expectation, averaging 6.90, 7.40, and 7.20 kg/d for Parities 1, 2, and 3+, respectively. Daily tLYS intake was 58 g/d (47 g of apparent ileal digestible lysine [dLYS] per day) and 74 g/d (59 g dLYS/d) for the low- and high-lysine group, respectively. Lysine intake did not affect sow or litter performance (P > 0.10). Sows gained an average of 4.8 kg in lactation. Using regression analysis, BW gain was maximized at 0.54% tTHR for all parity groups (quadratic; P < 0.05). Litter weaning weight (67.1, 67.9, and 66.2 kg for Parities 1, 2, and 3+, respectively) and litter weight gain (2.49, 2.53, and 2.44 kg/d for Parities 1, 2, and 3+, respectively) were maximized at 0.53% tTHR using regression analysis, for all parity groups (quadratic; P < 0.05). Based on regression analysis, plasma urea nitrogen on d 10 and 18 was minimized at 0.54% tTHR (P < 0.05). Lysine levels in excess of 58 g of tLYS/d did not benefit sow or litter performance. The requirement for threonine to minimize sow tissue mobilization was 37, 40, and 38 g tTHR/d (28, 30, and 30 g of apparent ileal digestible threonine [dTHR] per day) for Parities 1, 2, and 3+ sows, respectively. The threonine required to maximize litter performance was 36, 39, and 38 g of tTHR/d (28, 30, and 29 g of dTHR/d) for Parities 1, 2, and 3+ sows, respectively. Alternatively, the requirement can be expressed as 14.3 g tTHR (11.8 g dTHR) per kilogram of litter gain.  相似文献   

Forty-five gravid cross-bred sows (mean parity 3.3 +/- .3) were randomly allotted to two dietary treatments: corn-soybean mean (CS) or CS plus 60 mg salinomycin per kilogram of diet (CSS). Sows were fed their respective diets through two successive parities with dietary treatment initiated at 100 d postcoitum and continued until weaning of the second successive litter. Therefore, sows fed CSS received salinomycin for 14 d before the first parturition and for approximately 153 d before the second parturition. Daily feed intake was restricted to 2 kg.hd-1.d-1 during gestation and to 3 kg.hd-1.d-1 from weaning to breeding. All sows. had ad libitum access to feed during lactation. Sows were weighed 7 d prior to parturition, at weaning and at breeding. Weaning-to-estrus interval and farrowing interval were recorded for all sows. Litters were weighed at birth and weaning. There were no differences (P greater than .05) between dietary treatments in sow weights before parturition, at weaning or at breeding for either first or second farrowing. The CSS-fed sows lost more weight from weaning to breeding after the first (P less than .03) and second (P less than .05) lactation periods than CS-fed sows. The CSS-fed sows tended to gain more (P = .06) weight during lactation than CS-fed sows. There were no differences (P greater than .05) between treatments in lactation feed intake, weaning-to-estrus interval, farrowing interval, litter size born or weaned, litter weights at birth or at weaning, or in sow culling rate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

One-hundred-three multiparous sows were randomly assigned to one of two lactation diets containing either no supplemental animal fat (C) or 10% added fat (F) during two seasons, summer (S) and winter (W), in a 2 X 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Sows were placed on their respective dietary treatments 1 wk prior to farrowing and were fed these diets ad libitum throughout the 28-d lactation period. Weekly feed intake and total feed intake were not affected by diet or season, while weekly metabolizable energy (ME) intake tended to be higher during week 1 and 3, and was higher (P less than .04) during wk 2 for sows fed diet F. Sow weight loss from farrowing to 21 d of lactation and to weaning (28 d) were unaffected by diet or season. Average pig birth weight was .15 kg higher (P less than .01) for pigs born during S compared with those born in W. Sows receiving diet F had heavier litters at 21 d (P less than .01) and heavier average pig 21-d weights (P less than .01). This was primarily due to the 13.1% increase (P less than .04) in estimated milk yield and the higher fat concentration (P less than .001) of milk consumed by the pigs nursing sows fed diet F. Interval between weaning and rebreeding was shortened by 5.9 d (P less than .01) for sows during W than during S, and tended to be lower for sows fed diet F (7.3 d) compared with that of sows fed diet C (9.7 d).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fifty-three primiparous sows were used to study the effects of a high-energy, fat-supplemented diet on sow lactation and rebreeding performance. Sows received either a low [Lo, 12.5 Mcal metabolizable energy (ME)/d] or high (Hi, 16.0 Mcal ME/d) energy sorghum-soybean diet during a 28-d lactation. At weaning, sows were randomly allotted, within lactation treatment, to a low (lo, 5.54 Mcal ME/d) or high (hi, 9.61 Mcal ME/d) energy sorghum-soybean diet until the day of first postweaning estrus. Primiparous sows fed Lo weaned larger (P less than .05) litters than sows fed Hi; however, average pig weight was not affected by lactation treatments. Primiparous sows fed Hi had more backfat at weaning (P less than .01) than Lo sows. In contrast, sow weight was not affected by dietary treatments. Neither lactation nor rebreeding treatments influenced days to rebreeding; however, an interaction (P less than .01) was observed. Mean days from weaning to rebreeding for Lolo, Lohi, Hilo and Hihi sows were 10.0, 7.6, 6.9 and 17.1, respectively. Forty sows were maintained on the same dietary treatments during their second parity. Sows receiving Lo during their second parity farrowed and weaned more (P less than .05) pigs than Hi sows. Multiparous sows fed Hi nursed heavier (P less than .05) pigs on d 21 of lactation and at weaning compared with Lo sows. Sows fed Hi were heavier (P less than .05) and had more (P less than .01) backfat at weaning of their second litter compared to Lo sows. Days to postweaning estrus were not affected by lactation or rebreeding diets. Mean length of the second parity rebreeding interval for Lolo, Lohi, Hilo and Hihi sows was 6.2, 10.2, 7.0 and 10.5 d, respectively. These results suggest that feeding levels during lactation of 12.5 Mcal ME/d or higher supported adequate rebreeding performance. Postweaning feeding levels did not influence days to first estrus. Feeding a high energy diet continuously throughout the lactation and rebreeding phases in primiparous sows may lengthen the postweaning interval to estrus.  相似文献   

Sows of differing parities and genetics were used at different locations to determine the effects of feeding added L-carnitine during lactation on sow and litter performance. In Exp. 1, sows (n = 50 PIC C15) were fed a lactation diet (1.0% total lysine, .9% Ca, and .8% P) with or without 50 ppm of added L-carnitine from d 108 of gestation until weaning (d 21). No differences in litter weaning weight, survivability, sow ADFI, or sow weight and last rib fat depth change were observed. Number of pigs born alive in the subsequent farrowing were not different (P>.10). In Exp. 2, parity-three and -four sows (n = 115 Large White cross) were used to determine the effect of feeding 0, 50, 100, or 200 ppm of added L-carnitine during lactation (diet containing .9% total lysine, 1.0% Ca, and .8% P) on sow and litter performance. No improvements in the number of pigs or litter weights at weaning were observed (P>.10). Sows fed added L-carnitine had increased weight loss (linear; P<.04), but no differences (P>.10) were observed in last rib fat depth change or subsequent reproductive performance. In Exp. 3, first-parity sows (n = 107 PIC C15) were fed a diet with or without 50 ppm of added L-carnitine during lactation (diet containing 1.0% total lysine). Sows fed added L-carnitine tended (P<.10) to have fewer stillborn and mummified pigs than controls (.42 vs .81 pigs). No differences were observed for litter weaning weight, survivability, or subsequent farrowing performance. Feeding 50 to 200 ppm of added L-carnitine during lactation had little effect on sow and litter performance.  相似文献   

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