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Managing secondary dryland salinity: Options and challenges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Salt occurs naturally at high levels in the subsoils of most Australian agricultural land. As a result of clearing native vegetation, groundwater tables have risen, mobilising the stored salt and causing adverse impacts on farmland, infrastructure, water resources, and biodiversity. The main action required to prevent groundwater tables from rising is establishment of perennial plants, either herbaceous (pastures or crops) or woody (trees and shrubs). Recent technical and economic research has emphasised how difficult it will be to establish sufficient perennials to get control of groundwater tables. Where watertables are already shallow, the options for farmers are salt-tolerant plants (e.g. saltbush for grazing) or engineering (e.g. deep open drains). The existing options for farm-level salinity management are reviewed, with mixed but somewhat disappointing findings regarding their suitability for addressing salinity. However, there are also a number of good prospects for development of new and better options for plant-based management of salinity, and these are described.  相似文献   

Shallow groundwater can often develop when perennial ecosystems are replaced by annual agriculture. Returning trees to these landscapes is one option available to farmers to use more of the incident rainfall and stop the rising water table before it begins to affect production of the traditionally planted crops and pastures. This study examines the growth and water use of mallee (multi-stemmed) eucalypts in landscape positions with different water availability, integrated into an annual cropping and pasture farming system in the dryland agricultural zone of Western Australia. We found a ten-fold difference in biomass accumulation and a six-fold difference in rates of water use depending on water availability. Water use on a leaf area basis appeared to be independent of changes in water availability but transpiration efficiency in terms of grams of carbon fixed per litre of water transpired increased with increasing water availability. Thoughtful placement of trees in the landscape will minimize the area of land required to be planted to have the desired effect on the local hydrology, thus maximizing the amount of land on which the traditional annual crops and pastures can continue to be grown.  相似文献   

Planting trees has been proposed as part of the solution to dryland salinity in Australia. The best location in the landscape and the spatial arrangement of trees however, is difficult to determine. This paper presents a case study of a field experiment that compared the water use of tree belts with that of pastures in recharge and discharge areas of a first order catchment in the Central West of NSW, Australia.The recharge tree belt and both pasture sites used very similar amounts of water but the discharge tree belt used double the water of the other three land uses by accessing groundwater. The discharge tree belt operated in an energy-limited environment, transpiring at a rate equivalent to atmospheric demand whereas the other three land uses were all water-limited. From a land management point of view, the establishment of more trees on the discharge site would have the biggest impact on reducing saline discharge and the least impact on the agricultural operations.  相似文献   

Actual measurements of water uptake and use, and the effect of water quality considerations on evapotranspiration (ET), are indispensable for understanding root zone processes and for the development of predictive plant growth models. The driving hypothesis of this research was that root zone stress response mechanisms in perennial fruit tree crops is dynamic and dependent on tree maturity and reproductive capability. This was tested by investigating long-term ET, biomass production and fruit yield in date palms (Phoenix dactylifera L., cv. Medjool) under conditions of salinity. Elevated salinity levels in the soil solution were maintained for 6 years in large weighing-drainage lysimeters by irrigation with water having electrical conductivity (EC) of 1.8, 4, 8 and 12 dS m−1. Salinity acted dynamically with a long-term consequence of increasing relative negative response to water consumption and plant growth that may be explained either as an accumulated effect or increasing sensitivity. Sensitivity to salinity stabilized at the highest measured levels after the trees matured and began producing fruit. Date palms were found to be much less tolerant to salinity than expected based on previous literature. Trees irrigated with low salinity (EC = 1.8 dS m−1) water were almost twice the size (based on ET and growth rates) than trees irrigated with EC = 4 dS m−1 water after 5 years. Fruit production of the larger trees was 35-50% greater than for the smaller, salt affected, trees. Long term irrigation with very high EC of irrigation water (8 and 12 dS m−1) was found to be commercially impractical as growth and yield were severely reduced. The results raise questions regarding the nature of mechanisms for salinity tolerance in date palms, indicate incentives to irrigate dates with higher rather than lower quality water, and present a particular challenge for modelers to correctly choose salinity response functions for dates as well as other perennial crops.  相似文献   

In tropical, monsoon climates of South-East Asia, irrigation facilities supplement rain in the wet season and enable crops to be cultivated during the dry season. In the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka, 70% of the average annual rainfall of 1000 mm falls in a 3 month period. During the dry season, reference evapotranspiration has less rainfall — about 700 mm, indicating that much additional supply is meant to support crops, mainly paddy. In this climatic context, irrigation has dramatically changed the local environment, creating ecosystems quite similar to that of the wet zone to flourish. In these systems, recharge of shallow groundwater by percolation from irrigated fields, canals, and tanks, has provided a continuous supply of water for natural vegetation and homestead gardens. Much of the water used by this non-crop vegetation is beneficial. Growth of fruit and coconut trees can be quite profitable, while other trees enhance the environment.In 1998, IWMI performed a comprehensive water balance in the command area of the Kirindi Oya irrigation scheme, Sri Lanka, based on surface flow measurements, rainfall data, and estimation of crop water requirements. This water balance showed that evaporation consumed 78% of the total amount of water available for use. The amount of evaporation is split into process depletion (crops for 28%), direct evaporation from tanks (7%), inter-seasonal fallow (10%) and from non-crop vegetation for 55%.The main conclusion from this study is that perennial vegetation as the main component of non-crop vegetation, is a significant consideration in tropical humid environments in planning, management and performance assessment. Designers, managers, and researchers need to specifically incorporate the evaluation of evaporation by non-crop vegetation and perennial vegetation in their approach of water requirements. Further investigation is needed to estimate water consumption by land cover type to assess their respective beneficial use.  相似文献   

In the irrigated areas of semi-arid regions, especially in northwest India, a considerable recharge to the groundwater leads to waterlogging and secondary salinization. In several sub-areas groundwater is mined, water tables fall, and salts are added to the root zone because a high proportion of irrigation water is derived from pumped groundwater of poor quality. Out of 1 million hectares of irrigation induced waterlogged saline area in northwest India, approximately half a million hectares are in the state of Haryana. Taking a homogenous physical environment as a starting point, the way and the extent to which farmers’ activities will affect the salinity and sodicity situation depend on farming and irrigation practices. In the past, soil salinity was mainly associated with high groundwater tables, which bring salts into the root zone through capillary rise when water is pumped. But nowadays, increasing exploitation of groundwater for irrigation purposes has led to declining groundwater tables and a threat of sodification and salinization due to use of poor quality groundwater. Farmers in northwest India are facing a situation in which they have to deal with salt volumes that are harmful for water uptake of crops. They are also facing the problem of sodicity, which has an adverse effect on the physical structure of the soil, causing problems of water intake, transfer and aeration. To mitigate the adverse effect of soil salinity on crop yield, the farmers irrigate frequently, either mixing canal water and groundwater, or alternately using canal water and groundwater. Due to differences in environmental parameters in the farming systems, such as groundwater quality, soil types and uneven distribution of irrigation water, income losses to the farming community are not uniform. This paper highlights the economic loss due to environmental degradation through the twin problems of waterlogging and soil salinity, which threaten the sustainability of agricultural production in Haryana state. Our analysis shows that the net present value of the damage due to waterlogging and salinity in Haryana is about Rs. 23,900/ha (in 1998–1999 constant prices). The estimated potential annual loss is about Rs. 1669 million (about US$ 37 million) from the waterlogged saline area. The major finding of the paper is that intensification per se is not the root cause of land degradation, but rather the policy environment that encouraged inappropriate land use and injudicious input use, especially excessive irrigation. Trade policies, output price policies and input subsidies all have contributed to the degradation of agricultural land.  相似文献   

Various land uses, including sole plantations of leucaena and eucalyptus, maize–wheat, chrysopogon grass or turmeric and their tree crop mixtures were compared for period of nine years in two sequences for runoff, water use and water use efficiency on nine large erosion plots on 4% slope. Availability of water during summers and climatic evaporative (EP) demand during winters appear to be the governing factors for seasonal water use. About 70% of annual water consumption occurs during the four months (July to October) of rainy season. During this season water use was about 3–4 times to EP for trees and grass and 2.5 times for maize. The water use equals EP regardless the land use during winter season, while it reduced to about one-third to half of EP in the summer season. Annual water use is found to be closely linked with runoff reduction efficiency of the land use. Sole plantations of leucaena and eucalyptus showed negligible runoff losses and their water use approximated annual rainfall. Agroforestry land uses also reduced runoff and increased water use and water use efficiency. Seasonal crops exploited 1.5 m depth of profile more exhaustively than trees, whereas trees used soil water down to 3.0 m depth. Therefore, in tree crop mixtures more efficient soil water use was observed as compared to monocropping systems. Results of this study indicate that water conserved under sole tree plantations and due to tree intervention in agroforestry land uses through runoff reduction, is utilised to meet increased evapotranspiration demand, and hence ground water recharge in appreciable quantities is unlikely.  相似文献   

Bio-drainage can be considered as an important part of sustainable irrigation water management. Bio-drainage has potential for managing shallow water conditions in arid and semiarid areas especially when traditional subsurface drains are not available. Bio-drainage theory does not go back too far. The relationship between soil characteristics, water management regimes, and climatic conditions is not yet well defined. This study attempted to use a mathematical model (SAHYSMOD) to evaluate factors affecting design and operation of a bio-drainage system and study its sensitivity to different variables. The study showed that the major constraint of bio-drainage is salt accumulation in tree plantation strips in arid and semiarid regions. Maximum soil water salinity which can be controlled by bio-drainage is around 3 dS m?1 in rather medium run and sustainability may only be achieved where a salt removal mechanism is considered. The study also showed that the effectiveness of the system is higher where the neighboring strips are narrower. It also showed that bio-drainage is very sensitive to the amount of applied water. While the barrier depth does not have an important effect on water table draw down, it does have a great influence on lowering the salinization rate of tree plantation strips. The application of bio-drainage could be economically controversial since in humid areas water is sufficient for agricultural crops, allocating parts of the expensive land to mostly non-fruit trees may not be feasible, while in arid and semiarid regions there is usually enough cheap land to grow trees.  相似文献   

This work assesses the viability of regional biomass chains by comparing the economic performance of potential bioenergy crops with the performance of current agricultural land uses. The biomass chains assessed are ethanol production from Miscanthus and from sugar beet in the North of the Netherlands. The competitiveness of bioenergy crops is assessed by comparing the Net Present Value (NPV) of perennial crops, current rotations, and rotation schemes which include additional years of sugar beet. The current land use and soil suitability for present and bioenergy crops are mapped using a geographical information system (GIS) and the spatial distribution of economic profitability is used to indicate where land use change is most likely to occur. Bioethanol production costs are then compared with petrol costs. The productions costs comprise costs associated with cultivation, harvest, transport and conversion to ethanol. The NPVs and cost of feedstock production are calculated for seven soil suitability classes. The results show that bioenergy crops are not competitive with current cropping systems on soils classed as “suitable”. On less suitable soils, the return on intensively managed crops is low and perennial crops achieve better NPVs than common rotations. Our results showed that minimum feedstock production costs are 5.4 €/GJ for Miscanthus and 9.7 €/GJ for sugar beet depending on soil suitability. Ethanol from Miscanthus (24 €/GJ) is a better option than ethanol from sugar beet (27 €/GJ) in terms of costs. The cost of bioethanol production from domestically cultivated crops is not competitive with petrol (12.34 €/GJ) production under current circumstances. We propose that the method demonstrated in this study, provides a generic approach for identifying viable locations for bioenergy crop production based on soil properties and current land use.  相似文献   

Unlike annual crops where reclamation leaching of salts can be readily conducted between cropping, leaching of salts in permanent crops that are drip irrigated pose challenges. A need exists to formulate and test a management-type of salinity model for drip irrigation of table grapes. The model reported herein predicts the distribution of salts along the vine row and between the rows during the growing season, as affected by reactivity of salts of the applied irrigation water as well as rate and duration of drip application. The calibrated model reproduced the initial field salinity profiles after repeated irrigation cycles by adjusting only the routing factor α which is the ratio of horizontal to vertical water flow. After eight cycles the profiles stabilized and the calibrated horizontal to vertical flow routing ratio was 0.6. There is remarkable agreement between measured and simulated salinity. Corresponding soil moisture profiles show the expected high water content with depth at the emitter, the decrease in surface water content with radial distance and the increase with depth, at the distal end of the wedge. Although the model is location specific it can be applied knowing soil, initial and boundary conditions, as well as irrigation application quantity and quality and as such can be applied location by location in order to assess flow and quality of deep percolation recharging the groundwater system. With this capacity the model can predict soil water quantity and quality outcomes for possible land and water management scenarios.  相似文献   

The increasing scarcity of water in California and the rising cost of compliance with environmental regulations are motivating some farmers in the San Joaquin Valley to sell their land and water, and discontinue production of irrigated crops. In the summer of 2004, all landowners in the 3,700-ha Broadview Water District decided to sell their land to Westlands Water District. The land sales have been completed and Westlands has acquired Broadview's water supply contract. Farmland in Broadview will no longer be irrigated. We describe what motivated the purchase and sale of land and water in Broadview and discuss the potential gains to participants. We describe also the potential public benefits that include an increase in economic activity and environmental enhancement in the San Joaquin Valley. Farm workers displaced by land retirement in Broadview will find employment in the Westlands Water District. Tenant farmers in Broadview will need to find other land on which to continue farming after the land sales are completed. The challenge they face is caused partly by a regional trend toward greater production of perennial crops that is leaving less land available for annual leases.Formerly Manager of Broadview Water District, Firebaugh, California  相似文献   

Water transfers within mixed crops systems are complicated to understand due to the large number of complex interactions between the various components. Standard techniques fail to provide the proper assessment of the components of the water balance. Experiments and modeling developments are used to understand the dynamics of water transfers within the association of olive trees with annual crops under irrigation in Central Tunisia. The whole system is represented by a unit area made up of three components: a plot with the annual crop, a plot with the olive tree and a plot of bare soil. The modeling approach is based on the concept of reservoir. The model works on a daily time step and accounts for the lateral transfers of water occurring between the components of the system: (i) the water uptake by the roots of olive trees; (ii) the physical flow of water between the irrigated plot and the non-irrigated ones. A field experiment was carried out during 2 years (2002, 2003) and three crop cycles (spring potato, spring pea and autumn potato) in order to calibrate the model and test its validity. Olive tree transpiration was estimated from sap flow measurements and soil moisture in the different compartments was measured by neutron probe technique. The experimental data compare fairly well with the model outputs. The first purpose of the model is to understand the functioning of the olive tree–annual crop association from a water standpoint, but it can be easily extended to other intercropping systems mixing perennial vegetation with annual crops or used as a management tool. The estimates of the water extracted by the olive trees in each reservoir appear to be much more significant than those of the water physically transferred between reservoirs.  相似文献   

Evaluating the potential scale of adoption of a technological innovation or management practice at the farm business scale can help gauge the potential size of an industry for the purposes of prioritising resources for research and development. In this paper we address the question of quantifying the potential area of adoption of a perennial pasture, lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), in dryland mixed farming systems in Australia. Lucerne pastures play a significant role in dryland farming systems in the wheat-sheep zone of southern and western Australia. While there are benefits of integrating lucerne into cropping systems there will inevitably be additional costs, and the scale of adoption of lucerne will depend largely on the increase in farm profit resulting from the introduction of lucerne. Whole-farm economic models of representative farms in the Australian wheat-sheep belt were used to determine the key drivers for the scale of adoption of lucerne.For a particular farming system the optimal area of lucerne which maximises whole-farm profit is found to depend on production, price and cost conditions. Generally, no more than 30% of a farm was allocated to lucerne according to those conditions and location of the farm. For most scenarios examined the response of profit was flat around the optimal area. This implies that lucerne could be grown on areas greater than the optimum, in order to reduce groundwater recharge (and thereby reduce the risk of dryland salinity), without greatly reducing whole-farm profit. The optimal area of lucerne in all regions was limited by the area of suitable soil types and proportion of lucerne in the most profitable lucerne-crop sequences.At all price levels assumed in this study lucerne remained as part of the optimal enterprise mix for all farm types examined. Lucerne productivity was also a major determinant of the optimal area of lucerne. The sensitivity of profit to changes in winter and/or summer production varied between regions and for different livestock enterprises. The differences were driven by the timing of energy demands and supply of feed in individual farming systems.In all regions the optimal area and profitability of lucerne varied with livestock enterprise. The analyses showed that changing from wool production to meat production enabled greater economic benefit to be realised from lucerne. This was consistent across farm types and demonstrated the value of lucerne as a source of high quality feed for finishing prime lambs in summer.The results of this study demonstrate that lucerne is profitable in a range of environments on a significant proportion of the farm area, but that this area is small relative to that required to significantly influence in its own right the environmental issue of salinity.  相似文献   

Salinity, drainage and non-uniformity of irrigation water are important components in determining optimal water application and related profitability. A crop-water production function assuming steady state conditions is incorporated in a long-run economic model to investigate the combined effects of salinity, irrigation uniformity and different drainage requirements at the field scale for the specific crop.The analysis was conducted for corn and cotton as sensitive and tolerant crops to salinity, respectively. Optimum applied water and associated profits, yield and drainage volumes were computed for each crop. The computations were done for the condition that no drainage system was required and also where a drainage system was required and the drainage water was disposed of to either a free off-farm facility or to an on-farm evaporation pond constructed on productive or non-productive land.The main findings are that type of drainage disposal system affects the optimal values of applied water, profits, yield and drainage volumes, except for uniform water applications and non-saline irrigation water. Another finding is that in the long run, under saline conditions and/or different drainage disposal systems, a sensitive crop such as corn is not profitable and goes out of production. In general the profit levels associated with the various drainage options are in the order of no drainage requirement ? free off-farm facility > on-farm evaporation pond on non-productive land > on-farm evaporation pond on productive land. Uniformity of irrigation water affects values of the analyzed variables and the effects are greatest for the cases of on-farm evaporation ponds. Pumping cost effects are quite small, but water price effects are more significant. Breeding the crops for increased salinity tolerance has little effect when irrigating with water of low salinity and/or low irrigation uniformity.  相似文献   

China has been engaging in one of the world’s largest ecological conservation programs, the Slope Land Conversion Program (SLCP), which is also called the grain-for-green policy. This paper is intended to address the economic impacts of shifting from farm lands to four other land use options using land expectation value (LEV). Sensitivity analyses are conducted to examine the impacts by changing interest rates, prices, wage, and tax rates. Current subsidy program is examined as well. The results show that farmers would suffer more losses for planting pine and orchard trees (citrus and chestnut) and tea when interest rates increase. In addition, planting pine trees, orchard trees, and tea create more benefits than annual crops when wage rates increase by 25%. The provision of subsidies by the government could reduce loss from shifting farm lands to alternative uses, but under the current situation (interest rate, price, wage rate and subsidy program), farmers still would prefer orchard trees and tea to pines because orchard trees and tea could generate more land value than pine trees. For the benefit of the program, several policy measures are recommended.  相似文献   

Evaporative depletion assessments for irrigated watersheds in Sri Lanka   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) measurements have been utilized to derive land-use patterns from a supervised multi-spectral classification. Independently, the water use of crops, perennial vegetation, surface water impoundments, and barren land has been assessed using a radiation and energy balance approach using the same Landsat images. The land-use classification had an overall accuracy of 85%, which is acceptable for a heterogeneous tropical watershed with abundant small-scale landscape features. Actual evaporation of the various land use types was verified on physical consistency by applying the inverse Penman-Monteith equation, taking the evaporation estimations from remote sensing as input. The surface resistance to evaporation was found to be similar to resistances experimentally obtained elsewhere, but in similar climatic conditions. A new calculation procedure for time integration of actual evaporation under conditions of very limited surface observations is outlined and applied to the 26,000-ha Kirindi Oya watershed in southern Sri Lanka. The annual watershed evaporation deviated 4% from evaporation derived as the residual water balance term. This new technique, based on Landsat measurements, helps in identifying the evaporative depletion of various land-use categories, which is an important input for water management evaluation procedures. The major finding is that a significant amount of irrigation water is used by the perennial vegetation in the vicinity of the irrigation systems.  相似文献   

The relationship between salinity and water use efficiency is highly dependent upon which definition of water use efficiency is used. The two common definitions, yield per unit evapotranspiration and yield per unit applied water, both have significant deficiencies and can lead to erroneous conclusions. Thus, the analysis of efficient use of saline waters invokes a broader analysis than merely computing water use efficiency. An array of models is available to simulate the effects of various irrigation management strategies with saline waters. Based on results computed from these models, which consider the osmotic and matric potential effects on plant growth, strategies can be developed to effectively use saline waters in crop production. The cyclic strategy of using waters of different salinities can effectively be used in maintaining crop rotations which include both salt-sensitive and salt-tolerant crops. The major deficiency of the models is that they do not account for the effects of water quality on soil physical conditions with consequent effects on crop production. Indeed, the most limiting factor in use of saline waters on soils may be deterioration of soil physical conditions. The deterioration of soil physical conditions does not result from using the high-salinity waters per se but from subsequent rainfall or low salinity waters. Thus far the emphasis on using saline waters on crop production has centered on yields and less attention has been given to the long-term consequences on soil physical conditions. This factor requires further research and should be a focus of attention in future experiments. Relatively high saline water tables can be maintained without drainage if a non-saline source of water is available, and irrigation amounts can be controlled. This strategy might invoke the necessity for shifting irrigation systems from surface to pressurized systems. Eventually, some salt must be removed from the system. It is probably more efficient to allow it to become very concentrated and remove small volumes to be disposed of in some manner rather than apply it to productive land.  相似文献   

A simulation model has been structured to facilitate stochastic evaluations of grazing management systems on perennial grass pastures. The output data, stored in a direct-access data set, can be used as input to statistical programs which will perform desired statistical analyses of the data.The model was originated to provide a practical method for estimating the effects of grazing frequency, duration, and grazing rate on the performance of grazing systems for perennial grass pastures. The model provides 32 different attributes for characterizing the performance of a grazing system.  相似文献   

Changes in the hydrologic balance in many irrigation areas, including those in the Murray Basin, Australia, have resulted in high watertables and salinity problems. However, where suitable aquifers exist, groundwater pumping and subsequent irrigation application after mixing with surface waters (referred to as conjunctive water use) can control salinity and watertable depth and improve productivity of degraded land. In order to assess where conjunctive water use will successfully control salinity, it is necessary to estimate the effects of pumped groundwater salinity on rootzone salinity. A simple steady rate model is derived for this purpose from mass conservation of salt and water. The model enables an estimate to be made of rootzone salinity for any particular salinity level of the groundwater being used in conjunction with surface water; this enables calculation of the required crop salt tolerance to prevent yield reductions. The most important input parameters for the model are groundwater salinity, the annual depth of class A pan evaporation, the annual depth of rainfall, the salinity of irrigation water, and a leaching parameter. For model parameters nominated in this paper, where groundwater salinity reaches 5 dS/m a crop threshold salt tolerance greater than 1.6 dS/m is required to avoid yield reductions. Where groundwater salinity approaches 10 dS/m, a crop threshold tolerance of 3 dS/m is required. Whilst the model derived indicates that rootzone salinity is sensitive to groundwater salinity, rootzone salinity is insensitive to leaching for leaching fractions commonly encountered (0.1 to 0.4). The insensitivity to leaching means that it could be expected that similar yields could be attained on heavy or light textured soils. This insensitivity also implies that there is no yield penalty from increasing the mass of pumped salt by pumping to achieve maximum watertable control in addition to leaching. The model developed is also used to estimate yield reductions expected under conjunctive use, for any particular levels of groundwater salinity and crop salt tolerance.  相似文献   

In South Patagonia, Argentina, sweet cherry is the main fruit-tree crop grown for export, resulting in a highly seasonal labour demand. Managers of deciduous perennial fruit orchards must consider both biological and economic relationships in selecting crop species and orchard design. This makes decisions at the farm-level extremely complex, as especially in such perennial crops, strategic (‘what to plant’, ‘with which technology’ and ‘how much area of each activity’, i.e. the final design) and tactical (‘when, what and how to plant in time’, the pathway to the planned farm) decisions have a long-term effect. The objective of this study was to explore the consequences of different strategic and tactical decisions at farm scale in fruit production systems of South Patagonia, considering the variation in interests and aims of different stakeholders, and using a sensitivity analysis to evaluate the consequences of possible changes in external conditions. A dynamic farm-scale optimization model called OPTIFROP was developed to generate alternative farm development plans, by allocating, in the course of the time horizon of the run, production activities to different land units, while optimising different objective functions, subject to several constraints. Although time-dependent, dynamic, mathematical programming models for analysing farming systems have been described in literature, the dynamic aspects of long-term decision-making in orchard design and their impact on the sequential (annual) nature of orchards in different growth phases (i.e. medium-term decision-making), need a higher time-staged dynamic approach with a staircase matrix structure. The model includes two objective functions at farm level: (1) maximization of the present value of cumulative financial result, which is the main objective for growers, and (2) maximization of cumulative farm labour, which is an objective often mentioned by policy makers. The inter-months deviation for labour demand (during the period of high labour demand, November–April) was included as an upper-bound. Input and output coefficients for the land use options considered in OPTIFROP were quantified using the Technical Coefficient Generator FRUPAT. Model results indicated that the present value of cumulative financial result and the cumulative farm labour are conflicting to a very limited extent. Timing and feasibility of implementing certain combinations of production technologies are affected by resource endowments and initial conditions, but these factors do not influence land use selection in the long term. Land use selection is driven by the objectives of the stakeholders. OPTIFROP showed that, through introduction of alternative crops, substantial reductions in labour peaks in the period November–April could be achieved with a relatively small reduction in farm income. The sensitivity of the model solution to the cherry price suggests that the fruit production sector of South Patagonia should pay more attention to the robustness of their land use plans and take preventive measures to avoid being caught by a possible crisis due to changes in the context.  相似文献   

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