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The publication of lists of quarantine organisms by EPPO in 1975 and of the EC Council Directive on Plant Health in 1977 were major milestones in the establishment of plant health requirements in Europe. The substantial risks to European forest trees from alien pests were recognized and most European countries now prohibit the importation of trees of important forest genera into Europe from other continents. There is a need to establish and up-date lists of potentially dangerous forest pests in order that appropriate preventive measures can be introduced. However it is important to recognize that lists of potentially dangerous organisms can never be complete. In effect this is recognized by the provisions of the EC Directive but not so far in the EPPO Lists of Organisms and related Specific Quarantine Requirements. Examples of host-oriented plant health requirements, such as those associated with coniferous wood, will be discussed.  相似文献   

国际上农药登记残留试验作物区域划分及试验点数要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
足够的残留试验点数及合理的试验区域划分是农药登记残留试验的重要组成部分。就联合国粮农组织(FAO)、经济合作与发展组织(OECD)及美国环境保护局(EPA)规定的农药登记残留试验点数及试验区域划分相关准则进行了综述,并简要介绍了国内外农作物种植区域划分情况及规定,旨在为我国农药登记残留试验的点数选择及区域划分提供建议。  相似文献   

European Community (EC) legislation has limited the availability of pesticide active substances used in effective plant protection products. The Pesticide Authorisation Directive 91/414/EEC introduced the principle of risk assessment for approval of pesticide active substances. This principle was modified by the introduction of Regulation (EC) 1107/2009, which applies hazard, the intrinsic toxicity of the active substance, rather than risk, the potential for hazard to occur, as the approval criterion. Potential impacts of EC pesticide legislation on agriculture in Ireland are summarised. While these will significantly impact on pesticide availability in the medium to long term, regulations associated with water quality (Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC and Drinking Water Directive 1998/83/EC) have the potential to restrict pesticide use more immediately, as concerns regarding public health and economic costs associated with removing pesticides from water increase. This rationale will further reduce the availability of effective pesticide active substances, directly affecting crop protection and increasing pesticide resistance within pest and disease populations. In addition, water quality requirements may also impact on important active substances used in plant protection in Ireland. The future challenge for agriculture in Ireland is to sustain production and profitability using reduced pesticide inputs within a framework of integrated pest management. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

An analysis of the regulations of herbicide use for weed control in non-agricultural/urban amenity areas, including actual pesticide use, was carried out as a joint survey of seven European countries: Denmark, Finland, Germany, Latvia, the Netherlands, Sweden and United Kingdom. Herbicides constitute the major part of the pesticides used in urban amenity areas. Herbicide use on hard surfaces is the largest in terms of volume and potential contamination of surface and groundwater. The aim of the study was to investigate the differences in political interest and public debate on the 'use of pesticides in public urban amenity areas', regulations within each country at national, regional and local levels, possible use of alternative weed control methods and the amounts of pesticides used on urban amenity areas. A comparative analysis revealed major differences in political interest, regulations and availability of statistics on pesticide use. Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands and Germany have, or have had, a strong public and political interest for reducing the use of herbicides to control weeds in urban amenity areas and also have very strict regulations. The UK is currently undergoing a period of increasing awareness and strengthening regulation, while Latvia and Finland do not have specific regulations for weed control in urban amenity areas or on hard surfaces. Statistics on pesticide/herbicide use on urban amenity areas were only available in Denmark and the Netherlands. Developing this kind of information base reveals the differences in herbicide use, regulations and policies in European countries and may enhance the transfer of knowledge on sustainable weed control across countries.  相似文献   

The following are extended summaries based on papers presented at a meeting of the Physicochemical and Biophysical Panel of the SCI Pesticides Group, held on 3-7 August 1992 at Churchill College, Cambridge University. Cambridge, UK. The summaries published here are entirely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board of Pesticide Science.  相似文献   

Higher recovery of Colletotrichum acutatum , the causal agent of anthracnose (ripe-rot), from blueberry tissues during the growing seasons of 2002 and 2003 was found at bloom and ripe berry than at other stages of plant development. The effects of leaf-wetness duration and ambient temperature on fruit infection frequency were determined during the growing seasons of 2001–03. Potted 2-year-old blueberry plants were exposed for 1-week periods to prevailing environmental conditions and natural inoculum in a commercial field, and grown to harvest, when fruit infection was assessed. Three peaks of infection were observed: early during bloom, mid-season during the mature green berry stage, and later in the season when berries had ripened. Weather data collected simultaneously indicated that a minimum of 10 h of leaf wetness at 11°C was sufficient for fruit infection. These conditions preceded each peak of infection. To determine whether peaks of infection in the field were also caused by changes in host susceptibility or available inoculum, groups of potted blueberry plants were artificially inoculated at weekly intervals during the growing season of 2004, exposed to prevailing environmental conditions, and fruit infection assessed at harvest. Flowers and developing fruits were found to be susceptible throughout the season, indicating that specific peaks of infection were associated with environmental conditions and availability of inoculum.  相似文献   

Phomopsis amaranthicola, a bioherbicide agent for Amaranthus spp., was tested in vitro for its compatibility with commercial formulations of 16 adjuvants, 24 herbicides, nine fungicides and four insecticides at 2X, 1X (highest labelled product dose rate), 0.75X, 0.5X and 0.25X concentrations. These chemicals were tested for their effects on spore germination. Selected herbicides and fungicides at 1X were also tested for their influence on colony growth and sporulation. All tested compounds were finally categorized in compatibility classes regarding germination, mycelial growth and sporulation such as low, medium and high compatibility. High compatibility in terms of germination and fungal colony growth was only observed with the herbicide bentazone. Many of the adjuvants tested were highly compatible in the germination studies. Most fungicides and insecticides had medium and low compatibility with P. amaranthicola. Effects of pesticides on spore germination did not fully correspond with their effects on colony growth. Thus, it is possible to integrate the use of P. amaranthicola with some herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and adjuvants but not others. A case‐by‐case selection of application methods, such as tank‐mix or sequential application, along with proper timing of applications of the fungus and the chemical agents will be necessary.  相似文献   

本刊讯 <农药标签和说明书管理办法>和<关于修订<农药管理条例实施办法>的决定>业经2007年12月6日农业部第15次常务会议审议通过,12月8日孙政才部长签字,分别以中华人民共和国农业部令第8号和第9号发布,自2008年1月8日起施行.现予转发.  相似文献   

为探究不同类型飞防助剂与杀虫剂配伍方式对其防治稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis效果的影响,以杀虫剂、飞防助剂和施药液量为因素设计3因素4水平的正交试验,通过方差分析(analysis of variance,ANOVA)对各因素的显著性水平进行分析,确定对稻纵卷叶螟具有理想防效的配伍方式。结果表明,杀虫剂和飞防助剂对防治稻纵卷叶螟的效果均有极显著影响,施药液量对防治稻纵卷叶螟的效果无显著影响。施药后第15天,杀虫剂选择10%甲维·茚虫威悬浮剂、飞防助剂选择有机硅、施药液量选择30.0 L/hm2的配伍方式对稻纵卷叶螟的防效较好,达84.32%。飞防助剂并非对所有杀虫剂都具有同等增效,其中聚合物助剂对5%氯虫苯甲酰胺悬浮剂的增效显著高于对其他3种杀虫剂的增效,植物油助剂对12%甲维·虫螨腈悬浮剂的增效显著低于对其他3种杀虫剂的增效,有机硅助剂对4种杀虫剂的增效均较好。  相似文献   



Although co-formulants constitute a substantial portion of the total plant protection product (PPP) mass applied to crops, data on residue formation and the behaviour of these substances on plants are scarce. In an earlier study we demonstrated that co-formulants commonly used in PPPs can form considerable residues, i.e., in the low to medium mg/kg range, but normally decline rapidly within few days. In the field trial reported here, we aimed to identify the major decline processes of co-formulants. Residues of co-formulants were therefore monitored in parsley and lettuce grown in an open field as well as under foil tunnels equipped with either an overhead or a drip irrigation system.


Dissipation of three anionic surfactants was markedly faster when crops (parsley and lettuce) were exposed to natural rainfall or irrigation from above compared to drip irrigation. In contrast, the decline of three volatile organic solvents was not affected by rain or irrigation, but was dependent on the crop, with much shorter half-lives in lettuce than in parsley. Furthermore, dilution through plant growth contributed significantly to the reduction of residues over time.


In this work we substantiate earlier findings on the magnitude and dissipation of residues of anionic surfactants and solvents representing the most important co-formulant classes. The chosen experimental setup allowed differentiation between decline processes and we confirm that foliar wash-off is a major dissipation process for anionic surfactants. For volatile organic solvents, dissipation appears to depend on the properties not only of the substance but also of the plant (surface). © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)-based insecticide products constitute the overwhelming majority of biopesticides but, despite having been commercially available for over 30 years, they have made little impact (<1%) on the crop-protection market as a whole. This has been largely due to poor cost-performance factors relative to synthetic organic pesticides. However, recent biotechnological advances—including genetic modification—combined with a variety of emerging opportunities, have created the prospect of the commercialisation of a new range of highly effective Bt-based biopesticides. Bioencapsulation of single-gene products—delta-endotoxins from selected Bt isolates—in killed Pseudomonad cells (Mycogen Corporation's ‘CellCap’ technology), offers a flexible delivery system with enhanced persistence. This versatile approach selects only the most appropriate biotoxins, which can be used to target a number of pest species. It is anticipated that Bt-based pesticides will continue to fill an increasing number of gaps in the panoply of synthetic crop-protection chemicals. Genetically modified products offer advantages in terms of efficacy, flexibility and safety but public concerns regarding perceived risks need to be addressed.  相似文献   

2010年,全国农业技术推广服务中心组织河北、江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、山东、河南、湖北、新疆等省(自治区)共66个抗药性监测点,分别对水稻褐飞虱、灰飞虱、二化螟,小麦赤霉病、麦蚜,棉花棉铃虫、棉蚜的抗药性进行监测,测定农药品种19个.现将抗药性监测情况通报如下.  相似文献   

杨小龙  杨俊  杨石有  张蕊  杨申 《植物保护》2024,50(4):356-361
为了筛选对石榴蓟马有效的防治药剂, 同时评价添加喷雾助剂对药剂的减量增效作用,本研究开展了12种杀虫剂对石榴蓟马的田间防效试验, 同时将450 g/L吡虫啉微乳剂常规用量减量10%、20% 后添加0.05%的有机硅Silwet 408、矿物油、芦荟精油助剂, 测定其对药液物理性能的影响及对石榴蓟马的田间防效, 评价喷雾助剂的减量增效作用。结果表明:12种杀虫剂对石榴蓟马具有较好的田间防效, 按照667 m2用量, 450 g/L吡虫啉微乳剂10 mL、60 g/L乙基多杀菌素悬浮剂30 mL、10%多杀霉素悬浮剂20 mL、240 g/L虫螨腈悬浮剂40 mL、25%噻虫嗪水分散粒剂30 mL对石榴蓟马防效较高, 可作为防治石榴蓟马的临时推荐药剂。添加3种喷雾助剂均能显著降低药液的表面张力、增大扩展直径并提高药液持留量, 提高药剂对石榴蓟马的防效。相对常规用量, 通过添加有机硅Silwet 408、矿物油助剂可使450 g/L吡虫啉微乳剂用量减量20%, 添加芦荟精油可使药剂减量10%。生产上可通过向450 g/L吡虫啉微乳剂中添加3种喷雾助剂来达到对石榴蓟马减量增效的作用。  相似文献   

为进一步提高蛇床子素的利用价值,设计合成了26个含有1,3,4-噁二唑-2-硫基片段的新型蛇床子素类衍生物( 6a ~ 6z ),并测定了其杀虫、杀螨活性,同时通过扫描电子显微镜进一步研究了化合物 6h 对朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus体壁表皮角质层的影响。结果表明:化合物 6h (R=3-OCH3Ph) 对朱砂叶螨雌成螨的杀螨活性最高,其72 h LC50值为0.466 mg/mL,是蛇床子素 (LC50值1.200 mg/mL) 的2.6倍;化合物 6u (R=4-CF3Ph) 和 6v (R=3-CNPh) 对3龄小菜蛾幼虫的杀虫活性最优,48 h LC50值分别为0.617和0.853 mg/mL,其中化合物 6u 的杀虫活性是蛇床子素 (LC50值1.503 mg/mL) 的2.4倍。扫描电子显微镜结果显示,经化合物 6h 处理后,朱砂叶螨雌成螨体壁角质层在24 h内出现皱褶塌陷,且症状随时间推移明显加重。该研究结果可为蛇床子素类衍生物作为杀螨剂和杀虫剂的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The leaching model PESTRAS was used to estimate sorption and degradation values for bentazone from three lysimeter datasets using the inverse modelling package PEST. Investigations were undertaken to assess the influence on calibration results of (1) values attributed to uncertain parameters not included in the calibration, and (2) starting values supplied to the inverse modelling package. Automatic calibrations with different realistic values for the Freundlich exponent n(f) yielded different combinations of K(om) and DT50. Similarly, the supply of different starting values for K(om) and DT50 revealed that different combinations of these two parameters equally calibrated PESTRAS for two of the three lysimeters. Examination of the error surface, ie the forward running of the model for different combinations of K(om) and DT50 values, and the calculation of the goodness-of-fit to the experimental data, was found useful for identifying those instances where non-uniqueness in the calibration is likely to occur. Although the derivation of sorption and degradation values through inverse modelling is expected to offer significant benefits over laboratory determinations, care should be exercised when examining values derived through this approach. Research is needed to identify data requirements for robust estimation of sorption and degradation parameters through calibration of pesticide fate models against leaching data.  相似文献   

我国防治小麦赤霉病的药剂种类评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赤霉病是小麦生长后期的第一大病害,严重威胁小麦生产安全.近年来,赤霉病流行频率增加,发生为害加重,已成为常发性病害.目前,化学防治仍是防控该病的重要手段.为此,统计了我国登记用于防控赤霉病的农药品种数量、产品剂型、毒性级别,简要评析了不同农药的成分、作用机理及优缺点,指出当前已登记防治该病的农药所存在的主要问题,并提出...  相似文献   

农药的施用方式和施用效果与其在植物中的内吸和传导行为密切相关.农药在植物表面和内部的内吸和传导行为,不仅与其自身理化性质有关,还受植物种类、生长期、生长条件及施药方式等因素的影响.研究农药在植物体内的内吸和传导行为及其影响因素,对于选择合适的施药技术及提高农药利用率具有重要的指导意义.本文综述了农药在植物体内的内吸和传...  相似文献   

田间药敛试验表明,43%的好力克悬浮剂5000倍液、10%世高水分散粒剂1500倍液、朵麦可1500倍液、敌死虫(99.1%矿物油)500倍液处理,第一次用药后10d调查表咧,处理的平均防效为71.80%-74.4%,与其它药剂的防效存在极显著差异,且具有一定的持效期,第二次用药后24d,考查好力克、朵麦可相对防效仍达58%左右,与其它农药的防效间存在极显著差异,且对西瓜生长安全。  相似文献   

F. BIGLER 《EPPO Bulletin》1997,27(1):95-102
The use of macroorganisms (insects, mites and entomopathogenic nematodes) for biological pest control is increasing worldwide. Out of 281 products based on bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, nematodes and insects available for crop protection in 1992, 151 products (53.8%) consisted of macroorganisms. In Switzerland, 65.5% of the 58 products registered for biological pest control in 1995 are macroorganisms. According to published literature and personal information, it is estimated that at least 150 species of entomophagous insects and mites are mass-produced and released worldwide for biological control. While microorganisms are registered similarly to plant protection products, macroorganisms need registration only in a few countries. An increasing tendency towards regulation of macroorganisms for biological control is obvious. Based on the plant protection act of 1986, Switzerland was the first country where registration of macroorganisms became compulsory. The evaluation criteria for registration include a set of information on the bioecology of the organism, experimental data on efficacy, a simple risk assessment for environmental and human hazards and information on evaluation/registration in neighbouring countries. Positive effects of the registration are: (1) inefficacious products are kept away from the market, (2) quality control rules are respected, and (3) environmental risks and possible human hazards are assessed. Disadvantages are higher costs and sometimes delayed implementation of products. Indirect and direct costs for registration can be a serious problem for small producers and for products with minor markets. Therefore, authorities should consider the development of pragmatic and simplified registration procedures for macroorganisms that support efficacious and high-quality products on the market, minimize environmental risks and yet do not hamper the implementation of new biological products.  相似文献   

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