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Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., parr habitat characterisation is usually performed by in situ measures of key environmental variables taken at the exact fish location if the fishing gear allows precise pinpointing of this location, or in large sampling sections covering a river reach or mesohabitat, often ignoring variability in the immediate vicinity around individual fish. These data may be critically important in the development and validation of habitat preference models. The influences of seven increasing distances of measures, the variation of the number of considered measures and the depth of velocity measurement (bottom or 0.6 of the depth) in the calculations of HSI (Habitat Suitability Index) from a multiple‐experts fuzzy model of Atlantic salmon parr habitat were tested. When a parr was present, six measures collected in a 50‐cm radius around the fish to provide an average measure as input data and velocity measured at 60% of the depth gave the highest HSI values. These results show some potential for the use of an intermediate study scale, between micro‐ and mesohabitat, and questions how fish habitat conditions are currently measured.  相似文献   

Brown trout ♀ × brook trout ♂ hybrids, together with parental species controls from the same breeders, were tested up to the age of 3 years at four different fish farms. Aside from egg and newborn alevin mortalities, the survival rate of the hybrids was similar to that of brown trout while that of brook trout was much lower. Hybrid growth was about intermediate between those of brown trout (inferior) and brook trout (superior). Sexual maturation was severely impaired in the hybrids, which resulted in high dressing rates: females had practically no ovarian development and male gonadogenesis, although limited, caused some morbidity during the spawning season. The feasibility of hybrid fish culture using genetic improvements is discussed in the light of these results.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Winter growth and survival of wild individually tagged juvenile Arctic charr (1+ age) from a riverine anadromous stock, were studied in a small ice-covered (∼6 months) ground water brook (temperature ∼1 °C) connected to Skibotnelva in subarctic northern Norway. The overall winter survival was estimated to be 68% from late October 2005 to early May 2006. The recaptured charr were not significantly different in initial length or weight compared with the nonrecaptured fish suggesting low size-dependent mortality. The majority (98%) of the recaptured charr showed significant increase in size, with a mean increment of 62% from their initial bodyweight and 12% of the charr parr had more than doubled their weight. The mean specific growth rate was calculated to be slightly lower (0.27) than estimated values from a growth model (∼0.35). In addition, the condition factor increased significantly during the field experiment. These results are the first individual growth data on riverine anadromous Arctic charr parr under natural winter conditions, and indicate that charr can grow relatively fast during periods with low temperature and also that ground water brooks can be good over-wintering habitat for juvenile Arctic charr. These results suggest that the winter period is perhaps a less severe bottleneck than previously recognised for the cold-adapted Arctic charr.  相似文献   

The predation impact of recently stocked triploid brown trout, Salmo trutta L., on migrating wild Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts was investigated in two field‐based experiments. The first experiment employed a unique experimental facility to monitor 57 wild S. salar smolts through an enclosure containing a known density of stocked S. trutta to determine a predation rate. None of these smolts were preyed upon by the stocked S. trutta. The second experiment investigated the diet of free‐ranging stocked triploid S. trutta in a chalk stream during the spring. Although at least 6% of the free‐ranging stocked triploid S. trutta became piscivorous on Phoxinus phoxinus (L.), the results suggest that large, recently stocked, triploid S. trutta with a high condition factor do not represent a predation threat to wild S. salar smolts. However, it is recommended that a precautionary approach is maintained and the findings are not generalised until further investigation permits explicit management advice to be developed, and that the stocking of large triploid S. trutta is avoided before May/ June (regional variations to apply) each calendar year, where this can reasonably be achieved.  相似文献   

Smolting and maturation of 2+ brown trout Salmo trutta L. were evaluated after exposing the groups of trout to different feeding regimes during the summers at 0+ and 1+ ages. The hypothesis tested was based on the theory of smolting of a congeneric species, Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L., in which the physiological smolting decision is expected to be taken at the end of July or beginning of August. During the first summer, the growth of the trout was restricted in two groups out of four by low feeding frequency. During the second summer, food was totally withheld for 3 weeks in June–July (i.e. before the expected sensitive period), in August or not at all (control). The proportion of sexually mature males in November was 5.2% in the groups fasted during August, but somewhat lower in the groups fasted in June–July (average 2.3%) or in control fish (3%). The tendency for smolting was evaluated during the following spring in an artificial stream with the help of PIT-tag technology, which allowed monitoring of the movements of individually tagged trout. Seawater challenge tests were also carried out in April and June. Differences in osmoregulatory ability in seawater indicated that feeding treatments had a slight effect on the timing of smolting, but no differences were observed in movement behaviour between treatment groups. Mature and maturing males moved less at the peak migration time (mid-May) but more in October than immature fishes. These results suggest that the smolting decision in brown trout may be taken at a different time than in Atlantic salmon and that periodic poor growth conditions during the summer will not prevent smolting of trout during the following spring.  相似文献   

Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) of salmonids caused by Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae causes high mortalities of wild brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) and farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at elevated water temperatures. Here the aim was to compare the temperature‐dependent modulation of T. bryosalmonae in the two salmonid host species, which display different temperature optima. We used a novel experimental set‐up in which we exposed brown trout and rainbow trout to an identical quantified low concentration of T. bryosalmonae for a short time period (1 hr). We followed the development of the parasite in the fish hosts for 70 days. PKD prevalence and parasite kinetics were assessed using qPCR. Exposures were performed at temperatures (12°C and 15°C) that reflect an environmental scenario that may occur in the natural habitat of salmonids. T. bryosalmonae infection was confirmed earliest in brown trout kept at 15°C (day 7 post‐exposure) while, in all other groups, T. bryosalmonae was not confirmed until day 15 post‐exposure. Moreover, significantly greater infection prevalence and a faster increase of parasite intensity were observed in brown trout kept at 15°C than in all other groups. These results indicate that PKD is differentially modulated by water temperature in related host species.  相似文献   

In fish, oocyte maturation (resumption of meiosis after completion of vitellogenesis and before ovulation) is triggered by maturation inducing steroids (MIS) which generally appear to be secreted in the ovary in response to stimulation by a pituitary maturational gonadotropin. Converging data from different laboratories show that 17-hydroxy, 20-dihydroprogesterone (17, 20-OH-P) is the principal MIS in salmonoids; but clear identification remains to be done in other taxonomic groups.The experiments reported here in the rainbow troutSalmo gairdneri examine the possible involvement of oocyte cAMP on the mechanism of MIS action. The action of 17, 20-OH-P, on germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) in oocytes incubatedin vitro within the follicle, was inhibited by various substances expected to elevate the intraoocyte concentrations of cAMP: cAMP ( 1 mM) or dibutyril cAMP ( 2 mM), phosphodiesterase inhibitors such as theophylline ( 0.2 mM) or 3-isobutyl-1 methylxanthine (IBMX 0.1 mM), adenylate cyclase activators such as cholera toxin (> 100 nM) or forskolin ( 0.03 mM). In fact, the combined action of IBMX (1 mM) and forskolin (0.01 or 0.05 mM)in vitro was to promote accumulation of intraoocyte cAMP within 1 to 5 hours. Oocyte cAMP concentrations exhibited a large variability between different females, depending on the stage of oocyte development; a significant positive correlation between oocyte cAMP concentration and the follicular weight, and a significant negative correlation between oocyte cAMP concentration and the median efficient dose of 17, 20-OH-P for induction of GVBD, were observed. Finally, when intrafollicular oocytes were incubatedin vitro, the addition of a maturation-inducing concentration of 17, 20-OH-P (3×10–6M) induced a significant decrease of oocyte cAMP within the first 10 hours of incubation. These results show that cAMP appears to play a central role in the regulation of oocyte sensitivity to 17, 20-OH-P and in the intraoocyte mechanisms leading to GVBD in trout.These data are discussed together with the few indications available in fish concerning the mechanism of MIS action which can be compared to some extent with the amphibian model.  相似文献   

A plankton survey investigated spatial and temporal distributions of larval sea lice in a sea loch on the north-west coast of Scotland. Plankton tows were collected approximately weekly at two depths (0 and 5 m) at five sample stations over a 2-year period. The survey began in March 2002 when Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., farms in the study area stocked with fish and finished in March 2004, after farms completed harvesting. Over 90% of lice recovered were Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Kr?yer); therefore, the results of this paper refer largely to that species. The data were analysed using generalized additive models with explanatory variables for time, depth and station. Greatest densities of nauplii were recovered at stations adjacent to farms indicating that the local salmon farms were a likely source of larvae at times during the production cycle. There were significant temporal trends in larval densities and the stocking and harvesting of farms can possibly account for these increases and decreases, particularly at the start and at the end of the production cycle. The distribution of copepodids was more widespread than that of nauplii, indicating that the larvae can be transported several kilometres from the point of release.  相似文献   

Many adult sea bass (>40 cm total length) tagged between May and October around the coasts of England and Wales have been recaptured close to their respective tagging locations in successive years. Analysis of mark and recapture data sets, for the late 1970s and early 1980s and in 2000–2006, show that some 55% of all recaptures were within 16 km of their original release position. This suggests that mortality rates of adult bass in local populations could be reduced by around 50% if a number of carefully selected areas were designated as catch and release only for bass, thus providing a management option with which more and bigger sea bass will be available to recreational sea anglers.  相似文献   

If osmotic stress and reduced seawater tolerance are predisposing factors for infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) outbreaks in farmed Atlantic salmon, increased survival by enhancing access to energy would be expected. The aim of the present study was, therefore, to increase energy access in 1-year old Atlantic salmon after sea transfer by increasing the level of dietary fat, by exchanging some of the dietary oil with more easily oxidized medium chain triacylglycerols, or by dietary supplementation of potentially energy enhancing additives such as clofibrate and tetradecylthioacetic acid (TTA). A natural outbreak of IPN occurred 8 weeks after sea transfer, and a significant dietary effect explaining 76% of the variation in mortality was observed. Relative percentage survival for the fish fed TTA in sea water was 70% when compared with the unsupplemented control, reducing mortality from 7.8 to 2.3%. Muscle fat content and plasma chloride were related to IPN mortality, suggesting that reduced hypoosmoregulatory capacity might be a predisposing factor to the onset of an IPN outbreak. Based on the observation of a threefold increase in white muscle mitochondrial fatty acid oxidizing activity by TTA, it is suggested that TTA has resulted in a re-allocation of dietary fatty acids from storage to energy producing oxidation.  相似文献   

Caligus rogercresseyi generates the greatest losses in the salmon industry in Chile. The relationship between salmon farming and sea lice is made up of various components: the parasite, host, environment and farming practices, which make it difficult to identify patterns in parasite population dynamics to define prevention and control strategies. The objectives of this study were to analyse and compare the effect of farming, sanitary practices and environmental variables on the abundance of gravid females (GF) and juveniles (JUV) of C. rogercresseyi on Salmo salar in three Salmon Neighborhood Areas (SNAs) in Region 10, south of Chile. Linear mixed‐effects models of the negative binomial distribution were used to evaluate the effect of the different explanatory variables on GF and JUV. Productive variables were the key drivers explaining the abundance of GF and JUV. Results suggest that C. rogercresseyi is not controlled and JUV are persistent in the three SNAs, and sanitary practices do not control the dissemination of the parasite among sites. Environmental variables had a low impact on sea lice abundance. There is a need to perform analysis for modelling of parasite population dynamics to improve Integrated Pest Management, including changes in the governance to achieve an effective prevention and control.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the efficacy of dietary α-tocopherol with that of dl-α-tocopheryl acetate, both either alone or in combination with vitamin C (ascorbic acid), on the growth performance, survival, and stress resistance of angelfish, Pterophylum scalare, juveniles. Juveniles were fed ad libitum for four weeks with Artemia enriched with no vitamins (control), vitamin C (Tc), α-tocopherol (Tα), dl-α-tocopheryl acetate (T dl ), α-tocopherol and vitamin C (Tα+C), and dl-α-tocopheryl acetate and vitamin C (T dl+C). After four weeks, an osmotic stress test was performed using seawater (25 g/L) to evaluate juvenile’s resistance to stress. Whole-body glucose and cortisol were used as stress indicators. At the end of the feeding trial, growth performance and survival of the juveniles fed vitamin-enriched Artemia were significantly (< 0.05) higher than for the control fish. Best performance was recorded for the Tα+C group. Survival, however, was not significantly (P > 0.05) different between the vitamin-fed groups. Osmotic stress significantly elevated the stress indicators, whole-body cortisol and glucose levels (P < 0.05), highest and lowest values being observed in control and Tα+C groups, respectively. Survival after osmotic stress of juveniles fed the Tα+c diet was significantly higher (by 46.2%, P < 0.001) than for controls. Results suggested that α-tocopherol has greater efficacy than dl-α-tocopheryl acetate and enriching Artemia with α-tocopherol and vitamin C together improves growth performance, survival, and stress resistance of angelfish juveniles.  相似文献   

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