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Mean selenium contents of liver, heart muscle and skeletal muscle of pigs with dietetic microangiopathy (MAP), but without waxy muscle degeneration (MD) and hepatosis diaetetica (HD), were 1113, 850 and 265 ng/g d.s., respectively. These values were not lower than corresponding values of control pigs without MAP, MD and HD.  相似文献   

Intravenous challenge with virulent ICH virus of dogs vaccinated with a purified hexon suspension of the adenovirus A26/61, associated with kennel cough, indicated that cross–protection occurred. Whereas dogs vaccinated with either ICH or A26/61 hexon preparations resisted challenge, four control dogs which were challenged similarly, died. Two control animals were challenged by the subcutaneous route and exhibited signs of illness: in one, high serum levels of enzymes suggested liver damage. Both these controls developed a focal interstitial nephritis whereas the vaccinated animals remained normal throughout. Because of the serological cross–reactions between the two strains of canine adenovirus, it is suggested that ICH vaccine is likely to protect against challenge with the A26/61 variant. Résumé. Des tests intraveineux de virus virulent IGH de chiens inoculés avec une suspension d'hexone purifiée du virus adénotrope A26/61, associé avec la toux des chiens, ont indiqué qu'une contre-défense s'était produite. Tandis que des chiens inoculés avec soit IGH ou des préparations d'hexone A26/61 ont résisté aux tests, quatre chiens témoins soumis pareillement aux tests, sont morts. Deux animaux témoins ont été soumis à des tests par voie souscutanée et ont montré des signes de maladie: chez un de ces chiens, des taux élevés d'enzymes ont suggéré un foie malade. Ces témoins ont tous deux développé une néphrite focale intersitielle tandis que les animaux inoculés sont restés tout à fait normaux. à cause des contre-réactions sérologiques entre les deux souches de virus adénotrope canin, on suggère que le vaccin ICH protégera probablement contre des tests avec la variation A26/61. Zusammenfassung. Intravenǒser Immunitǎtstest mit virulentem IGH Virus von Hunden die mit einer gereinigten Hexon Suspensions von adenotropen Viren A26/61 (mit Hundezwinger Husten in Verbindung gebracht) geimpft wurden, deutete derauf hin dass Kreuzschutz auftrat. Wǎhrend Hunde die mit ICH oder A26/61 Hexon Pràparat geimpft waren den Immunitǎtstest ùberstanden, gingen vier Kontrollhunde die ahnlichen Bedingungen ausgesetztwaren, ein. Zwei Kontrolltiere waren der subkutaner Art ausgesetzt und zeigten Krankheits-anzeichen: in einem liess der hohe Serumspiegal von Enzymen auf Leberschaden deuten. Beide dieser Kontrollhunde entwickelten eine interstitielle Herdnephritis, wǎhrend die geimpften Tiere durchweg nornal blieben. Wegen der seroligischen Kreuzreaktion zwischen den beiden Stàmmen von Hunde-adenotropen Viren, weist man darauf hin dass ICH Vakzin mǒglicherweise gegen Angriffvon der A26/61 Variante schùtzt.  相似文献   

分析柑橘园间作大球盖菇模式对紫色土活性有机碳库的影响,以期为土壤碳循环及缓解气候变化的研究提供基础数据和理论依据。通过在紫色土柑橘园中间作大球盖菇,对比分析密植间作(HD)、正常间作(TC)、稀疏间作(SP)和裸地对照(BT)及辅料对照(ST)等5组处理对紫色土柑橘园上下层(0~10 cm,30~50 cm)土壤中总有机碳(TOC)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)、易氧化有机碳(ROC)、轻组有机碳(LFOC)及土壤微生物量碳(SMBC)等指标的影响。在大球盖菇整个生长期中,柑橘/大球盖菇间作密度显著影响上、下层土壤中活性有机碳(DOC、ROC、LFOC、SMBC)的含量,且上层(0~10 cm)土壤中总有机碳和活性有机碳的含量显著高于下层(30~50 cm)土壤。此外,各处理在不同土壤层次中对不同活性有机碳组分的影响存在显著性差异,其中在上层(0~10 cm)土壤中,密植间作(HD)处理中活性有机碳(DOC、ROC、LFOC及SMBC)含量显著高于其他处理(P<0.05),而在下层(30~50 cm)土壤中,稀疏间作(SP)处理中可溶性有机碳(DOC)、轻组有机碳(LFOC)及微生物量碳(SMBC)的含量均高于其他处理(P<0.05)。柑橘/大球盖菇间作系统中,间作密度与总有机碳(TOC)、易氧化有机碳(ROC)存在显著负相关关系,与可溶性有机碳(DOC)、轻组有机碳(LFOC)和土壤微生物量碳(SMBC)存在极显著负相关关系,且不同活性有机碳组分间存在显著或极显著正相关关系。柑橘/大球盖菇间作能够显著提高上层(0~10 cm)土壤中碳库管理指数,却不利于下层(30~50 cm)土壤碳的累积。柑橘/大球盖菇间作在一定程度上能够提高紫色土土壤中活性有机碳的形成和累积,增加紫色土土壤碳储量。  相似文献   

The ERA strain of rabies vaccine virus failed to propagate or cause clinical manifestations when instilled into the mammary gland of lactating goats. However, the virus did produce neutralizing antibodies in this gland as a result of repetitive viral stimulation, a “sham infection”. The protective property of the concentrated and partly purified milk serum antibody was assessed in mice. In the first trial, protective activity was observed when a single dose of milk serum antibody was administered at intervals up to three days after exposure to virulent rabies virus. In the second trial, using a more concentrated milk serum antibody, about half of the mice were protected when the milk serum was administered up to ten days after exposure to virulent virus.  相似文献   

The sensitivity and error limits of a conventional in ovo neutralization test for antibody to distemper virus were compared with the same parameters of a single dilution-probit test for neutralizing antibody.With the former test, antibody was demonstrable in ferrets 8 days following a single subcutaneous injection of virus while probit analysis of data from the single dilution test revealed the appearance of antibody as early as 4 days post-immunization. The error terms of the single dilution test were relatively large as compared to those of the conventional test for antibody.Distinctly biphasic antibody responses were observed in ferrets following a single subcutaneous injection of distemper virus.  相似文献   

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