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Yam (Dioscorea spp.) is widely cultivated in China and many landraces are maintained by local farmers. However, there is little information available about their diversity and species identity. In this study, inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and sequence related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) techniques were used to assess genetic diversity within 21 yam landraces from seven cultivated populations. We observed high level of polymorphism among these landraces, specifically, 95.3 % for ISSR and 93.5 % for SRAP. Analysis of molecular variance revealed a significantly greater variation among the four yam species (40.39 %) and their populations (35.78 %) than within the populations (23.83 %). The unweighted pair group method arithmetic averages clusters and principal component analysis for 21 landraces formed four well-separated groups containing landraces of each of the four species, namely, Dioscorea opposita Thunb., Dioscorea alata L., Dioscorea persimilis Prain et Burkill, and Dioscorea fordii Prain et Burkill. The ISSR and SRAP primers were highly discriminatory among the 21 landraces; all 21 landraces could be easily differentiated using these primers. The average mean of gene flow (Nm = 0.1081) estimated from high genetic differentiation (Gst = 0.8222) suggested that gene flow among the populations was relatively restricted. The lack of genetic diversity within individual yam species suggests that it is critical to develop long-term strategies for enhancing genetic diversity within various yam species.  相似文献   

A working collection of yam (Dioscorea spp.) comprising 53 landraces and seven improved cultivars of four species (D. alata L., D. cayenensis Lam., D. dumetorum (Kunth) and D. rotundata Poir.) was evaluated for phenotypic and genetic diversity. The evaluation involved field assessment of 24 morphological traits and DNA analysis with 32 Simple sequence repeat (SSR) polymorphic markers. Diversity was greater between species than within species; highest in D. rotundata and lowest in D. alata and D. cayenensis. Analysis based on combined phenotypic and SSR marker data sets revealed a close relationship between D. rotundata and D. cayenensis, but D. alata and D. dumetorum remained as distinct species. D. alata was related genetically to D. rotundata and D. cayenensis, but phenotypically to D. dumetorum. The study showed that cultivars obtained from different farmers may bear the same name but be genetically different. Polymorphic SSR markers were identified that may be used for genetic analysis across yam species. The working collection assessed in this study represents a good gene pool for intra- and inter-specific hybridization in yam genetic improvement.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to establish the relationships among 44 chickpea (Cicer) accessions from a minicore collection including 30 cultivars, seven landraces from C. arietinum and seven accessions from C. reticulatum, C. echinospermum, and C. oxyodon species, all with economically important traits and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, by using six amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) primer combinations. The reaction products were resolved on MetaPhor agarose gel. A total of 64 clear and reproducible AFLP markers were recorded. Mean of polymorphism information content (PIC) values were calculated for each primer pair which ranged from 0.155 (EcoRI-ACC/MseI-CAG) to 0.270 (EcoRI-ACC/ MseI-CTG) with an average of 0.237. Analysis of molecular variance revealed that 90% of the total variance was due to differences within populations and 10% due to differences among populations. The results showed that the studied minicore collection is highly variable and could be used as the fundamental base in chickpea breeding programs.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and population structure of Guinea yams and their wild relatives collected from south and south west Ethiopia were assessed using microsatellite markers. The total number of alleles amplified for the 7 loci studied was found to be 60, with an average of 8.6 alleles per locus. The average expected heterozygosity for the entire population was found to be 64 % indicating that Guinea yams and their wild relatives in the study area display a high level of genetic diversity. Using allelic richness as a measure of genetic diversity the wild forms exhibited greater allelic diversity than the cultigens. Contrary to what is expected in vegetatively propagated crops, none of the seven loci studied showed a significant excess of heterozygotes. In all the comparisons made, a low mean FST (but significant) has been observed, indicating that the majority of microsatellite diversity in the populations under study was found within rather than between populations.  相似文献   

Anchote (Coccinia abyssinica) is plant endemic in Ethiopia with a high calcium content grown for its edible tuberous roots. In spite of its importance as food security crop, there is no information available on molecular genetic diversity of this crop. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess genetic diversity within and among 12 populations of anchote using ISSR markers. Using nine ISSR primers, a total of 87 scorable bands was generated of which 74 were polymorphic. Within population diversity based on polymorphic bands ranged from 13.8 to 43.53 % with a mean of 33.05 %, Nei’s genetic diversity of 0.04–0.156 with a mean of 0.12, Shannon information index of 0.07–0.23 with a mean of 0.175 and analysis of molecular variation (AMOVA) of 51.4 % were detected. With all diversity parameters, the highest diversity was obtained from Gimbi, Bedele and Ale populations, whilst the lowest was from Manna. AMOVA showed a 48.56 % between populations variability and significantly lower than that of within population variation. Population differentiation with FST was 48.56 %. From Jaccard’s pairwise similarity coefficient, Decha and Nedjo were most related populations exhibiting 0.76 similarity and Manna and Nedjo were the most distantly related populations with similarity of 0.52. The only pentanucliotide primer used in the study, Primer 880 (GGAGA)3, showed a unique band in some individuals that appeared to be associated with morphological quantitative traits (lowest seed number, high protein content, largest fruit size and smallest vine length). Illubabor and Gimbi populations exhibited highest genetic diversity so that the populations should be considered as the primary sites in designing conservation areas for this crop.  相似文献   

The methodology of sampling and the selection of a proper marker systemfor the analysis of accessions are major concerns in the evaluation of gene bank material. In our study the RAPD analysis of bulked DNA samples and single seedsDNA was successfully employed to evaluate intra- and inter-population geneticvariability of cultivated and wild tartary buckwheat accessions. The bulkingapproach enabled the distinction of all 40 analysed accessions and theirseparation into geographically well defined clusters. Three wild populations,two from Sichuan and one from Qinghai, formed a group that was geneticallyrelatively distant from wild populations from Tibet and all cultivatedlandraces which, on the other hand, exhibited very close relationships. Thesingle seed study that was used after bulked DNA analysis provided detailedinformation of the genetic variation present within some accessions of specialinterest. A moderate level of genetic variability was detected betweenaccessions and the variability was partitioned into between- andwithin-population components. On average, most of the detected variation ispresent between F. tataricumpopulations. The genetic and geographic distribution of variability is furtherdiscussed. We demonstrated the usefulness of combining bulking and single seedstudy approaches for the effective evaluation of genetic variability inF. tataricum accessions that couldalso have wider applicability in the management of plant genetic resources andphylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

Little is known about the genetic diversity of pale flax (Linum bienne Mill.), the wild progenitor of cultivated flax (L. usitatissimum L.), and ex situ germplasm of pale flax was scarce. Effort was made to collect 34 pale flax accessions and five landrace accessions of cultivated flax in Turkey. The inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) technique was applied to characterize this set of flax germplasm, along with one Turkish cultivar, one Russian cultivar, five winter and four dehiscent type accessions of cultivated flax. Twenty-four ISSR primer pairs detected a total of 311 DNA fragments, of which 298 bands were polymorphic across 493 flax samples (roughly 10 samples per accession). These polymorphic bands had frequencies ranging from 0.002 to 0.998 and averaging 0.38. Accession-specific ISSR variation (Fst values) ranged from 0.469 to 0.514 and averaged 0.493. There was 49.3% ISSR variation resided among these 50 accessions, 35.9% harbored among landrace, winter, dehiscent types of cultivated flax and pale flax, and 38.2% present among 34 pale flax accessions. Pale flax displayed more ISSR variation than landraces and dehiscent type, but less than winter type, of cultivated flax. Clustering 493 individual plants revealed that these assayed plants were largely grouped according to their plant types and that pale flax was genetically more close to the dehiscent type, followed by the winter type and landrace, of cultivated flax. Pale flax collected within the geographic range of 180 km displayed a significant spatial genetic autocorrelation. Genetic distances among the pale flax accessions were significantly associated with their geographic distances and elevation differences. These findings are significant for understanding flax domestication and its primary gene pool.  相似文献   

Biofortification of staple crops like potato via breeding is an attractive strategy to reduce human micronutrient deficiencies. A prerequisite is metabolic phenotyping of genetically diverse material which can potentially be used as parents in breeding programs. Thus, the natural genetic diversity of thiamin and folate contents was investigated in indigenous cultivated potatoes (Solanum tuberosum group Andigenum) and wild potato species (Solanum section Petota). Significant differences were found among clones and species. For about 50% of the clones there were variations in thiamin and folate contents between years. Genotypes which contained over 2-fold the thiamin and 4-fold the folate content compared to the modern variety Russet Burbank were identified and should be useful material to integrate in breeding programs which aim to enhance the nutritional value of potato. Primitive cultivars and wild species with widely different amounts of thiamin and folate will also be valuable tools to explore their respective metabolic regulation.  相似文献   

Data from microsatellite markers have been extensively used for both in situ and ex situ conservation strategies by determining the level of genetic diversity of natural populations that can widen the gene pool of cultivated plants. Such conservation practices are based on understanding of the between and within population genetic variations and partitioning populations on the basis of geographic origin. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the genetic diversity of Oryza longistaminata Chev. et Roehr and how this variation is partitioned within and between the eight O. longistaminata populations found in the different geographic regions of Ethiopia using simple sequence repeat markers. Five microsatellite markers in 320 samples generated 64 alleles that revealed the presence of large amount of genetic variability (Ho = 0.225; He = 0.768; Na = 7.375; Ne = 6.565 and P = 0.744). The F-statistics detected by the microsatellite loci showed Fst = 0.064 and Fis = 0.743 and there was no population in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. The genetic diversity results obtained from this data indicated that there are high levels of genetic diversity in the populations of O. longistaminata studied and it is higher within than between populations. Among the eight populations sampled, five populations were identified as priorities for conservation strategies. Thus, national collection and conservation strategies need to consider these populations.  相似文献   

Breeding progress in black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis L.) has been limited by a lack of genetic diversity in elite germplasm. Black raspberry cultivars have been noted for showing very few phenotypic differences and seedlings from crosses between cultivars for a lack of segregation for important traits. Despite these challenges, little molecular work has been done to explore genetic diversity and relationships in wild and cultivated black raspberry germplasm. Microsatellite, or simple sequence repeat (SSR), markers are highly polymorphic codominant markers useful for studying genetic diversity, population genetics, genetic fingerprinting and other applications. We examined genetic diversity in 148 wild and cultivated black raspberry accessions using 21 polymorphic SSR markers. Black raspberry cultivars clustered tightly and showed higher than expected heterozygosity while that of wild accessions was low. Relationships between wild black raspberry accessions were poorly resolved and regional clusters were mostly absent from our analysis. Our results indicated that wild black raspberry germplasm is a relatively untapped resource available for future breeding.  相似文献   

The genus Zanthoxylum, belonging to Rutaceae, has a long history of cultivation both for economic and chemical values in China. To effectively conserve and sustainably utilize this genus resource, a study on genetic diversity and relationships of Zanthoxylum germplasms was carried out by employing SRAP markers. We used 16 primer combinations to assess genetic variations and relationships among 175 accessions from eight cultivated provenances, including Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan. A total of 145 clear repetitive and intense bands were yielded, and the percentage of polymorphic bands was 100 % for per primer combination, indicating a relatively high diversity among Zanthoxylum germplasms. From a geographic perspective, the highest genetic diversity level was observed within Guizhou provenance (N a  = 1.97, Ne = 1.52, H = 0.31, I = 0.46) while Henan provenance had the lowest genetic diversity (N a  = 1.68, Ne = 1.45, H = 0.25, I = 0.37). Based on AMOVA results, the abundant genetic variation was mainly caused by variation of intra-provenances (84.96 %), rather than among provenances (15.038 %). The results indicated low genetic differentiation (G st  = 0.133) and high gene flow (N m  = 3.2605) among provenances. The neighbor-joining tree revealed that the 175 accessions could be divided into four groups, and groupings indicated a divergence between the cultivated accessions of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim. and Z. armatum DC. Moreover, three accessions of Z. piperitum DC. var. inerme without prickles introduced from Japan gathered one cluster. Cluster IV is composed of accessions of different geographical origin, including 11 wild species and 10 cultivated accessions of Z. bungeanum. The cluster analysis also reflected a relatively close relationship between the geographical origins and the classification of accessions in cluster I. Structure analysis indicated that collected Zanthoxylum accessions could be divided into two major groups. The information obtained from our research would benefit to make use of Zanthoxylum germplasms and assist the management of a Zanthoxylum germplasms collection.  相似文献   

AFLP profiles characteristic to Panax ginseng and Panax quinquefolius were generated using primers E-AGG/M-CAA. P. ginseng samples from different farms in China and Korea are homogeneous genetically [similarity index (SI) = 0.88-0.99], whereas samples of P. quinquefolius from different sources are much more heterogeneous (SI = 0.64-0.96). Detailed analysis of one of the polymorphic bands in P. ginseng led to the identification of a minisatellite Pg2, which contains eight repeats of 5'-AGGACTCATCACATTGTTACTC. The minisatellite DNA was consequently used in directed amplification minisatellite region DNA analysis to authenticate the two ginsengs.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism markers were evaluated to determine the genetic diversity and relationships among cultivated and weedy ryes (Secale cereale L.) using a large global set of accessions. On the basis of 395 polymorphic bands resulted from nine PstI-MseI primer combinations, cultivated rye exhibited higher average genetic diversity (Ht?=?0.34) than that of the weedy rye (Ht?=?0.27), however, it had lower genetic differentiation (Fst?=?0.16). The average genetic diversity of cultivated rye varied from region to region ranging from 0.21 to 0.31. As expected, all cultivated accessions clustered together both in dendrogram and principal coordinate diagram indicating common breeding program selection criteria based on similar value-added agronomic characteristics. A clustering of cultivated rye accessions into groups based strictly on geographical origin was not found. The relationships among cultivated, weedy and wild ryes were discussed.  相似文献   

Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) is the main source for chocolate with an annual production of four million tons worldwide. This Neotropical tree crop was domesticated in Mesoamerica as far back as 3,000 years ago. Knowledge of genetic diversity and population structure in farmer varieties of cacao in the center of domestication is essential for sustainable production of fine-flavored cacao beans and contributes to in situ/on-farm conservation of farmer varieties. Based on 70 single nucleotide polymorphism markers, we analyzed 84 fine-flavored farmer varieties collected from traditional cacao farms in Honduras and Nicaragua. The study also included 31 clones from the international cacao collections to serve as references. The SNP based multilocus matching identified six synonymous groups, including 14 Criollo and two Amelonado varieties. A moderately high level of genetic diversity was observed in these farmer varieties, indicating the possibility to further explore intra-population variation and breed for fine-flavored cocoa. Multivariate analysis showed clustering of the 84 farmer accessions in five genetic groups: ancient Criollo, Amelonado, Trinitario (including Nicaragua Trinitario and Honduras Trinitario) and Upper Amazon Forastero (only one accession). The Honduras Trinitario differed from the Nicaragua Trinitario group. The clustering results largely supported the perceived classification of cacao by local farmers and researchers, which was mainly based on morphological traits. However, the well known traditional variety “Indio” in this region was identified as synonymous with Amelonado. Parentage analysis showed that the variety “Indio” (or Amelonado) contributed more to the Trinitario type farmer varieties, whereas ancient Criollo had less influence. The present study demonstrates the efficacy of using a small set of SNP makers for cacao germplasm characterization, and further depicts the diverse origins and parentage in farmer varieties from Mesoamerica. This information thus will be highly useful for conservation and utilization of cacao germplasm from this region.  相似文献   

Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro) Hack.) has great potential as a low-input turf within the U.S. because of its lower management requirements and its tolerance to an array of environmental stresses. Only a handful of centipedegrass cultivars have been released to date, however. This is mainly due to limited morphological variation present in U.S. centipedegrass germplasm. With the objective of broadening the genetic base of this species, a germplasm collection trip was conducted in seven Chinese provinces in 1999. Although the resulting accessions exhibited morphological variation for a number of traits, little is known about levels of molecular variability in these accessions or how those levels compare to diversity in materials previously present in the U.S. Sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers were used in the current study to investigate these issues. Eleven primer combinations yielded 279 scored fragments. Genetic diversity, in terms of number of alleles and Dice similarity values, was highest in the Henan and U.S. groups. AMOVA indicated that while both the among and within components of variance were significant (P < 0.0001), most of the variation (94%) could be explained by differences within groups. The PCO plot showed large differences in levels of diversity in all groups evaluated. Overall, our results indicate that while the U.S. collection had high levels of diversity compared to other groups, there are alleles in the Chinese groups not represented in the U.S. collection. These materials could represent additional sources of variation to be used in centipedegrass cultivar development programs.  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) is a legume crop known to be an excellent source of protein, tolerant to drought, waterlogging, and salinity. The crop is used...  相似文献   

Lophius represents the most important genus of the family Lophiidae from a commercial point of view. The main marketing formats of the species included in this genus are tails and cheeks, making impossible the species identification on the basis of their morphological characters. In the present study, two methods based on the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences [forensically informative nucleotide sequencing (FINS)] were developed to differentiate the seven species contained in the genus Lophius. In both cases, the molecular marker studied was the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene (COI). The RFLP analysis of the PCR products digested with the endonuclease Mbo I generated species-specific restriction profiles, and the phylogenetic analysis showing a neighbor-joining tree with independent nodes was strongly supported for all of the studied species. These methods were applied to 40 commercial samples, allowing us to detect the samples incorrectly labeled. The fraudulent labeling ratio was higher in processed products (68.75%) than whole fish (31.25%). The species subjected to mislabeling were L. budegassa (68.75%), L. vomerinus (18.75%), and L. piscatorius (12.5%). Therefore, both methodologies can be independently used to authenticate the species belonging to the genus Lophius, being useful to check the fulfillment of labeling regulations of seafood products and to verify the correct traceability of commercial trade and the control of fisheries.  相似文献   

The genetic variation and relationships among 31 accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris L., and two representatives of Vigna unguiculata L., were evaluated by AFLP analysis. A total of 263 DNA fragments across all materials were scored using nine primer combinations, averaging 32 per primer. More than 95% of the amplification products showed polymorphism, indicating high variation at the DNA level among these accessions. Pair-wise genetic similarity (Jaccard's coefficient) ranged from 0.553 to 0.840, with a mean of 0.765. Twenty-three accessions (70%) clustered into three groups. A majority of the commercial cultivars (91%) clustered within a single group, whereas the landraces were distributed along all the variation. An apparent correlation with phaseolin types was detected. Results of this study suggest that Brazilian landraces truly represent the overall genetic variability of Phaseolus vulgaris, confirming the multiple origins of these materials, and their potential as a source of variation for breeding programs.  相似文献   

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