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The reason for the difference between supply and demand of houses is that there is a non equilibrium in the interests of purchaser, developer and the government. In order to solve this problem, the developer should cut down the cost, the purchaser should clarify the house value and the government should build up a house property evaluation system to improve the housing market.  相似文献   

With the continuous development of the economy in China, the housebreaking in the city becomes a new problem. This problem is concerned with the public property right and the balance between the efficiency and justice. The people pay much attention to that whether the problem of the housebreaking in the city is solved effectively and how to harmonize the relationship between the public interest and the private interest. A discussion about it is carried out in this paper. To keep the balance between efficiency and justice, some countermeasures about the housebreaking in the city are given.  相似文献   

The BOT model is a new investment and finacing model which is applied to infrastructure construction. The concession agreement is awarded by government to the project company which operates and develops specific BOT project with concession right, it is the core of the BOT project and decides the basic structures and pattens of other agreements.The government bears the definite responsibility for the success of the BOT project.There are seven factors to be worth notice when the government contrives the BOT concession agreement. 1.The govemment should stick to native standpoints and interests and, at the same time take the investor's rights and interests into account;2. lighten the burden of the government as much as possible, without abandoning its responsibility;3.fully understand and apply the International Customs and Practice of the BOT model with considering the situation of the country; 4.pay equal attention to the introduction of both capitals and technology; 5.properly handle the relationship between the introduction of foreign capital and domestic economic development; 6. encourage the active externality, and restrict the passive one; 7. prevent and eliminate the ill monopoly.  相似文献   

Abstract: Stakeholders are an integral part of environmental conflict. Analysing the positions and interests of stakeholders is vital in effective environmental conflict management. This paper reviews the literature related to stakeholders and their dynamics in environmental conflict. It also presents the results of a study relating to a New Zealand transport infrastructure project where the positions and interests of stakeholders have kept on changing during the life of the project. This study plots the changing positions of some of the key stakeholders, towards this project. These stakeholders include a policy manager, a community stakeholder, an environmental stakeholder and a political stakeholder. The paper also analyses the changing positions by identifying and classifying the key drivers for these changes.  相似文献   

研究目的:通过分析经营性建设用地征地补偿实行土地权益入股的可行性和实行此种方式应具备的条件,为完善中国征地制度,保护失地农民利益提供一种思路。研究方法主要是文献资料法和理性分析法。研究结论:从理论常识、法律依据、企业需求、农民需求、政府等方面分析对经营性建设用地征地补偿方式实行土地权益入股是可行性的,并提出了实行此种方式应具备的基础条件、前提条件、技术条件和法律保证。  相似文献   

Te Iwi Maori     
The decade started with the 150‐year commemoration of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi that established British governance. This was when Maori were severely and disproportionately affected by the structural adjustment programmes which had reduced their standards of living and thrown them back on their own community resources as government withdrew from community involvement. The continuing conflict between the desire to retain their collective Maori identity and the almost overwhelming forces of assimilation (internally) and globalisation affected fortunes of Maori New Zealanders (internationally). This is best exemplified by the conflict in the Treaty of Waitangi between British sovereignty and Maori tino rangatiratanga. As the decade progressed, government sought a full and final settlement of the many hundreds of historical treaty claims, with a unilateral declaration of what was available ($1 billion). Unilateral actions on either side did little to assuage the long‐standing sense of mutual mistrust between Maori and Pakeha which was fuelled by a hostile mass media. Notwithstanding, ‘progress’ was made, and the twentieth century ended with Maori and Pakeha closer together than they had ever been.  相似文献   

Over the past decades Vietnam has seen striking efforts to reinvent the exercise of democratic rural development. Promotion of grassroots democracy, notably under the Grassroots Democracy Decree (GDD), has been an acute response by Communist Party and government to large scale unrest among the rural populace owing to dissatisfactions with a felt mismatch between espoused commitments to ‘good governance’ and its actual practice. Through evidence from field work, this paper assesses the implications of the GDD in the central and northern highlands, analyzing how the promotion of grassroots democracy is discursively constructed by rural development professionals. The results outline three dominant discourses, which center on their respective interests in liberalist democratization, improved efficiency in state renovation, and enhanced accountability in governing local policy ambiguities. It argues that ‘grassroots democracy’ is serving as a conceptual mediator, supporting learning between diverging interests associated with rural development and different ideological positions shrouding the notion of democracy itself. Yet, given the extent that discourses are reflective of how professionals relate to grassroots aspirations, grassroots movements, which originally ushered the Party and central government to pass the GDD, have a significant struggle ahead of them to affect concrete changes in professionals' practices.  相似文献   

In this paper, primarily, the real estate mortgage reform by the Central Bank of China is introduced. The influence of the reform on Chongqing Real estate enterprises by analyzing the problems existed in real estate development in Chongqing is expounded. To decrease the influence, the developer and the government should make efforts together. For the developers, they can find more ways to finance the projects, optimize the products supply system and strengthen the risk-resisting abilities. For the government, it should find all the ways to create a suitable external environment for the real estate market.  相似文献   

Although the commercial real estate in our country has made a great progress in these years,the vacancy rate is very high.It is not only a loss to the developer,but also a waste to the social resources.As keen competition between the commercial real estate developers is on coming,the market orientation will be decisive.The Analytic Hierarchy Process(or AHP) is a qualitative and quantitative analysis method,the application of which to the business orientation can make our item more easily to succeed.In this paper,the AHP is applied to the market orientation of an item in Shenzhen.It is hoped that this will contribute to raising the decision accuracy,by formatting pair wise comparative matrixes according to the rate of contribution the variant factors applied to the target.  相似文献   

为了探寻集体建设用地使用权流转中收益分配均衡的关键点,为集体建设用地使用权流转制度的创新提供借鉴。采用问卷调查法,博弈论,研究集体建设用地使用权流转中的博弈关系。研究结果表明:首先,当前的集体建设用地使用权流转中利益主体之间存在的一系列矛盾。其次,流转中相关的影响因素发生作用的特点是流转各方面的信息公开程度是影响收益均衡的关键点;而相同信息条件下利益主体方自身的收益与对方的压力成正比,与自身的压力成反比;且当用地业主的压力大于或等于一定数值时,农户的收益在信息相同条件下大于信息不相同条件下的收益,而用地业主的收益则刚好相反。因此,政府等管理部门可以从政策或者制度层面加大价格等方面信息的宣传力度和公开程度,制定相应的调控政策或者规则从宏观层面去把握、指导和管理,保障利益主体方的收益均衡。  相似文献   

Abstract: On many measures of ethno‐linguistic diversity, Papua New Guinea is the most fragmented society in the world. I argue that the macro‐level political effect of this diversity has been to reduce, rather than increase, the impact of ethnic conflict on the state. Outside the Bougainville conflict, and (to a lesser extent) the recent upsurge of violence in the Southern Highlands, ethnic conflicts in Papua New Guinea have not presented a threat to national government. In contrast to most other ethnically diverse societies, the most consequential impacts of ethnic conflict in Papua New Guinea are at the local level. This paper therefore examines the disparate impacts of local‐ and national‐level forms of ethnic conflict in Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   

In this paper the features of information asymmetry and information model under the model of management by construction agency in project invested by government are analyzed, the information asymmetry in the main bodies of construction agency in the project invested by government is studied. Especially the advantages and weaknesses in information among government consignor, consuming unit and construction agency are analyzed. A dynamic model of incomplete information among government consignor, consuming unit and construction agency has been set up,a game theory analysis on the actions about the main bodies of construction agency in the project invested by government is carried out.  相似文献   

城乡建设用地增减挂钩是国家优化城乡用地结构与开展扶贫攻坚的重要政策,复垦是该政策的重要环节,复垦农民满不满意是衡量该政策有效性的重要指标。本文通过对重庆市复垦阶段的政策与流程梳理,结合对渝东南少数民族地区扶贫乡镇的实地调研,构建了复垦农民满意度指标体系,采用模糊综合评价法对政策实施细则改变前后的满意度差异进行了分析和评价。研究结果表明,通过对政策进行调整后,复垦农民对“经济补偿”与“环境改善”的满意度有了较大提高,但在“政策宣导”、“复垦实施”、“政府服务”及“法律保障”等方面仍有改善的空间。最后从复垦农民满意度的角度出发,在补偿方式、权益保障等方面对增减挂钩政策提出了优化建议。  相似文献   

退耕还林工程与二元结构问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
退耕还林工程所面临的是一个由二元结构所衍生出的矛盾和问题,即如何解决不同地区和产业因发展阶段的差异而产生的对同一土地(坡地)不同利用方式之间需求弹性和效用函数的错位。问题的核心是协调发达的现代部门对森林的多样化需求与欠发达的传统部门对生存和发展需求之间的矛盾。现有退耕还林的政策投入仅是该工程成功的必要条件,而非充分条件。为此,应加大事后介入力度,采取综合措施来保证退耕还林工程的长远效果。  相似文献   

退耕还林工程所面临的是一个由二元结构所衍生出的矛盾和问题,即如何解决不同地区和产业因发展阶段的差异而产生的对同一土地(坡地)不同利用方式之间需求弹性和效用函数的错位。问题的核心是协调发达的现代部门对森林的多样化需求与欠发达的传统部门对生存和发展需求之间的矛盾。现有退耕还林的政策投入仅是该工程成功的必要条件,而非充分条件。为此,应加大事后介入力度,采取综合措施来保证退耕还林工程的长远效果。  相似文献   

Landowners and the private investors often have contradictory interests in joint ventures. Although development planners sometimes believe that government can harmonise these contradictions, state interests in development often lead them to support the interests of private capital. While joint ventures may be useful ways of pooling human, material and financial resources, this article draws on a case study of two pilot joint venture oil palm schemes in Sarawak, Malaysia, to show that the legal construction and administration of native customary land rights generate lower results for landowners than they do for the private sector. Information and power asymmetries constrain the ability of affected natives to realise fair benefits under a joint venture arrangement. When institutional constraints that give a measure of protection to native rights and interests are dismantled in the rush to establish commercial plantations for example, an unregulated market can be detrimental to landowners’ rights and long–term interests.  相似文献   

黎森 《中国农学通报》2012,28(2):139-145
为了调和生态博物馆利益相关者的利益冲突,构建和谐的利益关系,以三江侗族生态博物馆为例,采用两两对应分析的方法,构建利益冲突关系分析矩阵,绘制利益冲突关系图,对利益相关者之间蕴藏的利益冲突进行深入分析。通过研究发现,三江侗族生态博物馆的利益冲突主要存在于旅游者、旅游企业、政府主管部门、馆域社区、馆域原生环境等重要的利益相关者之间,利益关系错综复杂,利益需求的难以协调是他们之间利益冲突产生的根本原因。通过本研究,以期为构建科学合理的利益冲突协调机制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为了满足市场对食品专业人才的要求,尝试构建双层次螺旋协同方式培养食品专业大学生的创新能力,主要借助政府与企业构建成外层次协同、企业及高校构建成内层次协同,其中政府起引导与监督作用,企业占主导作用,高校在人才培养方面和市场的需求方面起融合作用,内外双层次螺旋协同,以培育出符合食品行业需求的高层次创新型应用人才。  相似文献   

Abstract: This article examines socio‐economic inequality in Fiji and finds that, contrary to oft‐repeated claims, inequality between Fiji"s major ethnic groups (inter‐ethnic inequality) is less significant than inequality within each ethnic group (intra‐ethnic inequality). In spite of this reality, inter‐group inequality and affirmative action policies have remained central features of state policy in Fiji. This article suggests that Fiji's experience has three implications for the growing literature on the relationship between inequality and conflict. First, examining average inequality between groups can be misleading. Secondly, a key to understanding the relationship between ethnic and economic cleavages in post‐colonial plural societies, such as Fiji, is in the interaction between intra‐group and inter‐group inequality. Thirdly, there does not seem to be a straightforward relationship between actual levels of inequality, perceptions of inequality, and the prominence given to inequality in ethno‐nationalist discourse. In Fiji's case, the strategic deployment of inter‐group inequality has served, and continues to serve, the material and discursive interests of some political elites. As a result, the intersection between ethnicity, inequality and political rivalry in contemporary Fiji has been the source of much conflict and, importantly, may offer a nexus on which attempts at conflict resolution should focus.  相似文献   

焦卫平  江辉  路婕  徐丹 《中国农学通报》2007,23(11):440-443
从中国现行征地存在的一些法律冲突入手,导出了这些法律冲突所引起的问题,即公共利益范围的扩大化。然后,分析了中国征地实践中存在的两种征地现象:公共利益性质征地和非公共利益性质征地,并举出案例加以分析和说明。最后,针对公共利益范围的扩大化问题,提出科学合理的界定公共利益这一相应策略。  相似文献   

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