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The major and minor carotenoids from six fruits, buriti (Mauritia vinifera), mamey (Mammea americana), marimari (Geoffrola striata), peach palm (Bactrys gasipaes), physalis (Physalis angulata), and tucuma (Astrocaryum aculeatum), all native to the Amazonia region, were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array detector-mass spectrometry detector (HPLC-PDA-MS/MS), fulfilling the recommended criteria for identification. A total of 60 different carotenoids were separated on a C30 column, all-trans-beta-carotene being the major carotenoid found in all fruits. The presence of apo-10'-beta-carotenol, found in mamey, was not previously reported in foods. In addition, this is the first time that the identification of beta-zeacarotene in natural sources is supported by MS data. The total carotenoid content ranged from 38 microg/g in marimari to 514 microg/g in buriti. All fruits analyzed can be considered good sources of provitamin A, especially buriti, with 7280 RE/100 g.  相似文献   

A method was established for the identification and quantification of carotenoids including geometrical isomers in fruit and vegetable juices by liquid chromatography with an ultraviolet-diode array detector, using a C(18) Vydac 201TP54 column. The mobile phase used was the ternary methanol mixture (0.1 M ammonium acetate), tert-butyl methyl ether and water, in a concentration gradient, and a temperature gradient was applied. Retinol palmitate was added as an internal standard. An extraction process (ethanol/hexane, 4:3, v/v) was performed, followed by saponification with diethyl ether/methanolic KOH (0.1%, w/v, BHT) (1:1, v/v) for 0.5 h at room temperature. Seventeen different (cis and trans) carotenoids were identified by UV-vis spectra and retention times in HPLC in the juices analyzed. The analytic parameters show that the method proposed is sensitive, reliable, accurate, and reproducible.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatography combined with diode array and electrospray ionization mass spectrometric detection was used to study soluble and insoluble forms of phenolic compounds in strawberries, raspberries (red and yellow cultivated and red wild), arctic bramble, and cloudberries. Hydroxycinnamic acids were present as free forms in cloudberries and mainly as sugar esters in the other berries. Quercetin 3-glucuronide was the typical flavonol glycoside in all of the berries studied. The composition of the predominant anthocyanins can be used to distinguish the studied red Rubus species from each other since cyanidin was glycosylated typically with 3-sophorose (56%) in cultivated red raspberry, with 3-sophorose (30%) and 3-glucose (27%) in wild red raspberry, and with 3-rutinose (80%) in arctic bramble. Ellagic acid was present as free and glycosylated forms and as ellagitannins of varying degrees of polymerization. Comparable levels of ellagitannins were obtained by the analysis of soluble ellagitannins as gallic acid equivalents and by the analysis of ellagic acid equivalents released by acid hydrolysis of the extracts.  相似文献   

Front-surface absorbance spectra of wheat flours in the 250-650 nm region can be obtained by measuring reflectance spectra with a conventional spectrofluorometer suitably set to detect light scattered from powder samples. The spectra recorded on flour samples, obtained from seeds of four bread and five durum wheats, show high-intensity absorption bands due to aromatic amino acids of wheat proteins and low-intensity bands due to chromophores bound to low-molecular-weight compounds. The intensity of these last bands is proportional to the concentration of the corresponding chromophores present in the flour; thus, it can be used to measure the content of the compounds containing the chromophore(s). In particular, a quantitative determination of the carotenoids actually present in the flours is made, obtaining information on the original content of the seeds. This determination is important, as, for example, xanthophylls are well-known antioxidants and free-radical scavengers involved in aging processes of seeds. Reflectance measurements on powder samples are far more economic in terms of time and materials consumption than methods such as extraction and HPLC analysis of extracts and, in addition, give an evaluation of the overall content of carotenoids with absorption bands in the spectral range 450-500 nm. Application of the technique to other food powders with low-intensity absorption bands in the near-UV and vis region is possible.  相似文献   

冬小麦叶面积动态变化规律及其定量化研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过田间试验,对冬小麦叶面积、比叶面积(SLA)及黄叶率(DR)予以描述和定量化,冬小麦冬后比叶面积与相对生育期(RDS)的对数呈线性递减关系,SLA=-21.07×ln(RDS)+19.427,最大和最小比叶面积分别为40m2/kg和19m2/kg.小麦黄叶率在冬后与相对生育期呈抛物线关系,可用下式表示DR=2.142×RDS2-1.8001×RDS+0 6571,这为冬小麦生长模型中的叶面积模拟提供了新的方法和理论依据.  相似文献   

Cyclolinopeptides are a group of naturally occurring hydrophobic cyclic peptides found in flaxseed and flax oil that have immunosuppressive activity. This study describes the measurement of flaxseed cyclolinopeptide concentrations using an internal standard HPLC method. In addition, the concentration of cyclolinopeptides in the seed of Canadian flax cultivars grown at two locations over two years is reported. The data are consistent with the formation of flaxseed cyclolinopeptides from two ribosome-derived precursors. Each precursor protein includes the sequences corresponding to three cyclolinopeptides from which those cyclolinopeptides are presumably derived by precursor processing. The concentrations of cyclolinopeptides C and E, which are encoded by the same gene sequence, are highly correlated, and the concentrations of cyclolinopeptides D, F, and G, which are encoded by a second gene sequence, are also highly correlated. The strong correlation between the cyclolinopeptides arising from the same gene may prove to be important in understanding how peptide concentration is controlled. Additional research may lead to approaches to improve flax either as a platform for peptide production or as a source of oil with improved drying properties and flavor.  相似文献   

为研究种层厚度对油麦兼用集排器供种装置充种性能的影响,该文运用EDEM(engineering discrete element method)软件和高速摄像技术,对不同种层调节板倾角和种层厚度的种群运动与供种性能进行了仿真与试验研究。EDEM仿真分析了种层厚度与转速对种群压力、种群与供种机构切向力和充种数量的影响;台架试验研究了种层厚度对充填角和供种性能的影响。结果表明:倾角为60°种层调节板的种群压力较大,充填角和充种性能均较优;种群压力和切向力随纵向距离增加而增加,随横向距离增加而降低;随转速增加,种群压力趋于稳定,切向力随之增加,单个型孔充种数量降低5%。转速为10~50 r/min时,初始充填角、充填角和供种速率均随纵向距离增加和横向距离降低而增加,但充种数量变异系数呈先降后升的趋势。种群压力、切向力、初始充填角、充填角与供种速率均呈极显著正相关,种群压力和切向力与初始充填角和充填角均呈极显著正相关,种层厚度和转速影响充填角分别源于种群压力和切向力。在纵向距离分别为15和20 mm,横向距离为46 mm条件下,油菜、小麦供种速率变异系数和破损率分别均低于1.0%和0.1%。田间试验表明该优化种层厚度条件下的集排器油菜种植密度满足农艺种植要求。该研究明确了种层厚度影响油麦兼用集排器供种装置充种性能的原因,为油麦兼用集排器供种装置种层厚度调节和结构改进提供了参考。  相似文献   

高产小麦几个性状的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解高产小麦在“稳叶控株增穗”栽培途径下产量及有关性状间的相关关系, 寻找该途径的优势及产量进一步提高的限制因素, 本文用SPSS软件对47块采用该途径、单产在7 243~10 610 kg·hm?2范围内麦田的产量、单位面积穗数、穗粒数、粒重、籽粒最大容积、穗颈维管束数、群体维管束数7个性状进行了性状相关性分析。研究表明, 产量三因素中只有粒重与产量呈显著正相关关系, 说明粒重是影响“稳叶控株增穗”途径产量提高的主要因素, 且粒重与籽粒最大容积呈极显著正相关关系, 认为采取一定措施来增大籽粒最大容积将是提高粒重, 进而提高产量的有效途径。群体维管束总数与单位面积穗数呈极显著正相关关系, 表明增加单位面积穗数可达到畅流的目的。研究还对粒重与籽粒最大容积进行曲线拟合, 拟合方程为y=12.925+0.479x, 对群体维管束数与穗数之间进行曲线拟合, 拟合方程为y=-14.231+2.685lnx。  相似文献   

The alkylresorcinol content and homologue composition in selected Polish rye and wheat cultivars and selected whole-grain cereal products were determined in this study. Cereal grains and whole-grain cereal products were extracted with acetone, whereas bread types were extracted with hot 1-propanol. The average alkylresorcinol content in tested rye (approximately 1100 mg/kg DM) and wheat (approximately 800 mg/kg DM) grains harvested in Poland was within the range previously reported in Swedish and Finnish samples. The total alkylresorcinol content in tested cereal products available on the Polish market varied from very low levels in barley grain-based foods up to 3000 mg/kg DM in wheat bran. The total alkylresorcinol content in 14 bread samples extracted with hot 1-propanol varied from approximately 100 mg/kg DM in whole bread made with honey up to approximately 650 mg/kg DM in whole-rye bread. Calculated ratios of C17:0 to C21:0 homologues, a useful parameter previously used to distinguish between rye and wheat cereals and their derived products, was about 1.2-1.4 in rye products, about 0.2 in wheat products, and varied between 0.2 and 0.6 in cereal-derived products containing a mixture of whole rye and/or wheat. The data set obtained were subsequently compared using cluster and principal component analysis, which allowed the tested cereal products to be classified into two major groups consisting of whole-rye or whole-wheat products, respectively. On the basis of that approach, mixed cereal products containing rye and wheat bran or whole rye and wheat flour were grouped between those two well-defined clusters. Our work not only provides a detailed examination of alkylresorcinols in selected Polish rye and wheat cultivars and selected whole-grain cereal products, but also demonstrates that this type of analysis accompanied by the use of proper statistical algorithms offers an objective way to evaluate the quality of whole-grain rye and/or wheat and their derived products.  相似文献   

Deep seeding of wheat, a common practice when soil moisture is deficient, causes poor seedling emergence and stand establishment. We investigated whether increasing seed protein content by nitrogen fertilization of parental plants might increase emergence rate and vigor of winter wheat seedlings from deep‐planted seeds. Four seeding depths, three cultivars, and three seed protein contents were compared in different soil mixtures and fertility regimes. Under all treatments, emergence rate and dry weight of seedlings markedly decreased as seeding depth was increased. Increasing protein content of seeds sometimes, but not always, increased seedling emergence rate and commonly increased seedling dry weight regardless of soil mixture or fertility regime. Differences were greatest at 4.8‐ and 12‐cm seeding depths; seedlings failed to emerge from 16‐cm depth under any treatments. We concluded that increasing seed protein content by nitrogen fertilization of parent plants is an economic and efficacious method of enhancing wheat establishment when seed must be deeply planted.  相似文献   

A pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) method using phosphate buffer as solvent was applied for folic acid (FA) extraction from fortified wheat flours and was compared to a standard solid-liquid extraction (SLE) method. Extracted FA was quantified by reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) hyphenated with a phenyl column and an absorption photometric detector (λ = 280 nm). Detection and quantification limits were 0.12 and 0.4 ng, respectively, corresponding to 0.06 and 0.2 μg g(-1) of analyzed wheat flour. Equivalent FA contents were found by both extraction methods, but a single PLE allowed a total recovery of FA content, whereas at least three successive SLEs were needed to achieve a total recovery of FA. The obtained results indicated that PLE is a rapid and efficient technique for FA extraction from fortified wheat flour.  相似文献   

Lyophilized albumin protein fractions were prepared from flour of four varieties of wheat: Triticum aestivum cvs. Mercia and Riband, Triticum aestivum var. spelta, and Triticum turgidum var. durum (Kamut). The dry powders were redissolved in sodium phosphate buffers at pH 3.0, 6.5, or 8.0 and at ionic strengths of 0.1 or 1.0 M to a concentration of 0.1% (w/v). Emulsions formed by sonication of protein solutions with n-hexadecane were aged at room temperature and separated into aqueous, interstitial, and interfacial phases. The distinct emulsion components were lyophilized and analyzed by RP-HPLC. A protein was observed to be preferentially located in the interfacial component and subsequently purified from a total albumin fraction and identified by N-terminal sequencing as CM3, an alpha-amylase inhibitor subunit. Measurement of the equilibrium surface tension of CM3 as a function of protein concentration demonstrated that it was at least as active as bovine beta-lactoglobulin, an established protein emulsifier. Furthermore, measurement of the surface dilational elastic modulus at an air/water interface demonstrated the formation of a viscoelastic film, while fluorescence and FT-IR spectroscopic measurements on adsorbed and nonadsorbed CM3 suggest that the secondary structure is essentially unchanged upon adsorption to an oil/water interface. It is concluded that functional screening is a valid approach to identify novel protein emulsifiers in complex mixtures.  相似文献   


The effects of pretreatment with salicylic acid on wheat seed germination (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Roshan), lipid peroxidation, and superoxide dismutase, catalase, polyphenol oxidase, and peroxidase activity were studied under conditions of salt stress. Seeds treated with different concentrations of salicylic acid were used for measuring germination traits. Salt stress was induced by sodium chloride solution. Seeds were soaked in salicylic acid solution for 24 h, dried with sterile paper, transferred to sterile Petri dishes, and treated with 10 ml NaCl solution at different concentrations. After 1 week, the number of germinated seeds, root length, seedling length, and dry weight were recorded. Antioxidant enzyme activity and lipid peroxidation were also assayed. Salinity decreased seed germination. Thus, a high concentration of NaCl (200 mM) decreased germination by 17.6% compared with control treatment. Salicylic acid significantly increased germination in stressed and control seeds. Salicylic acid increased the level of cell division of seedlings and roots, which increased plant growth. Salt stress significantly increased the activity of the antioxidative enzymes catalase, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, and polyphenol oxidase in wheat seedlings, and salicylic acid reduced the activity of antioxidant enzymes as stress signal molecules. Our results indicated that scavenging of reactive oxygen species was effective, especially by salicylic acid, and that membrane damage was limited. The aim of the present work was to study the character of changes in enzymatic systems induced by NaCl and salicylic acid in wheat seedlings under conditions of salt stress. In brief, salicylic acid treatment reduced the damaging action of salinity on embryo growth and accelerated a restoration of growth processes; thereupon it may be effective for the improvement of seed germination in arid and semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

Cornus mas, Cornus officinalis, Cornus controversa, and Cornus kousa (Cornaceae) bear edible fruits that are consumed in parts of Europe and Asia. This study undertook the investigation of the presence and levels of anthocyanins in the fruits of these Cornus species by HPLC. The anthocyanins present in Cornelian cherries, C. mas, are delphinidin 3-O-beta-galactopyranoside (1), cyanidin 3-O-beta-galactopyranoside (2), and pelargonidin 3-O-beta-galactopyranoside (3). C. officinalis contains only anthocyanins 1-3, similar to C. mas, but in different proportions. However, C. controversa contains anthocyanins 1-3 among other anthocyanins, but Chinese dogwood, C. kousa, did not contain 1-3. The contents of pure anthocyanins 1, 2, and 3 in 1 kg of fresh fruits of C. mas, C. officinalis, and C. controversa were 280, 1079, and 710 ppm; 11, 77, and 230 ppm; and 600, 1000, and 700 ppm, respectively. In cyclooxygenase (COX)-I and -II enzyme inhibitory assays, anthocyanins 1-3 (all 40 microM) showed activities of 9.2 and 11.7%; 7.6 and 12.4%; and 5.3 and 7.8%, respectively, compared to Naproxen (54.3 and 41.3%; 10 microM), ibuprofen (47.5 and 39.8%; 10 microM), Celebrex (46.2 and 66.3%; 1.67 ppm), and Vioxx (23.8 and 88.1%, 1.67 ppm). In the antioxidant assay, anthocyanins 1-3 (all 40 microM) showed activities of 70.2, 60.1, and 40.3%, respectively. At 10 microM concentration, commercial synthetic antioxidants tert-butylhydroquinone, butylated hydroxytoluene, butylated hydroxyanisole, and vitamin E gave 83.2, 79.7, 82.1, and 10.2% of antioxidant activity, respectively.  相似文献   

为了对离心分种器进行结构改进和参数优化以提高小麦小区播种机的分种均匀性,该文对小麦离心分种过程进行运动分析,得出小麦籽粒的运动受到离心分种器转速、分种面夹角和分种距离的影响;采用离散元仿真软件,建立仿真模型,以离心分种器转速、分种面夹角和分种距离为试验因素,以分种均匀性变异系数为试验指标,进行不同播量下的三因素三水平正交试验,研究各个因素对分种均匀性的影响规律,以获得较优的参数组合。仿真试验结果表明,在播量为2 000、3 000粒时影响分种均匀性的主次因素为离心分种器转速、分种距离和分种面夹角,在播量为1 000粒时为离心分种器转速、分种面夹角、分种距离;通过仿真试验和台架试验,确定离心分种器较优参数组合为离心分种器转速1 250 r/min、分种面夹角120°、分种距离17.5 mm,台架试验条件下3种播量的分种均匀性变异系数分别为5.18%、4.45%和3.98%,与仿真试验结果相差0.36%、0.14%和0.55%,两者基本一致,且籽粒破碎率为0.17%、0.13%和0.14%,具有较小的籽粒破碎。该研究可为小麦小区条播机的离心分种器优化改进以及分种性能提升提供参考。  相似文献   

油菜小麦兼用排种盘的排种器充种性能   总被引:4,自引:22,他引:4  
油菜、小麦籽粒物理机械特性差异大,该文针对前期研究中油菜小麦气力式精量排种器结构中,需对不同类型种子更换排种盘的缺陷,研制了一种兼用型内嵌入导种条式排种盘及其型孔结构,以实现油菜小麦气力式精量排种器兼用。开展了其充种阶段内嵌入导种条上强制带动层种子的运动轨迹及充种区种子充填角的解析,构建了充种区强制带动层种子的力学模型;并结合高速摄像技术,分析阐明了充种区种子层的流动特性,试验研究了充种区油菜、小麦充填角与充种性能、内嵌入导种条对种子机械损伤。研究结果表明:转速范围为10~45 r/min时,排种器充种区种子充填角与转速线性相关,内嵌入导种条时的油菜、小麦充种角随转速的变化率值分别为1.6635、1.9929,相对无导种条式排种器,充填角平均增量分别为10.1°、13.45°,充填弧长平均增量分别为12.29、16.48 mm,充种性能明显提高;发芽率试验表明,排种盘内嵌入导种条对种子无机械损伤。排种器性能试验结果表明:吸种负压为-2 900 Pa、排种盘内嵌入导种条可使小麦排种的平均合格指数相对提高30.76%,漏播指数相对降低38.61%;吸种负压为-900 Pa、投种正压为500 Pa时,排种盘内嵌入导种条可使油菜排种的平均合格指数相对提高3.72%,漏播指数相对降低8.58%;在转速为20~30 r/min时,排种性能均能满足油菜小麦兼用精量播种的要求。该研究可为兼用型精量排种器结构改进及性能优化提供研究依据。  相似文献   

小麦播种机电容式排种量传感器设计   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:1  
为提高小麦播种机排种量检测的可靠性,根据电容器的电容随极板间介质质量变化而发生变化的原理,研制了一种电容式排种量传感器。利用AD7745数字转换器和单片机搭建微电容信号调理电路,电容传感器与调理电路采用短线连接,减小了寄生电容对测量精度的影响。通过标定,获得了传感器电容值与排种量的关系模型。在播种机试验台架上对电容式排种量传感器性能进行了测试。试验结果表明,在排种速度不同的情况下,该传感器的最大测量误差为2.2%。该传感器能够较好地实现小麦播种机排种量的在线检测,为变量播种提供了有力支持。  相似文献   

The ability to study bioavailability of nutrients from foods is an important step in determining the health impact of those nutrients. This work describes a method for studying the bioavailability of nutrients from kale (Brassica oleracea var. Acephala) by labeling the nutrients with carbon-13, feeding the kale to an adult volunteer, and analyzing plasma samples for labeled nutrients. Results showed that conditions for producing atmospheric intrinsically labeled kale had no detrimental effect on plant growth. Lutein, beta-carotene, retinol, and phylloquinone were analyzed using liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Analysis of plasma samples showed that labeled lutein peaked in plasma at 11 h (0.23 microM), beta-carotene peaked at 8 (0.058 microM) and 24 h (0.062 microM), retinol peaked at 24 h (0.10 microM), and phylloquinone peaked at 7 h (3.0 nM). This method of labeling kale with (13)C was successful for producing clearly defined kinetic curves for (13)C-lutein,(13)C-beta-carotene, (13)C-retinol, and (13)C-phylloquinone.  相似文献   


A screenhouse experiment was conducted to assess the effects of seed size and phosphorus (P) fertilization on growth of 12 herbaceous and shrub legumes [Arachis hypogaea, Cajanus cajan, Centrosema pascuorum, Centrosema brasilianum, Crotolaria ochroleuca, Glycine max, Lablab purpureus, Mucuna cochinchinensis, Mucuna pruriens var. utilis (black seed), Mucunapruriens (white seed), Pueraria phaseoloides and Vigna unguiculata] grown on a P‐deficient Plinthustalf. Species with large seed size showed higher biomass accumulation, nodulation and higher plant nutrient element content. However, response to P fertilization was higher in small size seeded species. Plant top dry weight was highly correlated with seed weight and seed nutrient element contents. Although P application significantly increased nitrogen (N), P, potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) contents of plant tops, high rate of P fertilization appeared not to be beneficial to the early growth of the species tested on this P‐deficient soil. The use of large seed size with high seed nutrient element contents is highly recommended for fast establish ment of fallow legume species intended for use in production systems on P‐deficient soils.  相似文献   

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