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In this study, we investigated the effect of Moringa oleifera leaves (MOL) supplements on the performance, ileal microbiota carcass traits and biochemical and antioxidant parameters of broiler chickens. MOL was added to starter, grower and finisher diets at four levels (0%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 5.0%). A total of 320 one-day-old mixed-sex Cobb-500 broiler chicks were divided equally into four treatment groups, with 5 replicates of 16 chicks each until 42 days of age. Compared to the control group, chicks fed 0.5% and 1% MOL exhibited a higher final body weight (FBW), greater weight gain (BWG), and better average daily gain (ADG). Feed intake (FI) gradually decreased as the inclusion rate of MOL in the broilers' diet increased to 5%. The best feed conversion ratio (FCR), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and performance index (PI) were observed in broilers that were fed the MOL diet. The percentage of abdominal fat in broilers decreased significantly in response to dietary supplementation with MOL. The haematological profile in the MOL group revealed a lower WBC count and lymphocyte percentage but higher heterophil and H/L ratio without affecting haemoglobin and RBC count. The inclusion of MOL increased total serum protein, Ca and P levels but decreased glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, AST and ALT concentrations. Moreover, dietary MOL increased the activities of GSH, CAT and SOD, GPx and GST while decreasing the TBARS level. The pH value decreased in the ileum of broilers fed the 1% and 5% MOL diet compared to the other treatments. Decreased ileal counts of E. coli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus spp. were observed whereas the total ileal Lactobacillus spp. count increased in broilers fed the MOL diet. In conclusion, the MOL supplement can enhance growth performance and antioxidant status, alter ileal microbiota and protect against enteropathogens with no deleterious effects on the broiler chickens.  相似文献   

The hypothesis tested was that the feeding of n‐6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) results in more whole‐body fatty acid oxidation than the feeding of saturated fatty acids (SFA). It was reasoned that the increased fatty acid oxidation would be associated with enhanced whole‐body energy expenditure and stimulated de novo fatty acid synthesis. To put the hypothesis to the test, broiler chickens were fed diets containing either beef tallow as source of SFA or an oil blend as source of n‐6 PUFA. The broilers either had free access to their diet or were fed a restricted amount. Seven‐day‐old, male broiler chickens were used; they were kept individually in cages from 1 to 4 weeks of age. In the birds fed ad libitum, the n‐6 PUFA diet reduced average daily feed intake (ADFI), but did not significantly affect average daily weight gain (ADG) and the feed:conversion ratio (FCR). The lower ADFI on the n‐6 PUFA diet was associated with a higher apparent digestibility of total fatty acids. The ratio of deposition in the body to intake of digestible total PUFA, which reflected n‐6 PUFA, was significantly decreased by the n‐6 PUFA diet, pointing at preferentially increased n‐6 PUFA oxidation on the n‐6 PUFA diet. The ratio for n‐9 monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was higher than 1.0, which agrees with net de novo synthesis, but the n‐6 PUFA diet induced a lower value than did the SFA diet. Feeding either the n‐6 PUFA or SFA diet did not influence energy expenditure expressed as percentage of energy intake. This study supports the idea that dietary n‐6 PUFA instead of SFA are preferentially oxidized, but no proof was obtained for enhanced energy expenditure and contrary to the hypothesis put forward, the n‐6 PUFA diet depressed de‐novo fatty acid synthesis.  相似文献   


1. The influence of the age of broiler chickens on ileal amino acid (AA) digestibilities in three cereals was examined. The digestibility estimates, including both apparent (AID) and standardised (SID) coefficients, for wheat, triticale and barley samples were determined using 14 and 28 d old broilers of mixed sex, fed diets containing the test grains as the only source of protein.

2. Each assay diet was offered to five replicate cages of 14 and eight birds respectively, for the 14 and 28 day samplings. On both sampling days, the contents from the lower half of the ileum were collected for determination of the AID coefficients. The SID coefficients were calculated using ileal endogenous amino acid (EAA) losses previously determined from birds fed an N-free diet.

3. The average AID for essential AA (EAA) in triticale and barley were significantly higher at 28 day compared to those at 14 days. In contrast, the magnitude of AID coefficients of AA in wheat was found to be in larger in the younger chickens.

4. Correction of AID for EAA losses increased the values of digestibility coefficients by an average of about 7%. The SID values of AA in wheat was not influenced by the age of broilers. The SID of most AA in triticale, and of all the AA in barley, were higher in 28-day-old chickens compared with their 14-day-old counterparts. The results suggested that the SID coefficients of EAA in wheat determined at day 28 could be applied to feed formulations for 14-day-old broilers, but in the case of triticale and barley, the values obtained in older chickens were not applicable in younger birds and vice versa.  相似文献   

Thirty‐six Holstein‐Friesian crossbred lactating dairy cows were used to determine the effects of linseed oil supplementation on performance and milk fatty acid (FA) profile. Three treatments were as follows: basal diet (56:44 Roughage:concentrate [R:C] ratio, dry matter basis) supplemented with 500 g of palm oil as control (PO), 500 g mixture (1:1, w/w) of palm oil and linseed oil (POLSO) and 500 g of linseed oil (LSO). The LSO supplementation had no effects on total dry matter intake (DMI), milk yield and milk composition. Compared to control cows, cows supplemented with LSO increased milk concentrations of cis‐9,trans‐11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and n‐3 FA (P < 0.05), particularly C18:3n‐3, C20:5n‐3 and C22:6n‐3. Feeding LSO reduced concentrations of milk short‐ and medium‐chain saturated fatty acids (P < 0.05) while it increased concentration of milk unsaturated fatty acids (P < 0.05). Milk proportions of n‐3 FA increased, whereas n‐6/n‐3 ratio decreased in the LSO as compared with the control (P < 0.05). In conclusion, supplementing dairy cows' diet based on corn silage with LSO at 500 g/day could improve the nutritional value of milk with potential health‐beneficial FA without detrimental effect on milk composition or cow's performance.  相似文献   

Essential oils are plant-derived aromatic volatile oils, and they contain bioactive compounds that have been shown to improve poultry nutrition. In this study, we investigated the effects of oregano essential oil (OEO) on intestinal antioxidative capacity, immunity, and gut microbiota of young yellow-feathered chickens. A total of nine hundred and sixty 1-d-old female Qingyuan partridge chickens were randomly allocated to four treatment groups with six replicates of 40 birds each, and the feeding trial was lasted for 30 d. The controls were fed on a basal diet without in-feed antibiotics; the birds in the antibiotic group were fed the basal diet supplemented with 20 mg/kg virginiamycin; the remaining birds were fed the basal diet containing 150 or 300 mg/kg OEO, respectively. Dietary supplementation with 150 or 300 mg/kg OEO increased average daily feed intake (P = 0.057) and average daily gain (P < 0.05). The activities of glutathione peroxidase and total antioxidative capacity in plasma, jejuna, and ileal mucosa were increased by OEO supplementation (P < 0.05), with a trend of lower jejunal content of malonaldehyde (P = 0.062). Moreover, dietary OEO increased the content of secretory immunoglobulin A (P = 0.078) and the relative expression of Claudin 1, Mucin 2, and Avain beta-defensin 1 in ileum (P < 0.05). Sequencing data of 16S rRNA indicated that dietary OEO increased the relative abundance of Firmicutes phylum, and Clostridium and Lactobacillus genera, and decreasing that of Romboutsia. Functional analyses indicated that microbial amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism, replication, and repair systems were higher in OEO groups than those of controls and antibiotic treatment. In conclusion, dietary supplementation with OEO enhanced growth performance, alleviated local oxidative stress in intestine, improved production of natural antibodies, and favorably modulated intestinal microbiota composition.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine whether and to what extent the supplementation of feed with a coated or non-coated mixture of fatty acids (caprylic and capric acid) affects broiler chickens experimentally infected with Campylobacter jejuni. The study was carried out using 48 chickens divided into four experimental groups. Throughout the whole rearing period (1-42 days), the chickens were fed a diet supplemented with 0.25% caprylic and capric acid (1:1), coated or non-coated. At the age of 14 and 28 days, chickens were orally challenged with C. jejuni. At regular time intervals post-inoculation, the shedding of C. jejuni was assayed using quantitative real-time PCR. Both supplements significantly decreased faecal C. jejuni counts by 1.2-4.1 log(10) CFU/g 4 days post-inoculation; after this time period, the effect of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) was less pronounced or absent. Campylobacter jejuni counts in excreta samples were significantly lower in chickens fed coated MCFA than in those fed non-coated MCFA. No effect of MCFA on feed intake or growth of chickens was observed. In conclusion, (i) MCFA are active against C. jejuni and (ii) the encapsulation enhanced the efficacy of the acids. These results allow the recommendation of using MCFA as feed additives in chickens, preferably 2-3 days before slaughter.  相似文献   

为探究粘毛鼠尾草(Salvia roborowskii)是否具有作为非粮生物柴油能源植物的潜质,本试验采用索氏提取法、气相色谱法测定了生长在川西北高原阿坝州红原县的野生粘毛鼠尾草种子的含油量、油脂理化性质以及脂肪酸含量。结果表明,粘毛鼠尾草种子含油量为43.36%,油脂碘值、皂化值分别为93.31、190.58 mg·g-1;脂肪酸成分以油酸和亚油酸为主,含量分别为49.95%和37.52%;计算得其相应生物柴油的十六烷值和冷滤点分别为53.94和-4.65 ℃。通过与我国生物柴油评价标准对比发现,粘毛鼠尾草在作为非粮生物柴油能源植物方面具有一定的潜在研发价值。  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of a water acidifier containing free and buffered short-chain fatty acids (SCFA-WA) on growth performance and microbiota of weaned piglets. In total, 192 male piglets, approximately 4 wk of age, were allocated to 24 pens (12 per treatment) with 8 piglets per pen. The piglets received either regular drinking water (negative control) or drinking water with the acidifier supplied at 2 L/1,000 L. Body weight and feed intake were measured weekly on pen level. During the first 2 wk, daily visual assessment and scoring of the feces was conducted. Fecal samples of three piglets per pen were collected on days 14 and 42 for high-throughput sequencing analysis of the microbiota. Piglets offered SCFA-WA had significantly improved feed efficiency in the third week (P = 0.025) and over the whole study period (days 0 to 42, P = 0.042) compared with piglets in the negative control group, with a strong tendency observed during the first feeding phase (days 0 to 21, P = 0.055). Furthermore, the water acidifier group had a higher water intake than piglets provided with control water during the second feeding phase (days 21 to 42, P = 0.028) and over the whole study period (days 0 to 42, P = 0.043). There was no significant difference in body weight, average daily gain, or average daily feed intake (days 0 to 21, 21 to 42, 0 to 42). Furthermore, there was no overall significant difference in fecal scoring between the treatments. In terms of the fecal microbiota response, piglets offered the water acidifier showed a significantly higher relative abundance (RA) of genus Clostridium sensu stricto 1 and a lower RA of genus Streptococcus compared to the control. Furthermore, the redundancy analysis showed a positive association between improved feed efficiency and daily weight gain and RA of Butyricicoccus and Faecalibacterium. In conclusion, consumption of the water acidifier containing free and buffered SCFA modulated the microbiota and improved feed efficiency in piglets.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether diet modification with different doses of grapeseed oil or pomegranate seed oil will improve the nutritive value of poultry meat in terms of n‐3 and n‐6 fatty acids, as well as rumenic acid (cis‐9, trans‐11 conjugated linoleic acid) content in tissues diversified in lipid composition and roles in lipid metabolism. To evaluate the influence of applied diet modification comprehensively, two chemometric methods were used. Results of cluster analysis demonstrated that pomegranate seed oil modifies fatty acids profile in the most potent way, mainly by an increase in rumenic acid content. Principal component analysis showed that regardless of type of tissue first principal component is strongly associated with type of deposited fatty acid, while second principal component enables identification of place of deposition—type of tissue. Pomegranate seed oil seems to be a valuable feed additive in chickens’ feeding.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to determine the effect of a lignocellulose supplemented diet on apparent ileal and total tract digestibility of fat and fatty acids (FA) in broiler chickens. A total of 48 21‐day‐old male Ross 308 chickens were divided into four treatment groups (n = 12) with six replicates per treatment. From 21 to 42 days of age, the broilers were fed experimental diets varied in the amount of lignocellulose: 0%, 0.25%, 0.5% and 1%. Total excreta were gathered during the last 3 days of the feeding trial and digesta was collected from the ileum at 42 days of the bird age. Digestibility was determined by the indicator method. The ether extract content in diet/digesta/excreta was determined by the gravimetric method, and fatty acid methyl esters were analysed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Fat digestibility measured to the end of the small intestine and in the whole gastrointestinal tract in birds was high and exceeded 90% and 87% respectively. Addition of lignocellulose (1%) increased (p < 0.05) ileal fat digestibility but had no significant effect on total tract fat digestion. Absorption of total fatty acids (TFA) as well as myristic (C14:0), palmitoleic (C16:1) and α‐linolenic (C18:3n?3) acids, estimated by both methods, was significantly higher in birds fed the diets supplemented with lignocellulose, especially at a dose of 1%. Total tract absorption of some dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (C20:2, C20:4n?6) was significantly lower from diet supplemented with 0.5% and 0.25% lignocellulose. There was observed a decrease in apparent digestibility of fat and most examined fatty acids, when measured between terminal ileum and total gastrointestinal tract. The results suggest that lignocellulose can affect digestion and FA absorption in broilers but, as the effect of lignocellulose was not studied previously, further investigations are necessary to confirm the results of the present experiment.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary palm oil inclusion levels on growth performance, serum antioxidative status and cytokines in Sanhuang broiler chickens. A total of 208 one‐day‐old female Sanhuang chickens were randomly allocated to four treatment groups with four replicates per group and of 13 birds each for a 42‐day feeding trial. Dietary treatments were basal diet without palm oil (control) and diets containing 2%, 4% or 6% palm oil. During days 22 to 42 and the overall experimental period, chickens fed diets supplemented with 4% and 6% palm oil had a lower average daily feed intake (ADFI) (p = 0.019) and feed to gain ratio (F/G) (p = 0.031). Average daily gain (ADG) tended to be higher (p = 0.089) for palm oil inclusion treatments compared with the control treatment from days 1 to 42. Dietary 2% and 4% palm oil treatments significantly lowed serum malondialdehyde concentration on day 21 when compared to the control and 6% palm oil treatments (p = 0.027). Dietary 6% palm oil treatment significantly reduced the catalase (CAT) activity (p = 0.018) and total antioxidant capacity (T‐AOC) (p = 0.027) in serum in comparison with the control treatment on day 21. No significant differences were observed in superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH‐Px) activities in serum among dietary treatments on day 21. There were no significant differences in T‐AOC, CAT, SOD and GSH‐Px activities among dietary treatments on day 42. Dietary inclusion of 4% and 6% palm oil significantly increased (p = 0.01) serum interleukin‐1β (IL‐1β) content, but improved transforming growth factor‐β (TGF‐β) content in serum on both days 21 and 42 (p = 0.032 and 0.022 respectively) as well as IL‐10 content on day 42 (p = 0.022) when compared with the control treatment. Furthermore, dietary inclusion of 6% palm oil significantly reduced tumour necrosis factor‐α (TNF‐α) content on days 21 and 42 (p = 0.021 and 0.001 respectively) compared with the control treatment. These results suggest that dietary inclusion of 4% and 6% palm oil could improve the growth performance, modulate the balance between pro‐ and anti‐inflammatory cytokines, and show limited effect on antioxidative status in Sanhuang broiler chickens.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究复合SCFAs对肉仔鸡生产性能的影响及其相关的作用机制。120只AA肉仔鸡随机分成2组(复合SCFAs添加组和对照组),每组6个重复,每个重复10只鸡。结果表明,与对照组相比,添加复合SCFAs组的肉仔鸡的体增重、耗料量、胰腺相对重量分别提高了4.4%、5.6%、16%(P<0.05),小肠淀粉酶和胰蛋白酶的活性分别提高了48.5%和37.3%(P<0.05),降低了十二指肠中大肠杆菌的数量(P<0.05)以及血清中葡萄糖和胰岛素的含量(P<0.05)。日粮中使用复合SCFAs可以提高肉仔鸡小肠消化酶活性,减少消化道中大肠杆菌的数量,改善肉仔鸡的生产性能。  相似文献   


  1. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of chitosan nano-encapsulating mint (MEO), thyme (TEO) and cinnamon (CEO) essential oils (EOs) used in the diet on performance, immune responses and intestinal bacteria population in broiler chickens.

  2. A total of 600 mixed-sex, 1-d-old Ross 308 broiler chicks were used in a 2 × 4 factorial experiment as completely randomised design with 8 experimental groups (diets) with 5 replicates of 15 chicks each (totally 40 pens). The eight experimental diets consisted of no EO and free distiller water (control); no EO and chitosan nano-encapsulated (CNE) distiller water; and other six treatments with free or CNE form of MEO, TEO and CEO (added at 0.025%, 0.04% and 0.055% respectively to starter, grower and finisher diets).

  3. Both EOs and the CNE form had significant (P < 0.05) benefits on improving body weight gain, and feed conversion ratio in periods of 29–42 and 1–42 days. The highest effect was (P < 0.05) obtained in birds receiving TEO, which was intensified by nano-encapsulation. Breast percentage was improved by nano-encapsulation (P < 0.05). The EOs (especially TEO and CEO) and CNE form improved (P < 0.05) serum IgY and IgM concentrations (at 35 and 42 days) and intestinal Lactobacillus spp. and E. coli populations (at 42 days) in broilers. Nano-encapsulated EOs, especially TEO and CEO had (P < 0.05) the largest effect on increasing IgY42 concentrations and the microbial populations.

  4. The tested EOs, especially TEO, improved more of the evaluated traits in broiler chickens. Also, Chitosan nano-encapsulation because of its ideal properties can be an effective, suitable and inexpensive method for protecting bioactive compounds and improving effects of the herbal EOs especially thyme in broiler chickens.


The aim of present study was to determine whether chickens’ (broilers Ross 308, n = 180, sex ratio 1:1) diet modification with different doses of grape or pomegranate seed oil will favourable change fatty acids and cholesterol content in selected giblets (liver and heart) or wastes (adipose tissue). It was also verify whether generated changes would make the giblets and wastes more valuable as dietary components or by-products for food industry. From 22 to 42 day of life, five diets were administered to chickens. Control grower diet (CON) contained 5% of soy oil, whereas in the experimental grower diets part of soy oil (1.5% or 2%) was replaced with specific amount of grape or pomegranate seed oil (GRAP 1.5; GRAP 2.0; POM 1.5; POM 2.0 respectively). Fatty acids and cholesterol content were determined with gas chromatography with flame-ionization detection. Pomegranate seed oil improved fatty acids profile more favourably than grape seed oil, which makes it a valuable additive in chickens’ feeding. Abdominal fat of pomegranate seed oil supplemented chickens appeared to be the richest sources of rumenic acid and n3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which allows to suggest its use in manufacturing of meat products to obtain foodstuffs rich in those essential nutrients. In principal component analysis (PCA), two principal components: PC1 and PC2, which were enough to explain 29.91% of variance of initial variables, allowed to a good separation of chickens fed with both doses of pomegranate seed oil from animals from control and grape seed oil fed groups. Because poultry addresses all nutritional, institutional and consumer requirements, enrichment of giblets in rumenic acid by pomegranate seed oil incorporation into chickens’ diet may provide a valuable dietary source of bioactive fatty acids for consumers, especially of low-income countries.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation of silymarin on performance, jejunal morphology and ileal bacterial population in broiler chicks intoxicated with a mix of aflatoxins. A total of three hundred thirty six 7‐day‐old Ross broiler chicks were randomly distributed between seven experimental groups with four replicates of 12 birds each. Experimental treatments consisted of a control group (unchallenged), and a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement, including two aflatoxin levels (0.5 and 2 ppm) and three levels of silymarin (0, 500 and 1000 ppm). Birds were challenged with a mix of aflatoxins from 7 to 28 days of age. Results showed that increasing aflatoxin level resulted in decreased average daily feed intake (ADFI) and weight gain (ADWG), consequently impaired feed conversion ratio (FCR) throughout the trial period. Dietary supplementation of silymarin resulted in the marked increases in ADFI and ADWG, and improved FCR values in aflatoxin‐challenged chicks. Ileal bacterial populations at days 28 and 42 of age were increased by incremental levels of aflatoxins. On the other hand, dietary silymarin supplementation suppressed ileal populations of Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Klebsiella and total negative bacteria in aflatoxicated birds. Increase in dietary aflatoxin level resulted in the decreased villi height, villi height‐to‐crypt depth ratio (VH:CD), villi surface area and apparent villi absorptive area, while it increased crypt depth, goblet cell count and lymphoid follicular diameter. Feeding silymarin at the level of 1000 ppm increased villi height and VH:CD in aflatoxicated birds. Present results indicate that dietary inclusion of silymarin could improve performance by suppressing ileal bacteria and enhancing absorptive surface area in aflatoxin‐challenged broiler chicks.  相似文献   

A 3 × 3 factorial experiment was conducted to examine the effect of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) on performance and occurrence of carcass defects in broiler chickens raised in stocking densities of 14, 16, and 18 birds/m2. A total number of 720 Ross 308 broiler chicks that were 1 d old were reared up to 49 d of age. Corn- and soybean meal (SBM)–based starter and grower diets were supplemented with 0, 1.5, and 2 g/kg Aromabiotic and provided to the birds ad libitum. Inclusion of 2 g/kg Aromabiotic in the diet significantly improved weight gain of the birds during 1 to 21 d of age compared with control birds (P< 0.001). A significant reduction in mortality (P= 0.004) and a significant increase in European performance efficiency index (EPEI;P= 0.036) were noted in the birds that received diets containing 2 g/kg Aromabiotic compared with control birds at 49 d of age. The birds grown in a placement density of 18 birds/m2had significantly improved FCR along with reduced feed intake (FI) during 1 to 49 d of age compared with those reared in a density of 14 birds/m2. The mean EPEI was significantly greater in the birds raised in a density of 16 birds/m2(P< 0.001). At 48 d of age, litter caking was significantly increased in the birds raised in a density of 18 birds/m2and decreased in the birds that received dietary supplementation of Aromabiotic (P< 0.05). The influence of dietary Aromabiotic was significant related to reduced incidence and severity of footpad lesions and hock burns (P< 0.01). Frequency of lesions with a score of 2 to 5 on footpad and hock significantly increased for the birds raised in densities higher than 14 birds/m2. It was concluded that dietary supplementation of 2 g/kg Aromabiotic improved early productive performance of broiler chickens and enhanced the PEI mainly due to decreased mortality. Dietary Aromabiotic improved broiler welfare as indicated by reduced foot defects in the birds raised in placement densities of 16 and 18 birds/m2.  相似文献   

1. The effect of different levels of dietary iron on phytase activity and its subsequent effect on broiler performance were investigated in a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement. A total of 360 day-old Ross 308 male broiler chicks were distributed to 6 experimental diets, formulated with three levels of Fe (60, 80 and 100 mg/kg) and two levels of phytase (0 and 500 FTU/kg).

2. Phytase supplemented to mid-Fe diets increased feed consumption more than the non-supplemented diet at d 24. From hatch to d 35, Fe × phytase interaction significantly influenced the feed intake (FI), body weight gain (BWG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR). The high-Fe diet supplemented with phytase significantly reduced FI and BWG of broilers than those supplemented with low- or mid-Fe diets. The overall FCR was significantly better in birds fed on the mid-Fe diets with phytase supplementation.

3. A significant improvement in ileal digestibility of N, P, Mg and Fe was observed in birds feed diets containing 60 mg Fe/kg, with significant interaction between Fe and phytase.

4. Phytase improved the bone breaking strength when supplemented to low- or mid-Fe diets, compared to the non-supplemented diets. There was a significant Fe × phytase interaction effect. Tibia Fe content was higher in birds fed on phytase-free diets with high Fe but the reverse was the case when phytase was added and their interaction was significant. High dietary Fe significantly increased the accumulation of Fe in liver.

5. Phytase improved Ca-Mg-ATPase, Ca-ATPase and Mg-ATPase activities in jejunum when supplemented to the diet containing 80 mg Fe/kg.

6. This study indicates that high (100 mg/kg) dietary Fe inhibited phytase efficacy and subsequently reduced the overall performance and nutrient utilisation of broilers.  相似文献   

1. This study was undertaken to examine the effect of feeding glycine (Gly)-fortified low protein (LP) diets on the growth performance, duodenal morphology and caecal microbial populations of broiler chickens raised under unheated, cyclic or constant heat stress environmental conditions.

2. From d 1 to 21 (starter phase), an equivalent number of birds were fed either a normal protein (NP) diet or a LP diet fortified with Gly. From d 22 to 42 (grower phase), an equivalent number of birds from each starter diet were distributed to one of the following dietary groups: (i) an NP diet during the starter and grower phases (NPNP), (ii) an NP diet during the starter phase and a LP diet during the grower phase (NPLP), (iii) an LP diet during the starter phase and an NP diet during the grower phase (LPNP) or (iv) LP diets during both phases (LPLP).

3. Commencing from d 22, an equivalent number of birds from each dietary group were exposed to (i) 23 ± 1°C throughout (unheated), (ii) 34 ± 1°C for 7 h each day from 10:00 to 17:00 (cyclic heat) or (iii) 34 ± 1°C throughout (constant heat).

4. Feeding the LP diet during the starter phase resulted in feed intake (FI), weight gain (WG), feed conversion ratios (FCR) and energy efficiency ratios (EER) similar to those for the NP diet. The birds fed the LP diet had a significantly higher protein efficiency ratio (PER) compared with the birds fed the NP diet.

5. During the grower phase, there were significant diet × temperature interactions for F, WG, FCR, PER, EER, villus height, crypt depth and caecal Clostridia. The birds fed the NPLP and LPLP diets had lower FI, WG and EER, higher FCR, shorter villus height and crypt depth and higher caecal Clostridia compared with the birds fed LPNP and NPNP diets under constant heat stress. However, feeding birds the NPLP and LPLP diets resulted in FI, WG, EER, FCR, morphology parameters and caecal Clostridia equivalent to the birds fed LPNP and NPNP diets, as well as improved PER, under unheated and cyclic heat stress conditions.

6. In conclusion, our results indicate that Gly-fortified LP diets can be fed to broilers under normal and acute heat stress environmental conditions without any adverse effects on performance. However, the use of such LP diets can be detrimental to broilers under chronic heat stress conditions.  相似文献   

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