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发生在我国的小麦黄花叶病毒病   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对山东荣成流行的一种小麦病毒病进行了鉴定。提纯的病毒颗粒为长线状,13×100—300nm及13×350—650nm。汁液接种感染小麦,但不感染烟草、苋色藜等植物。病土、病根以及含有禾谷类多粘菌(POlymyxa graminis)游动孢子的浸液可以传毒于小麦、大麦及黑麦。此病毒与大麦黄花叶病毒(BYMV)、小麦梭条花叶病毒(WSSMV)有血清学关系,与小麦土传花叶病毒(WSBMV)无血清学关系。病叶表皮细胞中有无定形内含体。超薄切片可见风轮状内含体。实验结果表明,荣城地区发生的这种小麦病毒病是小麦黄花叶病毒所致。  相似文献   

在吉林省7个主要甘薯种植区共采集85份甘薯叶片样品,利用小RNA深度测序技术对混合样品进行检测,经RT-PCR和测序验证,鉴定出样品中存在10种病毒,包括6种RNA病毒和4种DNA病毒.分别是马铃薯Y病毒科马铃薯Y病毒属的甘薯羽状斑驳病毒Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV...  相似文献   

A virus with elongate particles (656 nm) was isolated from severalLonicera species. This virus, apparently belonging to the carlavirus group, is serologically distantly related to shallot latent virus and closely related to poplar mosaic virus. The inability to infect poplar and two other hosts of poplar mosaic virus characterizes the virus fromLonicera as a new virus which was namedLonicera latent virus.The virus was easily sap-transmissible but was not transmitted byMyzus persicae.Dilution end-point was about 10–3, thermal inactivation between 65°C and 80°C and ageing in vitro 1–6 days.Heat treatment, combined with tip-rooting appeared to be a good method to eliminate the virus from severalLonicera species and cultivars.Samenvatting In verschillende soorten en cultivars van het geslachtLonicera (kamperfoelie) blijkt een virus voor te komen dat gemakkelijk door sapinoculatie kan worden overgebracht op kruidachtige planten.Een tegen gezuiverd virus bereid antiserum had een titer van ca. 4096. Er kon mee worden aangetoond dat het virus van kamperfoelie serologisch nauw verwant is met populieremozaïekvirus (Tabel 1). Het virus van kamperfoelie is echter niet in staat om populier,Phaseolus vulgaris Bataaf enVigna sinensis te infecteren en wordt mede daarom als een afzonderlijk virus beschouwd. Het wordt aangeduid als latent kamperfoelievirus (Lonicera latent virus) en behoort evenals populieremozaïekvirus tot de carlavirusgroep (aardappelvirus-S-groep).Het virus blijkt vrij gemakkelijk te kunnen worden geëlimineerd door besmette kamperfoelieplanten gedurende ongeveer zes weken een warmtebehandeling (37°C) te geven en daarna de uiterste toppen (1 cm) te stekken. Van verschillende cultivars werd op deze wijze virusvrij uitgangsmateriaal verkregen.  相似文献   

Cultures of the soil inhabiting fungusPythium spec. were inoculated in vitro with tobacco mosaic virus. Virus could be demonstrated in the mycelia from 4 days on after inoculation. In 15 days old cultures the virus concentration in the mycelium was higher than in the liquid culture medium. It is not yet clear whether the virus only accumulates, or also multiplies in the mycelium. After growth on solid medium infected mycelia still contained virus indicating that the virus is able to persist and possibly also to multiply in the hyphae.Samenvatting Cultures van de bodemschimmelPythium spec. werden in vitro geïnoculeerd met tabaksmozaïekvirus. In enkele gevallen kon al 4 dagen na inoculatie virus in mycelium worden aangetoond. In 15 dagen oude cultures bevatte het mycelium meer virus dan de cultuurvloeistof. Het is nog niet bekend of het virus zich slechts ophoopt of zich ook vermeerdert in het mycelium. Na groei op een agarmedium gedurende 7 dagen bevatte het mycelium nog virus, wat er op zou wijzen dat het virus in staat is zich te handhaven in de hyfen en zich daarin wellicht ook te vermeerderen.  相似文献   

The concentration of African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in relation to symptom severity among resistant, moderately resistant and susceptible cassava genotypes. Resistant genotype NR 8083 had significantly lower symptom severity scores ( P  < 0·05) than the susceptible genotype TMS 91934, but the two genotypes contained similar levels of virus concentration. The moderately resistant genotypes TMS 30572 and NR 8082 expressed significantly lower symptom severities ( P  < 0·05) than the susceptible genotypes TMS 91934 and TME 117, but they contained significantly higher virus concentrations ( P  < 0·05) than TMS 91934 and similar virus concentration as in TME 117. However, two other resistant genotypes, TME 1 and TME 8, had low symptom severity scores and virus concentrations. There was significant interaction ( P  ≤ 0·05) between cropping season and virus concentration in all the genotypes except TMS 30572. The resistant and moderately resistant genotypes that had high virus concentrations sustained storage root yield losses. The severity of symptoms expressed was not necessarily a reflection of the virus concentration in some of the genotypes. In addition to the use of symptom severity scores to group genotypes into resistant classes, it is recommended that virus concentration should also be considered. Genotypes displaying mild symptoms, but with high levels of virus accumulation, could be an important source of inoculum in the spread of ACMV by the whitefly vectors. This suggests that each genotype should be tested for virus accumulation prior to its release to the farmers.  相似文献   

The 3026 nucleotides upstream of the 3-polyadenylated tract of a mite transmitted virus fromHordeum murinum L. were cloned and sequenced, and portions of the sequence were expressed inEscherichia coli. Sequence comparisons with wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV), Agropyron mosaic virus (AgMV) and Hordeum mosaic cirus (HoMV), three mite transmitted potyviruses, and potato virus Y (PVY), the type member of the genusPotyvirus, revealed that the virus is probably a potyvirus, but distinct from WSMV, AgMV, HoMV, and PVY. Serological tests further demonstrated these differences and that the virus is serologically related to another potyvirus, brome streak mosaic virus (BrSMV). We conclude that the virus should be named as the Hordeum isolate of BrSMV.  相似文献   

A-蛋白和羊抗兔血清应用于免疫电镜,检测马铃薯X病毒(PVX)粗汁液,灵敏度比诱捕修饰法高;而且加羊抗兔血清后,病毒粒体比诱捕修饰法明显加粗,在电镜放大2500倍时,就能清晰地观察到。用诱捕双修饰法检测PVX,证实在寄主植物的叶、茎和根中均存在,以叶内含量最高。接种在普通烟上第三天,接种叶就能检测到PVX,接种15天后,寄主体内病毒能达到较高浓度,而且高浓度一直可保持2个月以上;PVX在不同寄主中的含量不同,以普通烟中病毒浓度最高,心叶烟、番茄和黄花烟中次之;昆诺阿藜、千日红和大椒中含毒量极抵。用诱捕双修饰法检测马铃薯薯块休眠芽中的病毒获得成功。  相似文献   

Summary Some properties ofCucumis virus 2, occurring in The Netherlands were studied. From electron micrographs can be concluded that the virus particles are rod-shaped, with a length of about 325 m (fig. 1, 2 and 3).The thermal inactivation point, the dilution-endpoint and the length of the rods of this virus agree with those ofCucumis virus 2 as described in literature. There is a close resemblance of this virus with tobacco mosaic virus.  相似文献   

A carlavirus was isolated from leaves of a dandelion plant raised in the experimental garden of the Hugo de Vries Laboratory in Amsterdam. The virus was readily sap-transmissible and infected 24 out of the 52 plant species and cultivars tested, with visible symptoms in 18 of them.Myzus persicae andCuscuta subinclusa (dodder) did not transmit the virus. In addition the virus was not seed-transmitted in dandelion. Dilution end-point was 10–5, thermal inactivation occurred at between 80–85°C and longevity in vitro was approximately 24h. The virus had a sedimentation coefficient of 136 S. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the coat protein gave two bands, consisting of proteins with molecular masses ranging from 37 000 to 34 300 Da (band I) and from 34 000 to 32 800 Da (band II). The molecular mass of the RNA was 2.84 x 106 Da. The average buoyant density of the virus was 1.306 gcm–3 and the average A260/A280 ratio 1.16. The virus particles had a normal length of 668 nm. with the light microscope, large mainly vacuolate inclusions were observed in the epidermal cells of infectedNicotiana cleavelandii leaves. In ultra-thin sections of systemically infected leaves ofN. clevelandii, bundles of aggregated virus particles were detected, whereas in infected dandelion leaves there were fewer aggregates and more scattered virus particles. There was a close serological relationship to dandelion latent virus, chrysanthemum virus B and potato virus S and a more distant one to carnation latent virus, elderberry carlavirus,Helenium virus S and potato virus M. The occurrence of the virus was found to be restricted to dandelion plants in the experimental garden in Amsterdam. On the basis of large differences in host range, symptomatology and lack of transmission byM. persicae it was decided that the virus could not be considered a strain of either dandelion latent virus, chrysanthemum virus B or potato virus S. We therefore propose that it be called dandelion carlavirus.Samenvatting Een carlavirus werd geïsoleerd uit een paardebloemplant, die opgekweekt was in de proeftuin van het Hugo de Vries-Laboratorium in Amsterdam. Het virus kon gemakkelijk met sap worden overgebracht en was in staat 24 van de 52 getoetste plantesoorten en-cultivars te infecteren, waarbij op 18 van deze symptomen zichtbaar werden.Myzus persicae en warkruid (Cuscuta subinclusa) konden het virus niet overbrengen. Evenmin kon het virus met zaad van geïnfecteerde planten van paardebloem overgaan. De verdunningsgrens was 10–5, de inactiveringstemperatuur 80–80°C en de houdbaarheid in vitro ongeveer 24 uur. Het virus had een sedimentatiecoëfficiënt van 136 S. Polyacrylamide-gelelektroforese van het manteleiwit resulteerde in twee banden, bestaande uit eiwitten met molecuulmassa's die varieerden van 37000 tot 34 3000 Da (band I) en van 34 000 tot 32 800 Da (band II). De molecuulmassa van het RNA was 2,84×106Da. De gemiddelde zweefdichtheid van het virus bedroeg 1,306g cm–3 en de gemiddelde A260/A280 verhouding was 1,16. Het virus had een normale lengte van 668 nm. In de epidermiscellen van geïnfecteerde bladeren vanNicotiana clevelandii werden met de lichtmicroscoop insluitsels met draderige en vacuoleachtige structuren waargenomen. In ultradunne coupes van systemisch geïnfecteerde bladeren vanN. clevelandii waren bundels geaggregeerde virusdeeltjes zichtbaar. In geïnfecteerde bladeren van paardebloem werden daarentegen meer verspreid voorkomende virusdeeltjes gevonden en minder aggregaten. Het virus vertoonde een sterke serologische verwantschap met het dandelion latent virus, chrysantevirus B en aardappelvirus S; er was een geringe verwantschap met het latente anjervirus, het carlavirus van vlier, Helenium virus S en het aardappelvirus M. Het vóórkomen van het virus bleek beperkt te zijn tot paardebloemen in de proeftuin in Amsterdam. Gezien de grote verschillen in waardplantenreeks, symptomatologie en overdracht metM. persicae hebben we gemeend, dat het virus niet slechts als een stam kon worden beschouwd van hetzij het dandelion latent virus, hetzij het chrysantevirus B en het aardappelvirus S. We stellen voor de naam carlavirus van paardebloem aan dit virus te geven.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nucleopolyhedrovirus (SeNPV) and Microplitis pallidipes are important biological control agents of Spodoptera exigua populations. The interactions between these agents and their combined effect on pest control were investigated in the laboratory and in commercial greenhouses. RESULTS: Microplitis pallidipes searched for and deposited eggs in more healthy larvae than virus‐infected larvae 3 days after viral infection. Each female parasitoid that developed in a virus‐infected host oviposited in a virus‐infected host, or emerged from a cocoon carrying virus transmitted to 4.0, 7.6 or 2.4 healthy larvae respectively. Each female parasitoid exposed to a mixture of virus and 10% honey water solution transmitted the virus to 2.2 healthy larvae. In an experiment with cabbage growing in commercial greenhouses, the pest population reduction was greater by M. pallidipes carrying SeNPV (82.3–89.7% reduction) than by parasitoids without virus (59.5–62.4% reduction). CONCLUSIONS: Control of S. exigua was greater with M. pallidipes plus SeNPV than with M. pallidipes alone. Microplitis pallidipes preferred healthy hosts to infected hosts. Parasitoids were able to complete their development in virus‐infected hosts before the hosts died from the virus infection. The parasitoid ovipositors contaminated with the virus could carry and transmit SeNPV. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Beet yellows virus (BYV), beet mild yellowing virus (BMYV), beet chlorosis virus (BChV), and beet mosaic virus (BtMV) cause virus yellows (VY) disease in sugar beet. The main virus vector is the aphid Myzus persicae. Due to efficient vector control by neonicotinoid seed treatment over the last decades, there is no current knowledge regarding virus species distribution. Therefore, Europe-wide virus monitoring was carried out from 2017 to 2019, where neonicotinoids were banned in 2019. The monitoring showed that closterovirus BYV is currently widely spread in northern Europe. The poleroviruses BMYV and BChV were most frequently detected in the northern and western regions. The potyvirus BtMV was only sporadically detected. To study virus infestation and influence on yield, viruses were transmitted to sugar beet plants using viruliferous M. persicae in quadruplicate field plots with 10% inoculation density simulating natural infection. A plant-to-plant virus spread was observed within 4 weeks. A nearly complete infection of all plants was observed in all treatments at harvest. In accordance with these findings, a significant yield reduction was caused by BMYV and BChV (−23% and −24%) and only a moderate reduction in yield was observed for BYV (−10%). This study showed that inoculation at low densities mimics natural infection, and quick spreading induced representative yield effects. Within the background of a post-neonicotinoid era, this provides the basis to screen sugar beet genotypes for the selection of virus tolerance/resistance and to test the effectiveness of insecticides for the control of M. persicae with a manageable workload.  相似文献   

Zoospores of 12 isolatesO. bornovanus from geographically diverse sites and representing the three host specific cucurbit strains were tested as vectors for seven viruses using watermelon bait plants and the in vitro acquisition method. All isolates of the cucumber, melon, and squash strains transmitted melon necrotic spot carmovirus (MNSV) and cucumber necrosis tombusvirus (CNV) but none transmitted petunia asteroid mosaic tombusvirus (PAMV) or tobacco necrosis necrovirus (TNV). The isolates varied as vectors of three other carmoviruses: cucumber leaf spot virus (CLSV); cucumber soil borne virus (CSBV); and squash necrosis virus (SqNV). All cucumber isolates transmitted CLSV and SqNV but not CSBV. Some of the melon isolates transmitted CLSV and SqNV but none transmitted CSBV. Two squash isolates transmitted CSBV and SqNV but not CLSV. Two isolates ofO. brassicae transmitted only TNV and a third did not transmit any of the viruses. The species of bait plant sometimes affected transmission. The most efficient vector strains ofO. bornovanus, as determined by reducing zoospores and virus in the inoculum, were the cucumber strain for CLSV; the cucumber strain for CNV if cucumber was the bait plant or melon strain if watermelon was the bait plant; and the squash strain for SqNV. The plurivorous strain ofO. brassicae was the most efficient vector of TNV.Olpidium bornovanus is the first vector reported for CSBV and is confirmed as a vector of SqNV. It is proposed that all carmoviruses may have fungal vectors.Ligniera sp. did not transmit any of the viruses in one attempt.Abbreviations CLSV cucumber leaf spot virus - CNV cucumber necrosis virus - CSBV cucumber soil borne virus - MNSV melon necrotic spot virus - PAMV petunia asteroid mosaic virus - SqNV squash necrosis virus - TNV tobacco necrosis virus - TBSV tomato bushy stunt virus  相似文献   

A new virus of lilac is described, for which the name lilac ring mottle virus is proposed. The virus can be mechanically transmitted to various herbaceous hosts. Symptoms on the most important hosts are described. The virus is inactivated in crude sap in 10 min at 63–65°C, after dilution to 10–4 and after storage for 5 h at 20°C. The virus is seed-borne in three herbaceous hosts. It is not transmitted byMyzus persicae.The virus particles are sensitive to high ionic strength and can only be seen in the electron microscope after fixation with glutaraldehyde. They appear as rather irregularly shaped isometric particles with an average diameter of about 27 nm. In rate-zonal centrifuging the virus precipitates in two zones. The bottom component is infectious, the top component is not.An antiserum with a titre of 1024 was prepared. Serological tests revealed that lilac ring mottle virus is not related to any of 32 isometric plant viruses tested.Samenvatting Een nieuw virus van sering wordt beschreven. Op grond van de symptomen wordt de naam kringvlekkerigheidsvirus van sering voorgesteld (Fig. 3). Het virus kan mechanisch naar verschillende kruidachtige planten worden overgebracht. De symptomen op de belangrijkste daarvan worden beschreven (Fig. 1 en 2). In ruw sap wordt het virus geïnactiveerd door 10 minuten verhitten tot 63–65°C, de verdunningsgrens is 10–4 en het virus verliest zijn activiteit na 5 uren bewaren bij kamertemperatuur. Het virus kan overgaan met zaad van drie kruidachtige plantesoorten, maar kan niet worden overgebracht doorMyzus persicae. De relatie tot de kringvlekkenziekte bij sering is onderzocht (Fig. 3; Tabel 1).De virusdeeltjes zijn gevoelig voor oplossingen met een hoge ionaire sterkte en zijn in de elektronenmicroscoop slechts zichtbaar na fixatie met glutaaraldehyde. Ze zijn tamelijk onregelmatig van vorm en hebben een diameter van ongeveer 27 nm (Fig. 5). Het virus sedimenteert tijdens centrifugering in een dichtheidsgradiënt in twee zones (Fig. 6 en 7). De bodemcomponent is infectieus, de topcomponent is dat niet (Tabel 2).Een antiserum met een titer van 1024 werd gemaakt. Serologische toetsing wees uit dat het virus niet verwant is aan een van de 32 getoetste bolvormige plantevirussen.  相似文献   

We studied the presence of a potential transmission barrier that blocks Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in the nonvector greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Because T. vaporariorum can ingest and retain the virus after acquisition feeding on an infected plant, comparable to the vector whitefly Bemisia tabaci, circumstance evidence suggested that a transmission barrier presents at location(s) where the virus moves from the digestive tract lumen to the hemolymph. To provide direct evidence for the site of a transmission barrier in the nonvector insect, we compared the accumulation levels and localization of the virus between the two species of whiteflies. Quantitative real-time and conventional PCR analysis showed that accumulation of the virus during acquisition feeding and retention after a short acquisition period were indistinguishable between the two species, but the circulation of the virus within the whiteflies differed significantly between the species. In an immunofluorescence analysis using an antibody specific to the coat protein of the virus, the virus was restricted to the luminal surface of the midgut epithelial cells and did not enter their cytoplasm or that of the salivary glands in T. vaporariorum. In contrast, the virus was localized within the cytoplasm of the midgut epithelial cells and in the paired salivary glands of B. tabaci adults. This direct evidence shows that a selective transmission barrier at the luminal membrane surface of midgut epithelial cells in the nonvector whitefly blocks entrance of the virus into the midgut epithelial cells, resulting in incompetence as a vector of the virus.  相似文献   

Two viral DNAs were obtained by rolling circle amplification conducted on DNA extracts from salvia (Salvia splendens) cv. ‘Dancing Flame’ showing variegated foliage resembling virus symptoms. Sequence analyses revealed the presence of an isolate of the putative begomovirus Clerodendron golden mosaic China virus. The virus was detected in all salvia plants showing variegated foliage, but not in non-variegated plants. The virus was graft-transmitted to healthy salvias which reproduced the original symptoms. Attempts to transmit the virus with the whitefly Bemisia tabaci biotype B failed. The results of this investigation strongly suggest that the salvia isolate of Clerodendron golden mosaic China virus (ClGMCNV-Sal[USA:LA:11]) is the cause of the variegated foliage of S. splendens cv. ‘Dancing Flame’. This is the first report of this virus in the United States.  相似文献   

安徽省来安县小麦梭条花叶病的病原鉴定和防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来安徽省来安具发生一种呈典型梭条花叶病症状的小麦病害,用病叶进行一系列抽提,制得病原初提纯制剂。经紫外扫描测定为标准的核蛋白吸收曲线,最大吸收值在260nm处,A260/A280为1.27,Amax/Amin为1.16。电镜观察病原为线状病毒颗粒,宽12—13nm,长度分布在100nm—600nm之间,1000nm以上颗粒所占比例较少。提纯病毒制剂经SDS—聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,可见到36.8kd的模糊蛋白带,但最易出现的是29kd和27kd二条明显的带。病原与小麦梭条花叶病毒抗血清起阳性反应。仪发现侵染小麦,并通过土壤传播,最后鉴定该病病原为小麦梭条花叶病毒,并对该毒源病毒外壳蛋白组分易于降解成较小的产物和不同分离物致病力关系提出讨论。同时在来安引种3165等抗病良种并结合其它措施进行防治,取得了明显的防治效果。  相似文献   

Badnavirus in Bougainvillea spectabilis showing virus-like symptoms was identified by the presence of bacilliform particles, measuring 125–130 × 30–40 nm in leaf-dip preparations and by analysis of its putative open reading frame 3 sequence. The virus, tentatively named Bougainvillea bacilliform virus (BBV), had the highest identities (up to 60%) with Spiraea yellow leaf spot virus, Gooseberry vein banding associated virus, Taro bacilliform virus, and Citrus yellow mosaic virus. In phylogenetic analysis, BBV clustered with Badnavirus putative species. Attempts to transmit the virus to several hosts failed. This is the first report of a new Badnavirus detected in Bougainvillea.  相似文献   

Samenvatting Uit bladeren, zowel als uit vruchten van sharka-zieke pruimebomen werd een virus overgebracht opChenopodium foetidum enNicotiana clevelandii. C. foetidum reageerde met duidelijke chlorotische of okerachtige lesies.N. clevelandii werd wel door het virus geïnfecteerd, maar bleek ongeschikt als toetsplant. Het virus werd met sap vanC. foetidum naarN. clevelandii en met de bladluisMyzus persicae vanN. clevelandii naar perzik overgebracht en terug. Zo kon worden aangetoond, dat het geïsoleerde virus het sharka virus is. Een nog niet geïdentificeerd virus kon ook van pruim opC. foetidum worden overgebracht, doch er werden geen symptomen waargenomen op de geinoculeerde bladeren.  相似文献   

Biological control with Cryphonectria hypovirus CHV1 of the chestnut blight, caused by the fungus Cryphonectria parasitica, has reduced the impact of the disease in Europe. The virus reduces the virulence of the fungus so that it causes non-lethal cankers, thus enabling the chestnut trees to overcome the disease. The virus can be transmitted horizontally by hyphal anastomosis or vertically to the conidia. In this study, we investigated growth and sporulation of the fungus as well as rates of horizontal transmission of the virus at different temperatures. We used fungal isolates of the vegetative compatibility types (vc types) that are most prevalent in Castilla and León (central northern Spain) to evaluate the effects of fungal strain on the parameters tested. In addition, we infected four isolates of C. parasitica with hypovirus subtypes CHV1-F1 and CHV1-I, to determine the influence of virus subtype on growth, sporulation and virus transfer. We assessed growth of fungal colonies and horizontal transmission of the virus at 15 °C and 25 °C. Colony growth was affected by an interaction between fungal isolates included in vc type EU1 or EU11 and virus at both 15 °C and 25 °C. However, horizontal transmission of the virus was only influenced by the fungal genotype of isolates included in vc type EU1 or EU11, and spore production was only affected by the virus subtype. Vertical transmission was also influenced by the fungal isolate and virus subtype. Growth of the fungal isolates varied depending on the virus subtype with which they were infected. This supports the theory that fungal host and virus subtype influence transmission and dissemination of hypovirulence. The fungal genotype affects colony growth and horizontal transmission of the virus. It is common to expect a good dissemination of the hypovirus with a low vc type diversity but the selection of the best combination of hypovirus and fungal isolate is crucial for the success of biological control not only for small areas but in larger chestnut populations as well.  相似文献   

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