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综述影响哺乳母猪采食量的因素,提高哺乳母猪的采食量的途径及其今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

哺乳母猪是一个猪场管理的核心 ,它的管理水平直接影响全场生产效益的高低。首先要考虑哺乳母猪营养需要的特点 ,母猪除维持机体正常代谢和增长体组织外 ,还要泌乳哺育仔猪 ,泌乳量和乳中的组成成分取决于饲料中营养成分的供给数量 ,而泌乳量和乳的质量又直接影响仔猪断奶体重和存活率。大量科学研究和实践表明 ,最大限度地提高泌乳期饲料采食量可以提高泌乳量和以后的繁殖性能。因此 ,多数营养学家和养猪生产者致力于开发提高母猪采食量的措施。本文将阐述饲料采食量对母猪及其繁殖性能的影响以及如何提高饲料采食量等问题。1 哺乳期母猪…  相似文献   

付建福  瞿明仁  张含 《猪业科学》2007,24(12):64-65
综述影响哺乳母猪采食量的因素,提高哺乳母猪的采食量的途径及其今后研究的方向.  相似文献   

泌乳期间的低采食量会导致母猪体储备的过度损失而显著降低体重和背膘储备 ,延长断奶到重新交配的时间 ,降低妊娠率和产仔数 ,缩短母猪的使用年限。母猪泌乳期间的饲喂水平也会影响仔猪的生产性能 ,母猪泌乳期间饲料消耗同产奶量直接相关 ,采食量增加 ,产奶量也会有较大提高 ,产奶量的高低会影响哺乳仔猪的生长速度。提高母猪泌乳期饲料采食量的方法之一是确保母猪妊娠期间不要过度饲喂。母猪泌乳期的饲料采食量和妊娠期的饲料采食量呈负相关 ,妊娠期的饲料采食量增加 ,泌乳期的饲料采食量则下降。因此 ,妊娠期的饲料采食量应减少 ,否则妊娠…  相似文献   

在一个猪场中,繁殖母猪是重中之重,繁殖母猪的好坏直接影响到整个猪场的生产效益。饲养繁殖母猪必须致力于每头母猪在一个繁殖期内获得较多的健康仔猪数和断奶仔猪数。为达到这  相似文献   

提高哺乳母猪采食量和泌乳力的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哺乳母猪的泌乳量直接影响仔猪的健康和断奶成活率,而哺乳母猪足够的采食量是保障母猪奶水充足的前提和基础.如何提高哺乳母猪的采食量是经营者必须关注的问题,除了做好饲养管理和疫病控制外,科学的营养调控策略也是猪场经营可变因素中的关键.有效提高哺乳母猪采食量,减少其体重丢失,产出充足的乳汁,对促进仔猪正常生长发育、缩短断奶后母猪休情期和为下一胎生产创造更好条件,都是至关重要的,就提高哺乳母猪采食量和泌乳力的方法和有效措施进行了阐述.  相似文献   

哺乳母猪是一个猪场管理的核心,它的管理水平直接影响全场生产效益的高低。首先,要考虑哺乳母猪营养需要的特点。母猪除维持机体正常代谢和增长体组织外,还要泌乳哺育仔猪。泌乳量和乳中的组成成分取决于饲料中营养成分的供给数量,而泌乳量和乳的质量又直接影响仔猪断奶体重和存活率。大量科学研究和实践表明,最大限度地提高泌乳期饲料采食量可以提高泌乳量和以后的繁殖性能。因此,多数营养学家和养猪生产者致力于开发提高母猪采食量的措施。本文将阐述饲料采食量对母猪及其繁殖性能的影响以及如何提高饲料采食量等问题。  相似文献   

笔者围绕提高哺乳母猪采食量和泌乳量这一核心,介绍了一些综合性饲养管理措施,希望帮助养殖者进一步提高哺乳母猪的饲养管理水平,提高养殖效益。  相似文献   

提高夏季泌乳母猪采食量的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张含  赵薇娜 《中国猪业》2008,3(6):56-57
本文就影响泌乳母猪的采食量的因素和提高夏季泌乳母猪的采食量的方法作了综述。  相似文献   

哺乳期母猪采食量会直接影响哺乳母猪的泌乳力,从而影响哺乳仔猪生长性能、断奶仔猪生产性能、母猪下次发情的时间及状态,保证哺乳母猪足够的营养摄入是养殖过程中重要的组成部分.影响哺乳母猪采食量的因素很多,如猪种、环境、温度、基础日粮组成、饲喂方式等.本文综述了提高哺乳母猪采食量的方法,为继续研究和在实际中提高哺乳母猪采食量提...  相似文献   

影响母猪泌乳期采食量的主要因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从泌乳母猪采食量与生产性能的关系出发,阐述了提高母猪泌乳期采食量的重要性及影响采食量的主要因素。  相似文献   

The sow provides a specific environment to her offspring during gestation and lactation. Certain features in the early life of the sow (sow history features) may affect her ability to deliver and feed a healthy litter. In genetic analyses of grow-finish traits, these effects are estimated as common litter or permanent sow effects. The objective of this research was to identify sow history features that affect the growth rate (GR) and feed intake (FI) of her offspring during the grow-finish stage. Data from 17,743 grow-finish pigs, coming from 604 sires and 681 crossbred sows, were recorded between May 2001 and February 2010 at the experimental farm of the Institute for Pig Genetics (Beilen, the Netherlands). The grow-finish stage was divided into 2 phases (phase 1: 26 to 75 kg; phase 2: 75 to 115 kg). The sow history features were birth litter size, birth year and season, birth farm, weaning age, age of transfer to the experimental farm, and age at first insemination. The sow features were added to the basic model one at a time to study their effect on the grow-finish traits of the pigs. Subsequently, significant sow features (P < 0.1) were fitted simultaneously in an animal model. With every extra piglet in the birth litter of the sow, the GR of her offspring decreased by 1 g/d and the FI decreased by 4 g/d. Every extra day to the first insemination increased the GR of grow-finish pigs by 0.1 g/d. The heritability estimates for GR and FI (only in phase 2 of the grow-finish stage) decreased after adding the sow features to the model. No differences were found in estimates of the common litter effects between the basic model and the model with all significant sow features. The estimates of the permanent sow effect changed for FI from 0.03 (basic model) to 0.00 (model with sow features), and for FI in phase 1, the permanent sow effect decreased from 0.03 (basic model) to 0.01 (model with sow features). In conclusion, selected sow features do affect the grow-finish traits of the pigs, but their estimates are small and explain only a small proportion of the differences in the GR and FI of grow-finish pigs. The sow features partially explained the permanent sow effect of FI-related traits and did not explain the common litter effect. Although the sow early life features can affect piglet traits, they do not predict which sows produce better performing offspring in the grow-finish stage.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were, first, to evaluate the effects of climatic variables on daily feed intake of lactating sows and, second, to establish whether the response of sows to variation in temperature on feed intake during lactation was heritable. A total of 82,614 records for daily feed intake during lactation were available for 848 sows with 3,369 litters farrowing from January 2000 to December 2007. Climatic parameters available from the nearest weather station were maximum 24 h outside temperature, day length changes, and humidity. Although ambient room temperature was modified at the animal level in the farrowing shed, these climatic variables still had a significant effect on feed intake during lactation. Regression coefficients temperature and humidity were 0.01385 ± 0.00300 (temperature) - 0.00031 ± 0.00009 (temperature(2)) and 0.01443 ± 0.00620 (humidity) - 0.00009 ± 0.00004 (humidity(2)). There was an interaction between temperature and humidity, partly due to the climate control in the farrowing shed. At low temperature, feed intake increased considerably with greater humidity, in contrast to a small reduction in feed intake with greater humidity at high temperature. Day length change was modeled with a cosine function. At the start of autumn (September 21), sows ate 0.36 ± 0.056 kg/d less feed than at the start of spring (March 21). Daily feed intake during lactation was described as a function of days in lactation and as a function of both days in lactation and temperature using random regression models. The average heritability and repeatability summarized over the day in lactation at the mean temperature were 0.21 and 0.69, respectively. Genetic variance of temperature response on feed intake was less than 20% of the day effect. The permanent environmental variance was 2-fold (day) and 4-fold (temperature) greater than the corresponding additive genetic variance. Heritabilities of daily feed intake were greater during the first week of lactation compared with the rest of lactation. The genetic correlation between days decreased as time increased down to about 0.2 between the first and last day in lactation. The genetic correlation between feed intake records at the extreme temperatures decreased to about -0.35. It was concluded that random regression models are useful for research and results may be used to develop simpler models that can be implemented in practical breeding programs. An effect of temperature on lactation feed intake was found even in this climate-controlled environment located in a temperate climate zone. Larger effects are expected in more extreme climatic conditions with less temperature-controlled farrowing sheds.  相似文献   

Residual feed intake (RFI) has been explored as an alternative selection criterion to feed conversion ratio to capture the fraction of feed intake not explained by expected production and maintenance requirements. Selection experiments have found that low RFI in the growing pig is genetically correlated with reduced fatness and feed intake. Selection for feed conversion ratio also reduces sow appetite and fatness, which, together with increased prolificacy, has been seen as a hindrance for sow lifetime performance. The aims of our study were to derive equations for sow RFI during lactation (SRFI) and to evaluate the effect of selection for RFI during growth on sow traits during lactation. Data were obtained on 2 divergent lines selected for 7 generations for low and high RFI during growth in purebred Large Whites. The RFI was measured on candidates for selection (1,065 pigs), and sow performance data were available for 480 sows having from 1 to 3 parities (1,071 parities). Traits measured were sow daily feed intake (SDFI); sow BW and body composition before farrowing and at weaning (28.4 ± 1.7d); number of piglets born total, born alive, and surviving at weaning; and litter weight, average piglet BW, and within-litter SD of piglet BW at birth, 21 d of age (when creep feeding was available), and weaning. Sow RFI was defined as the difference between observed SDFI and SDFI predicted for sow maintenance and production. Daily production requirements were quantified by litter size and daily litter BW gain as well as daily changes in sow body reserves. The SRFI represented 24% of the phenotypic variability of SDFI. Heritability estimates for RFI and SRFI were both 0.14. The genetic correlation between RFI and SRFI was 0.29 ± 0.23. Genetic correlations of RFI with sow traits were low to moderate, consistent with responses to selection; selection for low RFI during growth reduced SDFI and increased number of piglets and litter growth, but also increased mobilization of body reserves. No effect on rebreeding performance was found. Metabolic changes previously observed during growth in response to selection might explain part of the better efficiency of the low-RFI sows, decreasing basal metabolism and favoring rapid allocation of resources to lactation. We propose to consider SRFI as an alternative to SDFI to select for efficient sows with reduced input demands during lactation.  相似文献   

Starvation, primarily during the first week postpartum, is the direct or indirect cause of at least one-half of preweaning mortalities in healthy herds. Causes of starvation originate from characteristics of the dam, of the litter and of individual piglets. A major cause of starvation is congenital weakness associated with birth weights less than 1000 g. Increasing energy during late gestation shows inconsistent effects on birth weight; some dietary component energy sources appear to improve stamina of newborn and(or) energy content of sow's milk with favorable effects on survival. Total or partial supplemental nutrient intake supplied by caretakers, automated feeding devices or transfer of piglets to foster dams are the primary means of providing enhanced nutrient intake opportunity. Nutrient intake from non-dam sources ranges from temporary tube-feeding, administered by caretakers to excessively small or weak pigs, to self-feeding by pigs from simple or sophisticated dispensers of sow milk substitutes. Transfer of piglets to foster dams as a nutrient intake source is most successful when characteristics such as size of dam, size of teats, stage of lactation and temperament are in harmony with characteristics affecting pigs' needs. If other dams are not available, sows 2 to 3 wk into lactation can serve as foster dams for large and strong newborn piglets after resident litters are removed. Planning for availability of appropriate foster dams, based on prior or projected prolificacy and other sow and litter traits, should be done at time of assembling each mating group. Research results show that, on a weight-to-weight basis, pigs requiring artificial or foster dam rearing perform similarly to other pigs and thus justify management to secure their survival.  相似文献   

对于饲喂玉米-豆粕型日粮的哺乳仔猪以及生长肥育猪而言,母猪饲料还必须添加一些特定的添加剂以及原料才能满足其需求,例如我们常见的生物素、胆碱、叶酸。还有泌乳母猪通过添加  相似文献   

邓敦 《饲料广角》2010,(4):45-46
<正>1问题的提出某公司把2008年与2009年7-8月的生产数据进行分析统计(表1)。从中可以看出,2009年7-8月出栏猪苗体重、出栏后耗料量、日增重、  相似文献   

母猪无乳综合征是一种较为复杂的繁殖性疾病,初产母猪和老龄母猪发病率较高.该病曾称为乳房炎一子宫炎一无乳综合征(MMA).但在生产中多数产后无乳的母猪并不一定发生子宫炎.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of feeding level and protein content in feed in first- and second-parity sows during the first month of gestation on sow BW recovery, farrowing rate, and litter size during the first month of gestation. From d 3 to 32 after the first insemination, sows were fed either 2.5 kg/d of a standard gestation diet (control, n = 49), 3.25 kg/d (+30%) of a standard gestation diet (plus feed, n = 47), or 2.5 kg/d of a gestation diet with 30% greater ileal digestible AA (plus protein, n = 49). Feed intake during the experimental period was 29% greater for sows in the plus feed group compared with those in the control and plus protein groups (93 vs. 72 kg, P < 0.05). Sows in the plus feed group gained 10 kg more BW during the experimental period compared with those in the control and plus protein groups (24.2 ± 1.2 vs. 15.5 ± 1.2 and 16.9 ± 1.2 kg, respectively, P < 0.001). Backfat gain and loin muscle depth gain were not affected by treatment (P = 0.56 and P = 0.37, respectively). Farrowing rate was smaller, although not significantly, for sows in the plus feed group compared with those in the control and plus protein groups (76.6% vs. 89.8 and 89.8%, respectively, P = 0.16). Litter size, however, was larger for sows in the plus feed group (15.2 ± 0.5 total born) compared with those in the control and plus protein groups (13.2 ± 0.4 and 13.6 ± 0.4 total born, respectively, P = 0.006). Piglet birth weight was not different among treatments (P = 0.65). For both first- and second-parity sows, the plus feed treatment showed similar effects on BW gain, farrowing rate, and litter size. In conclusion, an increased feed intake (+30%) during the first month of gestation improved sow BW recovery and increased litter size, but did not significantly affect farrowing rate in the subsequent parity. Feeding a 30% greater level of ileal digestible AA during the same period did not improve sow recovery or reproductive performance in the subsequent parity.  相似文献   

昌捷  邢孔萍  卢秋咏 《猪业科学》2021,38(5):104-106
乳房是合成与分泌乳汁并通过哺育完成母子间营养物质传递的器官。母猪泌乳期乳房合成乳汁,及时被吸吮或挤出,乳房才能继续保持泌乳的功能。在健康状态下,母猪连续3 d奶水没有被排出时,乳区的乳汁会被机体吸收,该乳区不再有泌乳功能。在病理情况下,乳汁不能被吸收利用时,乳房将会发生炎症。  相似文献   

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