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冬小麦精播高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精播高产栽培技术(以下简称精播)是一套小麦产量高、经济效益高、生态效应好的高效低耗栽培技术.它的基本内容是:在地力较高,土、肥、水条件较好的基础上.通过减少基本苗数,依靠分蘖成穗等一套综合技术.  相似文献   

冬小麦精播高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵鸣石 《作物杂志》1989,5(1):25-25
冬小麦精播高产裁培是一套完整、综合、配套的栽培技术。旨在减少基本苗,培育壮苗,控制无效分蘖和过多的有效分蘖,建立合理的群体结构,利用群体自动调节能力,提高成穗率和单株成穗数获得高产。我市1987~1988年推广面积154.5万亩,平均亩产415.5公斤,较常规田增产13.9%。每公斤小麦成本精播田为0.288元,比常规田降低10.6%;亩纯收入精播田为84.14元,比常规田增  相似文献   

冬小麦精播高产栽培技术   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
聂灵菊 《种业导刊》2010,(11):18-18,20
介绍了小麦精播的主要特点,提出了小麦精播高产栽培技术要点,以期为小麦生产提供借鉴。  相似文献   

小麦精播高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚勇 《种业导刊》2012,(11):23-24
为充分发挥小麦品种的高产潜力,从选用良种、配方施肥、培育壮苗,精细整地、冬前管理、防治病虫害等方面提出小麦精播高产栽培技术措施。  相似文献   

本文从播前准备、土地准备、播种、冬前管理、返青起身期等关键生育期管理等方面对八十四团冬小麦栽培技术进行了总结,以更好地开展本地冬小麦生产.  相似文献   

冬小麦高产栽培技术   总被引:17,自引:8,他引:9  
冬小麦在入冬前要根据田块中的杂草种类,选用不同除草剂进行化学除草,冬后要根据苗情实现分类管理,有效促控麦苗的生长,“雨水”过后要预防“倒春寒”和晚霜冻害。中后期要加强肥水管理,防治小麦病虫害获高产。  相似文献   

介绍了小麦宽幅精播技术的特点及其优质高产栽培技术要点,供参考。  相似文献   

小麦宽幅精播高产栽培技术特点与推广应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就小麦宽幅精播技术特点与高产栽培要点进行了详细阐述,并在富平县大面积推广应用,增产达50 kg/667 m2以上,达到了提高小麦单产、促进农民增收的目的。  相似文献   

优质冬小麦高产栽培技术   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
近年来,河南省温县大力实施“农业名县”战略,积极开展了“创建粮食高产名县”活动。温县农科所针对温县区主导小麦品种生育规律、形态结构指标、生理指标及不同生育时期群体消长及个体发育规律、幼穗及小花分化、退化,籽粒形成、物质运转和积累等特点,为建立合理群体结构、稳定适宜穗数、提高结实率及千粒重,摸索出一套优质小麦示范区规范化栽培技术。  相似文献   

冬季高产优质马铃薯栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在云南省的低热漕坝区如蒙自、个旧、元江河谷、金沙江及其支流流域、南盘江流域、怒江及澜沧江河谷地带、富宁至西双版纳至德宏州沿线不太适宜在春、秋两季种植马铃薯,属于低地马铃薯不太适宜区.根据近两年来笔者对上述部分地区的调查和冬季马铃薯试验研究结果,认为这些地区具有冬季生产马铃薯的反季栽培优势.  相似文献   

优质高蛋白大豆科丰14高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科丰14系中国科学院培育的高蛋白、高产大豆新品种,2003年通过全国农作物品种审定委员会审定,被农业部列为我国黄淮海地区近几年主推的高蛋白大豆新品种之一。为了良法与良种相配套,达到高产的目的,现针对其生育特性,从播期、密度和田间管理等几个方面探讨其高产栽培技术。  相似文献   

Moshe J. Pinthus 《Euphytica》1967,16(2):231-251
Grain yield components of high yielding European winter wheat varieties and of the best spring varieties grown in Israel were compared and their growth was analyzed. F1- and F2-populations of crosses between winter and spring varieties were tested. Under conditions in which winter wheat attained its normal kernel size which was similar to that of the spring varieties tested, it markedly outyielded spring wheat by means of its greater number of spikelets per spike. This advantage was also expressed in the F2-populations and, was apparently, not linked with cold requirement. Winter wheat had a longer growing period and a greater leaf-area but a lower net assimilation rate than spring wheat. The higher total dry matter yield of winter wheat was owing to its longer growing period. The higher grain yield, however, was induced by a higher ratio of grain to total dry matter accumulated during the period of kernel development. The inheritance of several characters is discussed and it is concluded that winter wheat should be able to contribute to an increase in yield of progenies of its crosses with spring wheat.Contribution from The National and University Institute of Agriculture, Rehovot, No. E-1072. This research was supported by a grant of the Ford Foundation, Project Ford 4(A-3).  相似文献   

旱稻277夏直播高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旱稻 277系中国农业大学选育的旱稻新品种,临沂市 1998年引进种植,表现了良好的耐旱和丰产特性. 2000- 2003年连续 4年进行高产栽培技术开发,取得了良好的社会经济效益.  相似文献   

Summary Three populations of winter wheat were formed by crossing Avrora to Sage, TAM W-101, and Danne. Approximately 10% of the F2 plants from these crosses were selected for high and low levels of number of tillers per plant, number of kernels per spike, 1000-kernel weight, and grain yield. Forty-eight solid seeded F3 lines obtained from the selected F2 plants were then selected for high and low expressions of yield components and grain yield. Realized heritabilities were estimated. Indirect responses of yield to yield component selection and direct response to selection for grain yield were measured. Heritabilities were low for tiller number, number of kernels per spike and kernel weights but were high or intermediate for grain yield when selection occurred in the F2 generation. When selection was practiced in the F3 generation, heritabilities for tiller number and yield were low, but were intermediate to high for number of kernels per spike and kernel weight and high heritabilities were found for kernel weight. Selection for kernel weight often increased grain yield; however, direct selection for grain yields was usually as effective.Journal article no. J-4488 of the Oklahoma Agri. Exp. Stn., Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074.  相似文献   

佳源6号为河南省审定小麦品种,审定编号:豫审麦20180016。该品种具有高产性突出、稳产性好、抗倒伏能力强、抗倒春寒冻害能力好、对高温不敏感、综合抗病性好、适应性广等特征。从精细整地、适期播种、病虫害防治、化学除草等方面总结了佳源6号的高产栽培技术,为充分发挥该品种的高产潜力提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Summary The efficiency of the honeycomb selection procedure in selecting outstanding genotypes was observed at two interplant distances (d), i.e. d=100 cm, low density, representing noncompetitive conditions and d=15 cm, high density, representing presence of interplant competition. Progress due to selection among the plants grown with and without competition was established by comparison of the plot performance of offspring from selected plants with that of offspring from plants taken at random. The relation between selection intensity and response to selection was observed to detect a possible negative correlation between competing and yielding ability.So far, the results obtained do not yet allow to make a choice between selection of individual plants in presence or in absence of interplant competition. No significant correlation between single plant yield and plot yield was found at any of the two densities. However, response to selection for yield was higher when selecting at low density supporting Fasoulas' preference for selecting single plants in absence of competition. These results must be taken with caution since seed quality and a biassed sample of random plants exerted an important effect on the obtained response to selection.  相似文献   

Summary A monogenic dominant male sterility is used for hybrid production in autumn and winter cauliflower. The ratio of male sterile plants in the backcross progenies of autumn cauliflower was 1:1 over five years (1987–1991). However, a significant deficit of male sterile plants was observed in the winter type over the same period.The influence of the temperature on the male sterile phenotype was studied within backcross progenies planted inside polythene tunnels. Six classes of phenotype were defined during the flowering period (from May to November). At low temperature, some male sterile plants developed partial to complete male fertility, whereas at high temperature, male fertile plants became male sterile.Segregation among the progenies of self-pollinated unstable male sterile plants did not deviate from the expected 3:1 ratio. Plants homozygous for the male sterility allele have been revealed by test crosses with a male fertile plant.For use in seed production, stable male sterile plants are vegetatively maintained; however, crossing lines isogenic except at the MS locus would allow male sterile plants to be raised from seed.  相似文献   

为阐明播期、播量及施氮量对冬小麦生长与光谱指标的影响规律,本研究通过开展连续两年不同播期、播量及施氮量的冬小麦田间试验,系统地研究了三因素及其互作对冬小麦产量、关键生育时期叶面积指数(leafarea index,LAI)和归一化红边指数(normalized difference red edge,NDRE)的影响,并进一步分析了三因素对冬小麦冠层NDRE时序曲线的影响。另一方面建立了不同产量水平下冬小麦冠层NDRE适宜时序曲线,以便于实时监测不同产量水平下冬小麦长势动态。结果表明,冬小麦冠层NDRE与LAI随关键生育期的变化相似,且三因素对关键生育时期2个指标的影响规律基本一致。2018—2019年冬小麦产量、不同生育时期LAI和冠层NDRE均随播期推迟而下降;2019—2020年除灌浆期外,晚播冬小麦产量、LAI及冠层NDRE峰值最大。2年冬小麦不同生育时期LAI、冠层NDRE随施氮量增加而增加;而不同播量间无明显差异。三因素中播期、施氮量对冬小麦冠层NDRE时序曲线有显著影响。冬小麦冠层NDRE时序曲线随施氮量增加被纵向拉长;曲线下降部分随播期推迟向左平移,同时2018—201...  相似文献   

A. Meinel    C. Richter  G. Bätz 《Plant Breeding》1997,116(5):437-441
The objective of this study was to compare the yield response of several present day winter wheat cultivars of different origin with the aim of broadening breeders' information from multi-year/location tests by using an appropriate cluster procedure. Yield response of 18 cultivars was analysed using data from two series of official yield performance tests in Germany. Similarity of yield response between two cultivars is defined by a positive correlation coefficient (nearly one) for the yields over all test environments. A hierarchical agglomerative procedure was used to establish clusters of similarly responding cultivars. The smallest distances in yield response were established between closely related cultivars of equal maturity. Clusters of cultivars with distinct maturity and also the groups of East and West German cultivars tested exhibited clear differences in yield response.  相似文献   

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