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Summary On studying oestrogenicity of vitamins the following results were obtained. Vitamins B6 and E possess oestrogenic properties and act synergistically with oestradiol increasing the uterine weight of ovariectomized rats.Vitamin C acts synergistically with oestradiol with no oestrogenic action in itself.Vitamins B12 and A when investigated possess no oestrogenic activity and do not act synergistically or antagonistically with oestradiol.
Zusammenfassung Bei der Untersuchung der Östrogenwirkung von Vitaminen ergaben sich folgende Resultate:Vitamin B6 und E besitzen östrogene Eigenschaften und wirken mit Östradiol synergistisch im Hinblick auf die Zunahme des Uterusgewichts ovariektomierter Ratten.Vitamin C wirkt synergistisch mit Östradiol, hat aber selbst keine östrogene Wirkung.Die Untersuchungen von Vitamin B12 und A ergaben weder eine östrogene Aktivität noch wirkten sie synergistisch oder antagonistisch mit Östradiol.

On studying progesterone-like effect of vitamins, the following results were obtained:Vitamines C and E possess progesterone-like effect and act synergistically with progesterone on rabbit endometrium, when they were given together. Vitamin B6 possesses progesterone-like effect but it does not intensify the action of progesterone. On the other hand, vitamins B12 and A exhibit no progesterone-like effect and do not affect the action progesterone when they were given together.
Zusammenfassung Beim Studium der progesteronähnlichen Wirkung von Vitaminen wurden folgende Ergebnisse erzielt:Die Vitamine C und E besitzen progesteronähnliche Wirkung und wirken synergistisch auf die Gebärmutter-Schleimhaut der Ratte, wenn sie zusammen gegeben werden. Vitamin B6 hat auch progesteronähnliche Wirkung, aber diese ist nicht identisch mit derjenigen des Progesterons. Andererseits zeigen die Vitamine B12 und A keine progesteronähnliche Wirkung und beeinträchtigen nicht die Wirkung des Progesterons, wenn diese zusammen gegeben werden.

Summary The Vitamins content of vegetables depends on genetic and oecologic factors. The vitamin C content is a property of the variety; it has been possible, especially for apple, and wild rose, to find varieties adapted to the climate of northern countries of U.R.S.S.; they are 4 to 10 times richer in Vitamin C than the varieties adapted to Southern countries. The Carotenoid-content of tomatoes increases with temperature, and still more by ultraviolet irradiation. Selection permitted to increase the carotene content of certain pumpkins tenfold. Tannins permit to the animal organism to fix much more Vitamin C, so that tannin spares this Vitamin. Germination of many seeds is accelerated by small doses of vitamins of the B group (niacin, thiamin).
Zusammenfassung Der Vitamin-Gehalt der Pflanzen hängt von genetischen und oecologischen Faktoren ab. Der Vitamin C-Gehalt ist eine Eigenschaft der Sorte; es war möglich, namentlich bei Äpfeln und bei einer Wildrose, Varianten zu finden, die, an die nördlichen Zonen der Ud. S.S.R. angepasst, 4 bis 10 mal reicher an Vitamin C waren als die Sorten aus südlichen Breiten. Der Carotin-und-Lycop n-Gehalt von Tomaten steigen mit der Temperatur, noch mehr durch ultraviolette Bestrahlung. Durch Auslese war es möglich, den Carotingehalt mancher Kürbisarten zu verzehnfachen. Die Tannine ermöglichen dem tierischen Organismus, eine grössere Menge von Vitamin C zurückzuhalten, so dass diese Stoffe eine Ersparnis an diesem Vitamin bewirken. Die Keimung vieler Samen wird durch kleine Dosen von Vitaminen der B-Gruppe (Nicotinsäureamid, Thiamin) begünstigt.

Résumé Les teneurs en vitamines des végétaux dépendent de facteurs génétiques et de facteurs écologiques. — La teneur en vitamine C est une propriété de variété; il a été possible, notamment pour la pomme, le cynorhodon, de trouver des variétés adaptées au climat des régions septentrionales de l'U.R.S.S., 4 à 10 fois plus riches en vitamine C que les variétés adaptées aux régions méridionales. — La teneur en carotinoides des tomates croît avec la température, plus encore par l'action du rayonnement ultraviolet. La sélection a permis de décupler la teneur en carotène de certaines citrouilles. — Les tannins permettent à l'organisme animal de fixer beaucoup plus de vitamine C, de sorte que le tannin économise cette vitamine.La germination de beaucoup de graines est accélérée par de faibles doses de vitamines du groupe B (nicotinamide, thiamine).

Lupinus termis seeds contain appreciable amounts of lipids and sterols. The lipid and sterol contents varied with the variety of seeds and the extracting agent. Cholesterol, stigmasterol and -sitosterol have been shown to be the main sterol compounds of the seeds. The presence of vitamin A, B1 and C inL. termis seeds has also been demonstrated.In Egypt,Lupinus termis seeds are mainly used for edible purpose. In a preceding paper (Abdel-Fattah et al. 1973) we reported on some constituents of these seeds, including carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids. For a further evaluation ofL. termis seeds we now report on their sterols and vitamins.
Zusammenfassung Lupinus termis Samen enthalten merkliche Mengen an Lipiden und Sterolen. Die Lipidund Sterolgehalte der Samen hängen von der Sorte und dem jeweiligen Extraktionsmittel ab. Cholesterol, Stigmasterol und -Sitosterol sind die Hauptsterolkomponenten der Samen. Außerdem wurden Vitamin A, B1 und C in den Samen vonLupinus termis nachgewiesen.

Résumé Les grains deLupinus termis contiennent des appreciables quantités de lipides et de stéroles. Les contenants de lipide et de stérole sont variés selon la varieté des grains et l'agent de l'extraction. Cholesterole, stigmasterole et -sitosterole ont été parus être les contenants essentials du stérole des grains. La présence de vitamines A, B1 et C dansL. termis a été encore démonstrée.

The stability of vitamers: thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and pyridoxal, as well as soluble and insoluble dietary fiber was studied in a rye sourdough bread process. The vitamer concentrations were measured in raw materials (rye flours, white and red rye malt, yeast) and the rye sourdough breads made from them by means of LC–MS and stable isotope dilution assay. The content of dietary fiber was determined using a standard enzymatic-gravimetric method. During baking, the concentration of vitamins decreased by 20–45% in the case of thiamine, 25–50% in the case of nicotinic acid, 45–65% in the case of pyridoxal in both breads, 50% in the case of riboflavin and 15% in the case of pyridoxine only in fine rye bread. In contrast, the content of nicotinamide increased during processing by ten fold, presumably due to microbial activity during sourdough fermentation. The ratio of soluble to insoluble dietary fiber increased during rye sourdough processing.  相似文献   

The effect of replacing wheat flour by infrared stabilized rice bran (SRB) at the levels of 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0% on the content of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxamine, pyridoxine, minerals and phytic acid in white wheat, wheat bran, and whole grain wheat breads was investigated. The incorporation of SRB significantly increased the amount of the noted B vitamins, especially niacin, in all bread types (p < 0.05). Zinc, iron, potassium and phosphorus levels of the breads increased gradually and significantly with the inclusion of SRB (p < 0.05). Moreover, phytic acid content of the breads increased proportional to the SRB substitution dose (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(2):189-198

Grain number per spike of wheat is lower in early sowing than in the conventional standard cultivation in Yamaguchi, Prefecture, Japan. Components of the grain number per spike in five cultivars were analyzed with respect to temperature during the spike development period throughout three growing seasons 2001/2002, 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 to find the cause of the problem of early sowing cultivation. The plants sown in early-October and late-November were called the early sown group and the standard group, respectively, in the following. Three of the five cultivars, Hokushin, Akitakko and Nanbukomugi, showed a strong winter habit, which requires very cold temperatures for spike differentiation. The other two cultivars, Iwainodaichi and Airakomugi, had a moderate winter habit. Grain number per spike and grain yield were decreased by early-sowing (compare with the standard group) in almost all cultivars throughout the three growing seasons. The three cultivars which had a strong winter habit had fewer spikelets per spike in the early-sown group than in the standard group. The other two cultivars which had a moderate winter habit had fewer grains per spikelet in the early-sown group. The higher the temperature during the spikelet formation phase, which is from flag leaf initiation to terminal spikelet initiation, the higher the number of spikelets per spike in the standard group. The spikelet number per spike in the early-sown group increased with the increase in productive tillers under fertile conditions. Such conditions also increased the grain number per spike.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the effects of allelopathic interactions in agroecosystems in Spain on plant physiological activity and their ecological advantages. The phenological stage of growth of donor plants and the effective allelochemicals in the soil solution while studying the role of phenolic compounds were highlighting. Finally possible future prospects and conclusions regarding weed control by allelochemi-cals under integrated crop management strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

刘笑然 《北方水稻》2010,40(2):1-5,10
以翔实的资料对2009年中国稻米生产、消费、进出口、供求平衡、库存、价格走势、购销政策和国际稻米供求等情况进行了全面地分析,对影响2010年稻米市场价格走势的各种因素进行了深入研究,并在此基础上对2010年我国稻米市场价格走势进行了预测,结论是我国稻米价格仍呈上行趋势。  相似文献   

Precision agriculture is a farming management concept based on observing, measuring and responding to inter- and intra-field variability in crops. In this paper, we focus on responding to intra-field variability in potato crops and analyse variable rate applications (VRAs). We made an overview of potential VRAs in potato crop management in The Netherlands. We identified 13 potential VRAs in potato, ranging from soil tillage to planting to crop care to selective harvest. We ranked them on availability of ‘proof of concept’ and on-farm test results. For five VRAs, we found test results allowing to make a cost-benefit assessment. These five VRAs were as follows: planting, soil herbicide weed control, N side dress, late blight control and haulm killing. They use one of two types of spatial data: soil maps or biomass index maps. Data on costs and savings of the VRAs showed that the investments in VRAs will pay off under practical conditions in The Netherlands. Savings on pesticide use and N-fertilizer use with the VRAs were on average about 25%, which benefits the environment too. We foresee a slow but gradual adoption of VRAs in potato production. More VRAs will become available given ongoing R&D. The perspectives of VRAs in potatoes are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Diurnal changes in net photosynthetic rate were measured in a furrow-irrigated potato crop and in a riverbed crop where the water table was always maintained at 20–28 cm from the soil surface. In the irrigated crop, the photosynthetic rate during mid-afternoon was about half the peak rate observed at noon. This reduction was accompanied by a near tripling of stomatal resistance, a 45% reduction in transpiration, and a 5-fold increase in the difference between leaf and air temperatures. No such changes were observed in the riverbed crop where the photosynthetic rate remained nearly constant at about 0.9 mg m−2 s−1 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tuber yield in the riverbed crop was about 30% higher than in the irrigated crop.  相似文献   

我国干热蔗区是我国甘蔗糖业的重要生产基地,蔗区光热资源丰富,唯降水分布不均成为植蔗生产的主要限制因子;根据蔗区植蔗特点和甘蔗需水规律,苗期抗旱是干热蔗区抗旱植蔗的关键,保证较多的总苗数和足够的生长量是苗期抗旱植蔗需解决的关键技术难题,制定相应的苗期抗旱植蔗栽培技术措施是解决该难题的重要保障;该观点为我国干热蔗区植蔗生产、甘蔗引育种提供理论和技术支持。  相似文献   

我国高粱育种研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对我国高粱育种的主要途径和研究方向进行了概述,针对目前高粱产量徘徊现象,提出了高粱超高产育种设想,并对其技术路线进行了探讨。  相似文献   

体细胞无性系变异是一种重要的细胞工程育种技术,其应用于棉花育种的前提是建立高效的组织培养诱导再生植株体系.本文简要综述了棉花离体诱导植株再生研究的现状,重点讨论了棉花体细胞无性系变异的表现、利用方法及机理,提出了当前研究存在的问题并对今后的研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

Summary Potatoes were left in the soil from December, when the vines died, until February (cvs Claustar and Sebago) or April (cv. Spunta) in a location of central Greece with light, well drained soils and a mild climate. Tubers were analysed every two months for dry matter and sugar content and usually the dry matter content did not change significantly from December to February or April. The reducing sugars increased from December to February in tubers of all cultivars and significantly decreased in cv. Spunta from February to April.  相似文献   

Background: Acrylamide (ACR) is a well-known industrial toxic chemical that produces neurotoxicity, which is characterized by progressive central and peripheral neuronal degeneration. Chrysin is a natural, biologically active flavonoid compound, which is commonly found in many plants. The antioxidant and neuroprotective properties of chrysin have been demonstrated. Methods: In this study, the possible effect of chrysin on ACR-induced toxicity was evaluated in both in vitro and in vivo experiments. PC12 cells were used as a suitable in vitro model. Cells were exposed to chrysin (0.5-5 µM) for 12 and 24 h, and then ACR in IC50 concentration was added to the cells. Finally, cell viability was determined using (4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium assay. For in vivo assay, Wistar rats were treated with ACR (50 mg/kg i.p. for 11 days) alone or in combination with chrysin (12.5, 25, and 50 mg/kg). At the end of treatment, behavioral index was evaluated. Results: ACR decreased cell viability and pre-treatment with chrysin (0.5-5 µM) significantly decreased ACR-induced cytotoxicity in the time- and dose-dependent manner. In Wistar rats, exposure to ACR significantly induced severe gait abnormalities, but treatment with chrysin (50 mg/kg) reduced ACR-induced neurotoxicity in animals. Conclusion: In the current study, chrysin exhibited neuroprotective effect on PC12 cells as an in vitro model and also on Wistar rats. Iran. Key Words: Acrylamide, Chrysin, Neurotoxicity, Antioxidant  相似文献   

In order to find the changes in rainfall characteristics and to examine the flood damage to lowland rice, a statistical analysis was carried out on the 40-year daily rainfall record at four rainfall stations (Thangon, Paksane, Seno, and Pakse) in Laos. The rainfall record was divided into two periods of 20 years each. The results of this analysis revealed the trends in changes regarding the frequency and the timing of the heavy daily rainfall events at the four stations. In Paksane in particular, heavy daily rainfall events tended to occur in the latter half of the rainy season.  相似文献   

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