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Résumé— Des épithéliomas spinocellulaires se sont développés à partir de kystes folliculaires multiples chez un chien croisé berger Catalan de 6 ans. Le chien est mort après un suivi de 29 mois. Des métastases ont été trouvées dans les poumons et au niveau des métacarpiens 1 et 2 de la patte antérieure gauche. [Multiple squamous cell carcinomas arising from multiple cutaneous follicular cysts in a dog (Épithéliomas spinocel-lalaires multiples se développant à partir de kystes folliculaires multiples chez un chien).
Resumen— Un perro Pastor Catalan desarrolló carcinomas de células planas a partir de multiples quistes foliculares. El perro murió a los 29 meses del seguimiento. Se detectaron carcinomas de células escamosas metástaticos en los pulmones y en los metacarpos I y II de la extremidad izquierda. [Multiple squamous cell carcinomas arising from multiple cutaneous follicular cysts in a dog. (Múltiples carcinomas de células planas surgidos a partir de multiples quised foliculares cutáneo en un perro).
Abstract— Squamous cell carcinomas developed in multiple follicular cysts in a 6-year-old Catalan shepherd cross dog. The dog died after a 29-month follow-up period. Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma was detected in the lungs and metacarpal bones 1 and 2 of the left front paw.  相似文献   

Résumé— Un épithélioma spinocellulaire s'est développé sur des lésions chroniques incontrôlées de lupus erythémateux discoïde chez deux chiens bergers allemands. Les chiens n'avaient reçu ni traitement ni photoprotection pour leurs lésions de lupus discoïde durant les 4 à 6 ans précédant l'apparition clinique d'épithéliomas spinocellulaires. [Scott, D.W., Miller, W.H., Jr. Squamous cell carcinoma arising in chronic discoid lupus erythematosus nasal lesions in two German Shepherd Dogs (Un épithélioma spinocellulaire suivenant sur des lesions de lupus erythémateux discoïde chroniques chez deux bergers allemands).
Resumen— Dos perros de raza Pastor Alemán desarrollaron carcinomas de células escamosas en lesiones crónicas del tipo lupus eritematoso discoide. Estos animales no habian recibido tratamiento ni protección solar del cuadro de lupus eritematoso discoide en los 4 a 6 años previos al desarrollo del carcinoma escamoso. [Scott, D.W., Miller, W.H., Jr. Squamous cell carcinoma arising in chronic discoid lupus erythematosus nasal lesions in two German Shepherd Dogs (Carcinoma de células escamosas a partir de lesiones crónicas nasales del tipo lupus eritematoso discoide en dos perros Pastor Alemán).
Abstract— Squamous cell carcinoma developed in the chronic, uncontrolled nasal lesions of discoid lupus erythematosus in two German Shepherd Dogs. The dogs had received no treatment nor photoprotection for their discoid lupus erythematosus for 4–6 years prior to the clinical onset of squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

Abstract— Multiple squamous cell carcinomas in situ were diagnosed in five aged cats. Despite clinical courses ranging from 18 to 30 months, there was no clinical or histologic evidence of breachment of the basement membrane. The condition closely resembles Bowen's disease in humans.
Résumé— Des épithéliomas spinocellulaires multiples in situ ont été diagnostiqués chez 5 chats. Maigré une anclenneté clinique de 18 à 30 mois, il n'y avait pas de signes cliniques ou histologiques d'atteinte de la membrane basale. Cette affection resemble á la maladie de Bowen chez l'homme.
Zusammenfassung— Bei fünf alten Katzen wurden multiple plattenepithelkarzinome in situ diagnostiziert. Trotz der klinischen Krankheitverläufe von 18 bis 30 Monaten konnte weder klinisch noch histologisch ein Durchbrechen der Basalmembran nachgewiesen werden. Dieses Bild ähnelt sehr dem Bowens Krankheit des Menschen.
Resumen  En cinco gatos se diagnosticaron carcinomas multiples de células escamosas in situ. A pesar del curso clínico de 18–30 meses no se observó evidencia clinica, o histológica de infiltración a traves de la membrana basal. La condición es muy semejante a la enfermedad de Bowen en medicina humana.  相似文献   

: Over a seven-year period, chronic otitis externa was surgically managed in 43 dogs at the University Veterinary Hospital of University College Dublin. Lateral ear canal resection (LECR) was undertaken in nine of the 43 dogs: results were unsatisfactory, with a failure of the surgery in five of eight dogs and one dog lost to follow-up. Once end-stage otitis externa, with or without otitis media, is diagnosed, total ear canal ablation and lateral bulla osteotomy (TECA/LBO) is the best treatment option. In this series, 37 of 43 dogs underwent TECA/LBO and of the 29 dogs for which follow-up results were obtained 27 (93%) had an excellent or improved outcome to surgery. Complications following all procedures were most common in cases with a concurrent dermatopathy; therefore, definitive diagnosis and medical treatment for skin and ear disease is essential.  相似文献   

Both cholangiocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the stomach stratified squamous epithelial portion are rarely found in equine medicine despite being more common in human beings, dogs, and cats. The objective of the present article was to report the simultaneous occurrences of these two types of neoplasias in an 11-year-old mare. Numerous firm, whitish nodules were distributed throughout the liver parenchyma and those protruding over its surface were umbilicated in their appearance. It was verified that the nodules adhered to the peritoneum and omentum, diaphragm, spleen, and stomach serosa compressed the adjacent structures. The stomach stratified squamous epithelial portion, particularly originating in the margo plicatus toward the cardia, was covered by numerous smooth, whitish spherules. Microscopic examination allowed the liver, tumor, and the abdominal implants to be identified as a cholangiocarcinoma, and the stomach neoplasia as a carcinoma of its stratified squamous epithelial portion. Considering this as an uncommon finding, although when considered individually, the presence of a cholangiocarcinoma and a squamous cell carcinoma of the stratified squamous epithelial portion of the equine stomach in the same specimen is worthy of reporting.  相似文献   

A 30-year-old palomino Standardbred horse was seen with a persistent penile squamous cell carcinoma. After failure using multiple treatments, surgical removal was successfully carried out under local anesthesia using Mohs micrographically controlled surgery. Subsequent examination of the malignant tissue identified bovine papillomavirus exclusively within the nuclei and cytoplasm of tumor cells. The use of Mohs surgery would appear to be useful as an effective, precisely controlled treatment for managing genital squamous cell carcinoma in equine subjects. The presence of papillomavirus within tumor cells would suggest the possibility of causation by an oncogenic papilloma virus and would indicate that careful monitoring of the surgical site should be performed.  相似文献   

基底细胞癌(basal cell carcinoma,BCC)是一种常见的低度皮肤恶性肿瘤,又名基底细胞上皮癌、基底细胞癌和侵蚀性溃疡。本文主要探讨皮肤基底细胞癌的临床病理诊断和鉴别诊断要点,为提高基底细胞癌的诊治水平提供依据。通过病理组织学观察,皮肤破溃、出血,肿瘤细胞成团块状增生,由结缔组织分割为不规则小叶状。细胞呈梭形、多边形及近圆形;细胞核圆形,核膜清晰,有一明显核仁,有一定异形性,偶见分裂相,作为确诊基底细胞肉瘤的主要依据,并对疾病的处理和治疗方法进行了归纳和总结。  相似文献   

鳞状细胞癌是犬皮肤多发的一种棘细胞来源的恶性肿瘤,高居犬所发生恶性肿瘤的第二位,机体许多部位都可能出现。本试验对临床中遇到的一例造成严重损伤的犬后肢鳞状细胞癌进行了研究,并从组织病理学的角度加以了确诊。  相似文献   

Abstract— A six-year-old intact male English setter dog with chronic, juvenile-onset, generalized demodicosis, resistant to amitraz, was treated with ivermectin given orally 600 mcg/kg once daily, for more than 7 months. The dog was clinically normal after 4 months and skin scrapings were negative for Demodex canis mites after 7 months of treatment. Résumé— Un chien male de six ans de race Setter Anglais souffrant d'une démodécie généralisée chronique depuis l'âge de trois mois et résistante à l'Amitraz, fut trait à l'aide d'ivermectine par voie orale, à la dose quotidienne de 600 mcg/kg pendant plus de sept mois. Un rémission des signes cliniques fut obtenue après 4 mois et les raclages cutanés se sont révélés négatifs pour Demodex canis après 7 mois de thérapie. Zusammenfassung— Ein 6 Jahre alter, nicht kastrierter Englisch-Setterrüde wurde mehr als 7 Monate mit Ivermectin per os, 600 mcg/kg einmal täglich, behandelt, da er unter einer chronischen, in jugendlichem Alter ausgebrochenen generalisierten Demodikose litt, die auf Amitraz nicht ansprach. Das Tier war nach 4 Monaten klinísch gesund, 7 Monate nach der Behandlung fielen Hautgeschabsel auf Demodex-canis-Milben negativ ans. Schlüsselwörter: Hund; Haut; Demodilose; Ivermectin. Resumen Un perro mecho enteros de seis años de la raza setter inglés presentando una demodicosis generalizada crónica de aparición juvenil, y que presentaba resistencia al almitraz, fue tratada con avermectina administrada oralmente a una dosis de 600 mcg/kg, una vez al día, y por un periodo de más de 7 meses. Después de 4 meses, la aparición clinica del perro era normal y los raspados cutaneos no demonstraron la presencia de Demodex canis despues de 7 meses de tratamiento.  相似文献   

运用病理组织学方法,观察了3例犬低分化鳞癌的病理特点,结果显示,在犬低分化鳞状细胞癌组织中,癌细胞类似于棘细胞、基底细胞,癌组织中形成癌腔,在一些癌腔内可见角化不全细胞,无癌珠形成。癌腔是低分化鳞状细胞癌的病理特点之一,可作为诊断低分化鳞状细胞癌的依据。  相似文献   

A Chihuahua dog showed persistent itching in the right ear canal. Anti-inflammatory medicines and prednisolone were ineffective and total ear canal ablation was performed. Histological diagnosis was chronic otitis externa. Eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies (Cowdry type A and full-type) were occasionally observed in the ceruminous gland epithelium. The inclusion bodies were negative for nucleic acid and ultrastructurally composed of fibrous structures (approximately 10 nm in width). Viral infection was initially suspected, but polymelase chain reaction tests did not detect the expected viral genes. Immunohistochemistry revealed that the inclusion bodies were positive for heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), suggesting that these bodies could be protein aggregates including HSP70. The etiology of this lesion has not been elucidated, but chronic inflammation may influence the cytoplasm-to-nuclear transportation of HSP70. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of canine chronic otitis externa with HSP70-positive intranuclear inclusion bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract— A 5-year-old mongrel dog developed necrolytic migratory erythema secondary to a glucagon-secreting α cell tumor. The dog was anemic, glucose intolerant, and hyperglucagonemic but liver function tests were within normal limits. Metastatic tumor cells were found in the liver but the primary tumor was not identified.
Résumé— Un chien croisé mâle de 5 ans a développé un Erythème nécrolytique migrant secondaire à un glucayonome. L'animal était anémié, présentait une intolérance au glucose et une hyperglucagonémie, avec des tests fontcionnels hépatiques dans les limites des valeurs usuelles. Des cellules métastaiques tumorales ont été retrouvées dans le foie, mais la tumeur primitive n'a pas été identifiée.
Zusamenfassung —Ein 5 Jahr alter Mischingshund entwickelte sekundär auf einen Glukagon-sezernierenden Tumor ein nekroyltisches Erythema migrans. Das Tier war anämisch, Glukose-intolerant und hyperglukagonämische; die Leberfunktionstests befanden sich jedoch innerhalb normaler Grenzwerte. Matastatische Tumorzellen waren in der Leber nachweisbar, der Primärtumor konnte jedoch nicht identifizert werden.
Resumen  Un perro cruzado de 5 años desarrollo un eritema necrolítico migratorio, secundario a un tumor de celulas secretoras de glucógeno. El perro era anémico, presentaba intolerancia a la glucosa, e hiperglucogenia, pero los resultados de los tests que evaluaban la función hepática feuron normales. Se encontraron células tumorales metastásicas procedentes del hígado, pero el tumor primario no se identificó. Se encontraron células tumorales metastásicas procedentes del hígado, pero el tumor primario no se identificicó.  相似文献   

Nineteen cutaneous and mucocutaneous papillomas, as well as 29 oral and 25 non-oral squamous cell carcinomas of dogs were analyzed immunohistologically for the presence of papillomavirus (PV)-antigens. Canine oral papillomavirus (COPV)-DNA was detected in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and non-radioactive in situ hybridization (ISH). Furthermore, the expression of the tumor suppressor protein p53 was investigated. PV-antigens were detectable in more than 50% of the oral and cutaneous papillomas, while no PV-antigens could be demonstrated in venereal papillomas. One squamous cell carcinoma was PV-antigen positive. Only two cutaneous papillomas of the head showed a strong p53-specific immunostaining, while overexpressed p53 was detectable in approximately 35% of all squamous cell carcinomas. It was possible to amplify fragments of the E6, E7 and L1 gene by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from five of eight oral and from five of eight cutaneous papillomas as well as from three oral squamous cell carcinomas. Nine of 10 papillomas showed a strong nucleus-associated hybridization signal typical for COPV-DNA. In three squamous cell carcinomas COPV-DNA was located in nests of the epithelial tumor cells surrounding ‘horn pearls' or disseminated in the carcinoma tissue. These observations support the view that COPV may also induce non-oral papillomas in the dog and confirm the opinion that a progression of viral papillomas into carcinomas in dogs may occur.  相似文献   

Abstract— A case of a papular and plaque-like superficial dermal mucinosis with pruritus in a mixed-breed puppy is reported. The mucinosis and pruritus were non-responsive to glucocorticoid or antibiotic therapy and the dog was eventually euthanised at the owner's request. This type of mucinosis has not been reported in the dog to the authors' knowledge. It shares some similarities with discrete papular mucinosis and self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis in people.
Résumé— Un cas de mucinose dermique superficielle en plaque et papuleuse avec prurit chez un chiot croisé est décrit. La mucinose et le prurit ne répondirent pas à l'antibiothérapie et à la corticothérapie et le chien fut finalement euthanasiéà la demande du propiétaire. Ce type de mucinose n'a jamais été décrit chez le chien à la connaissance de l'auteur.
Zusammenfassung— Ein Fall einer papulösen und plaque-ähnlichen oberflächlichen dermalen Muzinose mit Pruritus bei einem Mischlingswelpen wird beschrieban. Muzinose und Pruritus sprachen nicht auf die Behandlung mit Glucocorticoiden oder Antibiotika an, und der Hund wurde schließlích auf Wunsch des Besitzers euthanisiert. Diese Art der Muzinose wurde nach den Informationen des Autors beim Hund bislang nicht beschrieben.
Resumen  Se describe un caso de mucinosis dérmica superficial pruriginosa de tipo papular y con formación de pseudo placas en un cachorro mestizo. La mucinosis y el prurito no respondieron a la terapia con glucocorticoides ni a la terapia con antibiótico y el perro se eutanasió finalmente a petición de los propietarios. Este tipo de mucinosis no se había descrito previamente en el perro.  相似文献   

Résumé— Une urtricaire due à la diethylcarbamazine associée à une dermite prurigineuse a été suspectée chez un chien mâle castré croisé Retriever. L'animal présentait des lésions d'urticaire multiples qui avaient tendance à fusionner au niveau des paupières, des lèvres, les conques auriculaires et du prépuce. Les biopsies cutanées ont révélé un infiltrat périvasculaire et périannexiel intense riche en polynucléaires éosinophiles. Parfois les polynuclaires éosinophiles étaient “dégranulés” ou présentaient des formes “en flamme”. La suppression de l'administration de diethylcarbamazine a été suivie d'une disparission rapide de toutes les lésions cutanées. L'hypothèse d'une réaction immune à la diethylcarbamazine est proposée. [Vitale, C. B., Ihrke, P. J., Gross, T. L. Putative diethylcarbamazine-induced uticaria with eosinophilic dermatitis in a dog. (Probable urticaire et dermite éosinophilique induites par la diethylcarbamazine chez un chien). Resumen— Se describe el caso de un perro macho castrado, cruzado de retriever que presentaba una dermatitis pruritica con urticaria supuestamente inducida por dietilcarbamacina. El perro mostraba multiples habones, principalmente alrededor de los ojos, la boca, los pabellones auriculares y el prepucio. El estudio histológico mostró un infiltrado perivascular y perianexal, con predominancia de eosinófilos. Ocasionalmente los eosinófilos degranulaban formando “figuras en llama”. La retirada de la terapia con dietilcarbamacina fue seguida por una mejoria rápida y espectacular de todas las lesiones cutáneas. Se postula una reacción adversa a la dietilcarbamacina mediada por factores inmunológicos. [Vitale, C. B., Ihrke, P. J. and Gross, T. L. Putative diethylcarbamazine-induced urticaria with eosinophilic dermatitis in a dog (Urticaria con dermatitis eosinofilica supuestamente inducida por dietilcarbamacina en un perro). Zusammenfassung— Es wird über eine vermutlich Diethylcarbamazin-verursachte Urtikaria mit Juckreiz bei einem männlich-kastrierten Retrievermischling berichtet. Der Hund wies generalisiert multifokale Striemen auf, die dazu tendierten um Augen, Mund, Ohrmuscheln und Präputium zusammenzulaufen. Die Hautbiopsie zeigte ein starkes perivaskuläres und periadenxales Infiltrat mit vorwiegend eosinophilen Granulozyten. Gelegentlich degranulierten die Eosinophilen zu “Flammenform”. Das Absetzen von Diethylcarbamazin führte zu einer dramatischen und raschen Abheilung aller Hautveranderungen. Es wird eine immunologischvermittelte Arzneimittelreaktion auf Diethylcarbamazin vermutet. [Putative diethylcarbamazine-induced utricaria with eosinophilic dermatitis in dogs (Vermutlich Diethylcarbamazin-verursachte Urtikaria mit eosinophiler Dermatitis beim Hund). Abstract— A suspected diethylcarbamazine-induced urticarial dermatitis with associated pruritus is reported in a castrated male mixed breed retriever. The dog had generalized multifocal wheals that tended to cluster around the eyes, mouth, pinnae, and prepuce. Skin biopsy revealed an intense perivascular and periadnexal infiltrate with eosinophils predominating. On occasion, eosinophils degranulated to form “flame figures”. Withdrawal of diethylcarbamazine resulted in dramatic and rapid resolution of all skin lesions. An immunologically mediated adverse drug reaction to diethylcarbamazine is proposed.  相似文献   

Abstract— A case report of a dog with a lymphohistiocytic proliferative disorder of the skin, third eyelids and lymph nodes is presented. Skin biopsies showed a nodular to diffuse cellular proliferation of lymphohistiocytic cells with many cytological features of malignancy. Numerous Reed-Sternberg cells were present. The pathological diagnosis was malignant lymphoma with cytological features of Hodgkin's disease. The dog experienced a spontaneous remission which has lasted for over three years. Résumé— Le cas clinique d'un chien présentant un désordre prolifératif lymphohistiocytaire de la peau, des troisièmes paupières et des ganglions lymphatiques est présenté. Des biopsies de peau ont motré une prolifération de nature nodulaire à diffuse des cellules lymphohistiocytaires avec plusieurs caractères cytologiques de malignité. De nombreuses cellules de Reed-Sternberg étaient présentes. Le diagnostic histologique était celui d'un lymphome malin avec des signes cytologiques de maladie de Hodgkin. Le chien a presénté une rémission spontanée qui a duré plus de 3 ans. Zusammenfassung— Der Fallbericht eines Hundes mit einer lymphohistiozytären, proliferativen Erkrankung von Haut, Nickhäuten und Lymphknoten wird beschrieben. Die Untersuchung von Hautbiopsien erbrachte eine noduläre bis diffuse zelluläre Proliferation der lymphohistiozytären Zellen mit zahlreichen zytologischen Anzeichen für maligne Veränderungen. Zahlreiche Reed-Sternberg-Zellen traten auf. Die pathologische Diagnose lautete “malignes Lymphom mit zytologischen Merkmalen der Hodgkinschen Erkrankung”. Es kam zu einer spontanen Remission, die sich über drei Jahre erstreckte. Resumen Se describe un caso de una enfermedad linfohistiocítica proliferativa que afectaba a la piel, al tercer párpado y a los ganglios linfáticos. Las biopsias cutáneas mostraron una proliferación nodular a difusa de células linfoides con características de malignidad. Se apreciaban numerosas células de Reed-Sternberg. El diagnóstico histopatológico fue linfoma maligno con características citológicas de enfermedad de Hodgkin. El perro sufrió una remisión espontánea que duró más de tres años.  相似文献   

We compared clinical characteristics and outcomes for dogs with various digital tumors. Medical records and histology specimens of affected dogs from 9 veterinary institutions were reviewed. Risk factors examined included age, weight, sex, tumor site (hindlimb or forelimb), local tumor (T) stage, metastases, tumor type, and treatment modality. The Kaplan-Meier product limit method was used to determine the effect of postulated risk factors on local disease-free interval (LDFI), metastasis-free interval (MFI), and survival time (ST). Outcomes were thought to differ significantly between groups when P < or = .003. Sixty-four dogs were included. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) accounted for 33 (51.6%) of the tumors. Three dogs presented with or developed multiple digital SCC. Other diagnoses included malignant melanoma (MM) (n = 10; 15.6%), osteosarcoma (OSA) (n = 4; 6.3%), hemangiopericytoma (n = 3; 4.7%), benign soft tissue tumors (n = 5; 7.8%), and malignant soft tissue tumors (n = 9; 14%). Fourteen dogs with malignancies had black hair coats, including 5 of the 10 dogs with MM. Surgery was the most common treatment and, regardless of the procedure, had a positive impact on survival. None of the patient variables assessed, including age, sex, tumor type, site, and stage, had a significant impact on ST. Both LDFI and MFI were negatively affected by higher T stage, but not by type of malignancy. Although metastasis at diagnosis correlated with a shorter LDFI, it did not have a significant impact on ST. On the basis of these findings, early surgical intervention is advised for the treatment of dogs with digital tumors, regardless of tumor type or the presence of metastatic disease.  相似文献   

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