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The effects of a high-energy and high-protein diet on growth, parasite resistance and carcase characteristics were studied using local goats with an average initial body weight (BW) of 12.0 (SD = 0.7) kg. Thirty-two animals were allocated to a completely randomized factorial design, with four animals of each sex per treatment. The factors were: two diets (diet H with high content of crude protein (CP) and metabolizable energy (ME), and diet L with low content of CP and ME) and deworming (DW) or non-deworming (NDW). The highest dry matter (DM) intake was obtained for goats fed diet H combined with DW, but there was no significant difference between DW or NDW for goats fed diet H. The goats fed diet L and DW had significantly better total DM intake than NDW goats. The average daily gain of animals fed diet H was 86 and 92 g/day compared to 27 and 40 g/day for diet L, for NDW and DW animals, respectively. Feeding diet H resulted in higher slaughter weight and consequently also higher empty BW, carcase weight and dressing percentage and lower feed conversion ratio. Dewormed animals had significantly higher empty BW than NDW animals. There were significant effects of diet and parasite control on Faecal egg count (FEC: number of parasite eggs per gram of faeces (e.p.g.)), with NDW animals fed diet L having higher FEC than animals fed diet H.  相似文献   

硒参与动物体内蛋白质、氨基酸、核酸、脂肪、碳水化合物和维生素以及微量元素等营养物质的代谢,在提高动物免疫力、生产性能及改善肉品质方面也有重要的作用。本文综述了硒在鸡营养中的作用效果及机理,为硒在养鸡生产中进一步应用提供参考。  相似文献   

大蒜素添加剂的研究及在养禽业中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大蒜主要生物活性成分--大蒜素,在动物的保健、治病、促生长、改善畜禽产品品质等方面具有多种功用,倍受国内外的普遍关注.  相似文献   

铬参与动物机体的糖类、脂类、蛋白质和核酸代谢,是动物生长发育过程中必不可少的一种微量元素。铬对鸡的生产性能、应激和免疫功能都有一定的影响。本文综述了铬对鸡营养的作用效果及机理,为铬在鸡营养中进一步运用奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

新疆家禽业发展的桎梏与钥匙   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着国家宏观经济体制的转变,新疆家禽业也走过了从计划经济到市场经济的转型过程,几乎所有的国营家禽企业纷纷关、停、并、转,代之而起的是以个体经济为主的家禽业生产与经营格局,这种小生产和大市场之间很快有了矛盾,而且愈演愈烈,严重阻碍了家禽业的稳定、健康发展.  相似文献   

—禽蛋产业的鉢情况1禽蛋产业地位重要禽蛋是我国的大宗农产品,城乡居民菜篮子中不可缺少的生活必需品,必须保障稳定的市场供给。禽蛋产业是国计民生的重要产业,是国民经济的支柱性产业之一。禽蛋还是许多行业极其重要的工业原料,从禽蛋中提炼研制的水解蛋白、卵磷脂、碳酸钙、活性耗、溶菌酶、SOD等是医药工业的重要原料或新特医药产品。  相似文献   

收稿日期:2001-09-19随着鸡病的增多和不断发生,养鸡户普遍存在滥用兽药的现象。对药物使用不当的问题也越来越突出,怎样使用兽药成了广大养鸡户普遍关心的问题。1掌握以预防为主的原则新建鸡舍刚开始疾病较少,随着饲养批次的增加,鸡舍的污染程度越来越严重,病也越来越多,越来越难治。对此,平时要加强鸡群的饲养管理,搞好舍内的清洁卫生和日常消毒工作,减少鸡舍中的病原含量,减少发病的机会。另外,根据鸡病的发生规律,提前预防性用药,如沙门氏杆菌病、球虫病、住白细胞原虫病等。对常见病毒性传染病进行预防接种。…  相似文献   

The first step to detect Salmonella in feed and other dry contaminated samples is a pre-enrichment broth that can assist in the recovery of small numbers of stressed Salmonella cells. A previous study demonstrated that incubation of feed and feed ingredients in commonly used pre-enrichment media resulted in a low pH that injured or killed the Salmonella. The objective of this study was to determine which environmental samples and pre-enrichment and selective broths could interfere with the accuracy of Salmonella detection by allowing pH to drop. Samples were collected from commercial poultry operations. Triplicate 10-g subunits were dispensed into sterile 18-oz Whirl Pak bags and 90 mL of each of the media [lactose broth (LB), buffered peptone water (BPW), Universal Pre-enrichment (UP), minimal salts (M-9), tetrathionate broth (TT) and Rappaport-Vassiliadis broth (RV)] were added to the bags and incubated 24 h at 37°C (or 42°C for RV and TT). The pH was measured after incubation. With turkey litter, fluff, and eggshells, regardless of media, the pH never went below 5.7. Regardless of sample type, the lowest pH was 6.1, 6.2, and 6.4 for UP, M-9, and BPW, respectively. For the pre-enrichment medium commonly used in the US, (LB) the pH dropped to 4.7 to 4.9 with broiler litter and 4.2 for boot covers used in turkey or broiler houses. Many researchers testing these sample types are unaware of this potential for pH change during pre-enrichment and may be underestimating the presence of Salmonella.  相似文献   

鸭源鸡杆菌(Gallibacterium anatis.G.anatis)属巴氏杆菌科,鸡杆菌属,是构成鸡上呼吸道和下生殖道正常菌群的一部分。然而,越来越多的研究表明,G.anatis能够引起鸡广泛的病理损害,尤其是对生殖系统损伤引起鸡输卵管炎及输卵管囊肿等,从而导致产蛋率下降、产蛋高峰延迟、病死率上升、动物福利降低。目前,作为新近确认的条件性致病菌,其致病机理及其相关致病因子成为研究热点。本文旨在对G.anatis的RTX样毒素(GtxA)、菌毛、荚膜、金属蛋白酶等致病因子研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

为了进一步加快肉鸡产业发展步伐,更好地发挥肉鸡产业在畜牧业中的重要作用,对丹东市肉鸡产业发展情况进行了专题调研,深入了解和发现影响制约产业快速发展的原因,探寻促进肉鸡产业发展的途径和措施,推动肉鸡产业又好又快发展。  相似文献   

Two hundred and eighty eight-d-old goslings were allocated at random to one of 18 groups, each group comprising 8 of each sex. Three starter and three grower diets (both 11, 12, 13 MJ AME/kg) were fed and were combined in a factorial design to give 9 treatments. The starter diets were given for 4 weeks and the grower diets from weeks 5 to 9 inclusive. Body weight was unaffected by treatment, but the males were significantly heavier than the females. Food intake declined significantly as the dietary energy concentration increased. The efficiency of food utilisation of birds fed on the starter diet with the lowest energy concentration was significantly less than that of birds fed on the other diets. Birds fed on the grower diet with the highest energy concentration gave significantly better FCE than those fed on the other diets. There was no evidence to suggest that the treatments had any significant effect on carcase components and chemical composition of the geese. Oleic acid was significantly depressed and linoleic acid concentration increased as the energy concentration of the diets increased. However, this may reflect the higher fat concentrations in the diets with the higher energy concentrations.  相似文献   

谷氨酰胺在动物的生命活动中有重要的作用,参与动物体内蛋白质、氨基酸、核酸、嘌呤,嘧啶核苷酸,NAD+以及氨基糖的代谢,能促进肠道细胞的增殖,并能提高机体的免疫力,在提高消化酶活性方面也有重要作用。本文综述了谷氨酰胺在鸡营养中的作用效果及机理,为谷氨酰胺在养鸡业中进一步运用奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

德国在全球和欧盟来说。是一个重要的经济发达国家。但在家禽业方面,却不是一个产业大国,也算不上消费大国。但是,德国家禽业在产业和消费内涵方面,是欧盟重要的风向标,有许多方面值得中国从业者们深入研究和借鉴。  相似文献   

A geographic information system (GIS) database of the poultry industry on the Delmarva Peninsula was developed through a cooperative agreement between the Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc., and the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine. The purpose of this database was to facilitate disease surveillance and assist in managing the response to outbreaks and other emergencies. Two methods of data collection were employed and are described in this paper. The first method was to visit each poultry farm and collect the latitude and longitude coordinates with a handheld global positioning system unit. The second method used property ownership information, aerial photographs, and a GIS to determine the latitude and longitude of each poultry farm. There was no significant difference between the two methods in the accuracy of the results, but there was a large difference in the amount of time and money necessary to obtain the data. These findings indicate that whereas there are many ways to obtain accurate data for a GIS database, other factors may influence which method is chosen. A subset of farms contained within the database was visited to assess the accuracy of the locations contained within the database. Of the 240 farms visited for validation, 212 showed evidence of a functioning or previously functioning poultry operation. The corresponding error rate was 11%. This demonstrates the need to assure that the database is kept up to date to ensure that attrition among poultry growers is recorded. Several potential factors that might contribute to sources of error are discussed.  相似文献   

本文就日粮纤维对家禽胃肠道的影响作一综述。  相似文献   

抗生素工业化生产中一级种子罐染菌原因及解决方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗生素工业化生产中,菌种往往需要扩大繁殖到一定的数量后再进入发酵罐.在一级种子制备过程中,引起染菌的因素很多,极大地影响了抗生素生产的产量和质量.解决一级种子罐染菌的方法,除制定科学的岗位SOP并不断提高操作者的技能外,更重要的是要加强工艺管理,树立以预防为主的思想,根据微生物特性,强化环境清洁,加强设备清洁、维修,操作时实行定人、定操作.  相似文献   

共轭亚油酸能够促进脂肪分解、改善体脂组成,具有抗癌作用、免疫调节作用,并能降低畜禽产品的胆固醇含量,是一种具有开发潜力的饲料添加剂。本文介绍了共轭亚油酸的生理功能、在畜禽生产中的应用效果,并对其应用前景作一综述。  相似文献   

家禽业是我国畜产品生产中最早进入市场经济、最早形成规模化生产的产业,为解决城市菜蓝子工程、满足城乡禽蛋、禽肉需求,提高人民生活水平作出了巨大贡献。禽蛋已成为民众最廉价的动物蛋白质食品来源。但是,家禽生产尤其是肉禽生产由于具有周期短、见效快的特点,容易一哄而上,一哄而下,加之近年受流感等疫情的影响,养禽业也成为畜产品生产中波动性最大的行业。  相似文献   

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