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包虫病是由棘球绦虫感染引起的人畜共患病,许多畜牧业发达地区是其流行的自然疫源地.中间宿主包括羊、牛、狗等,对于该病的预防不仅是生物学范畴问题,而且也是一个严重的社会问题.通过调查包虫病感染率对防治包虫病有着直接的指导作用.  相似文献   

包虫病是由棘球绦虫感染引起的人畜共患病,几乎遍及全世界各国,特别是畜牧业发达地区是其流行的自然疫源地。中间宿主包括羊、牛、狗等,该病的预防不仅是生物学范畴问题,而且也是一个严重的社会问题。包虫病感染率的调查对包虫病防治有着直接的指导作用。  相似文献   

包虫病是由寄生于犬、狼、狐狸等动物小肠的棘球绦虫中绦期(棘球蚴)感染中间宿主而引起的一种严重的人与动物共患寄生虫病。其确诊除需要常规的临床诊断外,还依赖于血清学、分子生物学以及影像学等实验室诊断方法。文章从包虫病的流行病学特点、细粒棘球绦虫的结构及生活史、包虫病的实验室检测和诊断技术进行综述,并对实验室诊断技术确诊包虫病的前景进行了展望,以期为包虫病的临床快速诊断和深入研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

<正>包虫病是一种由棘球绦虫幼虫引起的人畜共患寄生虫病,因泡型包虫病对人体造成极大伤害,又被称作"虫癌"、"第二癌症"。狗是包虫病传播的重要源头,棘球绦虫寄生的终末宿主。狗排出虫卵,污染草场和水源等生活环境,人、牛、羊和啮齿类(草原鼠兔等)动物因误食被虫卵污染的水和草等而感染上包虫病,成为棘球绦虫寄生的中间宿主。在藏区,牧民们常常用牛羊内脏给狗喂食,由于有的脏器可能感染包虫病,未经处理直接喂狗,导致狗被感染,  相似文献   

棘球蚴病(包虫病)不仅影响畜牧业发展,也严重危害群众健康,导致贫病交加,阻碍农牧民脱贫致富,影响疫区经济发展和社会稳定。本文重点从细粒棘球绦虫原头节感染对小鼠免疫细胞功能的影响以及成虫的排泄分泌物对免疫细胞的调节作用两方面介绍细粒棘球绦虫感染宿主的免疫应答特征,为该病的防治研究提供了重要的科学依据和分子基础。  相似文献   

<正>人畜共患包虫病流行和传播的规律,通过以"切断病原循环链"为主的措施,制定了综合防控该病策略。防控原则:切断绦虫蚴和成虫在中间宿主牛、羊等家畜和终末宿主家牧犬、宠物动物之间的传播,由于终末宿主的数量远远少于中间宿主,犬的数量仅占家畜数量的几十分之一,因此,对包虫病的防控工作切入点、应该放在对终末宿主的控制上,控制棘球蚴成虫在犬体内的寄生是当地包虫病控制的主攻方向,对家  相似文献   

<正>为全面掌握大通县包虫病在中间宿主中的感染情况及流行状况,在全县范围内对牛、羊、人包虫病感染情况进行了调查,结果显示当地牛、羊包虫病感染率分别是1%、7.42%,人感染率为0.0029%,包虫病对人体健康和畜牧业发展造成了一定的影响,只有因地制宜,采取综合防治措施才能有效控制此病的传播流行。棘球蚴病又称包虫病,是由寄生于犬、狼、狐等肉  相似文献   

包虫病是人体感染棘球绦虫而导致的一种人畜共患的寄生虫病,是影响人民群众身体健康和社会经济发展的公共卫生问题.包虫病终宿主为狗、狼、狐狸、猫等食肉动物,成虫寄生在这些动物小肠内,虫卵随粪便排出体外,污染饮水、牧草等;中间宿主是食草动物牛、羊、马、骆驼、和猪及小型啮齿动物等因食入虫卵而引起脏器组织病变;人因误食虫卵可发生包虫病.  相似文献   

羊脑包虫病(即多头蚴)是多头绦虫的蚴虫寄生于绵羊、山羊、黄牛、牦牛等有蹄动物的脑或脊髓中的一种寄生虫病,该寄生虫病不但会给养羊户带来经济损失,同时还存在感染家人及周边邻居的危险,是一种不可忽视的人畜共患病。该病几乎遍布全世界,脑包虫病出现临床症状较晚,一经确诊,病程多处于中晚期,结果大半以死亡告终。有效地控制犬等终末宿主与羊群混养、不在同一牧场放牧、避免羊群吞食含有虫卵的食物、定期驱虫、科学饲养是最有效的预防措施。  相似文献   

<正> 多头绦虫为双宿主寄生虫,成虫寄生于狗和其它肉食兽的小肠,其中绦期(Metace-stoda)幼虫,称多头蚴(Coenurus Cerabra-Lis),寄生于反刍动物和其它草食兽,也偶然寄生于人引起严重的脑脊髓疾患,俗称脑包虫病。该病全球分布,国内流行广泛,某些牧区常构成牛羊的群发性脑疾,而半农半牧区常呈散发特点。河南南阳地区中兽医及民间称该病为“转头风”,为牛和羊的常见病。近十几年来,南阳县兽医院经手术治疗南阳黄牛脑包虫病共计379例,占全县治疗总数(739)的51.28%,治愈率为89%,积累了门诊手术病例历。本文根据这些病历,  相似文献   

细粒棘球绦虫抗原B(AgB)是血清学诊断棘球蚴病最重要的抗原,也是目前研究最多的抗原之一。深入研究抗原B对棘球蚴病的血清学诊断、流行病学研究、综合防控和疫苗的研究开发具有重要的意义。文章针对近年来关于抗原B的分子生物学特征、免疫学特性及在人和动物等中间宿主的血清学诊断方面的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Cystic Echinococcosis remains a public health problem especially in the Mediterranean Region and the economic impact of Echinococcosis is great despite efforts to control it. In this review, an attempt is made to assess the present epidemiological situation of Echinococcosis in Europe and Italy.  相似文献   

Cystic Echinococcosis remains a public health problem especially in the Mediterranean Region and the economic impact of Echinococcosis is great despite efforts to control it. In this review, an attempt is made to assess the present epidemiological situation of Echinococcosis in Europe and Italy.  相似文献   

The history of echinococcosis in Europe includes a period of over 2000 years. Already in antiquity metacestodes (hydatids) of Echinococcus granulosus, the causative agents of Cystic Echinococcosis (CE), were observed in animals and humans. Alveolar Echinococcosis (AE), caused by metacestodes of E. multilocularis, was identified as a disease entity only in the middle of the 19th century. It took about 100 years until it was undoubtedly clarified and accepted that CE and AE are not caused by a single Echinococcus species, but by E. granulosus and E. multilocularis, respectively. In the 20th century significant progress has been achieved in echinococcosis research, including diagnosis, epidemiology, therapy, immunology, molecular biology and other fields. However, CE and AE remain actual problems as in many endemic regions resources and structures are lacking for effective surveillance and control of these zoonoses threatening humans.  相似文献   

羊脑多头蚴病又被称为脑包虫病,是由多头幼绦虫幼虫寄生在绵羊脑组织中引发的一种人畜共患病。为进一步掌握中岭乡羊脑多头蚴病的流行现状,于2017—2018年,对该地区的藏羊脑多头蚴病感染情况进行调查,2年分别调查藏羊1323只和2122只,感染率分别为1.74%和2.26%,从感染情况分析,当地脑多头蚴病的发生相对较为严重,需要提高重视程度,制定更加完善的防控措施。  相似文献   

简述了外科手术和药物治疗棘球蚴病的研究进展,包括甲苯达唑等苯咪唑类、吡喹酮、这些药物脂质体新剂型及中医药物的治疗效果,并简述了药物联用的协同作用.  相似文献   

牦牛棘球蚴病的调查与防制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1983年经过调查发现班玛县患棘球蚴病的牦牛1937头,发病率为99%。经过投喂丙硫咪唑、吡喹酮和采取有效的预防措施后,1997年和2005年再次调查,感染率分别下降为85.7%和64%。  相似文献   

Cystic Echinococcosis (CE) is one of the most widespread parasitic diseases in Sardinia, the second largest Mediterranean island where almost 3,558,000 milk sheep were raised extensively. The aim of this survey was to evaluate the level of farmers' knowledge on CE transmission, focusing on the role of human to facilitate the persistence of this zoonosis in Sardinia after 14 years after the last campaign against CE. The other goal of the survey is to update on presence of Echinococcus granulosus in its definitive hosts through three ELISA coproantigen tests. An interview was carried out with 172 farmers. The questionnaire was designed to include possible factors associated with the transmission of Echinococcosis: ownership and number of dogs, the use of anthelmintic drugs against dog cestode, frequency of anthelmintic treatment in dogs, home slaughtering and offal disposal. Individual faecal samples were retrieved from 300 dogs, and after a preliminary macroscopic examination to discover adult worms and/or proglottids, was submitted to copromicroscopic examination. Coproantigens were then extracted according to the protocol described by Allan et al. (1992), and subsequently stored at -20°C until use. Faecal soluble antigens from E. granulosus were detected using three different ELISA coproantigen assays: (a) the commercially produced Chekit Echinotest (Bommeli, Bern, CH) based on polyclonal antibodies against adult excretory/secretory (E/S) antigens; (b) a sandwich ELISA that uses rabbit polyclonal antibodies against adult E/S antigens and biotinylated monoclonal antibody EmA9 produced against adult Echinococcus multilocularis somatic extract (Malgor et al., 1997); and (c) a sandwich assay that uses monoclonal antibody EgC3 produced by immunization with adult E. granulosus E/S products (Casaravilla et al., 2005). Questionnaire results reveal that on all farms home-slaughtering was done, and offal was used as dog meal raw (17%) or after boiling (37%), discarded in the trash (23%), or buried superficially (15%). Most farmers (69%) declared to deworm their dogs, but only 10% used cestodicidal drugs. The coprological survey of 300 farm dogs using sedimentation, flotation and three different coproantigen (CA) ELISAs resulted in a faecal prevalence of 8.3% for taeniid eggs, while the CA tests gave prevalences of 3% (Chekit Echinotest, Bommeli), 6% (EmA9 sandwich ELISA) and 10% (EgC3 sandwich ELISA). Our results show that this is not only an educational problem, but also an economic one, stressing the need that future control plans should follow an integrative approach including veterinary and medical services, farmers, breeders' associations and the Government.  相似文献   

Calicivirus infection causes rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) that kills more than 90% of adult animals, whereas young rabbits are naturally resistant to this viral disease. It has been proposed that the different response of adult and young rabbits to calicivirus infection is due to absence of viral receptors in respiratory and digestive systems of young animals. We have searched for liver disease in 4-week-old rabbits inoculated with a calicivirus suspension by intranasal and oral routes. These young rabbits showed cell damage and mononuclear infiltration of the liver. The hepatic lesions were associated with mild to moderate increase in circulating transaminases. We conclude that the previously reported reduction of viral receptors in the epithelium of respiratory and digestive systems of young rabbits does not inhibit calicivirus from inducing liver disease in these hosts.  相似文献   

Calicivirus infection causes rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) that kills more than 90% of adult animals, whereas young rabbits are naturally resistant to this viral disease. It has been proposed that the different response of adult and young rabbits to calicivirus infection is due to absence of viral receptors in respiratory and digestive systems of young animals. We have searched for liver disease in 4-week-old rabbits inoculated with a calicivirus suspension by intranasal and oral routes. These young rabbits showed cell damage and mononuclear infiltration of the liver. The hepatic lesions were associated with mild to moderate increase in circulating transaminases. We conclude that the previously reported reduction of viral receptors in the epithelium of respiratory and digestive systems of young rabbits does not inhibit calicivirus from inducing liver disease in these hosts.  相似文献   

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