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Several factors influencing the incidence of internal fruit rot of cucumber caused byDidymella bryoniae were studied.Internal infection of fruits is achieved via the flower. However, in most cases the majority of the fruits escaped infection after flower inoculation. It took more than two days for the fungus to reach the fruit after infection of the style. A mechanical barrier was not detected in the fruit tip within three days after inoculation of the open flower.Inoculation of wilted flowers resulted in 60% less infection than inoculation of fresh flowers. Blossom excision reduced fruit infection with ca 75%. Growing plants under drought stress markedly increased the incidence of internal fruit rot.Neither the method of inoculation, nor the composition of the inoculum, nor the relative humidity influenced the incidence of internal fruit rot. Fruit thinning, duration of fruit growth, flowering period and the removal of parts of the flower had no effect either on fruit infection.Cultivars resistant to powdery mildew were also resistant to internal fruit infection. The resistance was associated with a long style and a short flowering period.Growing cultivars in which the flowers quickly fall away from the fruitlets or in which the flowers have no style may solve the problem of internal fruit rot in cucumber.Samenvatting Factoren die van invloed kunnen zijn op het ontstaan van inwendig vruchtrot van komkommer, veroorzaakt doorDidymella bryoniae, werden onderzocht.Inwendige vruchtinfectie vindt plaats via het bloempje. Bijna altijd ontsnapte echter het grootste deel van de vruchten aan een aantasting als de bloem werd geïnoculeerd. Het duurde meer dan twee dagen voordat de schimmel via de stijl de vrucht had geïnfecteerd. In de punt van de vrucht werd binnen drie dagen na inoculatie van de open bloem geen mechanische barrière gevonden.Na inoculatie van verwelkte bloemen kwam 60% minder aantasting voor dan na inoculatie van bloemen die pas open waren. Het verwijderen van het bloempje reduceerde de aantasting met ca. 75%. Het optreden van inwendig vruchtrot nam aanzienlijk toe door de planten onder droge omstandigheden te telen.Noch de methode van inoculatie, noch de samenstelling van het inoculum, noch de relatieve luchtvochtigheid beïnvloedden het optreden van inwendig vruchtrot. Vruchtdunning, duur van de vruchtgroei, bloeiduur en het verwijderen van delen van de bloem hadden ook geen effect op de aantasting.Cultivars die resistent waren tegen echte meeldauw vertoonden ook resistentie tegen inwendige vruchtaantasting. De resistentie was gecorreleerd met een lange stijl en met een korte bloeiduur.De teelt van cultivars waarvan de bloemdelen snel van de vruchtbeginsels afvallen, of waarvan de bloempjes geen stijl hebben, zou het probleem van inwendig vruchtrot bij komkommer kunnen oplossen.  相似文献   

The fungal pathogen Monilinia fructicola causes blossom blight and fruit brown rot of stone fruits in California. In this study, spore densities in the air were monitored in six orchard/year combinations with Burkard spore traps. A real-time PCR assay was developed to efficiently quantify the dynamics of spore density in these orchards during the growing season. Different patterns of dynamics of spore density were observed in these orchards. A linear relationship between numbers of spores counted with a compound microscope and those determined with the real-time PCR assay was obtained, using the same samples of spore traps. Spore density in five of six orchard/year combinations ranged from 0.0 to 0.05 spores l−1, except for that in orchard 4, which showed much higher values of spore density in the air, as well as higher values and wider range of incidences of blossom infection and fruit rot than those in the other orchards. The results demonstrated a potential method to quantitatively determine spore inoculum potential in orchards by using a real-time PCR assay.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Experiments were conducted in three prune orchards in California. In each orchard, inoculations with Monilinia fructicola, the causal agent of brown rot of stone fruits, were performed on branches of trees at bloom and fruit developmental stages. Five inoculum concentrations were used in each inoculation. Six and four wetness durations were created for each inoculum concentration at bloom and fruit developmental stages, respectively. Fruit were harvested 3 weeks before commercial harvest. The overnight freezing incubation technique was used to promote sporulation and to determine incidence of latent infection (ILI) of fruit brown rot. No differences in ILI among locations were found. A seasonal pattern of bloom and fruit susceptibility to latent infection was determined. Susceptibility to latent infection at bloom stage was at a moderate level and increased to reach the highest level at pit hardening stage. Subsequently, fruit susceptibility to latent infection decreased, reaching the lowest level in early June at embryo growth stage. Thereafter, the susceptibility increased again with fruit development and maturity until harvest. Linear relationships between ILI and inoculum concentration were obtained for most combinations of growth stage and wetness duration. Incidence of latent infection increased linearly with increased wetness duration at bloom stage and increased exponentially with increased wetness duration at early and late fruit developmental stages. The optimum temperatures for latent infection at pit hardening stage ranged from 14 to 18 degrees C, but the effect of temperature on latent infection was reduced at resistant stages. The temperature range favorable to latent infection varied for different wetness durations.  相似文献   

Anthracnose and crown rot are the main diseases affecting bananas after harvest. These diseases are mainly caused by Colletotrichum musae (anthracnose) and to some extent by various Fusarium species forming a fungal complex (crown rot). A water-borne spore trap was used to collect and quantify all inocula reaching banana bunches from flowering to harvest. The pattern of natural contamination was characterized by a peak from 25 to 40 days after bunch emergence, with a strong decline until harvest. Both Colletotrichum and Fusarium species had the same dynamics during bunch growth. Flower parts are the main inoculum source for Fusarium; both flower parts and the last bunch bract are important sources for Colletotrichum . Primary inoculum could reach flower parts and the last bunch bract through rain splash of conidia, transport by insects or aerial dissemination of ascospores. Sporulation occurring on the young flower parts and on the last bunch bract provides heavy secondary inoculum. The consequences for control strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Pod rot causes up to 30 % losses in world cocoa production. In order to predict the risk evolution of disease, it is important to take into consideration the developmental stage of fruits. In fact, it has been shown that the risk of attack by pod rot depends amongst others on the developmental stage of fruits. We proposed here to estimate the susceptibility at different stages. Susceptibility of fruit to disease was investigated at three fruit developmental stages (cherelle, young pod and adult pod); disease severity was assessed in laboratory conditions, on detached, artificially inoculated fruits, while disease incidence was assessed in the field, under natural inoculum pressure. In both assessment fruits at the cherelle stage were the most susceptible whereas the young and adult fruits were equally susceptible. The vertical position of the fruits on the tree did not influence their susceptibility. Estimates of the fruit susceptibility and of the infectious potential were derived from the severity and incidence measurements, using a model assuming that the number of spores on a fruit follows a Poisson distribution with the mean, the density of spores per fruit as the parameter. The estimated parameter values allowed the evaluation of the probability of attack of a fruit by the disease, which could be implemented in a disease warning system.  相似文献   

Infection of Malus x domestica cv. Royal Gala fruit by Colletotrichum acutatum causing bitter rot was studied in the temperate climate of New Zealand. Temperatures above 15 °C were required for lesions to develop on detached apple wound-inoculated or inoculated without wounding with C. acutatum spores, regardless of maturity. A wetness period of 72 h was required for infection of mature detached apple fruit without wounding. On wound-inoculated detached apple fruits, sporulation was related to temperature and followed a similar pattern. In the field, a mean temperature above 15 °C for 72 h after wound-inoculation was required for lesions to develop. Buds were a more important source of inoculum than twigs, and it was shown that C. acutatum could be isolated more frequently from outer bud scales than from inner scales. Asymptomatic infection of vegetative and reproductive buds was detected. C. acutatum was detected on asymptomic surface-sterilised petals and fruit, more commonly during summer than spring. Symptomless sterilised leaves generally yielded C. acutatum throughout the season, but isolations were more frequent in summer. Recovery of inoculum using a splash meter to detect vertical dispersal showed that in summer inoculum was primarily splashed up from the ground. In spring, inoculum was recovered in similar quantities from all heights up to a metre, suggesting that splash dispersal occurs from the canopy as well as from the ground. A disease cycle for C. acutatum infecting apples and causing bitter rot in New Zealand is suggested.  相似文献   

Brown rot on cherry and plum, caused by Monilinia laxa, is an important disease, for which overwintered mummified fruit is a significant inoculum source for infection of flowers and fruit in the spring. Experiments were conducted to assess the potential of applying plant protection products in winter and/or early spring to suppress sporulation on mummified fruit. Products tested included Indar 5 EW (a commercial fungicide, a.i. fenbuconazole), Aureobasidium pullulans Y126 [a candidate biocontrol agent (BCA)]), Bacillus sp. B91 (a candidate BCA) and Serenade (a commercially formulated BCA of Bacillus subtilis strain QST 713) in addition to control treated with tap water. Indar and A. pullulans Y126 significantly reduced sporulation when applied once in winter. Overall, a single treatment in early spring (February) was slightly more effective than single treatment in winter (November). Application of all products in both winter and early spring led to significant reduction in sporulation. Indar had the highest efficacy, reducing the number of spores from 9?×?105 to 5?×?103 per mummified plum when applied twice. Of the three BCAs applied on both occasions, A. pullulans Y126 had the highest efficacy, reducing the number of spores from 9?×?105 to 5?×?104 per mummified plum. There were no synergistic but additive effects between the two applications in winter and early spring based on the Bliss independence test. These results suggest that reducing overwintering inoculum in dormant season is effective and may be part of an integrated management strategy for brown rot on stone fruit.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea causes serious crop losses in greenhouse tomato crops through infection of flowers and stem wounds. Experiments were carried out to determine the effects of inoculum concentration, relative humidity (RH), and temperature at these two infection sites. Infection of permanent flower parts increased as a function of inoculum concentration and both length of exposure to high RH (approximately 100% for 0–36 h) and specified continuous RH (56–100%). A low level of infection was still evident under continuous 56% RH. Interruption of periods of high RH with breaks of low RH did not reduce infection. Infection of stem wounds was less dependent on inoculum concentration or RH. Factorial combinations of inoculum concentration, RH, and temperature produced significant interactions. Higher temperature increased infection of flowers but reduced infection of stem wounds. The main implications for control in commercial crops are as follows. Lowering the aerial spore concentration by maintaining the disease at a low level will reduce flower infection. Lowering RH will reduce but not eliminate flower infection but will have only a small effect on stem infection. Raising the temperature (from 15 to 25°C) will reduce stem infection, and whilst flower infection increases, this is counteracted by increased flower production and a decrease in the proportion of infections reaching the peduncle and stem.  相似文献   

Brown rot is the main disease of stone fruits in Brazil, but the susceptibility of peaches to brown rot at different stages of development in the field has not been studied under subtropical conditions. This information is relevant to guide the management of the disease. The objective of this research was to determine the influence of inoculating peaches with Monilinia fructicola at different stages of development on the infection and progress of brown rot at postharvest. Two experiments were carried out: one ex vivo with two cultivars and the other in the field for two seasons. Peaches were inoculated at different sizes for both experiments. In the field, peaches were bagged to avoid natural infection, and M. fructicola inoculum was monitored. The ex vivo incidence of the disease was lower at pit hardening than at other fruit stages for both cultivars. The incidence of brown rot for peaches attached to the trees increased with fruit ripening. Conversely, the time for symptom expression was reduced according to peach diameter. Peaches inoculated with a diameter smaller than 2 cm showed a lower incidence of brown rot and longer periods for disease expression than fruit inoculated near harvest. In conclusion, in areas with high inoculum in the orchard, a common condition in the subtropics, the grower must prevent infection at all stages of fruit development, thus avoiding losses during marketing.  相似文献   

Fungi infection in fruits is an important factor in postharvest losses. The effect of a treatment with a fungal elicitor on the response of tomato fruit to Fusarium oxysporum infection and changes in the phenylpropanoid metabolic pathway was studied. Fungal elicitor retarded for 3 days the development of the Fusarium rot development in tomato, at concentration of 2 g?l ?1 (B2-F treatment). This treatment also induced a 3.11- and 6.03-fold increase of caffeic and chlorogenic acids, respectively, as compared with the control. Furthermore, the flavonoids naringenin-7-O-glucoside, rutin and kaempferol-3-O-glucoside, showed a greater abundance in tomato under the B2-F treatment after 6 days at 20°C. It is concluded that the fungal elicitor reduced the development of Fusarium rot by inducing the biosynthesis of metabolites from the phenylpropanoid metabolic pathway which forms part of the defense response in tomato fruit.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Inoculations were performed six to eight times in each of 10 prune orchards located in nine counties of California. In each inoculation, branches that bore 40 to 60 blossoms or 30 to 40 fruit were inoculated with conidial suspensions of Monilinia fructicola. Three inoculum concentrations and 14 to 16 h of humidity were used for each inoculation. All inoculated fruit were maintained on trees and harvested separately 2 weeks before commercial harvest. The incidence of latent infection (ILI) and percentage of branches with fruit rot (PBFR) were determined for each inoculation in each orchard. As the ILI increased, the PBFR also increased linearly. Five conditions that lead latent infection to fruit rot include (i) latent infection level; (ii) fruit developmental stage; (iii) inoculum concentration; (iv) total hours of relative humidity greater than 90% (hRH); and (v) total hours of dew period (hDEW) from mid-July to mid-August. Three levels of PBFR, 1, 5, and 10% were assigned, and threshold conditions that lead to these levels were determined based on the experimental results. The relative probabilities that lead latent infection to fruit rot (r_PBFR) at different fruit developmental stages were calculated. A preliminary decision support model to guide fungicide application was developed based on the above results. One of the four recommendations, safe, wait, check historical weather as a reference, and apply a fungicide immediately, could be provided based on the level of latent infection and the decision process developed through this study.  相似文献   

Severe outbreaks of Alternaria leaf blotch and fruit spot were recently observed in cv. Pink Lady apples in northern Israel, especially on fruit. Such severe outbreaks have not been reported from other countries. Symptoms involved cracks and rot around the calyx and external rot of the fruit body. Up to 80 % of the fruit in some orchards were affected by the disease. Microscopic examinations, fulfillment of Koch’s postulates and molecular (genetic) analyses confirmed the causal agent as Alternaria alternata f. sp. mali. The incidence of Alternaria increased as the degree of calyx cracking increased, or if fruit were both cracked and rotted. Injecting spore suspensions into the fruit produced typical rot symptoms. Injection assays of detached fruit of eight apple cultivars showed that cvs. Pink Lady and Golden Delicious were susceptible whereas cv. Jonathan was resistant. Pink Lady and Golden Delicious produced more fruit rot as the inoculum concentration increased. Rot in all three cultivars was moderate close to the skin but more severe close to the seed locule. Aqueous extracts taken from Jonathan fruit peel inhibited germ tube elongation of A. alternata f. sp. mali in vitro. This is the first report on heavy infection of Pink Lady fruit in Israel caused by A. alternata f. sp. mali.  相似文献   

The effects of cuticular crack surface area and inoculum density on the infection of nectarine fruits by conidia of Monilinia laxa were studied using artificial inoculations with conidial suspensions and dry airborne conidia during the 2004 and 2005 seasons, respectively. Additionally, the effect of ambient humidity on fruit infection was evaluated in the 2005 experiment. An exploratory analysis indicated that (i) ambient humidity did not significantly explain the observed variability of data, but that (ii) the incidence of fruit infection increased both with increasing inoculum density and increasing surface area of cuticular cracks. The product of these two variables represented the inoculum dose in the cracks, and was used as a predictor of fruit infection in the model. Natural infection in the orchard was observed to increase throughout the season in both 2004 and 2005. The relationship between the probability of fruit infection by M. laxa and the artificially inoculated dose in the cuticular cracks was well described by a logistic regression model once natural inoculum density was taken into account (pseudo R= 65%). This function could be helpful for estimating the risk of fruit infection at harvest based on fruit size and natural inoculum density.  相似文献   

Rhizopus rot, caused by Rhizopus stolonifer, is a major postharvest disease of stone fruits. The disease is related to the occurrence of mechanical and physical damage; however, observations at a Brazilian wholesale market suggest that direct penetration can occur. Therefore, the penetration mechanisms of R. stolonifer in stone fruits were evaluated. To identify the production of enzymes that help with direct penetration by the pathogen, esterase activity, both in mycelial discs and in spore suspensions of the fungus in water and in modified Van Etten nutrient solution, was measured. Assays were also conducted to evaluate the growth of R. stolonifer on glucose or cutin as a sole carbon source. The pathogen grew on both media, and higher esterase activity was observed in the cutin medium. Wounded and unwounded peaches and nectarines were inoculated with R. stolonifer spore suspensions in water or in modified Van Etten nutrient solution. Wounded fruit inoculated with either of the R. stolonifer spore suspensions developed rhizopus rot, whereas unwounded fruit developed the rot only in the presence of spores in the modified Van Etten nutrient solution. Scanning electron and light microscopic examination showed the fungus can directly penetrate the nectarine cuticle. Diisopropyl fluorophosphate, a serine hydrolase inhibitor, prevented rot development in peaches. The results provide valuable evidence for the ability of R. stolonifer to directly penetrate unwounded stone fruits, probably due to the production of esterase enzymes.  相似文献   

Five field experiments were performed in commercial orchards located in Lleida (Spain) over three growing seasons, 2000–2002, in order to estimate the relationship between the incidence of latent infection caused by Monilinia spp. in peaches and the incidence of post-harvest brown rot. No latent infection was recorded at popcorn and the maximum incidence occurred pre-harvest; in some orchards a second peak was detected during the pit hardening period. Monilinia laxa is the most prevalent species isolated from peaches with brown rot. There was a positive correlation between the incidence of latent infection and that of post-harvest brown rot. The average incidence of latent infection during the crop season explained 55% of the total variation in the incidence of post-harvest brown rot. The effect of temperature (T) and duration of wetness (W) on the incidence of latent infection in peach and nectarine orchards was analysed using multiple regression. The regression analysis indicated that T and W jointly explained 83% of the total variation in the incidence of latent infection. The model predicts no latent infections when T < 8°C, and >22 h wetness are required when T = 8°C but only 5 h at 25°C are necessary for latent infection to occur. The incidence of brown rot and latent infection of peaches caused by M. laxa under controlled experimental conditions were also affected by T and W, as well as by fruit maturity and inoculum concentration. Latent infections were produced in fruit when T was not suitable for the development of brown rot symptoms. In these experiments more than 4–5 h of daily wetness were required after embryo growth in fruit sprayed to run-off with an inoculum concentration higher than 104 conidia ml−1 of M. laxa for brown rot and latent infections to develop. The fitted model obtained from the field data was able to predict the observed data obtained under controlled environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Infestation of kiwifruit flowers by Thrips obscuratus , and inoculation with Botrytis cinerea , increased the amount of flower infection, external contamination and internal infection of fruit at harvest. Combination of these treatments was synergistic. The mechanisms of this role of T. obscuratus in the epidemiology of B. cinerea and development of stem-end rot after cool storage are discussed in relation to commercial production, harvesting and handling procedures. Significant reductions in inoculum available for fruit infection may be achievable by control of populations of T. obscuratus in orchards during flowering.  相似文献   

Different populations of Colletotrichum were characterized and quantified on floral parts of banana plants from flowering until harvest. Isolates of Colletotrichum found to be pathogenic and attributed to the species C. musae (77% of isolates) were differentiated from other species by abundant sporulation, a short mycelium, and rapid growth. Colletotrichum musae was isolated from floral parts mainly during the month following bunch emergence. The respective involvement of different sources of inoculum (leaves, bunch bracts, floral parts) in the levels of fruit contamination was evaluated. When the floral parts and bunch bracts were removed at flowering, the severity of anthracnose disease was considerably reduced. The severity of the disease is strongly correlated with cumulative rainfall during the first 35 days after bunch emergence, and was considerably reduced when rainwater runoff over the bunches was limited by placing plastic sleeves over them. The disease was not observed on banana fruit grown under shelters, protected from rain. The results obtained from this study show clearly that contamination of fruit by conidia takes place largely due to the trickling of rainfall over the floral parts, which are the main source of inoculum. The application of these results for integrated control is discussed.  相似文献   

Eight field surveys over three growing seasons (April to October in 2006, 2007, and 2008) were done in three commercial peach and nectarine orchards in order to determine the secondary inoculum dynamics of Monilinia spp. and relationship to the weather conditions and incidence of postharvest brown rot in the Ebro Valley, which is the main peach fruit growing region in Spain. After regression analysis of the epidemiological data of postharvest brown rot and the climatic variables, a disease outbreak can be predicted from (i) the times of the first appearance of airborne conidia, the first appearance of conidia on the surface of flowers and fruits, and the first latent infection, all of which occur 2?months before harvest (ii) the number of conidia on the fruit surface, 2?weeks and 1?week before harvest, (iii) the preharvest incidence of brown rot, and (iv) the mean environmental temperature from popcorn to harvest. From these results, we confirmed the importance of the secondary inoculum dynamics of Monilinia spp. and the utility of these dynamics to predict an outbreak of brown rot in peaches on the day of their harvest and after their harvesting.  相似文献   

Fusarium crown and root rot of tomatoes in the UK   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fusarium crown and root rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici was found in the UK in 1988 and 1989 mainly in rockwool-grown tomato crops. Up to 14% of plants were affected in individual crops. In experiments, leaf and stem symptoms did not appear until the time of first fruit harvest even when the plants were inoculated at planting, first flowers or fruit set. Conidial inoculum at 106 spores/plant applied at seed sowing killed 70–83% of tomato seedlings, whereas similar levels of inoculum applied to young plants caused root and basal stem decay, and eventually death but only after fruit harvest began. Disease incidence and symptom severity increased with inoculum concentration. Experimentally, the disease was more severe in peat- or compost-grown plants than in rockwool. Disease spread was only a few centimetres in 50 days in experimental rockwool-grown plants. All tomato cultivars tested were highly susceptible. Prochloraz-Mn was highly effective against the pathogen in vitro and controlled the disease in the glasshouse, but only when applied preventively. Non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum isolates and Trichoderma harzianum also reduced FCRR disease levels.  相似文献   

The efficacy of Trichoderma harzianum strain DGA01, sodium carbonate (SC), sodium bicarbonate (SBC) and sodium hypochlorite (SH) applied alone or in various combinations was evaluated in vitro against the most important postharvest pathogens of banana such as Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Thielaviopsis paradoxa, Colletotrichum musae, and Fusarium verticillioides. Trichoderma harzianum DGA01 was compatible with salts at a concentration of 1 % (w/v) as manifested by normal mycelial growth. The efficacy of the fungal antagonist in vitro was enhanced by 10.16–13.06 % in controlling mycelial growth of crown rot pathogens with the addition of salts. After a postharvest dip of fruit for 30 min in 106 conidia of DGA01/mL of 1 % SBC, the incidence of crown rot was reduced by 92 %, but DGA01 combined with SC or SH had no additive effect in controlling crown rot. Thus, DGA01 and SBC was the best combination for crown rot control, with an efficacy similar to synthetic fungicides, and maintained the overall quality of banana even at conditions favourable for the pathogens (22–25 °C, 90–95 % relative humidity).  相似文献   

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