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民德研制成SMB2型多功能鱼类加工机,可对鲱鱼、鲭鱼、鲈鲉鱼、无须鳕、斜齿鳊、银鲤等鱼类进行加工。该机可将上述鱼类加工成屠宰品(即去头、去内脏的鱼)、鱼爿和鱼片,所加工的鱼类长度为18~44厘米,每分钟可加工120~200条鱼(不同  相似文献   

贺泽生 《海洋渔业》1986,8(5):231-231
舟山第二海洋渔业公司最近从西德引进了一台“巴德尔”(BAADER)33型鲱鱼切片机。该机适用于鲐、鱼鲹及马鲛鱼等海洋上层鱼类的切片加工,具有切鱼速度快、切口部位准确、清洗干净、操作方便等特点。操作人员只需将鱼放置在输送链上,切片机便自动完成去头尾、切片、副去脊椎骨、冲洗内脏等工序,一分钟可切鱼100余条,约相当于45名工人手工切鱼的劳动量。  相似文献   

马面鲀俗称马面鱼、剥皮牛、羊鱼、沙猛等,主要分布于太平洋西部,是我国重要的海产经济鱼类之一,产量大,渔汛期长,营养丰富。过去我国主要以“三去马面鱼”(剥皮、去头、去内脏)或羊鱼片出口,这样,按客商要求原料鱼的规格每条在150克以上,而80-150克之间的原料鱼数量大,出口少。现以这些原料鱼加工成多味马面鲀鱼干出口,既为国家多创外汇,又提高了企业的经济效益。  相似文献   

941287 印度尼西亚鱼废弃物的利用=Fishwaste utilisation in Indonesia[刊,英]/Su-parno P A//FSTA..—1993,25(1).—1R5作者介绍了印度尼西亚对于所捕获鱼废弃物的利用情况,包括从鱼货装卸、鱼货处理、鱼货加工以及鱼货销售等所产生鱼废弃物的利用。鱼、贝头部利用包括:虾废弃物,鱼废弃物,淡水鱼废弃物。小虾拖网中渔获物或者什鱼:鱼内脏,小沙鱼以及其他鱼废弃物,包括鱼废弃物量,废弃物分配,所需技术工艺及其废弃物利用的费用。在水产加工品中,除了冷冻冷藏、罐藏、盐藏、干制、重制等  相似文献   

人类解决动物蛋白源,历来采取两条途径:一是饲养动物——畜、禽、鱼;二是渔猎野生动物(主要是捕捞海洋鱼类)。当前世界水产总产量大约七千多万吨,其中海洋鱼类约占五千多万吨。海洋经济鱼类的资源潜力已有限,大约尚可多开发一千多万吨。而非传统性的、经济意义不很大的种类的蕴藏量大约有四千万吨。总蕴藏量大约一亿吨左右。  相似文献   

鱼粉通常是由食用价值较低的鱼类,以及鱼品加工厂的废弃物(如鱼的头、尾、骨、鳍、内脏等)加工而成的。鱼粉生产有干法压榨、湿法压榨和萃取法等几种制造方法。  相似文献   

大黄鱼是我国著名的四大经济鱼类之一,盛产于江、浙沿海一带,产量庞大,产期集中,过去对大黄鱼的利用,一向以直接食用为主,对鱼的头、尾、鳍、鳞及内脏等,多作废弃物处理。在大跃进中,通过研究试制,证明大黄鱼如果经综合利用,全身无一废物。兹简述于后:一、鱼体:鲜鱼去掉头、尾、鳍和内脏等,加盐15%醃渍后,洗渍晒干,可制成鱼片干,每100斤  相似文献   

应上海鱼品加工厂的邀请,西德巴德(BAADER)鱼类处理机械制造公司于1981年11月来沪回访,与有关方面进行了技术交流,参观了鱼制品和食品制造厂。在为期五天的技术交流中,两位专家通过幻灯和电影,就巴德型鱼类处理机作了详细生动的介绍。这次交流的内容有:鱼类处理机设计的基本原理;小型鱼类的切头、去内脏和切鱼片机械;大型鱼类的切鱼头、去内脏、切鱼  相似文献   

小型中上层鱼类和底栖鱼类不适合市场销售,一般必须经过加工后才能受到消费者的欢迎。随着市场对方便鱼制品的需求增加,鱼类加工厂对去头,去内脏、剖片、去皮、剔骨、调理等操作就显得必不可少。由于在许多国家的鱼类加工业中成本上升和劳动力缺乏,使得用机械方法处理加工鱼类来代替手工操作变得越来越普遍。机械加工鱼类的优点可以节省劳动力成本和省去令人讨厌的手工处理鱼类作业;机械加工鱼类提高了鱼品加工速度,减少了鱼品的质量损失;操作期间鱼肉同皮肤避免接触,从而降低了细菌指数,提高了最终产品的质量。此外,一条良好设计的机  相似文献   

本文介绍的研究项目就是为了探索对尚未充分利用的细棘长吻鱼(Macrorhampbosus gracilis,见(图1)进行统一定向、排列的方法.我们想法设计、制造了适合细棘长吻鱼的高产量去头去内脏样机并进行了试验,Baader,Arenco 和 Triofirms 等公司巳研制了一些自动喂料的去头,去内脏机、切片机来加工体长超过20cm 的鱼(如鲱),但加工的最高生产率,仅约为225条/分钟.而本文介绍的设计样机的生产能力为1800条/分钟。  相似文献   

The proportion of body fat in farmed fish correlates with the concentration of fat in the feed, and the fatty acid composition of the storage fat usually reflects that of the lipids in the feed. We examined the time course of changes in fatty acid compositions of fillet, viscera and carcass of Atlantic salmon post‐smolt over 14 weeks after transfer from fresh water to seawater. The fish had been fed either high‐(34%) or low‐ (22%) fat feeds based upon either fish or vegetable oils during freshwater rearing. Changes in tissue fat concentrations and fatty acid compositions were studied to assess the extent to which lipid turnover and fatty acid metabolism might contribute to temporal changes in fatty acid profiles. When given a 41% protein, 31% fat, fish oil‐based feed, the tissue fatty acid profiles of salmon fed vegetable oil‐based feeds in fresh water gradually came to resemble those of fish fed the fish oil‐based feed throughout freshwater and seawater rearing. The changes in tissue fatty acid compositions were greatest during the second half of the study, corresponding to the time at which growth rates of the fish were highest (SGRs weeks 0–6, 0.3–0.6% day?1; weeks 0–14 SGRs > 1% day?1). As the fish increased in size and body fat increased, their tissue fatty acid compositions seemed to be influenced more by deposition of fatty acids obtained from the feed than by lipid turnover and fatty acid metabolism.  相似文献   

脂肪酸在鱼类营养中起着重要的作用,脂肪酸作为能源物质为鱼类的生长发育等各项活动提供能量,并协助脂溶性维生素的吸收和体内运输。不同鱼类因其生活环境不同,对必需脂肪酸的需求种类也不同。由于不同脂肪水平与不同脂肪酸来源的饲料因其脂肪酸含量或脂肪酸组成不同,不同鱼类或鱼类的不同生长阶段对脂肪源的利用也不同,那么饲料的脂肪水平或脂肪酸组成不同就对鱼类的生长、脂代谢及免疫性能产生一定的影响作用。必需脂肪酸作为鱼类重要的脂肪酸营养物质同样影响鱼类的生长、脂代谢及免疫性能。本文从脂肪酸营养对鱼类生长、脂代谢及免疫性能的影响等方面进行综述,并对今后的研究重点进行了展望。’  相似文献   

Abstract This study was conducted to compare the fatty acid composition of muscle, liver, and depot fat of common snapping turtles Chelydra serpentina from the wild with those of captive common snapping turtles fed a diet of known fatty acid composition. Total lipid from each tissue was separated by thin-layer chromotography, methylated, and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The fatty acid composition of total lipid, polar lipid, and nonpolar lipid in muscle and depot fat of wild and captive turtles exhibited greater variability than liver polar lipid. Cultured turtles contained significantly lower levels of linolenic and arachidonic acids in liver polar lipid than wild turtles. Total n-9 fatty acids were significantly higher in whole-lipid and nonpolar fractions of muscle, liver, and depot fat of cultured turtles indicating de novo synthesis. Total polyunsaturated fatty acids were significantly lower in total lipid of muscle tissue from cultured turtles. Total polyunsaturated fatty acids were significantly lower in both depot fat and liver nonpolar lipid of cultured turtles, but did not differ (P > 0.05) in the polar lipid fractions of cultured and wild turtles.  相似文献   

Fish lipids are known to be beneficial for human health since they are rich in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). This benefit can be affected by some processing or cooking methods. The effects of different cooking methods on lipid content and fatty acid composition of different fish species have been previously studied. In this article, the fish lipid characteristics and their changes during different cooking methods were reviewed. The fat content and fatty acid composition of fish vary according to the species, season, and environmental conditions. The fish lipid characteristics also change during different cooking processes. Frying generally gives higher changes in the fish lipid composition than other cooking methods. For example, frying results in higher losses of DHA and EPA (compared to other cooking methods). Further, the lipid changes occurring during frying depend on the fat content of the fish, the frying oil composition, and the type of frying technology.  相似文献   

Pansteatitis has been identified in wild populations of sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell), and Nile crocodiles, Crocodylus niloticus Laurenti, inhabiting the same waters in the Olifants River Gorge in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Mesenteric and pectoral fat tissue was investigated microscopically and by fatty acid analysis in healthy and pansteatitis‐affected catfish from both captive and wild populations. Variation in fatty acid composition between pectoral and mesenteric fat was noted. Composition of mesenteric fat differed between fish from various localities as a result of differences in diet. Pansteatitis in the captive population, resulting from ingestion of high amounts of dietary oxidized fat, reflected higher levels of unsaturated fatty acids within the mesenteric fat. Mesenteric fat of pansteatitis‐affected wild catfish was characterized by an increase in moisture content, a decrease in fat content and a decrease in stearic and linoleic acids. The n‐3 to n‐6 fatty acid ratio of mesenteric fat was higher in pansteatitis‐affected wild catfish than in healthy catfish from the same locality, reflecting higher polyunsaturated fat intake by pansteatitis‐affected fish. The possible role of alien, invasive, phytoplankton‐feeding silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Valenciennes), in the aetiology of pansteatitis in both catfish and crocodiles in the Olifants Gorge is discussed.  相似文献   

A feeding experiment was conducted for 10 weeks with Eurasian perchPerca fluviatilis juveniles (33.1–35.9ginitial body weight) using three dietary fat levels (11.7, 15 and 19.3%). Theresults showed that increasing dietary fat content increased growth, feedefficiency and protein utilization of perch (P < 0.05) but did not affectmortality. Lipid analysis showed that the composition of some perch tissueswerealso significantly affected by increasing dietary fat content, with an increaseof lipid deposition in the viscera (from 64.9% in fish fed 11.7 % fat to 78.8%in fish fed 19.3% fat) and liver (from 12.4 to 23.8%) (P < 0.05), while themuscle composition was not affected by the dietary treament. Highdocosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3, DHA) and high docosahexaenoicacid/eicosapentoenoic acid (20:5n-3, EPA) ratios were found in the liver andmuscle lipids as compared to the dietary fatty acid compositions, suggestingthat Eurasian perch might possess a high capability of converting the longchainhighly unsaturated fatty acids, especially DHA from its dietary precursors.  相似文献   

A feeding experiment was conducted for 10 weeks with Eurasian perchPerca fluviatilis juveniles (33.1–35.9ginitial body weight) using three dietary fat levels (11.7, 15 and 19.3%). Theresults showed that increasing dietary fat content increased growth, feedefficiency and protein utilization of perch (P < 0.05) but did not affectmortality. Lipid analysis showed that the composition of some perch tissueswerealso significantly affected by increasing dietary fat content, with an increaseof lipid deposition in the viscera (from 64.9% in fish fed 11.7 % fat to 78.8%in fish fed 19.3% fat) and liver (from 12.4 to 23.8%) (P < 0.05), while themuscle composition was not affected by the dietary treament. Highdocosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3, DHA) and high docosahexaenoicacid/eicosapentoenoic acid (20:5n-3, EPA) ratios were found in the liver andmuscle lipids as compared to the dietary fatty acid compositions, suggestingthat Eurasian perch might possess a high capability of converting the longchainhighly unsaturated fatty acids, especially DHA from its dietary precursors.  相似文献   

The effects of frying methods and covering processes on the proximate composition, fatty acid profile, amino acid profile, cholesterol, acrylamide, and microbiological content of fried mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis 1819) were investigated in the present study. The group of mussels that were purchased for study was divided into six groups (control – unprocessed mussel meat; Group A – covered mussels fried in deep fat; Group B – mussel fried in low fat; Group C – uncoated mussel meat fried in deep fat; Group D – uncoated mussel fried in low fat; and Group E – mussel served in restaurants). It was determined that the mussel frying methods can affect the nutritional composition and cause changes in the amino acid, fatty acid, and cholesterol content.  相似文献   

This study represents a first report on the proximate composition and fatty acid profile of Lagocephalus sceleratus from the Mediterranean Sea as well as seasonal changes and sexual differences. Significant variations in the proximate composition were observed during the months of the study (p < 0.05). The highest moisture, fat, protein, and ash contents were found to be 78.47, 0.33, 21.62, and 1.63%, respectively. Total saturated and monounsaturated fatty acid values were similar throughout the year despite individual variations of 24.22–29.46 and 7.87–13.94%, respectively. However, significant variations were observed in total polyunsaturated fatty acids as well as significant differences between sexes (p < 0.05) with some exceptions. The major fatty acid was found as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), between 24.17 and 32.65%. Due to the low fat content of this species, the highest eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) + DHA values were calculated as 80.93 mg/100 g of edible muscle. The results indicated that this species contains high nutritional properties in terms of protein content and fatty acid values.  相似文献   

香鱼背部有一较为特殊的脂肪腔,但迄今尚未对脂肪腔形态、结构和成分进行研究。本实验采用常规方法对其进行了形态解剖、显微结构观察及内容物成分分析。结果显示,脂肪腔开始于头部上枕骨,止于脂鳍下方,呈长梭形,横切面倒三角形;脂肪腔质量[(1.95±0.86)g]占鱼体总质量[(39.31±5.12)g]的4.96%,长度[(9.17±0.82)cm]占鱼体全长[(17.23±0.72)cm]的53.22%;脂肪腔内有上下腺体、肌肉组织、未分化的间充质细胞、脂肪细胞以及分布其中的微血管;内容物的主要成分为粗脂肪(49.10%)、水(42.4%)、粗蛋白(6.8%)和灰分(1.13%);脂肪酸占内容物总量的34.266%,包含5种饱和脂肪酸和6种不饱和脂肪酸,其中,含量最高的为棕榈酸(11.800%),最低的为月桂酸(0.022%);氨基酸在脂肪腔中总含量为7.1%,其中含量最高的为谷氨酸(1.18%),最低的是蛋氨酸(0.10%)。  相似文献   

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