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Azima tetracantha L. (needle bush; bee sting bush; Salvadoraceae) is used as a food and for various herbal medicines in Africa, India, and Madagascar, but there is very little information on the secondary metabolites in this species. High concentrations of N-methoxy-3-indolylmethyl-glucosinolate, a common glucosinolate of Brassica crops such as Brussels sprouts and broccoli, were found in the roots and seeds of A. tetracantha. Lower concentrations were detected in the stems and young leaves. The roots also contained another indole glucosinolate that was provisionally identified, from MS data and comparison with indole glucosinolate standards, as N-hydroxy-3-indolymethyl-glucosinolate. The roots, stems, and leaves contained neoascorbigen (the condensation product of N-methoxy-indole-3-carbinol and ascorbic acid). The seeds of A. tetracantha contained a complex mixture of 26 flavonoids predominantly as glycosides and acyl-glycosides, with traces of aglycones. The core aglycones of these flavonoids were identified as quercetin, isorhamnetin (3'-O-methylquercetin), rhamnetin (7-O-methylquercetin), and rhamnazin (7, 3'-di-O-methylquercetin). No flavonoids or anthocyanins were detected in other tissues, and procyanidins were undetectable. The dimeric piperidine alkaloids azimine, azcarpine, and carpaine were found in all tissues of A. tetracantha.  相似文献   

Summary Colonization patterns of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis on roots of wheat seedlings growing on water agar were studied qualitatively by replica printing and quantitatively by the plate count method. The results indicated a stronger colonization potential for P. fluorescens (up to 107 cfu/cm root) than for B. subtilis (up to 105 cfu/cm root). Although the numbers of both species were lower when inoculated together, the observed colonization patterns on the roots were comparable to those found with single inoculations. For none of these bacteria was active migration along the root surface in any direction observed, indicating that distal positions are reached mainly by a passive displacement on the root tip and elongating cells. Ecological implications of the observed phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

Epimerization at C-2 of O-methylated catechin derivatives and four major tea catechins were investigated. The epimeric isomers of (-)-epicatechin (I), (-)-epicatechin-3-O-gallate (II), (-)-epigallocatechin (III), (-)-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (IV), and (-)-epigallocatechin-3-O-(3-O-methyl)gallate (V) in green tea extracts increased time-dependently at 90 degrees C. The epimerization rates of authentic tea catechins in distilled water are much lower than those in tea infusion or in pH 6.0 buffer solution. The addition of tea infusion to the authentic catechin solution accelerated the epimerization, and the addition of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt (Na(2)EDTA) decreased the epimerization in the pH 6.0 buffer solution. Therefore, the metal ions in tea infusion may affect the rate of epimerization. The proportions of the epimers to authentic tea catechins [III, IV, V, and (-)-epigallocatechin-3-O-(4-O-methyl)gallate (VI)] in pH 6.0 buffer solution after heating at 90 degrees C for 30 min were 42.4%, 37.0%, 41.7%, and 30.4%, respectively. These values were higher than those of I and II (23.5% and 23.6%, respectively). The O-methylated derivatives at the 4'-position on the B ring of IV and VI were hardly epimerized. These results suggest that the hydroxyl moiety on the B ring of catechins plays an important role in the epimerization in the order 3',4',5'-triol type > 3',4'-diol type > 3',5'-diol type.  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of Zn absorption were studied in mycorrhizal (Glomus macrocarpum) and non-mycorrhizal roots of corn (Zea mays L.) at pH 6.0 at Zn concentrations of 75 mol to 1.07 mol m-3. Five concentration-dependent phases of Zn absorption were recognized; phase 0 (1.5–4.0 mmol m-3) was linear but the other four phases (4.0 mmol to 1.07 mol m-3) obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. At low concentrations (less than 4 mmol m-3), sigmoidal kinetics of Zn absorption were observed. The absorption of Zn by mycorrhizal maize was greater at low concentrations but decreased at higher levels. This appeared to be a result of a higher maximal uptake rate in phase 1 and lower K m values in the subsequent phases. Kinetic models yielding continuous isotherms could not account for the observed multiphasic pattern.Research paper no. 6820 through the Director, Experiment Station, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar 263 145, UP, India  相似文献   

Anthocyanidins and precursors or related flavonoids were tested at concentrations from 0.3 to 9.7 mM ( approximately 0.1-3.0 mg/mL) for activity against growth and aflatoxin B(1) biosynthesis by Aspergillus flavus Link:Fr. NRRL 3357. Aflatoxin B(1) production was inhibited by all anthocyanidins tested, and 3-hydroxy compounds were more active than 3-deoxy forms. Monoglycosides of cyanidin were 40% less inhibitory than the aglycon, whereas a monoglucoside and a diglucoside of pelargonidin were 80 and 5%, respectively, as active as the aglycon. Of eight flavonoids tested, only kaempferol was moderately active, whereas luteolin and catechin were weakly inhibitory. Binary combinations of delphinidin and three other aflatoxin inhibitors acted independently of each other. Results with an aflatoxin pathway mutant indicated that anthocyanidin inhibition occurred before norsolorinic acid synthesis.  相似文献   

As a result of methionine deficiency, legume proteins are considered to be incomplete, and therefore there is a need to explore ways to improve legume protein amino acid balance. Using rabbit anti-soybean sulfur-rich protein (SRP) polyclonal antibodies (pAb), sensitive immunoassays (nanogram sensitivity) were developed. The immunoassays detected SRP in all soybean seeds and soybean-based commercial samples examined. In addition, the presence of pAb cross-reactive proteins was detected in certain dry beans and oilseeds. The cross-reactive proteins were isolated using purified IgG-based immunoaffinity column chromatography. Biochemical analyses including N-terminal amino acid sequencing and amino acid composition indicated that the cross-reactive proteins were comparable to soybean SRP. The cross-reactive proteins contained methionine (1.6-2.4 residues/100 residues) and cysteine (2.4-3.6 residues/100 residues), which satisfies the FAO/WHO recommended pattern for sulfur amino acids in both adults and children (2-5 years old). The results suggest the presence of constitutive SRPs in several dry beans and oilseeds.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to identify and quantify gaps in currents methods and models for predicting the plant availability of selected nutrient and contaminant metals (Cu, Ni, Zn, Cd) in soil. This study investigated relationships between the relative solubility of Cu, Ni, Zn, and Cd determined by six extraction methods with short-term uptake by shoots and roots of wheat (Triticum aestivum). For Cu, Ni, and Cd, relationships between solubility and plant uptake were found to be different for shoots and roots, with Cu and Ni solubility being more closely correlated with root uptake compared with shoot uptake. Correlation coefficients for Cd concentrations in shoot and root tissue for all six solubility methods were poor (r 2?<?0.5), while corresponding results for Zn explained more than 50 % of shoot variation but less than 50 % of root variation. Soil Cu solubility explained up to 85 % of variation in root uptake compared with 42–55 % for shoot uptake. These results clearly demonstrated that purely chemical and passive diffusion mechanisms were inadequate predictors of Cd uptake by shoots and roots, together with Cu uptake by shoots. Thus further attempts at refining soil metal bioavailability assays based solely on chemical extraction without consideration of plant responses are unlikely to improve prediction of plant uptake.  相似文献   

As an influence of the Mediterranean diet, rocket species such as Eruca sativa L., Diplotaxis species, and Bunias orientalis L. are eaten all over the world at different ontogenic stages in salads and soups. They are all species within the plant order Capparales (glucosinolate-containing species), and all are from the family Brassicaceae. Predominantly, the leaves of these species are eaten raw or cooked, although Eruca flowers are also consumed. There is considerable potential with raw plant material for a higher exposure to bioactive phytochemicals such as glucosinolates, their hydrolysis products, and also phenolics, flavonoids, and vitamins such as vitamin C. These compounds are susceptible to ontogenic variation, and the few published studies that have addressed this topic have been inconsistent. Thus, an ontogenic study was performed and all samples were analyzed using a previously developed robust liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry method for the identification and quantification of the major phytochemicals in all tissues of the rocket species. Seeds and roots of both Eruca and Diplotaxis contained predominantly 4-methylthiobutylglucosinolate. Leaves of Eruca and Diplotaxis contained high amounts of 4-mercaptobutylglucosinolate with lower levels of 4-methylthiobutlyglucosinolate and 4-methylsulfinylbutylglucosinolate. Flowers of Eruca and Diplotaxiscontained predominantly 4-methylsulfinylbutyl-glucosinolate. In addition, roots of both Diplotaxisspecies contained 4-hydroxybenzylglucosinolate but 4-hydroxybenzylglucosinolate was absent from roots of Eruca. Seeds and seedlings of all Eruca contained N-heterocyclic compounds but no sinapine, whereas Diplotaxis contained sinapine but not the N-heterocycles. In all tissues of B. orientalis, 4-hydroxybenzylglucosinolate and 4-methylsulfinyl-3-butenylglucosinolate were predominant. All rocket tissues, except roots, contained significant levels of polyglycosylated flavonoids, with/without hydroxycinnamoyl acylation. The core aglycones were kaempferol, quercetin, and isorhamnetin. The exception was B. orientalis, which had a negligible seed flavonoid content as compared with the other species. Anthocyanins were only detected in Eruca flowers and consisted of a complex pattern of at least 16 different anthocyanins.  相似文献   

Over 60 different samples comprising 35 distinct honeys were evaluated for their ability to induce mammalian phase 2 detoxication enzymes using a microtiter plate assay of quinone reductase (QR) induction with murine hepatoma cells in microtiter plates. This assay has been used extensively to identify and isolate a variety of natural and synthetic inducers from plants. All 35 honeys examined induced elevations of mammalian QR activity ranging from 153 to 2155 units/g with a mean of 630 and a median of 417 units/g. The concentrations for doubling the QR activity (CD) of certain of the prominent flavonoids found in honey were also assessed (pinostrobin, 0.5 microM; pinocembrin, 110 microM; chrysin, 25 microM) and compared to those of related, more commonly described flavonoids such as quercetin (2.7 microM) and myricetin (58 microM). On the basis of the extremely high QR inducing potency of one of these compounds, pinostrobin (5-hydroxy-7-methoxyflavanone), a bioassay-guided search was conducted which revealed a dietary source of pinostrobin, Boesenbergia pandurata (fingerroot), with extraordinarily high ability to induce mammalian phase 2 detoxication enzymes. Although the QR inducing activity of buckwheat honeys was 2155 +/- 951 units/g (n = 8 samples), which is less than 10% of the average values obtained from fresh broccoli, the potency of fingerroot rhizomes (ca. 110,000 units/g) is even higher than that of broccoli and the potencies of fingerroot oil and powdered rhizome (ca. 500,000 units/g) rival that of broccoli sprouts.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2009,41(3):417-431
Larval corn rootworms (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) are soil-dwelling insect pests that damage maize (Zea mays L.) by consuming root tissues, thus lowering grain yield. Little is known about interactions between rootworms and soil bacteria, including potential impacts of maize rhizobacteria, such as entomopathogenic Serratia spp., on subterranean rootworm pests. We used selective growth medium (caprylate-thallous agar, CT) to quantify and isolate Serratia spp. from: (1) bulk soil, (2) roots of four field-grown maize genotypes, half of which were infested with rootworm eggs from a reared colony, and (3) non-diseased, larval rootworms from the same colony. Phenotypic testing and 16S rRNA gene sequencing were used to identify bacteria, including non-Serratia spp., that were successfully isolated on the CT solid medium. We also isolated and identified Serratia spp. associated with non-diseased and diseased Diabrotica adults. Serratia spp. associated with maize roots were more abundant than those associated with bulk soil, where they were undetectable with our methods except for Serratia grimesii. There was no impact of plant genotype on densities of bacteria isolated from maize roots. S. grimesii was frequently associated with maize roots, regardless of infestation with rootworm eggs. Serratia marcescens biotype A4, Serratia plymuthica and several other Enterobacteriaceae genera were also associated with maize roots. Infesting the soil with rootworm eggs enhance the occurrence of two strains of the S. marcescens biotype A1b, with comparable densities of these orange and pink strains within infested roots. However, both strains were associated with larval rootworms from the reared colony, which may indicate that rootworms were introducing these bacteria into infested maize roots. In addition, within larvae the orange strain was significantly more abundant than the pink strain, and was also associated with diseased rootworm adults. Our studies identified specific Serratia strains associated with diseased rootworms that may have potential as biological control agents, and additional Serratia biotypes associated with the maize rhizosphere that, based on the literature, may function as plant growth promoting agents via antagonistic action against plant-pathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of cassava cultivars, in terms of cyanogenic potential and composition of macro- and micronutrients, sampled from different locations in rural Mozambique. Total cyanide concentrations in fresh cassava tissues were measured using portable cyanide testing kits, and elemental nutrients were later analyzed from dried plant tissue. Variation in cyanogenic potential and nutrient composition occurred both among cultivars and across locations. The majority of cultivars contained >100 ppm total cyanide, fresh weight, and are therefore considered to be dangerously poisonous unless adequately processed before consumption. Leaf cyanogenic and nutrient content varied with plant water status, estimated using carbon isotope discrimination (δ(13)C). The colonization of roots of all cultivars by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi was also quantified and found to be high, indicating that mycorrhizas could play a key role in plant nutrient acquisition in these low-input farming systems.  相似文献   

A method for the identification and quantification of phenolic compounds from artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) heads, juice, and pomace by HPLC with diode array and mass spectrometric detection was developed. Among the 22 major compounds, 11 caffeoylquinic acids and 8 flavonoids were detected. Quantification of individual compounds was carried out by external calibration. Apigenin 7-O-glucuronide was found to be the major flavonoid in all samples investigated. 1,5-Di-O-caffeoylquinic acid represented the major hydroxycinnamic acid, with 3890 mg/kg in artichoke heads and 3269 mg/kg in the pomace, whereas in the juice 1,3-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid (cynarin) was predominant, due to the isomerization during processing. Total phenolic contents of approximately 12 g/kg on a dry matter basis revealed that artichoke pomace is a promising source of phenolic compounds that might be recovered and used as natural antioxidants or functional food ingredients.  相似文献   

Fresh and 3-day-old coffee pulp of the Arabica variety were analyzed for polyphenol composition followed by characterization by two different methods. The first method consisted in subjecting coffee pulp powder to direct thiolysis. For the second method, coffee pulp was subjected to successive solvent extractions, followed by thiolysis. Quantification of phenolic compounds was then achieved by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of thiolysis products. Four major classes of polyphenols were identified: flavan-3-ols (monomers and procyanidins), hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonols, and anthocyanidins. Differences in concentration of procyanidins were observed between fresh and 3-day-old coffee pulp. Constitutive units were mainly epicatechin, representing more than 90% of the proanthocyanidin units, with average degrees of polymerization in the range of 3.8-9.1. Monomer to hexamer units of flavan-3-ols from fresh coffee pulp were separated by normal-phase HPLC. Molecular size of oligomeric proanthocyanidins was obtained by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Results obtained confirm the presence of oligomers of the flavan-3-ol (-)-epicatechin.  相似文献   

Hypericum perforatum (Hp) is commonly known for its antiviral, antidepressant, and cytotoxic properties, but traditionally Hp was also used to treat inflammation. In this study, the anti-inflammatory activity and cytotoxicity of different Hp extractions and accessions and constituents present within Hp extracts were characterized. In contrast to the antiviral activity of Hp, the anti-inflammatory activity observed with all Hp extracts was light-independent. When pure constituents were tested, the flavonoids, amentoflavone, hyperforin, and light-activated pseudohypericin, displayed anti-inflammatory activity, albeit at concentrations generally higher than the amount present in the Hp extracts. Constituents that were present in the Hp extracts at concentrations that inhibited the production of prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) were pseudohypericin and hyperforin, suggesting that they are the primary anti-inflammatory constituents along with the flavonoids, and perhaps the interactions of these constituents and other unidentified compounds are important for the anti-inflammatory activity of the Hp extracts.  相似文献   


The initial phosphorus desirable value (DV) to give maximum dry weight and maximum growth rate for various growing periods has been estimated for the 1: 1.5 water extraction procedure and Olsen's procedure by regressing dry weight and net growth rate against soil test values using a quadratic function. DV for dry weight and growth rate has been estimated for chrysanthemum and verbena (2 trials each) and for dry weight for tomato (1 trial) in a number of substrates.

The DV for water extractable P to give maximum dry weight and growth rate in the tomato, chrysanthemum and one verbena trial tended to be higher for peat than for other substrates. For tomatoes the DV for maximum dry weight ranged from about 2 ppm in JIP to about 40 ppm in peat but the range was smaller for other substrates (14.3 ‐ 24.7 ppm). The DV for Olsen's extract was much less affected by substrate; it varied from 27.6 ‐ 32.5 μg/ml to 53.8 ‐ 62.3 μg/ml. The DV to give maximum dry weight for chrysanthemum varied from 2.3 ‐ 2.4 ppm in peat + soil to 19.0 ‐ 23.6 ppm in peat for the water extract, and 14.8 ‐ 18 μg/ml in peat + sawdust + sand (PSS) to 7 4 ‐ 78 μg/ml in peat for Olsen's method. For the verbena trials the DV to give maximum dry weight for the water extract varied from 3.0 ‐ 3.2 ppm in PSS to 17.7 ‐ 20.1 ppm in peat, and for Olsen's method 12.0 ‐ 14.2 μg/ml in peat to 27.8 ‐ 33.1 μg/ml in bark. The DV estimated for maximum growth rate were similar to those for maximum dry weight for both extracts.  相似文献   

Extracts of Capparis decidua stems and flowers showed insecticidal and oviposition inhibitory activities against Bruchus chinensis. The LC50 values of these extracts were found to increase with the increase in the polarity of the extract at different exposure periods. For instance, after 96 h, the LC50 values were found to be 3.619, 7.319, and 10.151 microg for CD1, CD2, and CD3, respectively. Extract CD7 was effective only at higher doses. The toxicity was found to be dose- and time-dependent. The females laid lesser number of eggs, when exposed to sublethal doses of different extracts and pure compounds, as compared to control. The maximum oviposition deterrence index was found for extract CD1 followed in decreasing order by CD2, CD3, and CD7. From extract CD1, two compounds were isolated and characterized as triacontanol (C1) and 2-carboxy-1,1-dimethylpyrrolidine (C2). When the females were exposed to sublethal doses of these compounds, they laid lesser number of eggs as compared to the control. C2 was found to have a slightly greater oviposition inhibition effect than C1. From fraction CD7, one novel compound labeled as CDF1 has been isolated and identified as 6-(1-hydroxy-non-3-enyl)tetrahydropyran-2-one. CDF1 has also shown insecticidal and oviposition inhibitory activities against B. chinensis at low concentrations.  相似文献   

Cottonseed storage lipids (primarily triglycerides), in either crude or refined form, were found to support growth and aflatoxin B(1) production by Aspergillus flavus. When lipids were removed from ground whole cottonseed by petroleum ether extraction, aflatoxin production dropped by more than 800-fold. Reconstitution of the lipid-extracted ground whole seed with a crude preparation of cottonseed lipids restored aflatoxin production to the previous levels. Fungal utilization of the three major cottonseed reserve materials, raffinose, triglycerides (refined cottonseed oil), and cottonseed storage protein, was monitored in vitro over a 7 day fermentation period. The fermentation medium contained the reserve compounds in proportions approximating those found in mature cottonseed. A. flavus rapidly converted raffinose to fructose and melibiose, presumably by action of invertase, and then hydrolyzed the melibiose. These simple sugars apparently supported initial growth and aflatoxin B(1) production. Raffinose and the resulting melibiose were nearly exhausted by day 2. Fungal hydrolysis of triglycerides began as exhaustion of carbohydrate approached. After day 2, rapid catabolism of the released fatty acids began and coincided with glucose regeneration through gluconeogenesis, which peaked on day 6. The fungus did not preferentially utilize specific fatty acids. A. flavus also produced a number of storage metabolites, including arabitol, erythritol, mannitol, and trehalose. Mannitol was produced in much higher concentrations than the other storage metabolites. Selective use of simple carbohydrates by A. flavus to drive aflatoxin production may suggest strategies for reducing vulnerability of cottonseed to aflatoxin contamination.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of 4(5)-methylimidazole (4MeI) in naturally brewed soy sauce was developed for the first time using solid-phase extraction (SPE) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). SPE on silica-based reversed-phase cartridges with heptafluorobutyric acid as an ion-pairing reagent was used for the efficient cleanup of 4MeI. A multimode ODS column was employed for the chromatographic separation. To subtract the matrix effect during LC-MS/MS analysis, a standard addition method was used. The levels of 4MeI found in naturally brewed soy sauce were extremely low (ranging from <0.002 to 0.023 μg/g), whereas those in soy sauces containing caramel color were generally high (ranging from 0.43 to 4.8 μg/g). The method proved to be useful for the analysis of 4MeI in other foods such as caramel colors, drinks, and Worcestershire sauce.  相似文献   

Sicilian cultivars of prickly pear (Opuntia ficus indica) produce yellow, red, and white fruits, due to the combination of two betalain pigments, the purple-red betanin and the yellow-orange indicaxanthin. The betalain distribution in the three cultivars and the antioxidant activities of methanolic extracts from edible pulp were investigated. In addition, the reducing capacity of purified betanin and indicaxanthin was measured. According to a spectrophotometric analysis, the yellow cultivar exhibited the highest amount of betalains, followed by the red and white ones. Indicaxanthin accounted for about 99% of betalains in the white fruit, while the ratio of betanin to indicaxanthin varied from 1:8 (w:w) in the yellow fruit to 2:1 (w:w) in the red one. Polyphenol pigments were negligible components only in the red fruit. When measured as 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid (Trolox) equivalents per gram of pulp, the methanolic fruit extracts showed a marked antioxidant activity. Vitamin C did not account for more than 40% of the measured activity. In addition, the extracts dose-dependently inhibited the organic hydroperoxide-stimulated red cell membrane lipid oxidation, as well as the metal-dependent and -independent low-density lipoprotein oxidation. The extract from the white fruit showed the highest protection in all models of lipid oxidation. Purified betanin and indicaxanthin were more effective than Trolox at scavenging the [2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)] diammonium salt cation radical. Cyclic voltammetric measurements show two anodic waves for betanin and indicaxanthin, and differential pulse voltammetry shows three anodic waves for betanin, with calculated peak potentials of 404, 616, and 998 mV, and two anodic waves for indicaxanthin, with peak potentials of 611 and 895 mV. Betanin underwent complex formation through chelation with Cu(2+), whereas indicaxanthin was not modified. These findings suggest that the above betalains contribute to the antioxidant activity of prickly pear fruits.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight polyphenols (11 flavonoid derivatives and 17 hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives) were detected in different cultivars of the Chinese cabbage pak choi ( Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis var. communis) by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS(n). Kaempferol was found to be the major flavonoid in pak choi, glycosylated and acylated with different compounds. Smaller amounts of isorhamnetin were also detected. A structural determination was carried out by (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopy for the main compound, kaempferol-3-O-hydroxyferuloylsophoroside-7-O-glucoside, for the first time. Hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives were identified as different esters of quinic acid, glycosides, and malic acid. The latter ones are described for the first time in cabbages. The content of polyphenols was determined in 11 cultivars of pak choi, with higher concentrations present in the leaf blade than in the leaf stem. Hydroxycinnamic acid esters, particularly malic acid derivatives, are present in both the leaf blade and leaf stem, whereas flavonoid levels were determined only in the leaf blade.  相似文献   

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