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The integrated use of tree rings and outer tissues, and lichens, was tested for monitoring how pollutant concentrations vary in space and over time nearby an incinerator in industrial area in Central Italy. Trace elements in thalli of lichen Xanthoria parietina and in leaves, bark, wood of Quercus pubescens, as well as carbon, oxygen and nitrogen isotope ratios in tree rings were analyzed. Some trace elements in the leaves differed significantly between the plots, though this was not the case in lichens and bark. The values of δ13C and δ18O showed the same trend in all plots, while the values of δ15N were higher in the distal plot. The results indicated that trace elements were intercepted and collected by tree bark and leaves, as well as lichens, at low concentrations, and that they hardly entered into tree xylem tissues during the growing season to be stored into the woody tissues. Indeed, the study did not highlight marked changes over time and space, in accumulation of airborne pollutants in the selected biomonitors, most probably due to the low levels of industrial development. Nevertheless, the analysis of tree ring cores in combination with bark and leaves, and lichens might potentially contribute to depict historic impacts of airborne pollutants at pronounced concentrations.  相似文献   

Quaternary landscape ecology: Relevant scales in space and time   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Two primary goals of landscape ecologists are to (1) evaluate changes in ecological pattern and process on natural landscapes through time and (2) determine the ecological consequences of transforming natural land-scapes to cultural ones. Paleoecological techniques can be used to reconstruct past landscapes and their changes through time; use of paleoecological methods of investigation in combination with geomorphic and paleoethnobiological data, historical records, and shorter-term ecological data sets makes it possible to integrate long-term ecological pattern and process on a nested series of temporal and spatial scales. Natural experiments of the past can be used to test alternative hypotheses about the relative influences of environmental change, biological interactions, and human activities in structuring biotic communities within landscape mosaics.On the absolute time scale of the Quaternary Period, spanning the past 1.8 million years, current distributional ranges of the biota have taken shape and modern biotic communities have assembled. Quaternary environmental changes have influenced the development of natural landscapes over time scales of centuries to hundreds of thousands of years; human cultural evolution has resulted in the transformation of much of the biosphere from natural to cultural landscapes over the past 5,000 years. The Quaternary extends to and includes the present and the immediate future. Knowledge of landscape changes on a Quaternary time scale is essential to landscape ecologists who wish to have a context for predicting future trends on local, regional, and global scales.  相似文献   

Andy Millard 《Landscape Ecology》2008,23(10):1231-1241
The species composition of semi-natural vegetation in urban areas is influenced by a diversity of factors operating at a variety of spatial scales. This study investigates relationships at the landscape scale between species numbers of semi-natural plant communities and variations in the nature of designated urban green space. Species’ records were obtained from a survey of tetrads (2 km × 2 km) across a contiguous central area of built-up landscape and nearby satellite settlements in the metropolitan borough of Leeds, northern England. Plant species were categorised into natives, archaeophytes, neophytes, casuals and conservation-designated species. The type and extent of designated urban green space within a tetrad was determined using GIS. There was more built-up and designated green space area in the central urban area than in the satellite settlements. However, this difference was not reflected statistically significantly in plant category species’ numbers. Numbers of native species correlated positively with areas of green space designated for relatively high nature conservation value. Neophytes and casuals correlated positively with semi-natural green space lacking rare native species or high native species richness but designated principally for local community accessibility. The value of such spaces and the importance of their appropriate management, not only for community benefits like individual physical health and mental well-being, but also for overall urban plant biodiversity, is highlighted.  相似文献   

Moorlands perform a wide variety of roles within modern society. A vital component of these landscapes is the patterning of vegetation, and management of this requires a thorough understanding of the drivers of vegetation change. Although there has been a considerable body of research focussed on the processes that are important in patterning contemporary vegetation these typically lack any significant time-depth. Long-term data, using palaeoecological techniques, offer insights into drivers of vegetation change that are otherwise unachievable. This paper presents new palaeoecological data from Dartmoor (UK) to test two hypotheses: (1) that vegetation character of moorland is spatially homogenous through the past 8,000 years; and (2) that burning has a significant role in the development of open, grass-dominated, vegetation. Four peat cores spanning the past 8,000 years were subject to pollen and microcharcoal analysis. Thirty-seven radiocarbon age estimates were obtained to determine age-depth models for the pollen and charcoal stratigraphies. Differences within and between the pollen stratigraphies have been used as an indirect measure of landscape heterogeneity at a coarse scale. The data reveal periods of time during which differences in the vegetation (as sensed by pollen) around each site are small, and periods during which differences between vegetation are large. Periods of time characterised by greater spatial difference, and by inference greater heterogeneity, correlate with periods characterised by greater human exploitation of the landscape as revealed by archaeological evidence. Human activities therefore promote greater spatial patterning in the landscape. Fire alone is not an important control on long-term peatland vegetation development. The results are useful for conservation strategies by demonstrating variability in spatial diversity of vegetation patterns in the past, and pointing towards opportunities to recreate and maintain diverse vegetation mosaics.  相似文献   

莲是一种特殊的被子植物,既具有双子叶植物特征,又具有单子叶植物的某些性状。研究莲的起源与分类对研究被子植物的起源与进化及莲的科研、生产等具有重要的参考价值。本文综述了莲的起源、分布及植物学、园艺学、生态学分类。  相似文献   

The establishment of woody plants following agricultural abandonment in the Mediterranean region is a very widespread process which underlines the extent of the rural exodus. The installation windows in space and time were studied in the French Mediterranean region for two common woody plants, Buxus sempervirens and Fraxinus angustifolia and for a group of common woody fleshy-fruited species. These plants differ in their principal modes of dispersal which are respectively, barochory, anemochory and ornithochory. Their installation was analyzed in relation to the seed shadows, the spatial patterns and the age structures of the seedlings. The majority of the seeds were dispersed over short distances, although some animal vectors may promote a limited amount of long distance dispersal. Hence, whatever the mode of dispersal, a few seeds are often dispersed far from the maternal plant. The combination of several dispersal types in one plant species is a frequently observed feature, one being dominant at a small scale, and related to successional processes, the other being dominant at a larger scale and related to invasive processes. In the old fields the spatial pattern of seedlings closely follow the observed seed shadows. However, competition with the maternal plants may lead to, in some cases, a recruitment deficit close to the seed-bearers. Age structures show that woody plants often install very early after the abandonment of cultivation and that the installation window in time is shortened by the development of a dense herbaceous cover. It is concluded that the installation of woody plants in Mediterranean old fields cannot be reduced to a general rule. The rate and extent of installation depends mainly on the spatial distribution of the seed-bearers, therefore of the spatial patterns of the landscape.  相似文献   

主要通过对建筑空间与文化以及建筑空间与情感之间的相互关系进行理论分析,并以江南园林建筑为例,进一步讨论三者之间的作用与反作用,从而阐明想要设计出更具人文关怀和实用价值的建筑空间,就应当更多地融入文化意识与情感。  相似文献   

Growing a resilient landscape depends heavily on finding an appropriate match between the scales of demands on ecosystems by human societies and the scales at which ecosystems are capable of meeting these demands. While the dynamics of environmental change and ecosystem service provision form the basis of many landscape ecology studies, enhancing landscape resilience is, in many ways, a problem of establishing relevant institutions that act at appropriate scales to modify and moderate demand for ecosystem services and the resulting exploitation of ecosystems. It is also of central importance for landscape sustainability that institutions are flexible enough to adapt to changes in the external environment. The model provided by natural ecosystems suggests that it is only by encouraging and testing a diversity of approaches that we will be able to build landscapes that are resilient to future change. We advocate an approach to landscape planning that involves growing learning institutions on the one hand, and on the other, developing solutions to current problems through deliberate experimentation coupled with social learning processes.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - We investigated the question “Is there a relationship between seasonality in precipitation and vegetative cover in Pole Canyon, NM?” GIS and statistical methods were...  相似文献   

湘潭矮脚白肉质甜美、粗纤维少、质地细嫩、水分中等、品质优良,食用口感细嫩、脆滑、清甜,深受广大消费者的喜爱。湘潭市人民政府为推进湘潭矮脚白产业的发展,打造区域农业产业公共品牌,于2016年起将湘潭矮脚白纳入国家地理标志保护产品申报计划,根据《农产品地理标志公告》(2017年2620号),湘潭矮脚白被批准为中华人民共和国地理标志保护产品。  相似文献   

A conceptual model of Douglas-fir bark beetle (Dendroctonus pseudotsugae) dynamics and associated host tree mortality across multiple spatial and temporal scales was developed, then used to guide a study of the association between the occurrence of beetle- killed trees and factors that might render trees more susceptible to attack. Long-term records of beetle kill showed that beetle epidemics were associated with windstorms and drought at statewide and local spatial scales. At the landscape scale, beetle kill was associated with (i) portions of the landscape that were potentially drier (southern aspects, lower elevations) and (ii) portions of the landscape that had more mature and old-growth conifer vegetation. The patches of beetle-killed trees were aggregated with respect to other patches at scales of approximately 1 and 4 km. At the scale of the individual tree, there was not a strong relationship between beetle kill and resistance to attack measured by tree growth rate prior to attack. Our results show that landscape-scale phenomena and temporal patterns were more strongly correlated with beetle-kill events than was recent growth history at the scale of individual trees. We suggest that the multi-scale approach we employed is useful for elucidating the relative roles of fine- versus coarse-scale constraints on ecological processes.  相似文献   

贵州黔西北高海拔地区盛产杂粮芸豆,其中以威宁芸豆种植历史悠久,市场知名度高,种植面积较大,在生产中与玉米套种,种植面积常年稳定在4.67万hm^2左右,产量420万kg左右。威宁芸豆具有籽粒饱满,种皮色泽明亮,蒸煮后口感细嫩绵柔等特点,在国内杂粮豆类市场具较高的占有率和品牌知名度。威宁芸豆质量特点与当地的气候环境、人文因素密切相关,威宁自治县人民政府向原国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)申请地理标志产品保护,在2017年根据原国家质检总局“2017年第108号”公告,威宁芸豆被原国家质检总局批准为中华人民共和国地理标志保护产品。  相似文献   

武汉市洪山区天兴乡的西瓜种植历史可追溯至清朝末年,据史料记载,天兴洲在1920年开始种植西瓜,距今已有100 a的历史。20世纪80年代,天兴洲西瓜种植面积高达1333.3 hm^2,是一个名副其实的“瓜洲”。  相似文献   

Savanna rangelands are undergoing rapid environmental change and the need to monitor and manage landscape health is becoming increasingly an imperative of government agencies and research organizations. Remotely sensed ecological indicators of disturbance offer a potential approach, particularly in the context of issues of scale required to assess and monitor extensive rangeland areas. The objective of this research is to analyse the potential of spatially explicit ecological indicators of disturbance to explain the spatial variability in species diversity and abundance (including introduced flora species) in rangelands. For two mapped rangeland ecosystem types in northern Australia, regression analysis was used to explore the relationships between species diversity and abundance, and remotely sensed ground cover time series statistics, foliage projective cover, and a precipitation deficit index. It was assumed that the ecosystem types used had been mapped to represent uniform vegetation units and consequently predictors of environmental heterogeneity were not used in the regression analysis. It was found that the predictor variables performed well in explaining the variation in species diversity and abundance for the more open, homogenous and less topographically complex basalt ecosystem type and less effectively for the more structurally complex, more wooded and less disturbed metamorphic ecosystem type. The results indicate that, for mapped ecosystem types with low heterogeneity and topographic complexity, ground cover temporal mean and variance are potentially useful indicators of disturbance to species diversity and abundance, provided the local spatial variability in the climate signal is accounted for.  相似文献   

潘家大辣椒是长江中游洞庭湖区域久负盛名的地方优良辣椒品种,流传于湘鄂两省江湖平原地区,畅销湖南省内长、株、潭、岳及江西、广东等省外市场.因其原产地位于华容县潘家乡,1990年湖南省人民政府蔬菜办公室正式将其命名为潘家大辣椒.  相似文献   

黄州萝卜是湖北黄冈地区种植的传统蔬菜,栽培历史悠久。近年来,黄冈市政府重视黄冈地理标志保护产品产业的发展。2008年,原国家质检总局批准对“黄州萝卜”实施地理标志产品保护。黄冈市农业科学院联合黄冈师范学院等单位从事黄州萝卜种质资源提纯复壮和品质提升技术研究,建成了黄州萝卜种质资源圃,致力于黄州萝卜栽培技术的优化和产量、品质的改善。  相似文献   

麻城位于鄂东北鄂豫皖交界处,是黄冈市管辖的农业大市(县)。麻城辣椒是麻城市的主要特色蔬菜之一。其果形粗大,外观整齐,色泽光亮,果皮薄、肉质厚而香脆,微辣,适于煎、炒、烹、炸等,并且能和多种菜肴搭配,还可生食。麻城辣椒含有丰富的维生素C、β-胡萝卜素、叶酸及镁、钾;长期食用不仅能开胃,增进食欲,促进消化,而且还具有通利肺气、通达窍表、通顺血脉的“三通”作用,深受广大消费者青睐。麻城辣椒于2014年获得农业部农产品地理标志登记保护。  相似文献   

保田生姜为贵州区域性名优特色农产品,生产范围以贵州省盘州市保田镇为核心产区,辐射周边普田乡、新民乡、响水镇等,常年种植面积0.67万hm2以上,经过近10 a的发展,已经成为盘州市“一县一业”、保田镇“一乡一品”的当地脱贫攻坚主导产业。2016年,根据《中华人民共和国农业部公告第2468号》,保田生姜获得中华人民共和国农产品地理标志登记,被批准为地理标志保护产品。  相似文献   

石尚  文礼章 《长江蔬菜》2010,(18):47-54
为了进一步了解我国不同地理区域甜菜夜蛾生存发育和繁殖力的规律,收集整理了不同地理区域我国学者对甜菜夜蛾种群与温湿度关系的研究文献,通过提取各相关地区文献中有关温度和湿度对甜菜夜蛾生存发育繁殖影响的相关数据,并应用SPSS11.5统计分析软件中的方差分析和回归分析方法对其进行了综合性比对统计分析。结果表明,温度是影响甜菜夜蛾存活率、发育力的主导因素,地理区域间和湿度与之相关,但不显著;而地理区域则是影响成虫繁殖力的主导因素,在各学者所设试验水平范围内,温度和湿度的变化与成虫产卵量变化相关,但不显著。本文通过对比和综合分析,重新整理了相关文献提供的数据,得出了我国甜菜夜蛾广域的最适生存温度为26~29℃,最适生存湿度为70%~80%。各虫态广域的发育起点温度和有效积温分别为:卵,14.39℃,36.88日度;幼虫,11.31℃,192.86日度;蛹,13.65℃,105.77日度,各地区间差异不显著。  相似文献   

针对乌鲁木齐市主要道路绿化现状,就植物种类、季相搭配、植物配置模式进行调查研究.结果表明:乌鲁木齐市道路绿地主要有绿化植物92种,其中乔木类49种、灌木类21种、花卉类22种,还有部分草本及藤本植物.调查发现,道路绿化以乔木为主,但美化树种不多,出现频度最高的10种乔木,没有1种既观花又观叶的种类;季相搭配做到了四季变化,但春、冬季景观薄弱;植物配置垂直结构共3种类型,其中具3~4层结构的占50%.提出:今后应增加季相、色相变化感强的观花或观果乔木树种,调整乔、灌树种比例,适当增加花灌木与宿根花卉的种类与数量,此外,不同道路植物种类的选择和配置首先应与道路的性质和功能紧密结合.  相似文献   

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