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For precision agriculture to provide both economic and environmental benefits over conventional farm practice, management strategies must be developed to accommodate the spatial variability in crop performance that occurs within fields. Experiments were established in crops of wheat (Triticum aestivum) over three seasons in two fields. The aim was to evaluate a set of variable rate nitrogen strategies and examining the spatial variation in crop response to applied N. The optimum N application rate in the field with three different soil series (predominantly calcareous silty clay loam over oolitic limestone) was uniform across the field. In contrast the other field with uniform soil type (slightly calcareous brown clay loam), provided a more variable response. Estimates of yield potential, produced from either historic yield data or shoot density maps derived from airborne digital photographic images, were used to divide experimental strips into management zones. These zones were then managed according to two N application strategies. The results from the historic yield approach, which is currently the most practical commercial system, based on 3 yr of yield data, were variable with no overall yield or economic advantages. It was concluded that that this approach may not provide a suitable basis for varying N rates. The shoot density approach, however, offered considerably greater potential as it takes account of variation in the current crop. Using this approach, it was found that there was insufficient variation in the shoot density in the field with diverse soil types. However, in the field with the uniform soil type, applying additional N to areas with a low shoot population and maintaining the standard N rate to areas with an average shoot population resulted in an average strategy benefit of up to 0·46 t ha−1 compared with standard farm practice. It is necessary to combine the ‘real-time’ data on relative crop structure, obtained by remote sensing with ground truth assessments and absolute benchmark values to successfully adjust N input levels to maximise yield.  相似文献   

To investigate on-farm strategies for the site-specific application of nitrogen fertiliser, two hypotheses were tested: that maximum economic output is either obtained by applying more nitrogen to the historically highest yielding soil and less to the lowest yielding soil, or by the reverse strategy.Field experiments were conducted in 1997, 1998 and 1999 on a commercially managed field of winter barley (Hordeum vulgare), comprising a clay loam and a sandy loam, in Cambridgeshire, UK. The experiments were carried out in a strip-based design using on-farm equipment. In all 3 yr, at typical application rates of 100–200 kg[N] ha−1, there were significant differences between the yield of the clay loam and the sandy loam soil. When rainfall in the February to July period of the growing season was higher than average, the sandy loam soil yielded significantly higher than the clay loam soil and the reverse occurred when the rainfall was lower.Despite the above factors, analysis showed that the maximum of the yield response curve for each soil, occurred at the same application rate in each growing season. Given this relationship, there was no economic benefit from variable rate application of nitrogen to different soil units based upon historic yield, or any other form of information.  相似文献   

Spatially Variable Rate Herbicide Application on Durum Wheat in Sicily   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using the conventional farming system, durum wheat requires high rates of herbicide spraying. Herbicide residues can cause pollution of soil and ground water and, therefore, of the entire environment.In order to minimise the environmental impact of herbicides, a home-made system for spatially variable rate crop input application was designed and developed. This system consists of a differential global positioning system (DGPS), a portable computer, specifically developed software and a device for applying rates proportionally related to the machine forward speed.Tests of spatially variable rate herbicide application were carried out in inland Sicily, on a field of 8.4 ha (where a 3-yr crop rotation of broad bean/vetch, durum wheat and durum wheat was practised), using a sprayer modified for applying variable rates and equipped with the above-mentioned system.The results are promising. The spatially variable rate herbicide application allowed an almost even grain yield over the entire field and a saving of 29% of herbicides with respect to the amounts normally used with the conventional farming system.  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N) is one of the most growth restricting nutrients in cereal grain and represents one of the highest input costs in agricultural systems; therefore, environmental and economic considerations require the effective use of N fertilizer in plant production. This study was conducted for three years to better understand wheat plant response to optimize N fertilizer and how to reduce the risk of ground water pollution.

Two of the most important durum wheat cultivars in Southern Italy and four N fertilization levels (0, 60, 120, and 180 kg N ha? 1, indicated as N0, N60, N120, and N180, respectively) were compared in this experiment. During plant growth, fresh and dry matter, plant nutritional state (SPAD readings and stem nitrate content), and N uptake were determined. At harvest, plant N content, N uptake, grain yield, yield components and quality were determined, allowing the calculation of the pre- and postanthesis N uptake and the N utilization efficiency indices. Furthermore, at the beginning and at the end of each year, soil mineral N was measured to calculate mineral N deficit in the soil.

The results indicated that the treatment with 120 kg N ha? 1 of fertilizer ensures a good balance between yield and N utilization. In fact, N180 and N120 showed similar yield (3.01 and 3.07 t ha? 1, respectively) and protein content (13.7 and 13.5 %). Meanwhile, throughout the three-year experiment, N180 presented the highest final mineral N content in the soil at the end of the cropping cycles, increasing the amount of N available for leaching. The N120 treatment showed the same values of N utilization indices as compared to N180, indicating that further doses of N fertilizer did not increase wheat N utilization. Plant N status shows that it is possible to modify the N fertilization to reach its optimum level during plant growth, in accordance with variable weather conditions, and consequently the plants requirements. The mean treatments of the preanthesis N uptake were about 67.5% of the total N uptake, and it was significantly and positively correlated with wheat yield. On the contrary, the postanthesis N uptake showed positive correlation with grain protein content, confirming the importance of late N supply in grains quality. The variation of weather conditions affected winter wheat yield, quality, N utilization and plant N status, but any difference throughout years was found between N180 and N120, confirming that higher N rate did not influence wheat growth, yield, and N uptake.  相似文献   

通过探讨不同施氮水平对青稞硒吸收以及硒在青稞体内转运、分配的影响,明确最佳施氮量,为提高青稞对硒的利用效率提供理论依据。研究用盆栽试验方法进行,试验设N1(100 mg kg-1)和N2(200 mg kg-1)2个施氮水平;每个施氮水平又分别设Se1(0.30 mg kg-1)、Se2(1.70 mg kg-1)和Se3(3.1 mg kg-1)3个施硒水平,于青稞成熟期测定其各器官生物量和硒含量。结果表明:高氮水平(N2)青稞各器官的生物量较低氮水平(N1)明显增加,其中籽粒产量在Se1、Se2和Se3三个硒水平下分别增加了127.01%(P 0.01)、51.05%(P 0.01)和54.27%(P 0.01)。供氮水平提高能够增加根、茎和叶中的硒含量,但高硒水平(Se3)下的这一促进作用小于低硒水平。虽然颖壳和籽粒中的硒含量均随氮水平升高而下降,但提高施氮水平可使籽粒生物量显著提高;另外供硒水平上升也可以显著提高青稞各器官中的硒含量(P 0.05),所以综合分析可得N2S3处理可明显提高青稞籽粒的硒含量。  相似文献   

The management of fertilizer application is crucial for agricultural production and environmental safety.The objective of this study was to assess the effciency of different fertilization strategies,applying fertilizers with and without nitrification inhibitors(NIs) in split application,in Greece.The assessment criteria used were based on crop yield,soil nitrogen(N)concentrations and economic effciency.For this purpose two crops(winter wheat and cotton)were seffected in order to explore the optimum fertilization strategy for each crop.Three treatments combining fertilizers with NIs were tested compared with conventional fertilization(CF).Slight differences in the quantity and the combination of fertilizers with NIs applied resulted in variable effects on crop yield,soil N and economic return.Split N application of 102 kg ha-1,with half of the total amount applied at seeding,resulted in higher grain yield of winter wheat,lower NO3--N in soil and higher economic return.This result reveals the importance of N application at seeding in wheat crop.Fertilization strategy with 109.5 kg N ha-1 and split P application resulted in higher cotton yield and higher economic profit.Split P application seemed to increase yield,even though it is not a common practise in the area.  相似文献   

以宁麦9号为材料,研究施氮量及氮肥基追比例对稻茬小麦土壤硝态氮含量、根系生长、植株氮素积累量、产量和氮素利用效率的影响。结果表明,拔节前0-60cm土层硝态氮含量随基施氮量的增加而显著增加,随生育进程的推进各处理硝态氮显著向下层土壤淋洗;拔节期追施氮肥显著提高了孕穗期0-40cm土层硝态氮含量,且随追施氮量的增加而显著增加,N300和N3/7处理硝态氮显著向40-60cm土层淋洗。根系主要生长于0-20cm土层,拔节前各土层根长密度均随基施氮量的增加而增加,拔节后则随施氮量增加和适当的追肥比例而增加。各施氮处理均以拔节至开花期为小麦氮素积累高峰期。适宜增加施氮量并适当提高追肥比例,有利于提高产量、植株氮素积累量和氮素利用效率。因此,在小麦生产中,适当降低施氮量并提高拔节期追肥比例有利于促进小麦根系生长和植株氮素积累,进而提高小麦产量并减少硝态氮淋洗损失。  相似文献   

Abstract: Ammonium fertilizer has an acidifying effect in soil that improves the plant availability of manganese (Mn), and the effect is most pronounced for band‐applied fertilizer. About 60% of the nitrogen (N) in animal slurries is ammonium‐N, and in livestock intensive areas the crop N requirement is fulfilled by animal slurry. To avoid N loss from surface‐applied slurry, direct injection in bands is desired but this application method is not common practice. However, slurry also contains alkaline reacting agents that may counteract the acidifying effect of ammonium. The aim of this study was to determine the Mn availability as affected by slurry type and application method.Two slurries, low and high in carbonate, were applied in spring by trailing hoses and direct injection in a winter barley crop, which is the crop most susceptible to Mn deficiency under Danish conditions. Mineral reference plots receiving nitrate and ammonium fertilizers were included. The differing quality of the two slurries did not affect the Mn off‐take and crop growth significantly. Only the ammonium treatment had a positive effect, but the treatment was not able to remedy the Mn deficiency. The possibility of remedying Mn deficiency in winter barley through the choice of N source for spring application seems to be limited.  相似文献   

Cereal grains such as wheat, rice, and maize are widely consumed as a staple food worldwide. Lead (Pb) is one of the non-essential trace elements and its toxicity in crops especially cereals is a widespread problem. The present review highlighted Pb toxicity in cereal and management strategies to reduce its uptake in plants. Lead toxicity reduced the cereal growth, photosynthesis, nutritional value, yield, and grain quality. The response of cereals to excess varies with plant species, levels of Pb in soil, and growth conditions. Reducing Pb bioavailability in the soil is a viable approach due to its non-degradability either by microbes, chemicals, or other means. Cultivation of low Pb-accumulating cultivars may reduce the risk of Pb toxicity in plants and humans via the food chain. Use of plant growth regulators, microbes, organic, and inorganic amendments might be promising techniques for further decreasing Pb contents in shoot and grains. Soil amendments along with selecting low Pb-accumulating cultivars might be a feasible approach to get cereal grains with low Pb concentrations. Furthermore, most of the studies have been conducted under controlled conditions either in hydroponic or pots and less is known about the effects of Pb management approaches under ambient field conditions.  相似文献   

Experiments at two sites growing winter wheat show that in order to manage a wheat canopy more effectively, the use of specific remote sensing techniques both to monitor crop canopy expansion, and to determine variable nitrogen applications at key timings is required. Variations in seed rate were used to achieve a range of initial crop structures, and treatments were compared to standard farm practice. In the first year, the effect of varying seed rate (250, 350 and 450 seeds m−2) on crop structure, yield components and grain yield, was compared to the effects of underlying spatial variation. Plant populations increased up to the highest rate, but shoot and ear populations peaked at 350 seeds m−2. Compensation through an increased number of grains per ear and thousand grain weight resulted in the highest yield and gross margin at the lowest seed rate. In later experiments, the range of seed rates was extended to include 150 seeds m−2, each sown in 24 m wide strips split into 12 m wide halves. One half received a standard nitrogen dose of 200 kg [N] ha−1, the other a variable treatment based on near ‘real-time’ maps of crop growth. Both were split into three applications, targeted at mid-late tillering (early March), growth stages GS30-31 (mid April) and GS33 (mid May). At each timing, calibrated aerial digital photography was used to assess crop growth in terms of shoot population at tillering, and canopy green area index at GS30-31 and GS33. These were compared to current agronomic guidelines. Application rates were then varied below or above the planned amount where growth was above- or below-target, respectively. In the first field, total nitrogen doses in the variable treatments ranged from 188 to 243 kg [N] ha−1, which gave higher yields than the standards at all seed rates in the range 0·36–0·78 t ha−1 and gross margins of £17 to £60 ha−1. In the second field, variable treatments ranged from 135 to 197 kg [N] ha−1 that resulted in lower yields of −0·32 to +0·30 t ha−1. However, in three out of the four seed rates, variable treatments produced higher gross margins than the standard, which ranged from £2 to £20 ha−1. In both fields, the greatest benefits were obtained where the total amount of applied nitrogen was similar to the standard, but was applied variably rather than uniformly along the strips. Simple nitrogen balance calculations have shown that variable application of nitrogen can have an overall effect on reducing the nitrogen surplus by one-third.  相似文献   

Biofertilizer research for rice in Vietnam has focused on the isolation and selection of strains that can fix nitrogen, solubilize inorganic phosphates, stimulate plant growth, and breakdown soil organic matter. This paper assesses the consistent positive effect of BioGro on grain yield and agronomic parameters, including the rates and times for its application, the need for continued inoculation of crops grown in the same site, varietal differences, and nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) combinations on the effectiveness of BioGro. The commercial biofertilizer, BioGro, consists of four strains, one formerly considered as nitrogen fixing, Pseudomonas fluorescens, a soil yeast strain, Candida tropicalis is P-solubilizing, and two other bacilli, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Bacillus subtilis, potentially breaking down cellulose, protein, and starch. All four strains contribute to plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) effect as shown by enhanced root growth. BioGro can be produced in local factories providing there is technical backup in the supply of starter culture and quality control of the final product.  相似文献   

为探究不同施氮量下2种浮萍[青萍(Lemma minor)和紫萍(Spirodela polyrrhiza)]对稻田田面水氮含量动态的影响,设置5个氮梯度(0、90、180、270、360 kg N·hm-2),研究浮萍对稻田田面水氨态氮(${NH_{4}}^{+}$-N)、硝态氮($NO_{3}^{-}$-N)及全氮含量动态的影响。结果表明,田面水${NH_{4}}^{+}$-N和全氮含量随着施氮量的增加而增加,添加2种浮萍的稻田田面水${NH_{4}}^{+}$-N含量随培养时间延长呈逐渐降低的趋势。通过对不同氮梯度下${NH_{4}}^{+}$-N含量进行比较分析,发现添加紫萍的田面水${NH_{4}}^{+}$-N含量较青萍低,表明添加紫萍更有利于减少稻田${NH_{4}}^{+}$-N的流失。在N270和N360处理下,全氮含量在整个培养期间呈先降低后升高再降低的趋势,表明高氮量输入(270 及360 kg N·hm-2)下,添加的浮萍在前期氮素浓度较高时可吸收氮素,而在后期浓度较低时可通过自身腐解向田面水中释放氮素,从而提高后期(培养30 d)田面水氮含量,对于降低施肥初期田面水氮素径流流失风险和保证施肥后期作物的氮营养供应具有重要的作用。本研究为通过放养浮萍优化稻田氮素利用、减少稻田氮素流失提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) fertilization management directly affects yield and grain protein content of soft red winter wheat, so there is a need to estimate the optimum N fertilizer dose needed to obtain the greatest yield and the desired protein content under a humid Mediterranean climate. The objective of this work was to select the best response models of wheat yield and protein content to applied N fertilizer. To fulfil this objective, 13 experiments were conducted in the years 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 in northern Spain where 0, 100, 140, 180, and 220 kg N ha–1 were applied. The quadratic plateau model best described yield response to N fertilizer, with 182 kg N ha–1 producing the maximum yield. The quadratic model was chosen for modeling protein response to N fertilization, and 176 kg N ha–1 was the rate required for achieving protein contents greater than 125 g kg–1.  相似文献   

Cereal grain and nitrogen (N) fertilizer prices have varied greatly in recent years. The aim of this study was to determine the optimum dose of N fertilizer needed to maximize revenues of soft red winter wheat in Alava (northern Spain). Economically optimum rates of N application (Nyield) ranged from 142 to 174 kg N ha?1 depending on the price of both N fertilizer and wheat. Growers received an extra income of 0.006 [euro] kg?1 if the grain protein content was greater than 12.5%, with the minimum required N dose to obtain this value (Nprot) being 176 kg ha?1. The extra amount of N fertilizer required over Nyield to reach Nprot ranged from 2 to 34 kg N ha?1, and the extra benefits associated varied from 24 to 36 [euro] ha?1.  相似文献   

氮肥运筹对潮土冬小麦/夏玉米产量及氮肥利用率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探究适宜于黄淮潮土区的合理氮肥运筹方式,为中国化肥施用量零增长目标提供理论依据和技术支撑,在黄淮潮土农田定位试验地研究了氮肥运筹对冬小麦/夏玉米产量、氮肥利用率及经济效益的影响。试验设置4种氮肥运筹方式:基施控失尿素(T1)、基施普通尿素+追施普通尿素(T2)、基施控失尿素+追施普通尿素(T3)和基施普通尿素+追施控失尿素(T4),各氮肥运筹方式均包含0、80、160和240 kg·hm~(-2)(以N计,下同)4个施氮水平。结果表明,随施氮量增加,平均单季籽粒产量、周年产值及周年纯效益均表现为先增加后降低趋势,而氮肥利用效率则表现为逐渐降低趋势,其中以160 kg·hm~(-2)时效果较优。T1处理小麦季籽粒产量、周年产量、周年产值及周年纯经济效益均显著高于其他3个处理。效益分析表明,虽然T1处理在等氮条件下氮肥投入成本相对较高,但其较其他氮肥运筹减少了追肥人工成本,加之该处理产量相对较高,最终该处理纯效益相对较高。结合施氮量与产量曲线方程,在160~173 kg·hm~(-2)施用范围内一次性基施控失尿素符合当前研究地区农村劳动力缺乏的实际情况,且能保证产量收益。  相似文献   

测墒补灌和施氮对冬小麦产量及氮素吸收分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用田间试验裂区设计方法,研究了测墒补灌和施氮对冬小麦产量及氮素吸收分配的影响。补灌设3个水平,在冬小麦拔节期0—40cm土层补灌至土壤目标相对含水量的60%(W_1),70%(W_2)和80%(W_3)。施氮设3个水平:不施氮(N_0)、施纯氮195kg/hm~2(N_(195))和255kg/hm~2(N_(255))。结果表明:(1)不同补灌和施氮对冬小麦关键生育期株高、叶面积影响效果较为显著,同一补灌处理下,其冬小麦株高、叶面积均表现为N_(255)N_(195)N0(p0.05)。N_(195)、N_(255)处理显著高于N_0处理,但N_(195)及N_(255)处理间无显著性差异(p0.05),同一施氮处理下,W_2(569.4m~3/hm~2)、W_3(873.45m~3/hm~2)处理显著高于W_1(265.2m~3/hm~2)处理,但W_2及W_3处理间无显著性差异(p0.05)。说明过量施氮和补灌对冬小麦株高、叶面积无显著性作用。(2)同一施氮水平下,补灌对冬小麦的增产效应随施氮量的增加呈下降趋势,说明施氮和补灌对冬小麦产量存在一定的临界值,超过临界值,产量下降。当施氮量为195kg/hm~2,补灌量为田间持水量的70%(569.4m~3/hm~2)时达最高产8 500kg/hm~2。(3)冬小麦成熟期,施氮处理的植株氮素积累量显著高于不施氮处理(p0.05),但在W_2、W_3处理下,N_(255)相较于N_(195)显著下降(p0.05),特别是在W_3(873.45m~3/hm~2)水平下,N_(255)甚至低于N_0处理;在N_0、N_(195)处理下,植株氮素积累量随补灌量的增加显著增加(p0.05),但在N_(255)处理下并无显著差异(p0.05),说明适量补灌、施氮可提高冬小麦的吸氮能力,但过量补灌、施氮并不利于植株对氮素的吸收。(4)拔节期补灌量的增加虽提高了冬小麦的吸氮能力,促进冬小麦吸收较多的氮素,却抑制了冬小麦体的氮素向籽粒的转移和分配。综合考虑冬小麦生长状况及氮素风险状况,建议施氮量为195kg/hm~2、补灌至田间持水量的70%(569.4m~3/hm~2),作为该区域适宜的水、肥用量。  相似文献   


There is a lack of data associated with applications of nitrogen (N) fertilizer to increase yield while not increasing seed protein to levels exceeding those acceptable for malting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in the Buenos Aires province of Argentina. The effect of rates and timing of N application on yield and grain N concentration of malting barley was evaluated at eight sites in 1999 and 2000. Aboveground dry matter accumulation and N‐uptake pattern through the growing season were evaluated. Dry matter production and N-uptake were measured at four sampling times: tillering, head emergence, grain filling, and maturity. The N fertilizer increased grain yield, but its response varied between sites. Under appropriate conditions, the yield increased and maintained the grain N concentration within a desirable range for malting barley. Split applications were as effective in increasing grain yield as one addition at emergence, but they invariably increased grain N concentration. The season affected the yield response to N fertilizer and its levels in the grain, but the nitrogen harvest index was not affected by the rate of N application.  相似文献   


This work reports the results of studies on the impact of sowing times (three dates), application of fungicides (protected and unprotected plots), and nitrogen rates (five treatments) on the seed yield, contents of crude protein (CP), glucosinolates (GSL), and crude fat (CF) in seed and on major unsaturated acids (oleic C18:1, linoleic C18:2, and linolenic C18:3) in oil of winter rape (Brassica napus L.) cv. Kasimir. A split–split plot design was used in the field trial conducted on Endocalcari–Epihypogleyic Cambisol during 1998–2002. Seed samples were analyzed by near infrared spectroscopy. ANOVA analysis was used to assess the significance of each factor for the yield and quality of seed of the tested cultivar. The seed yield significantly depended on harvest year, N rates annually, sowing time in three experimental years, and fungicide application in two years. CF and CP concentrations were significantly affected by sowing time and N rates each year of the experiment. A significant effect of fungicides was identified only in one harvest year. GSL concentration was significantly affected by sowing time in three years, by fungicides in two years, and by nitrogen rate annually. The effect of the studied factors on the composition of major unsaturated acids was inconsistent. Sowing time significantly affected the content of all three unsaturated acids in two years and fungicides only in one of the four harvest years.  相似文献   

施氮量对冬小麦—夏玉米土壤氮素表观盈亏的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过河北清苑连续6年的田间定位试验,以冬小麦—夏玉米轮作体系作为对象,设置不同的施氮处理(N_0、N_(100)、N_(180)、N_(255)、N_(330)),研究不同施氮量对冬小麦—夏玉米轮作体系的土壤氮素表观盈亏的影响。结果表明:6年土壤表观氮素累积盈亏量随施氮量的增加而增加,N_0和N_(100)处理的土壤氮素累积盈亏量为负值,N_(180)、N_(255)和N_(330)处理的土壤氮素累积盈亏量分别高达382,1 173,2 116kg/hm~2;各处理的氮素表观盈亏量年际间变异较大,而在2种作物上的氮素累积盈亏量差异不大;在冬小麦季和夏玉米季,土壤氮库达到平衡状态的施氮量分别为155,134kg/hm~2;土壤氮素表观盈亏量均与土壤无机氮变化量呈显著负相关,与施氮量呈显著正相关,且随降雨量的增加呈增加趋势;不同生育期的结果表明,在冬小麦—夏玉米生长前期均表现土壤氮素盈余,而后期土壤氮素亏缺。因此合理施用氮肥既要考虑土壤氮素盈亏,也要关注生育期的分配。  相似文献   

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