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肉羊具有性成熟早、四季发情和产羔率高等特点。因此肉羊的饲养期短、周转快,可充分利用季节性饲草资源,达到当年产羔、当年育肥、当年屠宰、当年受益。而且肉羊生产的圈舍投资少,饲养成本低,经济效益好,是非常适合广大养殖户饲养的草食性家畜。为了提升肉羊的品质,应当加强肉羊的饲养技术管理,注意饲养场的卫生,选择优良品种配种,重视肉羊的疫病防制,只有这样才能够有效提高肉羊养殖的经济效益。  相似文献   

舍饲肉羊的高效饲养管理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着农牧区养羊业的快速与规模化发展,舍饲肉羊业已成为广大农牧民致富奔小康的一项主导产业.介绍了肉羊品种的选择、肉羊圈舍的建设、舍饲肉羊的饲养管理技术以及疫病防治措施.  相似文献   

1繁殖母羊饲养技术繁殖母羊担负着配种、妊娠、哺乳等繁重任务,应给予良好的饲养,以保证多胎、多产、多活、多壮。繁殖母羊按生理阶段分为空怀期、妊娠期和哺乳期。1.1空怀期指从羔羊断奶到母羊再次配种前的时期,也为恢复期,大约3个月。这时期母羊饲养的重点是抓膘复壮,体况恢复到中等以上,以利配种。中等体况第一情期受胎率可达80%~85%,体况差的只达到65%~75%。加强母羊配种前一个半月的饲养,尽量选择草质好的草场放牧,延长放牧时间,如草地草质不好,吃不饱时,每只羊每日补饲0.2~0.3千克的混合精料,达到中等以上营养水平,以促进发情,使发…  相似文献   

肉羊高效饲养技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国广大农区肉羊饲养中,一直存在着传统的粗放式经营,使其经济效益低下,饲养周期长,只有通过科学的饲养,才能提高经济效益,致富于农民。  相似文献   

无公害肉羊饲养管理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无公害肉羊养殖的环境指标.应符合农业行业标准《NY/T388—1999》的规定要求。  相似文献   

随着畜牧业的发展,传统的放牧式的肉羊饲养方式已很难适应现代化生产的要求,舍饲养羊成为目前广大养殖户共同关心的问题。因为肉羊舍饲有利于形成饲养规模,提高产品质量和养殖效益;有利于生态环境的改善,减少对环境生态资源的过度利用。但要提高肉羊舍饲养殖的经济效益,必须真正掌握舍饲高效养殖技术。下面简要介绍  相似文献   

The selection of sheep with scrapie-resistant PrP genotypes is one of the control measures for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in ruminants. In this study, we investigated the frequencies of PrP genotypes in meat breeds in Japan. The nationwide surveillance revealed that nearly half of the Suffolk sheep, a major meat breed in Japan, carried scrapie-susceptible AQ/AQ and AQ/VQ genotypes. In addition, the VQ haplotype, which confers high susceptibility to scrapie within sheep, was also found in Poll Dorset sheep. A trial of selective breeding using sires with scrapie-resistant PrP genotypes AQ/AR and AR/AR could raise the ratio of scrapie-resistant sheep from less than 50% to 80% within 3 years. However, the use of sires with the AR/AR genotype and the selection of ewes would be required to achieve a higher ratio of scrapie-resistant sheep.  相似文献   

针对缺乏优质肉羊品种、母羊繁殖效率低、育肥羔羊供给数量严重不足和育肥技术落后等肉羊生产现状,从肉羊高效杂交利用技术、繁殖调控技术、工厂化快速育肥技术和肉羊异地生产模式等方面进行了论述,以期为不同区域和生产定位的养殖场(户)提供技术参考。  相似文献   

高山细毛羊是在海拔2600~3500m的祁连山高寒牧区育成的我国第一个高原型毛肉兼用细毛羊品种,它是以新疆细毛羊、高加索细毛羊为父本,以当地西藏羊、蒙古羊为母本,经过杂交改良、横交固定、选育提高3个育种阶段培育而成的。甘肃高山细毛羊以其优良的高原抗逆性而著称,并于1995年被列入《世界动物品种志》;  相似文献   

近年来,随着科技不断进步,先进的生产技术和生产方式被广泛应用到养殖业发展中,品种的选育、饲料的配方、生物制品和药物的研发都达到了较高的水平,客观上为养殖业的发展提供了条件和保障。由于养鸭业饲养周期短、见效快、效益好,再加上品种、饲料、疫苗药品等方面有保障,养鸭业发展越来越快,规模越来越大,规模养殖场越来越多。  相似文献   

养好肉鹅,提高效益,要注意掌握以下几点。  相似文献   

A deterministic approach was used to genetically and economically evaluate the efficiency of five two‐tier nucleus breeding systems for meat sheep in Kenya. The nucleus breeding systems differed in terms of whether the system was closed or open, in the type of animals that were involved in the movement of genetic superiority and in the number of selection pathways in each system. These systems were compared under four alternative breeding objectives based on monetary genetic gain and profit per ewe. The first objective simulated a situation where the flock size cannot be increased due to non‐feed related constraints (FLOCK). The second specifically assumed that the flock size is restricted due to limited amount of feed resources (FEED). The third and fourth objectives assumed that sheep performed only tangible roles (TR) and both tangible and intangible roles (IR) in the production system respectively. Monetary genetic gains were highest for all objectives in an open nucleus system with a certain proportion of commercial‐born ewes being introduced in the nucleus while at the same time utilizing young rams from the nucleus to breed sires and dams for the nucleus and commercial sector (ONyre). Utilizing young rams in a closed nucleus system for the dissemination of superior genes resulted in higher annual monetary genetic gain than utilization of old rams. Profit per ewe was significantly higher for FLOCK and IR in ONyre. In a closed system that allowed for downward movement of dams from the nucleus to the commercial sector to breed sires and dams, profit per ewe was highest for FEED and TR. The success of a nucleus breeding system should also focus on the profitability and logistics of establishing it. The implication of these results on the choice of two‐tier nucleus breeding systems for the improvement of meat sheep is discussed.  相似文献   

分析了RomillyHills肉用细毛羊与中国美利奴羊 (ChinaMerino)杂交一代公羔出生到 2月龄的生长发育 ,2~ 5月龄育肥效果和羊肉品质。结果表明 :在农区集约化生产方式下 ,R×C一代公羔初生重比中国美利奴羊高 0 44kg ,差异显著 (P <0 0 5) ;2月龄、 5月龄的活重和日增重分别高于中国美利奴羊 3 1 0kg、 5 94kg和 48g、 32g (P <0 0 1 )。胸围、胸宽和十字部宽均极显著高于中国美利奴羊 (P <0 0 1 ) ,胸深显著高于中国美利奴羊 (P <0 0 5)。R×C一代公羔比中国美利奴羊胴体重、净肉重分别高 4 90kg和 3 94kg (P <0 0 1 ) ;屠宰率和净肉率分别高4 2 5 %和 3 9% (P <0 0 5) ;后腿、腰肉重占胴体重百分比高 8 39% (P <0 0 1 ) ;眼肌面积和GR值分别高 2 80cm2 和 0 55mm (P <0 0 5) ;肌内脂肪含量低 2 40 % (P <0 0 5)。  相似文献   

Selenium did not exceed 108 ng/g in muscle after single subcutaneous dosesof 5 mg selenium into weaned lambs. Levels in liverand kidney exceeded 2000 ng/g only during the first day after treatment.  相似文献   

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