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有机水稻品种产量、品质和氮素吸收利用的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Due to the relatively late start of organic rice (Oryza sativa L.) research in China, there is a still lack of systematic research on rice varieties, organic fertilizer management practices, and especially the mechanisms of nitrogen (N) uptake and utilization. Three rice varieties, Nanjing 5055, Nanjing 9108, and Nanjing 46, were grown at organic farming (OF) with three organic fertilizer levels (103.2, 160.8, and 218.4 kg N ha-1) and conventional farming (CF) with regular chemical fertilizers. Rice grain yields, yield components, and quality, dry matter accumulation, and plant N were measured at different growth stages during the 2012 and 2013 growing seasons. Compared with CF, OF had a significantly reduced yield. Nanjing 9108 showed significant reductions in number of panicles per unit area and the percentage of filled grains, and had the lowest yield. The effects of fertilizer type and application rate on dry matter accumulation during the main growth periods were significant for all varieties. The N content and uptake of organically grown rice were lower compared with that of rice under CF. The N recovery efficiency and N agronomic efficiency were significantly lower, whereas N physiological efficiency and N partial factor productivity were greater under OF than under CF. Under OF, the processing quality showed a slight but insignificant decline, protein content and gel consistency increased, and amylose content decreased compared with those under CF. Correlation analysis showed that under OF, grain yield was significantly correlated with N uptake. The medium organic fertilizer level (160.8 kg N ha-1) was found to be the optimum fertilizer treatment, and Nanjing 46 appeared to be the best variety for organic rice cultivation. To increase rice grain yields and reduce the potential risk of non-point source pollution in organic agriculture, further research is needed to improve the N use efficiency in organic rice cultivation.  相似文献   

氮肥用量及其分施比例对棉花氮利用和土壤氮平衡的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Yellow River valley is one of the three largest cotton production areas in China.An experiment was performed in cotton fields of Anyang,China from 2013 to 2014 to investigate the effects of nitrogen(N) application rate and the ratio between basal and topdressing N fertilizer on N balance in a soil-plant system,N use efficiency,and cotton yield.Five N application rates as treatments were applied with the same split application ratio.Half of the N(50% basal fertilizer) was applied at pre-planting and the other half(50% topdressing fertilizer) at the initial flowering stage.These treatments were:zero N(N0,control),90 kg N ha~(-1)(N90(5/5)),180 kg N ha~(-1)(N180(5/5)),270 kg N ha~(-1)(N270(5/5),a reduced N rate),and 360 kg N ha~(-1)(N360(5/5),a conventional N rate).Additional 2 split application ratios as treatments were applied with the same N rate of 270 kg N ha~(-1).The split application ratios between basal N and topdressing N were 30%:70%(N270(3/7)) and 70%:30%(N270(7/3)).Results demonstrated that soil NH_4-N content in the 0–60 cm layer and NO3-N content in the 0–20 cm layer increased with increased N rate at the squaring and boll-opening stages and then decreased to lower levels at the initial flowering and harvest stages.Soil NO_3-N content in the 20–60 cm layer after the initial flowering stage increased with the increase of topdressing N rate.Soil apparent N surplus varied at different growth stages,while the soil apparent N surplus over the entire growth period exhibited a positive relationship at N rates over 180 kg ha~(-1).Seed cotton yield of N270(3/7) was the highest of all treatments.Plant N uptake,N agronomic efficiency,and apparent N recovery efficiency of N270(3/7) were significantly higher than those of N270(5/5) and N270(7/3) in both growing seasons.These suggest both economic and ecological benefits in cotton production in the Yellow River valley could be created,by appropriately reducing total N application rate and increasing the ratio of topdressing to basal N fertilizer at the initial flowering stage.  相似文献   

Over application of fertilizer N to cotton is not only a potential threat to environment but also leads to increased costs of cultivation. The study aimed to establish the indicator leaf and its critical greenness for in-season management of fertilizer nitrogen (N) in Bt cotton using chlorophyll (SPAD) meter and leaf color chart (LCC). The response of three varieties and N treatments viz. 0, 30, 60, 90,120, 150 and 180?kg N ha?1 applied in two splits {(50% at thinning and 50% at first flowering) and three splits (50% at thinning, 25% at first flowering and 25% at boll formation)} was studied through split plot design. SPAD values and LCC scores of first, second, third and fourth fully opened leaves from the top of the main stem was recorded at first flowering and boll formation. The physiological efficiency and harvest index was highest for 90?Kg N ha?1 applied in two splits. Beyond 120?kg N ha?1, the N use efficiency parameters were higher for the N treatments applied in three split compared to the respective two split N treatments. The fourth leaf from the top in terms of SPAD values and LCC scores correlated best with N concentration compared to other leaves at all growth stages. The calculated critical SPAD values for the fourth leaf were 45 and 41 at first flowering and boll formation, respectively. Critical score of fourth leaf was 4.1 and 4, respectively at first flowering and boll formation, respectively. It is suggested that color of the fourth leaf from the top of Bt cotton can well indicate N supply from the soil and can help in need based N management.  相似文献   

采用田间试验在施氮量为06、0、120、1802、40、3003、60.kg/hm27个水平下研究了不同水稻子粒产量、产量构成因子以及氮素吸收和利用的差异。结果表明,水稻品种4007的子粒产量在各个施氮水平下显著高于品种ELIO对氮肥的响应度高。施氮水平显著影响子粒产量构成因子。有效穗数与子粒产量存在显著正相关:ELIO和4007的相关系数(r)分别为0.839**和0.933**,表明有效穗数对水稻子粒产量起着非常重要的作用。本试验条件下,ELIO和4007获得最高产量所需的有效穗数分别为332、561个/m2;两者的氮素吸收效率在各施氮素水平下差异很小,均随着施氮量的增加而增加,而氮素利用效率均随着施氮量的增加而下降。4007的氮素利用效率在各个施氮水平下显著高于ELIO,较高的氮素收获指数(NHI)是主要原因之一。水稻氮素利用效率与成熟期茎秆、叶片的氮含量显著负相关,说明开花期后植物将吸收的氮素从营养器官有效地转运到子粒中是氮素利用效率高的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

太湖地区水稻最适宜施氮量研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To determine the optimal amount of nitrogen(N) fertilizer for achieving a sustainable rice production at the Taihu Lake region of China,two-year on-farm field experiments were performed at four sites using various N application rates.The results showed that 22%-30% of the applied N was recovered in crop and 7%-31% in soils at the rates of 100-350 kg N ha 1.Nitrogen losses increased with N application rates,from 44% of the applied fertilizer N at the rate of 100 kg N ha 1 to 69% of the N applied at 350 kg N ha 1.Ammonia volatilization and apparent denitrification were the main pathways of N losses.The N application rate of 300 kg N ha 1,which is commonly used by local farmers in the study region,was found to lead to a significant reduction in economic and environmental efficiency.Considering the cost for mitigating environmental pollution and the maximum net economic income,an application rate of 100-150 kg N ha 1 would be recommended.This recommended N application rate could greatly reduce N loss from 199 kg N ha 1 occurring at the N application rate of 300 kg N ha 1 to 80-110 kg N ha 1,with the rice grain yield still reaching 7 300-8 300 kg DW ha 1 in the meantime.  相似文献   

A portable chlorophyll meter (Minolta SPAD‐502) was used to assess the nitrogen status of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in two fertilizer trials at Apelsvoll Research Centre, located in south‐east Norway. The midpoint of the last fully developed leaf was found to be the best position on the winter wheat plant on which to take chlorophyll meter readings. This conclusion was reached after examination of the relationships between soil‐plant analyses development (SPAD) readings taken at different positions on the plant and leaf nitrogen concentration, grain yield and grain protein content. Emphasis was also laid on finding a measuring position that was convenient from a practical point of view. The relationships between chlorophyll meter readings and the parameters investigated were better at Zadoks growth stage (GS) 49 than earlier in the season at GS 31.  相似文献   

测苗定氮综合氮素管理提高直播稻产量和肥料利用效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】直播水稻生长期和养分吸收均不同于传统插秧稻。本研究比较了直播稻不同品种对苗期定氮综合氮素管理措施的响应,以期为直播稻的最佳氮肥管理提供理论依据。【方法】于2016-2017年在成都平原,以超级杂交稻、普通杂交稻、普通常规稻为材料进行了田间试验。设置两种氮肥调控处理:"一基多追"(即基肥、苗肥、分蘖肥、穗肥,N1)和"无基多追"(即氮肥不基施,中后期采用测苗定氮综合氮肥管理技术,N2),以不施氮为对照(N0)。于分蘖中期、幼穗分化期、齐穗期,采用叶绿素仪(SPAD-502)测定叶片SPAD值。于收获期,取样测定氮磷钾含量,调查产量及产量构成。【结果】与N1处理相比,N2处理施氮量减少了33.3%~40.0%,直播稻产量并未出现显著下降;氮肥农学利用率、氮肥偏生产力、氮肥吸收利用率平均分别提高了48.9%、56.7%、11.9%;N2处理直播稻氮、钾吸收量平均分别降低了10.8%、5.8%;生产1000kg稻谷氮、钾需求量平均分别降低了9.4%、4.0%,磷吸收量和生产1000 kg稻谷磷需求量与N1处理相当。与普通杂交稻和普通常规稻相比,相同氮素管理措施下,超级杂交稻产量平均增加了11.7%,氮、磷、钾吸收量平均分别增加了21.5%、37.7%、17.5%,每生产1000 kg稻谷氮、磷、钾需求量平均分别增加了8.9%、24.3%、6.5%。超级杂交稻较高的氮、磷、钾养分吸收量和较低的氮、磷、钾收获指数是其生产单位稻谷氮、磷、钾需求量增加的主要原因。【结论】直播稻基肥不施氮,中后期采用测苗定氮综合氮肥管理技术,不仅可以减少1/3的氮肥投入量,还可维持直播稻较高的产量,减少生产1000 kg稻谷的需氮量和需钾量,提高氮肥效率。超级杂交稻比普通杂交稻和常规稻更适合采用测苗定氮综合管理技术。  相似文献   

Leaf color chart (LCC) guides fertilizer nitrogen (N) application to rice as per requirement of the crop on the basis of a critical leaf color. Two field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of silicon (Si) and LCC based N management in aerobic rice. Following LCC-based N management, from 60 to 90 kg N ha?1 and 75 to 100 kg N ha?1 with 10–40% and 25–30% less fertilizer N was used without any reduction in yield as compared to the package of practices of 100 (50 kg N ha?1 as basal + two split of 25 kg N ha?1) kg N ha?1 respectively, during both the seasons. The highest grain yield was noticed with 90 kg N ha?1 (30 kg N ha?1 as basal + LCC-3) and 100 kg N ha?1 (50 kg N ha?1 as basal + two split of 25 kg N ha?1) along with the application of calcium silicate (CaSiO3) at 2 t ha?1 as sources of Si and on par with 60 kg N ha?1 (no basal + LCC-3) and 75 kg N ha?1 (30 kg N ha?1 as basal + LCC-3), respectively, during the season in 2008 and 2009. Higher fertilizer N use efficiency was recorded with Si and need-based N management using LCC-3 rather than recommended dose of fertilizer N.  相似文献   

氮肥运筹对水稻农学效应和氮素利用的影响   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
通过田间试验,以不同氮肥量级为参照,结合关键生育期叶片叶绿素含量(SPAD值)指导氮肥施用,以探明潜江地区水稻关键生育期的氮肥适宜用量。结果表明,在施N 90~180kg/hm2间水稻产量差异不显著,当超过N 180 kg/hm2,产量降低。根据水稻产量(y)和施氮量(x)拟合得出一元二次关系式:y = -0.0728x2 + 22.335x + 6811.5,R2 = 0.9442。结合当年水稻价格肥料投入费用等计算出水稻的经济效益(Y)和施氮量(X)之间的函数式:y = -0.134x2 + 37.097x + 12533-M,R2 = 0.9331;由此得出经济效益最大时水稻的施氮量是N 138 kg/hm2。该施氮量下水稻的氮肥表观利用率,农学利用率和氮肥偏生产力可保持在40.9%,11.5 kg/ kg和63.2 kg/ kg,与完全依据SPAD值指导关键生育期的氮肥施用量相近似(N 140 kg/hm2),保证了水稻最大的经济效益,同时也保持了较高的氮肥利用率,降低氮素表观损失。  相似文献   

A field trial was conducted over a 3-year period at the Hokkaido Kitami Agricultural Experiment Station to examine whether the grain protein content (GPC) of a winter wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Chihokukomugi) suitable for Japanese noodle-making could be predicted before harvest. The prediction of the GPC was accurate based on the color of the second leaf (just below the flag leaf) at the end of the emergence of the inflorescence, when nitrogen application was graded. In order to evaluate the reliability of this test, a survey of 95 wheat fields in the eastern part of Hokkaido was also carried out during a 3-year period. The prediction of the GPC for this cultivar based on the color of the second leaf was less accurate across many sites. The results of this survey, however, suggested that the leaf color could be used as an index for ranking the GPC as low or high in relation to processing requirements. When the leaf color value of the second leaf measured with a chlorophyll meter at the end of the emergence of the inflorescence was less than 40, it was predicted that the GPC would be lower than the processing requirement. This index could be applied to the cultivars grown in the eastern part of Hokkaido, except for those grown on peat soils.  相似文献   

中国水稻不同产量、品种和种植制度下氮需求量变异状况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Better understanding of the factors that influence crop nitrogen(N) requirement plays an important role in improving regional N recommendations for rice(Oryza sativa L.) production. We collected data from 1 280 plot-level measurements in different reaches of the Yangtze River, China to determine which factors contributed to variability in N requirement in rice. Yield, variety, and cropping system were significantly related to N requirement. The N requirement remained consistent at about 18.6 kg N Mg~(-1)grain as grain yield increased from 7 to 9 Mg ha~(-1), then decreased to 18.1, 16.9, and 15.9 kg N Mg~(-1)grain as yield increased to 9–10, 10–11, and 11 Mg ha~(-1), respectively. The decreased requirement for N with increasing yield was attributable to declining N concentrations in grain and straw and increased harvest index. Super rice variety had lower N requirement(17.7 kg N Mg~(-1)grain) than ordinary inbred and hybrid varieties(18.5 and 18.3 kg N Mg~(-1)grain, respectively), which was a result of lower grain and straw N concentrations of super rice. The N requirements were 19.2, 17.8, and 17.5 kg N Mg~(-1)grain for early, middle, and late rice cropping systems, respectively. In conclusion, the rice N requirement was affected by multiple factors, including yield, variety, and cropping system, all of which should be considered when planning for optimal N management.  相似文献   

为探讨头季稻不同肥料运筹方式对再生稻产量和氮素利用率的影响,以杂交稻组合"Ⅱ优航2号"为材料,在头季施氮量225.00kg·hm-2的基础上,研究了不同基蘖穗肥氮素配比[3种基蘖肥与穗肥配比分别为8:2(N1)、7:3(N2)、6:4(N3)]头季稻-再生季稻氮素累积量、干物质生产、产量及氮素利用率的特性。结果表明:与N1、N2相比,头季成熟期N3处理氮素累积量分别增加9.26%、3.54%,头季齐穗期~头季成熟期N3处理氮素转移量分别增加21.47%、6.76%,整个生育期N3处理干物质净积累总量分别增加5.10%、4.78%。N3处理头季产量最高,达12431kg·hm-2,极显著高于N1、N2处理;氮肥利用率达46.44%,比N1、N2处理提高14.81%、5.43%;氮肥农学利用率达20.66kg·kg-1,比N1、N2处理提高14.97%、12.34%。研究结果还表明,头季不同基蘖穗肥氮素配比对再生稻再生季的影响不显著。  相似文献   

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