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In Mediterranean climates, seedlings are frequently shaded in the nursery to avoid heat damage and save water. However, the impact of this shading on the seedling quality and transplanting performance of Mediterranean species is not well known. We studied the effect of nursery shading on pre-planting features and post-planting performance of two Mediterranean tree species: the shade-intolerant pioneer Pinus halepensis and the shade-tolerant late-successional Quercus ilex. We grew one-year-old seedlings of both species under 100, 40 and 5% full sunlight. Shade had a low impact on the morphology and physiology of Q. ilex seedlings. In pines, only the deep shade treatment produced low quality seedlings with poor root development. In both species, transference to high light at planting in autumn did not impose any additional stress than that caused by frosts, but initial root growth was impaired in the two shaded treatments in pine. Post-planting growth and survival of oak seedlings showed no difference between treatments. Pine seedlings grown in deep shade showed higher mortality and lower growth after planting than those grown in full sun and intermediate light treatments, while intermediate light only reduced growth. For the nursery culture of Q. ilex seedlings, we advise using low light levels during summer to save water without impairing field performance. In P. halepensis, seedlings should be cultured under full sunlight conditions to maximize post-planting growth, but they can be cultured under intermediate light without impairing survival.  相似文献   

Rodents usually exert important role, through their scatter seed hoarding behavior, on plant regeneration in the field. To investigate the effects of burial and insects infection on germination and seedling growth of acorns of Quercus variabilis, perfect and infected acorns were buried in the soil among four depths, 0 cm, 4 cm, 8 cm and 12 cm, to simulate the seed hoarding behavior by rodents in the field. The results showed that (1) the germination rate were both high, under 4 cm burial depth, for perfect and infected acorns (92% and 53% separately), and decreased significantly with increased burial depth; (2) perfect acorns germinated better in 4 cm burial depth group by autumn of first year; (3) there 32% (perfect) and 26% (infected) acorns with 0 cm burial depth, on the soil surface, germinated successfully; for infected acorns, the 4 cm depth group had the best germination or seedling recruitment in both the first year and the second year; (4) acorns of Q. variabilis exhibited dormancy period ca 7 months; (5) burial, infection, and the interaction between these two factors influenced several aspects including stem height, leaf weight, Tannic acid, and biomass within seedling growth; (6) the results from this study suggest that proper burial would be helpful for the germination and seedling growth, and seedlings of shallow buried acorns had an advantage in their early development; and (7) infection by insects will not inevitably influence seedling early development.  相似文献   

To detect the magnitude of indirect positive effects of deer and mice on seedling survival of some woody species in a Japanese temperate forest, we analyzed the data from an earlier field experiment using a hierarchical Bayesian approach. The forest studied was inhabited by sika deer (Cervus nippon) and mice (Apodemus spp.), and the floor was covered with dwarf bamboo, Sasa nipponica, which negatively affected tree seedlings and was in turn negatively affected by deer and mice. The field experiment was designed as the combination of exclusion or removal of these factors: deer, mice and dwarf bamboo. A hierarchical Bayesian model was constructed and the parameters were estimated by the Markov chain Monte Carlo method. The model successfully showed the indirect positive effects of deer and mice, which improved the survival rate of five cohorts of the seedlings of three tree species by ameliorating the direct negative effect of dwarf bamboo. The cohorts studied were formed by the seedlings of Abies homolepis that emerged in 1997 and 2002, those of Fraxinus lanuginosa f. serrata that emerged in 1998 and 2002, and those of Fagus crenata that emerged in 1999. The positive indirect effect was especially large in F. crenata, which is known to be severely affected by dwarf bamboo. The total effect of deer was shown to be positive for all cohorts except the A. homolepis cohort that emerged in 1997, at which time the dwarf bamboo had not yet fully recovered from the browsing pressure of deer. The total effect of mice was shown to be positive for all of the cohorts. We conclude that these positive effects were due to the large negative effect of dwarf bamboo on the seedlings.  相似文献   

Woo  Kwan-Soo  Fins  Lauren  McDonald  Geral I.  Wenny  David L.  Eramian  Aram 《New Forests》2002,24(2):113-129
Statistically significant differences were found in 14 needle traits of western white pine (Pinus monticola Dougl.) seedlings grown from the same seed orchard source in the three nurseries in northern Idaho. Traits with significant variation included needle length and width, number of stomatal rows, number of stomata per row, total stomata per needle, adaxial surface area, stomatal density, major axes of stomata, stomatal shape, stomatal area, stomatal occlusion, epistomatal wax degradation, weight of wax per dry weight of needle, and the contact angles of water droplets placed on adaxial needle surfaces. Wax crystallites on needle surfaces were hollow and tubular and the amount of surface wax appeared to be associated with surface wettability. Our results may have important implications for tree improvement programs that require successful inoculation of nursery-grown seedlings with spores of Cronartium ribicola J. C. Fisch. ex Rabenh. to reliably screen white pines for resistance to blister rust.  相似文献   

We conducted a 1-year greenhouse experiment to assess the impact of nutrient manipulations on seedling growth, biomass partitioning, and leaf gas exchange between two fast growing Pinus taeda clones that differed in growth efficiency. After 1 year we observed significant treatment and treatment by clone effects on growth, biomass partitioning, and gas exchange parameters. Fertilization increased total seedling biomass 18% primarily through an increase in foliage and coarse-roots. Clones did not differ in total seedling biomass, however, clone 85 produced more stem than clone 93 leading to 37% greater stem:leaf, while clone 93 maintained more branch biomass. The logging residue treatment increased stem:leaf by 30%, but had no effect on total biomass or partitioning. Differences in leaf morphology resulted in significantly greater canopy leaf area in clone 93 than clone 85. Increased foliar N concentration from fertilization had only minor effects on specific photosynthesis under saturating light (ASat), but lowered stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration (E), and internal to external CO2 concentration ratio (Ci/Ca) as well as improved water use efficiency (WUE) independently of genotype. When gas exchange data was scaled to the canopy level both genotypes achieved similar canopy level CO2 assimilation rates, but our data suggests they did this by different means. Although we did see a small effect of nutrient limitations in total canopy photosynthesis under saturating light (ACanopy), ASat, and total leaf area (TLA), our foliar N concentration ([N]) indicated that our level of logging residue incorporation did not cause [N] to decrease below sufficiency limits. From a practical standpoint, a better understanding of strategies for capturing and partition C may lead to better selection of clonal material, thereby, optimizing productivity.  相似文献   

Successful regeneration of coastal montane sites harvested using alternative silvicultural systems may depend on the degree to which tree species can acclimate morphologically and physiologically to a variety of light environments. In a study to determine shade acclimation in montane conifers, one-year-old amabilis fir (Abies amabilis (Dougl.) Forbes) and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) seedlings were grown in a nursery under four shade treatments: full sunlight (0% shade), 60% and 30% shade using shade cloth, and 30% shade using lath slats. Shading influenced shoot development, foliar physiology and morphological characteristics of both amabilis fir and western hemlock but in general, the effects were small. Shade levels of 60% were required to induce significant acclimation, and western hemlock appeared to respond more positively than amabilis fir and therefore was considered more shade tolerant than amabilis fir. Light quality had little influence on growth and development, as indicated by a lack of significant differences in physiology or morphology between seedlings grown under shade cloth or lath slats. There were indications that adequate nutrition levels may mitigate the effects of shade on seedling morphology and physiology.  相似文献   

Two-year-old seedlings ofPinus koraiensis, Pinus sylvestriformis andFraxinus mandshurica were treated in open-top chambers with elevated CO2 concentrations (700 μL·L−1, 500 μL·L−1) and ambient CO2 concentrations (350 μL·L−1) in Changbai Mountain from June to Sept. in 1999 and 2001. The net photosynthetic rate, dark respiration rate, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxlase (RuBPcase) activity, and chlorophyll content were analyzed. The results indicated the RuBPcase activity of the three species seedlings increased at elevated CO2 concentrations. The elevated CO2 concentrations stimulated the net photosynthetic rates of three tree species exceptP. sylvestriformis grown under 500 μL·L−1 CO2 concentration. The dark respiration rates ofP. koraiensis andP. sylvestriformis increased under concentration of 700 μL·L−1 CO2, out that ofF. mandshurica decreased under both concentrations 700 μL·L−1 and 500 μL·L−1 CO2. The seedlings ofF. mandshurica decreased in chlorophyll contents at elevated CO2 concentrations. Foundation item: This paper was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30070158). Knowledge Innovation Item of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-406) and “Hundred Scientists” Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Biography: Zhou Yu-mei (1973-) Ph. Doctor, Assistant Research fellow Institute of Applied Ecology. Chinese Academy of Sciences. Shenyang 110016. P.R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

The effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations on the nighttime respiration were examined for two sample branches of a hinoki cypress tree (Chamaecyparis obtusa) growing in the field with an open gas exchange system for a one-year period from July 1994 to June 1995. The branches were of a similar size and located at a similar position within the crown. One branch was subjected to an elevated CO2 concentration of 800 μmol mol−1 and the other was subjected to ambient air which had a CO2 concentration of about 370 μmol mol−1. Nighttime respiration rate was higher in elevated CO2 level than in ambient CO2 level. The relationship between nighttime respiration and the corresponding nighttime air temperature was fitted by the exponential function in every month of the year. The segregation of regression lines between the two CO2 treatments increased gradually as the seasons progressed during the treatment period. TheQ 10 values for nighttime respiration were lower in elevated CO2 (1.9 ≤Q 10 ≤ 3.7) than in ambient CO2 (2.4 ≤Q 10 ≤ 4.5) in every month of the year. TheQ 10 was inversely related to the monthly mean nighttime air temperature in both elevated and ambient CO2. The estimated daily nighttime respiration rate under both CO2 treatments had a similar seasonal pattern, which almost synchronized with the temperature change. The respiration ratio of elevated CO2 to ambient CO2 increased gradually from 1.1 to 1.6 until the end of the experiment. Our results indicate that the CO2 level and the temperature have a strong interactive effect on respiration and suggest that a potential increase in respiration of branches will occur when ambient CO2 increases.  相似文献   

This study explores the indirect relationship between forest structural measures and initial seedling survival and growth along a structural gradient between 64% to 92% canopy closure. The gradient was created by applying various levels of midstory removal to fifty 0.05 ha areas located within a mixed-hardwood riparian forest corridor. Twelve yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) and cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Raf.) containerized seedling pairs were underplanted within each area. Canopy closure was estimated using hemispherical photography; height-to-canopy and basal area were recorded at each seedling pair. Survival, basal diameter, and height were monitored through two growing seasons. Species-specific mortality and height growth models were developed for one and two growing seasons following underplanting. The interaction of height-to-canopy and basal area along with canopy closure were found to be the most strongly related to mortality. Height to the forest canopy and initial seedling size explained the most variance in height increment. Although the height increment models possess limited predictive power (R2 range from 0.22 to 0.36), both mortality and growth analyses emphasize the importance of quantifying vertical canopy structure, along with the more commonly considered horizontal measures of forest structure (basal area and stem density), when evaluating seedling development beneath a forest canopy.  相似文献   

Concern about poor natural regeneration of blue oak in California has prompted efforts to artificially regenerate this species. Two studies examined the best time to collect acorns and the effect various pre-storage treatments, including soaking and drying, have on germination. Results indicated that acorns can be successfully collected over a fairly wide interval, extending from late August until late October. Acorns from all harvest dates had high germination, as long as they were not allowed to dry out before storage. However, the earlier the acorns were collected, the earlier they tended to germinate. Soaking acorns for a day prior to storage had little effect. Drying acorns, however, reduced both the rate and amount of germination. A 10% reduction in moisture content resulted in almost 40% less total germination, and all acorns that lost 25% or more of their mositure failed to germinate during the 10-week test interval. To ensure good seed quality, blue oak acorns should be collected directly from tree branches and placed immediately in cold storage.  相似文献   

Choi EM  Hwang JK 《Fitoterapia》2005,76(7-8):608-613
Morus alba leaf methanolic extract and its fractions (chloroform, butanol, and aqueous fractions) were found to inhibit NO production in LPS-activated RAW264.7 macrophages without an appreciable cytotoxic effect at concentration from 4 to 100 microg/ml. LPS-induced PGE2 production was significantly reduced only by butanol fraction. In addition, M. alba leaf extract and its fractions significantly decreased the production of TNF-alpha. These findings suggest that M. alba leaf extract seems to be able in suppressing inflammatory mediators. Moreover, the inhibitory activities on COX-2 and iNOS of its butanol fraction are warranted for further elucidation of active principles for development of new antiinflammatory agents.  相似文献   

Walker  R.F. 《New Forests》2002,24(3):225-238
The effects of two controlled release fertilizers, Forestcote 22-4-6 + Minors and Dry Site 21-6-2 + Minors, and also dolomitic lime, on growth and nutrition of bareroot Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi Grev. & Balf.) were investigated. Forestcote, which consists of loose prills, and Dry Site, consisting of prepackaged prills, were administered with two rates, while a single liming rate was used. An acidic Sierra Nevada surface mine provided the study site, and all amendments were applied at outplanting to the backfill of augered planting holes. Without impacting survival, both fertilizer formulations enhanced seedling growth, particularly at a 16 g rather than an 8 g application rate, although Forestcote was marginally more effective in this regard. In contrast, liming at a 27 g rate induced severe mortality and offset much of the growth gains resulting from fertilization. Improvements in N and P nutrition, as revealed by foliar analysis, probably accounted for much of the growth stimulation exhibited by fertilized seedlings, but reductions in the uptake of potentially phytotoxic trace elements such as Mn and Al and increases in base cation/metallic element ratios likely also contributed. The high application rate was generally preeminent in eliciting these nutritional responses. Liming induced little alteration of seedling nutrition. Impaired water relations may have caused the unfavorable responses to this treatment.  相似文献   

Dwarf bamboo, Pleioblastus chino, grows extensively in abandoned coppice woodlands on the Kanto Plain in central Japan and suppresses other understory plants. In order to clarify the factors determining the growth of P. chino, we considered the effect of light conditions under a coppice canopy and examined its relationship with slope aspect, slope angle, and basal area of the trees. The relative photon flux density under the canopy was highly correlated with canopy coverage (R 2 = 0.97). The light conditions under the canopy were almost the same at all sites in the summer leafy season regardless of the stand type, while they were remarkably different among the sites and depended on the basal area of evergreen trees in the winter leafless season. The biomass of P. chino on the forest floor was described by the equation: y = 3.18 x 1 – 0.05 x 2 + 3.11 (R 2 = 0.77, P < 0.01), where y is the log-transformed value of P. chino biomass (gdrymassm–2), x 1 is cos at solar noon at the winter solstice, and x 2 is the canopy coverage during the winter leafless season. is the angle between the suns rays and the normal to the surface and changes with slope aspect and angle. We concluded that light conditions under the canopy in the leafless season had a great effect on P. chino biomass, and that the basal area of evergreen trees and slope characteristics can provide useful guidelines in the control and management of P. chino.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of natural enemies against arthropod herbivores can depend on the characteristics of the plant on which they are found. The influence of the plant on the egg-laying behaviour of the promising whitefly predator, Serangium parcesetosum Sicard (Col., Coccinellidae) was examined in order to be able to use it effectively in biological control programs. The present work investigated the possible influence of the portion of the leaf on the number of eggs laid as well as the effect of plant species on the way in which eggs are deposited by S. parcesetosum. The experiments were conducted on cucumber and cotton leaves with Bemisia tabaci (Genn .) (Hom., Aleyrodidae) as prey in the absence and presence of a natural enemy, the lacewing, Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neur., Chrysopidae) at two different temperatures. The results showed that at 18°C, S. parcesetosum females significantly preferred to lay their eggs between the veins and close to the veins of cucumber leaves, mean of 10.1 and 7.5 eggs, in the absence of C. carnea, respectively, while in its presence significantly more eggs were deposited close to the veins and close to the petiole. On cotton leaves, close to the petiole, a mean of 8.4 eggs in the absence of the lacewing, as well as close to the veins, mean of 6.3 eggs in the presence of the lacewing, were found to be the most suitable leaf portions for egg-laying. At 30° C, the females laid their eggs preferentially close to the veins of cucumber leaves in the absence and presence of C. carnea. On cotton leaves, S. parcesetosum females significantly preferred to lay their eggs close to the petiole, mean of 7.6 and 6.1 eggs, as well as close to the veins, mean of 6.2 and 8.7 eggs, in the absence and presence of the lacewing, respectively. At both temperatures, the ladybird females laid their eggs singly on cucumber leaves in the absence and presence of C. carnea. While on cotton leaves, the females had a tendency to deposit their eggs together in the absence and presence of the lacewing, except at 30°C in its absence. Within the same plant species, significant differences were found in the total number of eggs laid by S. parcesetosum females on cotton leaves at 18°C as well as on cucumber leaves at 30°C in the absence and presence of the natural enemy. In addition to the effects of presence and absence of C. carnea, and where eggs were laid, some significant differences due to plant species was found at both temperatures.This article is dedicated to Prof. Dr Wolfgang Schwenke on his 84th birthday.  相似文献   

The effects of selection felling and gap felling on arthropod communities were studied over 3 years in a spruce-beech stand in southern Bavaria, Germany. The arthropods were sampled in three strata, using pitfall traps on the forest floor as well as flight-interception traps near the forest floor and in the tree crowns. Coleoptera, Araneae, Opiliones, Heteroptera, Isopoda, Diplopoda and Neuropterida were determined to species level and assigned to ecological guilds. In general, the effects of both treatments on arthropod communities were small. An increase of eurytopic species and species of open woodland as well as of indwellers of deadwood was observed, mainly in the first year after felling. However, forest species dominated the communities in all plots, strata and years. In contrast to selection fellings, gap fellings might favour potential pest species. Nevertheless, in the studied managed spruce-dominated forest site out of the natural growth range of spruce, negative ecological effects such as the repression of forest arthropod species are not expected by small scale fellings.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of exponential nutrient loading and springtime carbon loading during nursery culture on the field performance of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.). Seedlings were grown from seed with a conventional, fixed dose fertilizer (10 mg N seedling−1) or an exponential nutrient loading regime (75 mg N seedling−1). The following spring, seedlings were exposed for two weeks to either ambient (370 ppm) or elevated levels of CO2 (800 ppm) and then planted in the field; seedling growth was followed for the next six years. Exponential nutrient loading increased seedling height, stem diameter and leader growth, with the largest increases in height and leader length occurring in the first three years after outplanting. Carbon loading increased seedling height and leader length, but only in seedlings that had been exponentially nutrient loaded. A combination of carbon and nutrient loading increased shoot height 26%, stem diameter 37% and leader length 40% over trees that received neither treatment. These results demonstrate that the growth enhancement seen under exponential nutrient loading is maintained under field conditions for at least six years. Carbon loading just before outplanting was a useful supplement to nutrient loading, but was ineffective in the absence of nutrient loading.  相似文献   

Little information is available on the effect of root cutting by the collar pre-insertion technique on soil respiration. In this study, we found that soil respiration rates decreased with increasing depth of collar insertion in both the with live roots intact and with live roots severed treatments, but the rate of decrease was substantially higher in the former. The cutting of roots, especially fine roots, may be responsible for this result.  相似文献   

The effects of the warm and dry weather in the southern upper Rhine plain in the southwest of Germany on the carbon balance of the Scots pine forest at the permanent forest meteorological experimental site Hartheim were analysed over a 14-month period. The investigation of the net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide (F NEE) of the Scots pine forest started in the extraordinary hot and dry August 2003. Carbon dioxide fluxes were measured continuously using an eddy covariance system and analysed by use of the EDDYSOFT software package. After determining the temperature dependence of the forest ecosystem respiration and the daytime light dependence of the CO2 exchange, monthly and annual carbon balances of the Scots pine forest were calculated. Mean peak daytime F NEE rates observed in August and September 2003 (−6.5±3.6 μmol m−2 s−1) were drastically lower than in August and September 2004 (−11.8±5.2 μmol m−2 s−1), which did not show pronounced deviations from the mean long-term (1978–2002) climatic conditions. In August 2003, the Hartheim Scots pine forest was a distinct CO2 source (35 g C m−2). The estimates of the annual carbon sink strength of the Scots pine forest ranged between −132 g C m−2 (August 2003–July 2004) and −211 g C m−2 (October 2003–September 2004). The main uncertainty in the determination of the carbon balance of the Hartheim Scots pine forest was introduced by the frequently low turbulence levels, i.e. the friction velocity corrected night-time F NEE fluxes.  相似文献   

Spiraea pubescens, a common shrub in the warm-temperate deciduous forest zone which is distributed in the Dongling Mountain area of Beijing, was exposed to ambient and enhanced ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280–320 nm) radiation by artificially supplying a daily dose of 9.4 kJ/m2 for three growing seasons, a level that simulated a 17% depletion in stratospheric ozone. The objective of this study was to explore the effects of long-term UV-B enhancement on stomatal conductance, leaf tissue δ 13C, leaf water content, and leaf area. Particular attention was paid to the effects of UV-B radiation on water use efficiency (WUE) and leaf total nitrogen content. Enhanced UV-B radiation significantly reduced leaf area (50.1%) but increased leaf total nitrogen content (102%). These changes were associated with a decrease in stomatal conductance (16.1%) and intercellular CO2 concentration/ air CO2 concentration (C i /C a) (4.0%), and an increase in leaf tissue δ 13C (20.5‰), leaf water content (3.1%), specific leaf weight (SLW) (5.2%) and WUE (4.1%). The effects of UV-B on the plant were greatly affected by the water content of the deep soil (30–40 cm). During the dry season, differences in the stomatal conductance, δ 13C, and WUE between the control and UV-B treated shrubs were very small; whereas, differences became much greater when soil water stress disappeared. Furthermore, the effects of UV-B became much less significant as the treatment period progressed over the three growing seasons. Correlation analysis showed that enhanced UV-B radiation decreased the strength of the correlation between soil water content and leaf water content, δ 13C, C i/C a, stomatal conductance, with the exception of WUE that had a significant correlation coefficient with soil water content. These results suggest that WUE would become more sensitive to soil water variation due to UV-B radiation. Based on this experiment, it was found that enhanced UV-B radiation had much more significant effects on morphological traits and growth of S. pubescens than hydro-physiological characteristics. __________ Translated from Journal of Plant Ecology, 2006, 30(1): 47–56 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

Dubois  Mark R.  Chappelka  Arthur H.  Robbins  Efrem  Somers  Greg  Baker  Karl 《New Forests》2000,20(2):105-118
In the southern USA oaks (Quercusspp.) are often favored by forest owners havingmultiple objectives for forest ownership as oaksprovide mast for wildlife, are consideredaesthetically pleasing, and are valuable for timberproducts. Regeneration and early seedling growth isa concern to those forest owners interested insustaining oaks as a component of their forests. Theeffects of tree shelters and herbaceous weed controlon second-year seedling survival, browse by deer andrabbits, and seedling growth of hand-plantedcherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Raf.) wereexamined. The study was established on a cutovermixed pine-hardwood forest in Alabama. Fourtreatments were: weed control only, tree shelter only,tree shelter with weed control, and a controlconsisting of a seedling without a tree shelter orweed control. No significant difference in seedlingsurvival was found among the treatments after twoyears. Tree shelters were effective in preventingbrowsing. No seedlings in the tree-shelter-onlytreatment were browsed. There was no significant,difference, however, in the percentage of seedlingsbrowsed between the control treatment and the weedcontrol treatment. The use of tree shelters with weedcontrol was the most effective treatment for promoting2-year ground-line diameter, height, and stem volumegrowth.  相似文献   

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