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Nitrate leaching from urban soils in a rural community in northwestern Germany The extent of nitrate leaching from urban soils in rural communities so far has hardly been studied. Therefore the nitrate leaching in the community of Schwaförden near Nienburg in Lower Saxony was estimated during one winter period. The small town of Schwaförden covers about 7.5% of the 950 ha large catchment area of a waterwork with serious nitrate problems. To estimate soil nitrate leaching, both soil use and degree of surface sealing in Schwaförden were determined and classified. In each class a number of representative sites were sampled seven times for mineral soil nitrogen in the course of one winter period. The leaching of soil nitrate for each site was estimated with the use of a mixing-cell solute transport model. Nitrogen mineralization as well as atmospheric nitrogen deposition were taken into consideration. It was found that home gardens, although covering only 3.5 % of the total Schwaförden area, combined for 27% of the total amount of leached nitrate within the community. Heavy fertilization and large compost applications appear to be responsible for the high amounts of nitrate leached from such gardens. Hence, to protect groundwater against too much urban nitrate leaching, it may be necessary to evaluate the total home garden area in catchment areas of waterworks and eventually to restrict it.  相似文献   

The extraction of soil water in extreme locations by means of suction cups — possibilities and limitations The article concludes that despite the many problems associated with suction cup methodology, it is still the simplest and best method of extracting soil water, particularly in extreme locations like the arctic. Of particular interest are the unusual results obtained for soil water chemistry, despite the fact that all the standards concerning installation, sample treatment and evaluation were met. Thus, spatial and temporal heterogeneity of soil water chemistry is discussed on the basis of 1850 samples and an alternative means of data presentation is introduced.  相似文献   

Adsorption and desorption of methabenzthiazuron in various soils A method investigating adsorption and desorption of pesticides using radioactive tracers and a computer programme is described. The adsorption and desorption of the herbicidal substance methabenzthiazuron in 7 soil samples is investigated. The adsorption of methabenzthiazuron decreases from the Ap- to the C-horizons. A good correlation exists between the adsorbed amount of the herbicidal substance and the C- and N-content of the soils. The relatively highest desorption was found with nearly humusfree soils. The amount of adsorbed herbicide residues, not desorbable by water in 5 desorption cycles, is much higher in the humic soils than in the nearly humusfree soils. From the relationship found between adsorption and corresponding herbicide concentrations proper adsorption values can be predicted for any herbicide concentration within the investigated concentration range by using one single adsorption measurement as a basis of calculation.  相似文献   

Die Weltreserven an Rohphosphaten hoher Qualität und moderater Abbaukosten reichen noch für ca. 90 Jahre. Daraus leitet sich die Notwendigkeit des Phosphat (P)‐Recyclings aus P‐haltigen Abfällen ab. In Deutschland fallen jährlich 2,4 × 106 t Trockenmasse Klärschlamm und über 600.000 t Abfälle tierischen Ursprungs an. Mit dem daraus recycelten P könnte der größte Teil der bisherigen P‐Mineraldünger ersetzt werden. Verlässliche Daten über die Pflanzenverfügbarkeit des P liegen für viele Produkte des P‐Recyclings jedoch noch nicht vor. In einem 21‐tägigen Keimpflanzenversuch (Applikation von 20 mg P (300 g Quarzsand)–1 in 10 cm × 10 cm × 6 cm großen Plastikgefäßen; Aussaat von 100 Roggenkörnern; Einstellung auf 65% der max. Wasserkapazität) wurden daher 26 P‐Verbindungen überprüft (u. a. verschiedene Calcium‐, Magnesium, Eisen‐, Aluminium‐, Ammonium‐ bzw. Magnesium‐Ammonium‐Phosphate, Thomasphosphate). Als Kontrolle wurde eine Variante ohne P‐Gabe eingesetzt. Die Netto‐P‐Aufnahme (P‐Menge in Sprossen und Wurzeln minus P‐Menge in den Kontrollpflanzen) ergab Auskunft über die P‐Verfügbarkeit für die Pflanzen. Die P‐Aufnahme aus den Ca‐Phosphaten sank erwartungsgemäß vom primären Ca‐Phosphat (als Referenz gleich 100 % gesetzt) bis zum Ca‐Apatit auf 10 %. Aus primärem, sekundärem und tertiärem Mg‐Phosphat wurden P‐Mengen ähnlich denen aus dem primären Ca‐Phosphat aufgenommen. Das gleiche galt für die P‐Aufnahme aus Ammonium‐Phosphat und Magnesium‐Ammonium‐Phosphat (Struvit). Thomasphosphate und Sinterphosphate zeigten nur etwa 42 bis 65 % der P‐Verfügbarkeit von primärem Ca‐Phosphat. Insbesondere Fe‐Phosphat versagte völlig als P‐Quelle. Als agronomisch interessante P‐Recyclingprodukte erwiesen sich die Magnesium‐ sowie die Magnesium‐Ammonium‐Phosphate. Zur weiteren Absicherung dieser Ergebnisse müssen diese Produkte in verschiedenen Böden sowohl in Gefäß‐ als auch Feldversuchen überprüft werden.  相似文献   

Distribution of hydrolytic properties among fungi from raw waste and municipal waste compost 125 of the most abundant mesophilic and thermophilic fungi isolated from raw waste and waste compost were studied in respect to their ability to hydrolyse starch, cellulose, protein, pectin and sucrose (acid production). A relative high number of mesophilic fungi from raw waste material attacked starch, sucrose and pectin. In compost thermophilic fungi represented a high proportion of species capable of decomposing cellulolytic material and complex proteins.  相似文献   

Bromide transport at two tile- drained field sites Within comparative studies on solute movement in tile drained agricultural fields in Schleswig-Holstein a bromide field test was conducted at two field sites. The soil of site ‘Bokhorst’ shows both spatial and profile heterogeneity with significant clay and silt contents (loam) whereas site ‘Hohn’ had a homogeneous particle size distribution within the profile with sand being the dominating particle fraction (sand) but with neglible spatial variability. Rainfall amount, drain discharge and bromide concentrations in drain outflow were monitored over a 6 months period. A rapid response of drain discharge on rain events was observed for the loamy site but not for the sand. The simple water balance yielded + 8.7 mm of drain discharge for site Bokhorst (loam) and ?43 mm for the sandy site Hohn (sand). Largest bromide concentrations were detected shortly after chemical application at the loamy site. The bromide loss curve was characterized by simultaneous in- and decrease of flow rate and bromide concentrations. This solute behaviour was named ‘event-dependent’. Bromide occurred in drain outflow at the sandy site not before 30 mm discharge and maximum concentrations were observed at the end of the monitoring period. Mass balance calculations revealed that 70.5% (loam) and 33% (sand) of the applied solute mass were transported from the fields via the tile drains. A two dimensional, advection dispersion equation based simulation model was applied to predict solute behaviour at site Bokhorst. Computed bromide concentrations were not in line with the observed preferential breakthrough curve. Consequences of preferential transport conditions in tile-drained field soils on surface water quality are briefly discussed, especially concerning the displacement of plantprotective agents and methodical difficulties.  相似文献   

Determination of urease activity by two different methods in some soils and underwater soils Two methods differing in microbial activity during incubation with urea were used for the determination of urease activity. The results obtained showed a better relationship with natural conditions such as pH, organic substance-, or clay content, if the microbial activity was not inhibited during incubation. This effect was found to be particularly pronounced in underwater soils, where addition of a bacteriostatic substance (toluene) resulted in practically uniform values that reflected neither bacterial nor nutrient status.  相似文献   

Investigations on gibberellin and cytokinin activity in carrot roots at various developmental stages In various developmental stages of carrot plants (Daucus carota L.) different ratios of cytokinin and gibberellin activities were observed in the storage root. In the mature carrot root cytokinin activity dominates gibberellin activity. In the storage root of the carrot two gibberellin-like, one gibberellin-antagonistic and four cytokinin-like components were found. One of the gibberellin-like components exists also in bound form.  相似文献   

The determination of preferentially releasable potassium in hapludalf from loess and chromudert from gipskeuper clay marl Octadecylammonium-chloride (ODA)-extractable potassium and interlayer potassium (KZW), exchanged after thermal dissociation of adsorbed NH4, were determined on particle size fractions of soils from gipskeuper clay marl (typic chromudert) and loess sediments (shallow hapludalf). The extraction by ODA is a diffusion controlled K-exchange process. This is shown by the increase of K-release at small sample quantity and K-concentration in the extraction solution. The ODA-potassium supplies (= Biotit-K) of the two typic chromudert were significantly higher than that of the shallow hapludalf (34000 and 30000 kg/ha vs. 22000 kg/ha, to a depth of 55 cm). Biotit-K was highest in the 2-6μm-fraction for both soils. The smaller the particle size, the larger were the amounts of KZW In the clay fractions of all samples they reached between 70 and 80% of total K (Kt). XRD-data give evidence of different mineral genesis processes between the two types of sediments. This is supported by the KZW-values of the particle-size fractions. The selectively releaseable interlayer potassium is associated with wedge shaped layers of illite. It can be differentiated from the bulk interlayer potassium by its preferential extractability in the first 3 to 5 heating treatments. This potassium quantity is, on an average, 22% of total clay interlayer potassium.  相似文献   

Heavy metal distribution and balances of typical forest soils out of German and Danish till The total contents of Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn were determined in different horizons as well as in clay coatings, mottles and concretions from 4 Orthic and Gleyic Luvisols around the Baltic Sea. Profile balances resulted in very small losses of Fe, small losses of Cu, Pb and Zn but higher losses of Cd and Mn. All elements were translocated by clay migration but corresponding enrichments in the B-horizons were covered by translocations in soluble form. Only Fe and Mn had been enriched in mottles of the water logged soils.  相似文献   

Degradation of aniline, 4-chloroaniline and 3,4-dichloroaniline in various soils The degradation of aniline, 4-chloroaniline and 3,4-dichloroaniline was investigated in laboratory experiments with 4 different soil types and a concentration of 1ppm. The experiment time was 10-16 weeks. Aniline was mineralized during 10 weeks from 16,2 to 26,3%, while the degradation rate was 12,3 to 17,2% with 4-chloroaniline. With 3,4-dichloroaniline degradation was reduced to 3,9 to 11,9%. At the end of the experiment 60% and more of the 14C-activity was bound to the soil complex and could not be extracted by different solvents. Because of the low degradation of chloroanilines and the strong sorption there should be an accumulation in the soil. Anilines are metabolites of different chemicals used in plant protection.  相似文献   

Formation and ecology of rural soils from debris Within 30 years Rendzinas have developed on habitats of debris and rubbles in West-Berlin by accumulation of organic substances, carbonate impoverishing, slightly beginning acidity, and biogenic structuring. Their conditions for water, air, and nutrients were investigated for 2 years.  相似文献   

Ammonia emissions from senescing plants and during decomposition of crop residues NH3 emissions from plant stands, measured under simulated environmental conditions with the wind tunnel method, ranged between 0.8 and 1.4% of the N content of the shoot, equivalent to 1.1 to 2.9 kg NH3-N ha?1. The highest emissions were observed in faba beans whereas the emissions in winter wheat, spring rape and white mustard were lower. The total NH3 emissions were not affected by removing a part of the ears (sink reduction), but emissions occurred earlier, as did the plant senescence. This suggests that the NH3 emissions are closely related to senescence. NH3 emissions from decomposing crop residues ranged from 0.9 to 3.7% of the N content. The emissions from sugar beet leaves and potato shoots with high water content reached from 8.6 up to 12.6 kg N ha?1, whereas the emissions from field bean straw with high dry matter and N content were relatively low. (3.1 kg N ha?1, or 0.9% of the N content). The NH3 emissions from sugar beet leaves were reduced by 81% by ploughing and 63% by mulching.  相似文献   

Surface sealing and runoff generation on soils derived from loess and pleistocene deposits An attempt is undertaken to bring together existing knowledge on the occurence of surface sealing, on subprocesses and factors controlling surface sealing, and on hydraulic properties of seals, with special reference to the soil conditions prevailing in Germany. A conceptional model is proposed that relates different subprocesses such as aggregate breakdown, aggregate deformation, particle rearrangement and different factors such as soil cover, microrelief, stone cover, and macropores to surface sealing and runoff generation. We conclude that loess soils and soils formed on pleistocene deposits are particularly prone to surface sealing, and seals formed on these soils can induce runoff at rainfall intensities of 5 mm h?1.  相似文献   

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