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MS Excel不但拥有功能强大的"分析工具库",还拥有包含80个统计函数的"粘贴函数"工具.利用"分析工具库"可进行一般的描述性统计(平均数、标准差、标准误、方差、置信半径等的计算)、t检验、方差分析和回归相关分析,这些完善的统计功能已在前面的系列文章介绍,下面着重介绍利用Excel的"粘贴函数"工具来进行常用概率分布的概率计算.  相似文献   

This review article discusses the evolution of human viruses with special reference to paramyxoviruses. This family of viruses causes epidemics representing the dissemination of infection from one acutely infected host to the next. Since there is no repository for human paramyxoviruses in animals or in the form of persistent infections in man, the history of epidemics afflicting human civilization is short, presumably not exceeding 4000-5000 years. Evolutionary relationships can be deduced for comparison of nucleotide sequences of genes or even complete genomes. The present paramyxovirus genus will probably in the future be divided into two separate genera. In the genus morbillivirus, two pairs of more closely related virus types can be distinguished: canine and phocid viruses, and rinder-pest and measles viruses, respectively. It is speculated that recombination events may have occurred in the evolution of the morbillivirus archetype.  相似文献   

The use of the penicillins in veterinary dermatology is discussed. An outline is provided of the main penicillins used in the veterinary field. These include benzyl penicillin, penicillin V, ampicillin, amoxycillin, co-amoxiclav and oxacillin. An increase in β-lactamase production among strains of Staphylococcus intermedius , the principal canine pathogen in pyoderma, has been seen in recent years. Thus only those penicillins with resistance to β-lactamase (co-amoxiclav or isoxazolyl penicillins) are likely to be of value in treating canine pyoderma. However, feline, porcine and equine staphylococcal dermatoses, and other veterinary dermatoses such as the actinomycoses, dermatophilosis and erysipelothrix, usually respond well to most penicillins, whether or not they resist β-lactamase.  相似文献   

The bacteria in the large intestines of eight Japanese tree frogs (Hlya japonica) were enumerated by using an anaerobic culture system. The microorganisms at approximately 3.1 x 10(9) bacteria per g (wet weight) of intestinal contents were present in the intestine of all the frogs tested. No difference of the total bacteria in the frog intestine was observed between two different incubation-temperatures (room temperature and 37 degrees C). Eleven genera and 16 species were isolated from the frog intestine. In most frogs, Bacteroides (B.) caccae and B. vulgatus were detected as the predominant organisms. Escherichia coli was also present in greater numbers in the intestine. Other bacteria isolated at high dilutions were strict anaerobes, including Fusobacterium and Clostridium. Enterococcus faecalis was frequently isolated from the frog intestine. However, four genera of Bifidobacterium, Eubacterium, Peptostreptococcus, and Lactobacillus were not isolated from the frog intestine.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent data relating to the efficiency and humaneness of the methods used to kill minke whales in commercial and special permit whaling operations. In the 1980s a grenade-headed harpoon was developed for minke whaling. Most recent results indicate that in the Norwegian industry approximately 60 per cent of whales were considered to be killed immediately by this harpoon, with 40 per cent being wounded. However, in Japanese whaling operations, generally only 30 per cent of whales were killed immediately, with 70 per cent being wounded. In both operations, more than six minutes elapsed before half the wounded whales were pronounced dead, with some whales surviving for more than an hour after being harpooned. Many of the long killing times were associated with a failure of a part of the whaling equipment  相似文献   

A mouse model system was used to study various aspects of host and parasite relationships in Trypanosoma vivax infections. These included the phenomenon of antigenic variation, the variable parasite antigens responsible for this phenomenon, parasite-host adaption, host immune responses and the role of genes in the major histocompatibility complex in the control of infection. While the mouse model system has allowed investigation of these aspects of host parasite relationships, it is clear that the system is much more limited than those generally used in T. brucei spp and T. congolense infections. This is indicated by the discovery that not all VATs of T. vivax were equally infective for mice, though in some cases infectivity could be improved by bovine serum supplementation and/or immunosuppression of the mouse host. In the case of rats, infection was even restricted to a smaller number of the VATs studied. It was, however, possible to biochemically characterize the variable surface antigen carried by T. vivax and show its similarity to those carried by T. brucei and T. congolense. The H-2 complex was found not to influence acquired resistance of inbred strains. Cyclic transmissions of T. vivax infections to goats combined with chemotherapy were carried out in an attempt to induce protection to subsequent infection as has been shown in T. brucei and T. congolense infections. Such protection could, however, not be obtained, The failure of the metacyclic VATs to induce immunity, was perhaps due to rapid decrease in antibody titres to bloodstream VATs found after treatment and prior to rechallenge. The usefulness of the mouse model system in elucidating the mechanisms responsible for the non-H-2 linked differences in susceptibility to T. vivax infections should be further explored and its relevance to mechanisms of trypanotolerance in domestic ruminants defined.  相似文献   

The stomach of the lesser mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus) was observed macroscopically. It consisted of only three compartments, rumen, reticulum and abomasum without omasum. The rumen was S-shaped with large ventral and caudoventral blind sacs and the reticulum was larger than the abomasum. Internally, the rumen was covered with numerous ruminal papillae even on the pillars and the ruminoreticular fold. These papillae were leaf- or tongue-like shaped and varied in size and density. The reticulum had honey-combed crests and the secondary crests were found rarely. The lips of the reticular groove were prominent and more developed in the aboral part than in the oral one. A sac-like transition zone, which had more prominent mucosal folds than had the floor of the reticular groove, was observed between the caudal end of the reticular groove and the abomasum. Mucosal folds of the abomasum were spiral, low but rather thick. These findings were discussed in view of comparison with other ruminants and of possible functional implications.  相似文献   

The route of administration and formulation of the dosage form affect the bioavailability (rate and extent of absorption) of a drug and may thereby influence the intensity and duration of the pharmacological effect. Location of injection site may affect the plasma concentration profile of drugs administered as aqueous suspensions or sustained release parenteral preparations (procaine penicillin G). When absorption influences the rate of elimination ('flip-flop' phenomenon), the apparent half-life of the drug will be increased (cefazolin sodium, i.m.; meclofenamic acid, p.o.). Absorption generally approximates a first-order process and either the absorption half-life or the mean absorption time (statistical moment term) will provide an estimate of the rate of absorption. The method of corresponding areas is the usual technique employed in estimating the extent of absorption (systemic availability). Inherent in this technique is the assumption that clearance of the drug remains unchanged. In horses, the time of feeding relative to oral dosing has been shown to affect systemic availability (rifampin, trimethoprim) and pattern of absorption (phenylbutazone). Oral paste formulations (trimethoprim-sulphadiazine, ivermectin) are convenient to administer, allow precision in dosage compared with powders or granules added to feed, and could provide sustained release. Assessment of bioequivalence is based on relative bioavailability, using a reference dosage form, together with a measure of the uncertainty (variance) of the estimate. Bioequivalence relies on the concept that preparations of a drug which provide essentially equivalent plasma concentration profiles should produce the same therapeutic effect.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that neurotrophins could regulate immune functions acting directly or indirectly on immunocompetent cells. The indirect pathway involves stromal cells of the primary and secondary lymphoid organs. In the present study the occurrence of Trk proteins (TrkA, TrkB and TrkC), regarded as the high-affinity signal-transducing receptors for neurotrophins, was investigated in cow lymphoid organs using immunohistochemistry. The thymus and spleen of both fetal and adult animals, and the palatine tonsils, lymph nodes and Peyer's patches of adult animals, were analysed. Unidentified cells displaying TrkA-like immunoreactivity were found in the fetal thymus, whereas those expressing this protein in the adult gland were identified as epithelial cells. In the spleen, immunoreactive TrkA was observed in cells of the white pulp. TrkB immunoreactivity in both fetal and adult thymus and spleen was localized in monocyte/macrophage cells. As a rule, TrkC was absent from the thymus and the spleen independent of the animal's age. Different types of stromal cells, but never the lymphocytes themselves, displayed TrkA, TrkB, or TrkC immunoreactivity in the other lymphoid organs analysed. As in other vertebrate species, Trk proteins in the lymphoid organs of the cow were localized in the stromal, non-lymphoid cells, thus suggesting that neurotrophins might regulate the immune function acting indirectly on lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The main experiences from the Danish bovine virus diarrhoea (BVD) eradication programme over 5 years from 1994 to 1999 are presented. The last 3 years of the programme has been strongly supported by legislation. The most important regulations have been blood testing of live animals before movement to other herds, common pastures or exhibitions, and monitoring of all herds at regular intervals for the presence of the infection. Nevertheless, free herds have experienced infection, e.g., 204 dairy herds in 1998. Of herds found to be infected in the period from July 1997 through June 1998 after previously having been registered to be BVD-free, 67 herds were thoroughly investigated. Nineteen herds (28%) were found infected because of purchase of pregnant cows or heifers which delivered persistently infected (PI) calves, and 24 (36%) and two (3%) because of PI animals on neighbouring pastures or in neighbouring farm houses, respectively. In five herds (7%) pregnant heifers had become infected on one and the same common pasture, while in 17 herds (25%) no immediate cause of infection could be demonstrated. Yet, airborne spread from PI herds as a source of infection was suspected in some of these cases. It was furthermore concluded from investigations presented, that antibody-positive AI bulls were a remote but unlikely possibility. Free-living deer in Denmark had to be considered uninfected. Presence of PI-animals in sheep on infected farms has been seen and is paid attention to in individual cases. The results underline the need for legislation to be used in eradication programmes in areas with a high prevalence of infection and to be introduced right from the beginning in order to minimise the risk of infection for free herds.  相似文献   

Morphological features of the testicular artery and vein in the spermatic cord of the musk shrew (Suncus murinus) were evaluated by light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, corrosion cast technique combined with scanning electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. The vascular architecture in the spermatic cord of the musk shrew was simple. The testicular artery in the musk shrew was straight and accompanied by 1 to 3 branches of testicular vein. The testicular vein was also straight and anastomosed with each other in some points along its length, but it did not form a delicate pampiniform plexus. In the middle and distal portions of the spermatic cord, the tunica adventitia of the artery and vein was joined together to form a single connective tissue septum. Clusters of cells were found in this connective tissue septum in the middle portion of the cord. These cells were located close to the arterial wall and nerve endings, but they did not appear inside of neurium. They showed several typical characteristics similar to Leydig cells, and they were positive for 3beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) antibody. Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical studies also indicated that the cells in cluster found in the vascular wall of the musk shrew spermatic cord may be equivalent to Leydig cells in testes. These extratesticular Leydig cells had characteristics of the active steroid-producing cell and seemed to be another source of testosterone.  相似文献   

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