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脱毒小薯无土栽培生产培养基质研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本研究对温室条件下无土栽培脱毒小薯生产基质进行了试验研究,供试品种中薯2号,中薯3号,Favorita,Agrua42上品种。结果栽培蘑菇后的棉籽皮做基质生产脱毒小薯,其扦插苗成活率,单株块茎数,单株块茎重都高于用蛭石和珍珠岩基质。棉籽皮和砂子不同配比基质,以2份棉籽皮1份砂子的配比生产效果最好,从而为我国棉产区温室条件下生产脱毒小薯,找到了一种廉价的基质,为降低脱毒小薯生产成本,提高产量提出了一  相似文献   

研究结果表明,马铃薯脱毒试管扦插苗在保持根际黑暗条件下,采用无基质定时喷雾供给养分,在温室或大棚等保护地内可生产马铃薯脱毒小薯(原原种)。单株可结薯50~60粒,重量8~10g/粒,每m2可结薯800~1000粒,其中B组营养液效果最佳。  相似文献   

马铃薯脱毒小薯无基质喷雾栽培技术研究初报   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
研究结果表明,马铃薯脱毒试管扦插苗在保持根际黑暗条件下,采用无基质定时喷雾供给养分,在温室或大棚等保护地内可生产马铃薯脱毒小薯(原原种),单株可结薯50 ̄60粒,重量8 ̄10g/粒,每m^2可结薯800 ̄100粒,其中B组营养液效果最佳。  相似文献   

栾运芳 《中国马铃薯》2001,15(4):229-231
以农牧 1号、凉薯 97二品种的脱毒与未脱毒处理为材料 ,对其地上和地下部生长动态及产量、产量构成因素进行了研究。结果表明 ,脱毒种的分枝数、叶片鲜重、块茎鲜重、叶面积指数、光合作用率 (photo)、产量及产量各构成因素均优于未脱毒种。脱毒复壮种 (凉薯 97)优于当地品种的脱毒种。脱毒种在产量方面的优势明显 ,主要影响单株薯重 ,而对单株薯数的影响小。说明 ,脱毒种产量高 ,主要是单个薯较大。  相似文献   

以马铃薯晚熟品种“下寨65”为试验材料,研究了离体诱导微型薯直播田间繁殖块茎繁殖脱毒田间1~5代种薯的质量和效率。结果表明,生育阶段比同品种网室繁殖脱毒小薯同代脱毒种薯略迟;生长势、株高、茎粗、主茎分枝数、单株叶面积、根系数、匍匐茎数和匍匐茎长度等生长发育指标,PVX、PVY、PLRV和PVA等重要病毒害发病率及病情指数,干腐病和软腐病发病率,晚疫病发病率和叶面枯死率相同;未发现环腐病和黑经病。单薯重量平均45.1g,随田间种植代数增加而增大;单株结薯数、单位面积结薯数逐代减小,脱毒田间1~4代单株产量和单位面积产量逐代增加,繁殖效率与脱毒小薯相同,故离体诱导微型薯田间繁殖块茎繁殖脱毒种薯是经济有效且切实可行的。  相似文献   

为了探讨马铃薯脱毒试管苗在温室条件下的适宜扦插密度问题,利用早熟品种荷兰15号、中熟品种尤金和中晚熟品种克新13号的脱毒试管苗为试验材料,种植并生产原原种。采用单因素随机设计,设密度分别为每平方米154株、182株、222株、286株、400株和667株共6个处理,用方差分析探讨了扦插密度与结薯个数(单位面积上的商品薯数、单株商品薯数、单位面积上的结薯总个数、单株结薯总个数)、产量参数(单位面积上的商品薯产量、单株商品薯产量、单位面积上的总产量、单株产量)和经济参数(利润和经济效益)的关系。研究结果表明:荷兰15号、尤金和克新13号的脱毒试管苗扦插密度每平方米在154~667株之间时,随着扦插密度的增大,其结薯总个数均逐渐增多,单株商品薯产量和单株产量均逐渐变低;这3个品种在每平方米上的商品薯产量、总产量、利润和经济效益的变化趋势不同;通过结薯个数和经济参数的综合评价,得出荷兰15号和尤金的适宜扦插密度每平方米为400株,克新13号的适宜扦插密度为286株。  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区是我国马铃薯重要的种薯生产基地,从70年代初期开始研究脱毒种薯生产技术,80年代已在生产上大面积推广应用,增产效果极为显著。内蒙古农科院马铃薯小作物所在原有研究工作的基础上,在UNDP及农业部两项目的资助下,对脱毒小薯快速繁育的一些关键技术措施进行了系统的研究。现已研究出一套快速繁育脱毒小薯的生产技术:试管苗采用简化培养基切段快繁,脱毒苗剪枝扦插快速育苗,基础苗以蛭石为基质采用A2营养液4d浇灌1次或6d1次,以肥土为基质网室栽植育成的脱毒苗密度3万株/hm2左右,56d收获,收后栽于原地可再收脱毒小薯1~2次;并于8月上旬有翅桃蚜迁飞极盛期前割蔓,提早收获,以防止桃蚜危害并可预防晚疫病发生。采取这些配套的快速、丰产、低成本、优质的繁育技术措施,可为规模化生产脱毒种薯提供大批量的10g左右的优质脱毒小薯(原原种)。  相似文献   

马铃薯微型薯田间繁殖的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贾长盛  郭雄 《马铃薯杂志》1998,12(3):145-150
以马铃薯晚熟品种“下寨65”为试验材料,研究了离体诱导微型薯直播田间繁殖块茎繁殖脱毒田间1-5代种薯的质量和效率。结果表明,生育阶段比同品种网室繁殖脱毒小薯同代脱毒种薯略迟;生长势,株高,茎粗,主式分枝数,单株叶面积,根系数,匍茎数和匍匐茎长度等生长指标,PVX,PVY,PLRV和PVA等重要病毒害发病率及病情指数,干腐病和软腐病发病率,晚疫病发病率和叶面枯死率相同;  相似文献   

内蒙古西部区马铃薯脱毒种薯快速繁育的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
内蒙古自治区是我国马铃薯重要的种薯生产基地,从70年代初期开始研究脱毒种薯生产技术,80代已在生产上大面积推广应用,增产效果极为显著。内蒙古农科院马铃薯小作物所在原有研究工作的基础上,在UNDP及农业部两项目的资助下,对脱毒小薯快速繁育的一些关键技术措施进行了系统的研究,现已研究出一套快速繁育脱上薯的生产技术;试管苗采用简化培养基切段快繁脱毒苗剪枝扦插快速育苗。基础苗以蛭石为基质采用A2营养液4d  相似文献   

提高马铃薯脱毒苗扦插成活率的关键技术   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
1 前 言脱毒苗扦插是生产马铃薯脱毒小薯的有效方法 ,全国各地马铃薯研究生产单位大多用这一方法生产 ,并取得了很好的效果 ,但是有些地方由于技术不过关 ,导致大量死苗 ,成活率很低 ,增加了脱毒小薯的生产成本 ,影响了推广应用的速度。究其原因是温度、湿度、光照、剪切方法等环节不配套造成的。作者在多年工厂化生产脱毒小薯的工作中 ,总结出一套提高马铃薯脱毒苗扦插成活率的经验 ,介绍如下。2 基质选择脱毒苗扦插对基质的要求不太严格 ,用蛭石、珍珠岩、棉籽皮、锯末、灰渣、森林土等都可以 ,但必须进行高温消毒 ,这样既有利于脱毒苗…  相似文献   

基施有机肥对马铃薯原原种生产及二次结薯的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以早熟马铃薯‘早大白’为供试品种,在防虫温室内进行了有机肥对脱毒马铃薯试管苗生长及二次结薯影响的试验,旨在探索提高微型薯产量及试管苗利用率的途径。试管苗移栽70 d后收获微型薯并尽量保护好根系,继续使其结薯,进行多次收获。结果表明:多次收获微型薯的产量远高于一次性收获的微型薯产量,因此二次结薯可大大提高试管苗的生产效率。全部追施处理二次结薯单株结薯2.3粒,而基施有机肥33 kg/667 m2条件下单株结薯3.8粒,因此基施有机肥有利于试管苗的生长。  相似文献   

氮肥基追肥比例对马铃薯微型薯生产的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨马铃薯微型薯合理的氮肥施肥方式,以‘早大白’马铃薯脱毒试管苗为材料,在温室内进行了氮肥不同基施和追施比例对马铃薯微型薯生产影响的试验。结果表明:在施氮肥量为纯氮105 kg/hm2条件下,单株结薯方面,基追比为5:2时,单株结薯最多,全部做基肥的处理,单株结薯最低;单粒重方面,基追比为2:1时,单粒重最大,全部追肥的处理最低。可见氮肥基施和追施配合有利于提高单株结薯率及平均单粒重。因此,微型薯生产重视氮肥基施同时配合追施比较符合移栽的试管苗对氮肥的吸收规律。  相似文献   

采用马铃薯脱毒小薯不同粒级、不同密度、不同品种熟性三因子三水平正交试验,研究了原原种对一级原种的产量、单株平均结薯数及<25g小薯所占比率的影响。结果表明:当早熟、结薯少、薯块均匀的品种原原种播种密度在1.2万株/亩以上,晚熟和中晚熟、结薯较多薯块不均匀的品种在1.0~1.2万株/亩之间,且播种粒级大于0.5g/粒时,一级原种繁殖方可收到既高产又具较高的繁殖系数和较低用种量的效果。  相似文献   

Summary Two different cultivation systems, aeroponics and hydroponics in greenhouse beds, were compared for the production of potato minitubers. Plants in the aeroponic system showed increased vegetative growth, delayed tuber formation and an extended vegetative cycle of about seven months after transplanting. Therefore in 1999, two production cycles were obtained with the hydroponic system, but only one with the aeroponic system. However, compared with total production in hydroponics, the tuber yield per plant in the aeroponic system was almost 70% higher and tuber number more than 2.5 fold higher. Average tuber weight was reduced by 33% in the aeroponic system. Advantages and possible problems with the aeroponic system for minituber production are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Performance of 20 potato genotypes was studied for seven agronomic characters in crops raised from minitubers and normal seed tubers. Correlation coefficients were computed between minituber crop and normal seed crop in order to study the selection efficiency at minituber crop level. The performance of normal seed crop was significantly better than the minituber crop for various characters including tuber yield and its components. Correlation coefficients between minituber and normal seed crop were significant for various characters except number of stems and number of tubers. Highest correlation coefficient (r=0.86) was for tuber yield followed by average tuber weight (r=0.67) and number of nodes (r=0.63). The results suggest that selection for tuber yield can be practised at the minituber crop level in potato breeding programmes  相似文献   

Commercial potato minituber production systems aim at high tuber numbers per plant. This study investigated by which mechanisms planting density (25.0, 62.5 and 145.8 plants/m2) of in vitro derived plantlets affected minituber yield and minituber number per plantlet. Lowering planting density resulted in a slower increase in soil cover by the leaves and reduced the accumulated intercepted radiation (AIR). It initially also reduced light use efficiency (LUE) and harvest index, and thus tuber weights per m2. At the commercial harvest 10 weeks after planting (WAP), LUE tended to be higher at lower densities. This compensated for the lower AIR and led to only slightly lower tuber yields. Lowering planting density increased tuber numbers per (planted) plantlet in all grades. It improved plantlet survival and increased stem numbers per plant. However, fewer stolons were produced per stem, whereas stolon numbers per plant were not affected. At lower densities, more tubers were initiated per stolon and the balance between initiation and later resorption of tubers was more favourable. Early interplant competition was thought to reduce the number of tubers initiated at higher densities, whereas later-occurring interplant competition resulted in a large fraction of the initiated tubers being resorbed at intermediate planting densities. At low planting densities, the high number of tubers initiated was also retained. Shortening of the production period could be considered at higher planting densities, because tuber number in the commercial grade > 9 mm did not increase any more after 6 WAP.  相似文献   

在内蒙古乌兰察布盟后山地区武川原种基地,对各级种薯生产技术及其良繁体系进行了系统的研究。现已明确:在开放条件下生产脱毒小薯(原原种),产量可达8073~9465kg/hm2,种薯产量和质量不低于温、网室生产的脱毒小薯;不同薯重的脱毒小薯旱坡地直播效果,以10g和8~10g薯重的效果好,产量和商品率均高;1级种薯在不同旱地类型种植的增产效果,以旱滩地的产量最高,其次为旱坡地,分别比对照(未脱毒)增产71.28%、171.28%;8月上旬为有翅桃蚜迁飞盛期,从7月上旬迁飞初期开始喷药防蚜,防治效果显著;在乌盟后山半农半牧地区以原原种、原种、1、2级种薯建立的3级脱毒良种繁育体系符合该地区的生产实际,能达到留种和保种的快速、优质、高产、低成本的效果。经过6年示范推广,现已在武川等3个旗县普及,累计各级种薯种植面积达到2.32万hm2,平均单产3万kg/hm2左右,生产出各级种薯及商品薯6985万kg,累计创造社会财富7150万元。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate whether the application of soluble chitosan in potato micropropagation can improve microplant quality in vitro, help acclimatisation ex vitro, and increase yield and seed quality of minitubers. Potato cv. Désirée microplants were treated in vitro with soluble chitosan added to the semisolid tissue culture medium in different concentrations. Microplants were subsequently transferred to the greenhouse and sprayed with chitosan solutions or remained unsprayed. Untreated microplants were also established ex vitro and sprayed with chitosan, or left unsprayed as a control. Morphological and physiological parameters of plant growth were assessed in vitro and ex vitro. Plantlet quality was evaluated using a ranking system. Minitubers derived from greenhouse plantlets were planted in the field in subtropical conditions, and growth and yield parameters evaluated. The chitosan concentration most beneficial to the in vitro growth of microplants varied between years. In treatments with the best in vitro growth, minituber number and yield in the greenhouse was also increased. Foliar chitosan application at the acclimatisation phase stabilised the effect of in vitro treatment on yield parameters. The seed quality of minitubers derived from chitosan treatments in vitro alone and in combination with foliar treatment at acclimatisation was improved, giving rise to field plants with increased tuber numbers and yields. The combination of chitosan in vitro and foliar application during the acclimatisation phase ex vitro had a greater effect on minituber seed quality than the concentration applied in vitro.  相似文献   

马铃薯两个基因型不同外植体的组织培养与植株再生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王萍  王罡  季静 《中国马铃薯》2006,20(6):326-328
以Favorita和东农303两个马铃薯基因型的幼叶、茎段、微型薯和种薯的块茎为外植体,在6种培养基中诱导愈伤组织和植株再生。试验中观察到马铃薯的分化率在不同外植体间差异较大,ZT有可能是诱导马铃薯芽分化的理想激素。  相似文献   

Supplemental light applied to potato seedlings grown under winter conditions in the greenhouse increased both the size of the largest tuber produced per plant, and the total weight of tubers per plant. The application of supplemental light for a period of 30 days following pricking-off produced a tuber three times the weight of any tuber from the control, and this tuber size was not exceeded by other treatments ranging up to 120 days of applied supplemental light.  相似文献   

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