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The influence of broomrape (Orobanche crenata Forsk) infection levels on commercial broad bean (Vicia faba L.) crops was investigated and an equation relating yield losses to O. crenata density was derived. O. crenata growth was weakly and negatively related to the final height or shoot number of the broad bean plant. O. crenata decreased seed yield mainly by reducing the number of pods. The number of seeds per pod was also decreased by O. crenata infection when competition occurred at late-crop growth stages when most of the pods had already developed. Bean unit seed weight was only weakly affected by infection. Correlation coefficients between O. crenata number and broad-bean seed yield per plant were significant at P=0·05 and greater than 0·70 in most locations. On average, about four O. crenata per broad-bean plant decreased seed yield by half. An estimation of the percentage of losses in any field can be calculated from the equation: %loss = 100 × 0·124 × OcN. where OcN is the average final number of emerged O. crenata per plant.  相似文献   

A study on the population dynamics of broom-rape (Orobanche crenata Forskal) in faba bean (Viciafaba L.) was conducted in two locations for 8 years. The O. crenata seed bank increased every year in the 20-cm depth arable layer until it reached approximately 4 million (M) seeds m?2. Seed viability ranged between 53% and 68%, approximately half of the seeds remaining dormant. About 3 × 10?3% of the seed bank became attached to the root system of the faba beans. Only 9% of the attached broomrapes developed and emerged from the soil, possibly reflecting high levels of intraspecific competition. Maximum broomrape seed production for a population of 53 emerged broomrapes per m2 was approximately 4 M seeds m?2. About 43% of the seeds produced were not incorporated into the soil, most probably as a result of their degradation, decomposition or dispersion. Stock semencier et autres paramètres démographiques de I'orobanche crénelée (Orobanche crenata Forsk.) dans des cultures de féverolle (Vicia faba L.) Une étude de la dynamique de populations d'orobanche crénelée (Orobanche crenata Forsk.) dans des cultures de féverolle (Viciafaba L.) a été menée pendant 8 années sur deux sites. Le stock semencier de O. crenata a augmenteéchaque année dans la couche (20 cm) arable du sol jusqu'à atteindre 4 millions (M) de graines m?2. La viabilité des graines était comprise entre 53 et 68%, approximativement la moitié d'entre elles présentaient une dormance. Environ 3 × 10?3% du stock semencier adhérait au système racinaire de la féverolle. Seulement 9% des orobanches adhérantes se développaient et levaient, ce qui pourrait refléter une compétition intraspécifique importante. La production maxi-male de graines par une population de 53 orobanches levées au m2était d'environ 4 M graines m?2. Environ 43% des graines produites n'étaient pas incorporées au sol, très prob-ablement en raison de leur dégradation, de leur décomposition ou de leur dispersion. Bodensamenbank und andere populationsde-mographische Parameter der Sommerwurz Orobanche crenata Forsk. in Bestanden der Acker-Bohne (Vicia faba L.) Bei einer Untersuchung der Populationsdy-namik der Sommerwurz Orobanche crenata Forsk. in Beständen der Acker-Bohne (Vicia faba L.) an 2 Orten über 8 Jahre hin nahm die Bodensamenbank in der Pflugzone von 20 cm Tiefe jedes Jahr zu, bis sie rund 4 Millionen Samen m?2 erreichte. Die Lebensfähigkeit der Samen lag bei 53 bis 68%, etwa die Hälfte war dormant. Ungefähr 3 × 10?3% kamen mit den Bohnenwurzeln in Berührung. Nur 9% davon entwickelten sich und wuchsen heran, worin vielleicht der hohe Grad intraspezifischer Konkurrenz zum Ausdruck kommt. Die höchste Zahl gebildeter Samen eines Sommer-wurzbestands von 53 Pflanzen m?2 war rund 4 Millionen. Etwa 43% der gebildeten Samen gelangten nicht in den Boden, wahrscheinlich weil sie zerstört oder verweht wurden.  相似文献   

Field studies were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of imazaquin and glyphosate in controlling broomrape (Orobanche crenata Forsk. and O. aegyptiaca Pers.) in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in Northern Syria. Several rates and times of application of the herbicides were tested. Nearly complete control of broomrape was achieved with both the herbicides when they were sprayed twice (when the broomrape attachments to the faba bean roots were at tubercle stage of develoment and 15 days later) at a rate of application of 80 g a.i. ha?1 for glyphosate and 10 g a.i. ha?1 for imazaquin. However, the yield of faba bean did not increase with these treatments, suggesting that the herbicides at these rates were still causing some physiological disorder in the plant that counteracted the beneficial effect of broomrape control on the performance of faba bean plants.  相似文献   

The interactions between the root parasitic weed Orobanche crenata Forsk. and its host plant faba bean ( Vicia faba L.) were quantified under controlled and field conditions at ICARDA's Tel Hadya research station. In the field experiments conducted in 1993–94 and 1994–95 faba beans were sown on two dates, in plots with 0, 50, 200 and 600 O. crenata seeds kg–1 soil, under both limited and sufficient moisture supply. The effects of temperature on the duration of the early developmental stages of O. crenata were investigated in a growth chamber. The extent of O. crenata infestation was closely related to the number of parasite seeds in the soil. The seed-density treatment with 600 seeds kg–1 soil resulted in complete crop failure. Furthermore, O. crenata infestation was higher under sufficient than under limiting water supply conditions, irrespective of sowing date. Only in the moderately infested plots, did shifting of the planting time of faba bean result in a significant decrease in parasite dry weight and an increase in crop seed yield. The timing of germination, attachment and further developmental stages of O. crenata was not related to faba bean growth stage and was affected primarily by soil temperature. The duration of O. crenata developmental stages was estimated using the thermal time concept. The relationship between total number of parasite attachments at the harvest of the faba bean crop and O. crenata seed density was dependent on maximum faba bean root-length density measured by the start of pod-filling in each treatment combination of sowing date and moisture supply. The results are discussed with reference to implications for the development of a dynamic simulation model for the prediction of faba bean yield losses caused by O. crenata .  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The parasitic weed Orobanche crenata is a serious constraint to legumes crops in Mediterranean area. In Morocco, heavy O. crenata infestation level was...  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in the field in 2 years comparing the phenology and growth of Orobanche crenata (Forsk) (crenate broomrape) in lentils (Lens esculenta L.) cv. Castellana, peas (Pisum sativum L.) cv. Orix, vetch (Vicia sativa L.) cv. comun and broadbean (Vicia faba L. cv. Alameda. First attachment of O. crenata to these crops took place 9–14 weeks after mid-November planting and earlier after later plantings, Differences in the first O. crenata attachment dates and in the duration of the underground growth period of O. crenata were much greater between years for any given crop than between crops in a given year: both attributes were apparently affected more by seasonal climatic conditions than by crop species, Furthermore, there was no consistent relationship found between crop growth stages and time after first attachment of the parante. This occurred in lentils and vetch while they were vegetative, in peas at late vegetative-early flowering stages, and at widely varying growth stages in broadbean, depending on planting dates and years. The maximum number of O. crenata plants successfully attached to each individual crop plant decreased in the order: peas > broadbean > lentil > vetch, with 21, 14, 10 and 8 per plant, respectively, averaged over the two seasons. Similarly, plant parasites: host dry weight ratio were 1.0, 0.7, 0.3 and 0.2 For each of these crops, respectively.  相似文献   

[14C]-Imazethapyr was applied as a seed treatment and at plant pre-emergence and post-emergence to peas ( Pisum sativum L.) parasitized by Orobanche crenata Forsk. Herbicide uptake increased with time regardless of the application method. Uptake reached about 98%, 89%, 81% and 94% of the total herbicide applied for the seed coating, seed soaking, pre-emergence and post-emergence treatments respectively. Herbicide translocation within the host plants consistently differed between O. crenata -infected and non-infected plants. High levels of 14C activity were accumulated by parasitic plants from the host. In non-infected pea plants, pods were stronger sinks for imazethapyr than the other parts of the plant, regardless of the application method. The herbicide distribution in the pea plant: O. crenata complex showed the same pattern regardless of the application methods. However, accumulation of radioactivity in the parasite was lower with pre-emergence and post-emergence application than with the seed treatments. In addition, radioactivity concentration in O. crenata plants was slightly higher when [14C]-imazethapyr was applied to pea seeds by coating than by soaking.  相似文献   

Orobanche crenata (broomrape) is an important constraint to pea (Pisum sativum) cultivation in the Mediterranean area, because little resistance is available in commercial crop varieties. Field experiments have demonstrated that some resistance is present in a number of P. sativum and P. fulvum accessions. The goal of this work was to characterize such resistance. The PisumO. crenata interaction and the resistance symptoms were studied under controlled conditions by using Petri dish and polyethylene bag assays. The content of phenolics and peroxidase activity in host tissue from infected and non-infected plants were also measured. Resistance and avoidance mechanisms, acting at different developmental stages of the parasite, have been identified, including low stimulation of O. crenata seed germination, unsuccessful penetration of host roots, delay in post-attachment tubercle development and necrosis of the attached tubercles. Infection caused an increase in the content of total soluble phenolics in some Pisum genotypes. Peroxidase activity was higher in resistant than in susceptible accessions. Results obtained with different Pisum genotypes showed that resistance is the result of several mechanisms acting at different stages of the infection process. Resistance is also related to increased levels of peroxidase activity in host roots.  相似文献   

Chlorsulfuron, giyphosate and imazaquin were evaluated in pot and field studies for their efficacy in controlling broomrape (Orobanche ramosa L.) in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in Northern Greece. All herbicides were applied four to five weeks after tomato transplanting, when the crop was at early flowering stage and broomrape had started to develop underground attachments. The number of emerged broomrape shoots and underground attachments were less affected by herbicide treatments than the dry weight, suggesting that the herbicides suppress the growth of broomrape rather than kill its underground organs. In the pot experiments, chlorsulfuron applied at 5 g AI ha?1 was the most effective treatment for broomrape control and the least toxic to the crop. Imazaquin and glyphosate applied at 37 and 180 g AI ha?1, respectively, controlled broomrape but imazaquin reduced crop yield. In the field, similar rates of glyphosate and higher rates of imazaquin were not toxic to the crop but were less effective on broomrape. Chlorsulfuron applied at 10 g AI ha?1 controlled broomrape emergence by 88%. When the herbicide was applied twice (5+10 g AI ha?1), it gave complete control of broomrape but delayed crop maturity. The yield of tomato was not increased as a result of these treatments because of low broomrape infestation and a short competition period.  相似文献   

Virus infection and reproductive losses in faba bean (Vicia faba L.)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The viruses, bean yellow mosaic ( BYMV ), Echtes Ackerbohnenmosaik (EAMV) and bean (pea) leaf roll ( BLRV ) reduced seed yield in faba bean particularly when plants were infected at the pre-and mid-bloom stage. EAMV and BYMV , but not BLRV , delayed senescence and increased branching on glasshouse-grown plants so that more inflorescences were produced on diseased plants; most of the additional flower buds necrosed. All three viruses increased the proportion of flower buds that became necrotic thus reducing the number of mature flowers available for pollination. This, together with enhanced abscission of recently set flowers, diminished pod production. Flower set per se was unaffected by infection. The number of ovule sites per pod and weight of individual mature seeds were also unaffected by these diseases but productivity per pod declined because of increased ovule abortions. Patterns of pod production on the inflorescence and location of mature seeds within the pod were unaffected by virus infection.  相似文献   

A total of 52 faba-bean (Vicia faba L.) fields, located in the main growing areas in Morocco were surveyed for viruses. From 240 samples with symptoms suggestive of virus infection, the following viruses were detected using electron microscopy, serology, and biological indexing: Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV), broad bean mottle virus (BBMV), broad bean stain virus (BBSV), broad bean true mosaic virus (BBTMV), pea earlybrowning virus (PEBV), pea enation mosaic virus (PEMV), pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV), and a complex of luteoviruses including bean leafroll virus (BLRV). This is the first report of the occurrence of BBTMV, PEMV, PSbMV, and the luteoviruses (including BLRV) of faba bean in Morcco. The luteoviruses and BBMV were found to be the most prevalent. They were detected in 56 and 50%, respectively, of the surveyed fields; while AMV, BBSV, and PEBV were found in single fields only. The remaining viruses were less prevalent, and were detected in a range of 4 to 15% of the fields surveyed. The incidences per field of the prevalent viruses varied and ranged from 1 to 33% for BBMV and up to 20% in the case of luteoviruses. BBMV was found confined to the central and northern parts of the country, BBTMV and PEMV mainly occurred in the central area, while the luteoviruses and BYMV were spread over the faba-bean growing regions of the country.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - In a greenhouse experiment, two plant growth promoting rhizobacteria „Pgpr“ strains (Pseudomonas fluorescens FB11 and a Rhizobium...  相似文献   

P.C. LOLAS 《Weed Research》1994,34(3):205-209
In field tests conducted on oriental and flue-cured tobacco, six herbicides were evaluated for their effect on broomrape (Orobanche ramosa L.) control and on tobacco growth, yield and chemical composition. Imazaquin+pendi-methalin (1:6) at 0.09+0.55 kg a.i. ha?1 soil in corporated before transplanting controlled broomrape effectively only in 1990 and signifi cantly reduced tobacco yield. Glyphosate (as Roundup 360 ga.e.1?1 and Armada (90 ga.e.l?1) and sulfosate, each at 0.2+0.3 kg a.e. ha?1 and imazaquinat 0.07+0.1 kg a.i. ha?1 foliar applied at 40 days and 60 days after transplanting gave excellent control of broomrape, with no adverse effect on tobacco growth or yield; however, the 9% formulation of glyphosate was damaging. Maleic hydrazide gave moderate to good (up to 80%) control of broomrape. Reducing sugars in flue-cured tobacco and nicotine in both oriental and flue-cured tobacco were higher where a her bicide was used. Des herbicides pour lutter contre Orobanche ramosa L. dans le tabac (Nicotiana tabacum L). Dans des expérimentations au champ conduites sur du tabac oriental et ‘flue cured’, six herbicides ont étéévalués pour leur effet sur Orobanche ramosa L. ainsi que sur la croissance, le rendement et la composition chimique du tabac. Le mélange imazaquin+pendiméthalin (1:6 à 0.09+0.55 kg ha?1, incorporé avant le repiquage, n'a permis de détruire l'orobanche qu'en 1990 et réduisait de manière significative le rendement du tabac. Le glyphosate (Roundup, 360 m.a. 1?1 et Armada, 90 g m.a. l?1) et le sulfosate chacun aux doses 0.2+0.3 kg m.a. ha?1 et l'imazaquin 0.07+0.1 kg m.a. ha?1 appliqués en post-levée 40 et 60 jours après le repiquage donnaient d'excellents résultats contre l'orobanche, sans effet sur la croissance du tabac et sur son rendement, si l'on excepte la formulation de giyphosate 9%. L'hydrazide maléique donnait des résultats moyens à bons (jusqu'à 80% d'efficacité). Les teneurs en sucres réducteurs chez le tabac ‘flue cured’ et en nicotine chez les tabacs ‘flue cured’ et oriental étaient plus élevées lorsqu'un herbicide avait été utilisé. Herbizide zur Bekämpfung von Orobanche ramosa L. in Tabak (Nicotiana tabacum L.) In Freilandversuchen wurden in Orient- und Vir-gin-Tabak 6 Herbizide hinsichtlich der Bekämpfung der Sommerwurz Orobanche ramosa sowie des Wachstums, des Ertrags und der chemischen Zusammensetzung des Tabaks geprüft. Mit einer Mischung von Imazaquin mit Pendimethalin zu 0,09+0,55 kg AS ha?1, vor dem Pflanzen in den Boden eingearbeitet, konnte die Sommerwurz nur 1990 wirkungsvoll bekämpft werden, aber der Tabakertrag wurde signifikant reduziert. Glyphosat (als Roundup [360 g AS 1?1] und als Armada [90 g AS 1?1) mit Sulfosat zu 0,2+0,3 kg AS ha?1 und Imazaquin zu 0,07 sowie 0,1 kg AS ha?1, 40 bzw. 60 Tage nach dem Pflanzen angewandt, wirkten hervorragend, ohne Wuchs und Ertrag des Tabaks zu beeinträchtigen, ausgenommen bei der 9% igen Glyphosatformulierung. Mit Maleinhydazid ließ sich die Sommerwurz befriedigend bis gut (bis zu 80 %) bekämpfen. Der Gehalt an reduzierenden Zuckern im Virgin-Tabak und Nikotin in beiden Tabaken war erhöht, wenn ein Herbizid angewandt worden war.  相似文献   

A new strain of broad bean mottle virus, isolated from faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in the Sudan, is described. It differs considerably from known isolates by its nearly symptomless infection of faba bean in spite of high concentrations of the virus in infected plants. It does not differ from regular isolates in gel-diffusion serology, light and electron microscopy, host range and symptoms in major hosts other than faba bean. It may constitute a potential threat to other food legumes in the region.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Pea necrotic yellow dwarf virus (PNYDV) is a novel nanovirus in Europe, affecting various grain legumes. The impact of PNYDV on nodulation, symbiotic N2...  相似文献   

Influence of picloram on Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop, control with glyphosate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Low rates of picloram in mixture with glyphosate provided a rapid enhancement of the onset of injury to the shoots of Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle or creeping thistle) under field (0.07+1.0 and 0.07+1.5 kg ha?1) and greenhouse (0.035+0.42 and 0.07+0.84 kg ha?1) conditions. Picloram slightly reduced the amount of 14C-glyphosate absorbed at 24 and 48 but not 72 h after treatment. Movement of 14C-glyphosate from the treated leaves to the shoot apex, remainder of the shoot and roots was reduced in the presence of picloram. Necrosis of the treated leaves above the treated spots was evident, presumably indicating acropetal movement of either or both herbicides. With the picloram + glyphosate mixtures there was increased shoot regrowth over glyphosate alone at 1 year after treatment under field, and with certain mixtures at 18 days and 4 weeks after treatment under greenhouse conditions. Following application of the mixtures, accumulation of glyphosate in the shoots may be responsible for the enhanced onset of shoot injury while failure of enough glyphosate to translocate to, and cause death of, the roots may be responsible for the increased shoot regrowth over glyphosate alone.  相似文献   

Ethylene dibromide effectively controlled Orobanche crenata Forsk. and O. cernua Loefl. but was not effective against O. aegyptiaca Pers. and O. mutelii F. Schultz. Chloropicrin was considerably less effective than ethylene dibromide. Mixtures of both compounds did not result in improved broomrape control but nonetheless had a positive effect on crop yield. Destruction des Orobanches avec du dibromure d'ethylène et de la chloropicrine Le dibromure d'éthylène a été efficace contre Orobanche crenata Forsk et O. Cernua Loefl, mais non efficace contre O. aegyptiaca Pers, et O. mutelii F. Schultz. La chloropicrine est beaucoup moins efficace que le dibromure d'ethylène. Les mélanges des deux matières actives n'ont pas amélioré l'efficacité sur orobanches mais néanmoins ont eu un effet positif sur le rendement de la culture. Bekämpfung von Orobanche-Arten mit Ethylendi-bromid und Chlorpikrin Mit Ethylendibromid konnten Orobanche crenata Forsk. und O. cernua Loefl., aber nicht O. aegyptica Pers. und O. mutelii F. Schultz bekämpft werden. Chlorpikrin war beträchtlich weniger wirksam. Mischungen der beiden Wirkstoffe ergaben keine bessere Wirkung, beeinflussten aber den Ertrag der Kulturpflanzen positiv.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted from 1989 to 1992 to determine the effects of pre-emergence herbicides in sunflower (Helianthus armuus L.) on: (1) the control of Orobanche cemua Loefl. (broomrape) and (2) crop damage and crop yield. Herbicides tested belong to the imidazolinone, sulfonylurea and substituted amide families. Imazethapy r (20–40 g ha?1), imazapy r (12.5–25 gha?1) and chlorsulfuron (4–6 gha?1) controlled broomrape efficiently without crop injury. With good O. cernua control and good crop tolerance, sunflower seed yield from these treatments were generally similar to the non-infested checks and higher than the infestedchecks. Imazaquin (20–40 gha?1), triasulfuron(4gha?1), pdmisulfuron(3g ha?1), acetochlor (4–4 kg ha?1) and metazachlor (2 kg ha?1) were less effective. Imazamethabenz (200–600 g ha?1) and metolachlor (3–3 kg ha?1) were ineffective. Wetconditions aftercropsowing considerably decreased O. cemua control with pre-emergence herbicides probably caused by enhanced degrädation. Des herbicides de prelevee pour la lutte contre Vorobanche (Orobanche cemua Loefl.) dans le toumesol (Helianthus annuus L.) Des expérimentations au champ ont été conduites de 1989 á 1992 pour determiner les effets d'herbicides de pré1evée du toumesol sun (a) la destruction de l'orobanche (Orobanche cernua Loefl.) et (b) la phytotoxcité sur la culture. Les herbicides testés appartenaient aux imidazolinones, aux sulfonylurdes et aux amides substituées. L'imazethapyr (20 á 40 gha?1), l'imazapyr (12,5 á25gha?1)et le chlorsulfuron (4 á 6 gha?1) détruisaient efficacement l'orobanche sans occasionner de phytotoxidt6 sur la culture. Dans ces conditions, les rendements étaient généralement semblables à ceux des témoins non infestés et supérieurs à ceux des témoins infestés. L'imazaquin (20 à 40 g ha?1), le triasulfuron (4 gha?1), le primisulfuron (3 g ha?1), lacétolachlor (4,4 kg ha?1) et le métazachlor (2 kg ha?1) étaient moins efficaces. L'imazaméthabenz (200 á 600 g ha?1) et le métolachlor (3,3 kg ha?1) etaient inefficaces. Des conditions humides aprfes le semis diminuaient considérablement la destruction de O. cemua par les herbicides de prélevée, probablement à cause d'une dégradation plus élevée. Vorauflaufherbigide zur Bekdmpfung der Sommerwurz Orobanche cemua Loefl. in Sonnenblume (Helianthus annuus L.) Zwischen 1989 und 1992 wurden in Sonnenblume Feldversuche zur Wirkung von Vorauflaufherbiziden aus den Gruppen der Imidazolinone, Sulfonylharnstoffe und substitutierten Amide auf die Sommerwurz Orobanche cernua und auf Kulturpflanzenschaden sowie den Ertrag durchgefuhrt. Mit Imazethapyr (20 bis 40 g ha?1), Imazapyr (12,5 bis 25 g ha?1) und Chlorsulfuron (4 bis 6 g ha?1) lieβ sich die Sommerwurz wirksam bekampfen, ohne daβ Schaden an der Sonnenblume auftraten, und die Ertrage waren allgemein ahnlich oder hoher als bei der nichtparasitierten Kontrolle. Imazaquin (20 bis 40 ha?1), Triasulfuron (4 g ha?1).Primisulfuron (3 g ha ?1). Acetochlor (4,4 kg ha ?1 und Metazachlor (2 kg ha ?1) waren weniger wirksam. Imazamethabenz (200 bis 600 g ha?1) und Metolachlor (3,3 kg ha?1) hatten keine Wirkung. Bei Niederschlagen nach der Saat der Sonnenblume war die Bekampfung der Sommerwurz mit Vorauflaufherbiziden vermutlich wegen verstärkten Abbaus erheblich schwächer.  相似文献   

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